I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

I just realized our poor kitties have been locked in and out of the garage (where their beds and food are) all day!!..I fed them this morning and one of them left the garage when I opened the door..and the other one (mister piggie) stayed in to eat of course..and I shut the door so the other critters cant get in..they have a special door with collars so only they can get in and out..well the battery must be dead coz I hadnt seen the orange one all day..and the gray one has been talking to me all day when I go outside...and I realized..OH NO!! maybe something is wrong with the door! and it was..poor orange one had even taken a poo in the garage coz he couldnt get out...I feel soo bad!!..I had no idea!!...
Oh no!! I have done similar things in the past as well. I always feel so bad! I have one cat that runs towards a door anytime you open it. She is so sneaky about it though. She has gotten herself locked in closets all day on many occasions because of it.
ha ha..aww..poor thing lol lol...well hubby fixed it last night I think..I'll make sure to check today though
Those collar things are cool. Have you had issues with them in the past? I am trying to figure out what I am going to do with the litter boxes and food and water once baby is mobile. I just know that water dish is going to attract her, ha ha.

The worst part of my cat getting stuck in the closet is that she gets destructive! She will tear up toilet paper and any type of cardboard she can get her hands on while she is in there. And you have no idea she is doing it because she actually enjoys it in there for at least a few hours before she wants out and starts to cry.
haha..the collar thing works great..we had to get it because we were getting other critters in the garage eating their food..so now only the kitties can get in..this is the first time we've had any issues with it..apparently it just got reset or something so hubby had to reprogram it..

..if you had a laundry room or somewhere that you could set the kitty stuff you could easily just put a regular flap door in for the kitties..and wouldnt need the collars since you arent worrying about other animals getting to the stuff..just the baby..
Very true. We are trying to figure out where we can put the everything where the baby can't get to it. We have the boxes in the laundry room now, but there isn't really enough room for their food and water. We have an unfinished basement, but one of our cat's is scared of it. Our other cat is on the chubby side so I am nervous about the whole cat door thing, lol.

Do you have stairs in your house? I want to put a baby gate at the top of the stairs once baby is mobile, but my husband doesn't think our chubby cat will be able to jump it. I still think she might be able to. This will all probably be trial and error :dohh:
ha ha..sorry just got a funny image of a chubby cat trying to get over the gate!! lol..lol..

and then this https://www.thebuzzmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/funny-pictures-pet-door-stuck-on-cat.jpg haha!!! :rofl: is that your cat? or what you are afraid will happen to your cat? lol..

we have stairs but our cats are outdoors only so no problem with a gate for us...
Ha ha ha ha!!! :haha: That is hilarious!! That is totally what I am afraid will happen. I might need a small dog door instead :haha:

I only let our cats on the porch with me. We have ticks where we live (and a lot of them) so I probably shouldn't risk letting them out all the way on their own.
our cats were inside..when hubby first got them as kittens..they are brothers but you would never now it by looking at them..one is short haired orange the other is fluffy and gray lol..but they are both boys and even after he got them fixed..peed everywhere in the house..so he kicked them out lol..but they love it outside...granted they would sneak back in if they could but once they do they get so confused and dont know where to go lol..

we have a screen door in the back room and Bookums pushed it open...I found him an hour or so later..sleeping on the guest bed like it was nothing..like he had no idea he wasnt supposed to be in there lol..I wish they could be inside kitties as I love a kitty to snuggle but they would just pee everywhere again so hubby has said no lol..and I dont blame him..im hoping once Brieanan is about 4-5 she'll want a kitty and that will break him for getting a female cat for indoors only lol..
Both of our cats are female. My husband's family believes they are less likely to use the restroom in the house. I am not sure if that's really true, but he is partial to females, so that's what we have. We haven't had any potty issues, except for when we used to have the boxes by the furnace in our old house. It scared one of our cats and she kept going on the floor. Once we figured it out and moved them, she stopped. Hopefully you will get an indoor one again :)
I hate that they scare you with those videos. We had one in our class as well and I chose to tune it out ;)

I had my 34 week appointment yesterday. I grew a little bit so the midwife was happy with that. Baby is still breech though so I got the "exercises to turn a breech baby" handout. Darn! I have two weeks to encourage her to turn and then they will start trying to help her along. The midwife said we would probably start with a visit to the chiropractor. On the up side, if there is any doubt to her position, or she still appears to be breech at the next appointment, I'll get another ultrasound :) They have a machine at the clinic that they use just for looking at position since it's not as nice as the hospital one, but then I don't have to drive all the way to the hospital so that's nice!
Lets hope baby turns round. One of the things my hypnobirthing lady said try is diving to the bottom of a swimming pool can encourage them to move as you are upside down and also weightless and so baby tends to move round. Worth a shot!
Ha ha , the midwife suggested that along with some positions to try. I am really not big on pool's though. I can't remember the last time I swam in a pool. She also talked about putting a cold pack on her head when I am laying in an inverted position. I guess there is a chance she will try and move away from the cold, ha ha. Worth a try!

Has anyone been feeling Braxton Hicks yet? I haven't felt anything, but when the midwife was feeling the baby she said "are you feeling that?" I didn't know what she was talking about so I said no. She said I was contracting :happydance: That doesn't really mean anything, but for some reason I was just happy that my body is at least preparing for labor, ha ha. I wish I could feel them! Maybe they will get stronger as time goes on?
I'm not really sure what to look for when it comes to Braxton Hicks. You're supposed to feel your bump go hard but my bump is hard all the time now the way baby is crammed in there.

I've had a few period cramp type pains over the last couple of weeks but I'm not sure if that was BH or just stretching. :shrug:
She said my stomach was going rock hard and then softening, it happens very low. Now I am sitting at work with my hand on my belly to see if I can catch one, lol. My stomach is pretty hard too so I am not sure I would know it if it happened. I wonder when/if we will be able to feel them from the inside. I heard that you are less likely to feel them or feel them later on when you are pregnant for the first time.
I felt my first BH last week and now the Raspberry Leaf Tea seems to be doing the trick. Most of the time it isn't that noticeable but occasionally they are strong and I can really feel them.

I think the baby is starting to drop down, people at work said it looked that it had dropped and I can feel extra pressure low down.
hmm I want to get some of that raspberry stuff this weekend..my bump is always hard when Im standing..and gets really achey and stuff..also my back when I stand for a while..but..its usually softer and jigglier lol..when Im sitting..I havent noticed any yet either but not sure if Im having them and not knowing or what...I would feel better being able to know Im having them for sure...
Looks like Pickle is definitely engaging, I am peeing even more (if that was possible) and the pressure down low is much more intense. I can also breath again and eat more which is great.
Today we go and write our birth plan at hypnobirthing. Monday we start antenatal class I am not sure if I am going to like them but I will give them a go.
I love the fact that it isn't long until we meet Pickle and find out boy or girl.
I can breathe for the most part but every now and then she'll just push up with her legs or what not and bam its like I ran a marathon up the stairs lol..its just like a weird burny feeling like after you ran for a while and your lungs hurt..very annoying..for the most part I can eat quite a bit...I had two bowls of salad..almost two breadsticks and a full portion of penne and alfredo with chicken at Olive Garden last night..I think I maybe left like..2 noodles left lol lol...I was def stuffed but not so much that I hated myself later for it lol..and peeing is definitely worse...when I have to go..I HAVE to go right then...she makes it soo uncomfy walking to the potty...now I know where the preggie lady waddling comes from! hubby keeps asking me if I would do it all over again..and I tell him sure..of course...its not been a horrid pregnancy I mean we had one scare and I had the all day MS for weeks but...otherwise not horrible

I just realized something..the last few months..hubby has been snoring so much more than he was...and I went with him to his diabetes Dr appt..(to tattle :blush: about the stuff I know he wouldnt tell his Dr because its stuff that he wont listen to me about lol..) and hes gained 13 lbs! hence all the new snoring...my uncle was a horrid snorer and lost weight and doesnt snore as much..so it all makes sense that hubby would gain weight and start again! so that old wives tale is true!!! lol..atleast in our case..if you have a girl your husband gains weight with you during your pregnancy..cept..Im still under prepreggie weight..so its like hes gained my weight for me! lol..

any one elses hubby gained weight as well?

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