I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

Mrs J, she was 1,965 yesterday xx

Thanks ladies, last night was so horrible, our first night.. she was crying all the time and her feeding times were off. im so knackered and starting to feel upset.. shes all over the place and my hormones are not helping. ! i slept through her crying as i couldnt hear her this morning, i was in such deep sleep that i couldnt hear dh feeding her, changing her, or her crying, its so weird.

i recovered really well from my c section to be honest, i started having contractions and wasnt supposed to go into natural labour as she was breech and small, although painful, i stood up the next day and was walking by the third day, i would choose a section again ! as i couldnt bear the contractions !!
Gemma i beautiful xxx

I have been told that a lot of women give birth on a full moon. The next one is 12th Oct, so i REALLY hope LO comes then. That would be perfect!
Gemma is lovely Preethi, let your DH do as much as he can right now why you get some rest too. It will take time for Gemma to settle into her new home. There are so many different smells, sounds etc it will take time for her to adapt after hospital.

Well yesterday I spent most of the day crying as I was in so much pain in my hips, I couldn't get comfy in bed, on the sofa or anything. I really need Pickle to come ASAP after 37 week mark as my body is giving up on me and it is starting to affect me mentally. I want to do so much around the house and just can't do it. I am spending most of my time getting frustrated which I know is totally pointless as I can't do anything about it.
Thanks Hippy, sorry youre in so much pain, hope bubs listens to you and makes a grand arrival soon after 37 weeks xxxx
What a cutie! Seems like she's doing really well! I think everyone goes through what you went through the other night Preethi. Don't worry too much. You'll all get into a routine soon and it will be easier. You sound exhausted. I hope you have people around to help you.

Hippy, sorry to hear you're in so much pain. I've had days like that so I can sympathise.

I also had a bad day yesterday. I just feel so tired and I can't find the energy to do anything but I'm going mad about all the stuff that still needs done. I keep leaning on my husband to do stuff but I feel bad just lying on the sofa while he's working through a big list of chores. It's so frustrating.

I can't wait for the baby to come now.
Preethi, she is beautiful! She has the cutest little nose, and I love the full head of hair :) I hope you fall into a routine quickly!

Hippy- Bummer on all the pain. Hopefully she won't make you wait too long.

Stouffer- I have been so tired the last few days too. My husband and I were working on finishing up some projects, so I felt really guilty this weekend watching him from the couch :(

I keep thinking the 16th is going to be the day I have her. I am due the 22nd (21st if you ask the ultrasound tech). I think that date is more wishful thinking though! I can honestly say a big part of me being upset about the baby being breech is that I can wish for her eviction quite yet, lol.
hippy if your SPD/Sciatica or whatever it is is bad enough..they might induce you...especially if you have a growth scan and they see how big she will be...

I feel bad about hubby doing alot of the work too but then I just think about alll the work and no sleep Im going to be dealing with in a few weeks and I dont feel so bad lol..we stayed up till 2am last night working on the glider/ottoman and putting stuff in the nursery once the carpet was deep cleaned and dried..I did as much as I could but its so hard with my belly in the way lol...but hubby doesnt seem to mind as long as I cuddle him and massage him and stuff after lol...and keep telling him how proud I am of all the work hes done lol..just like a little kid...

Acorn...Im due 24th but have the 17th in my head which is just one week earlier exactly ...and my mom called yesterday and told me that my great g-ma said to tell me that I wont make it to my due date lol..not sure what she is basing that one on lol..but Im def not complaining lol lol..
Ha ha, well one week early just seems perfect to me :) I picked 6 days early because the 16th sounded better to me than the 15th, LOL. And it's exactly one week after my birthday. If only we could just pick the date! Of course if she stays breech they said they would do the c-section at 39 weeks, so I may not be too far off. I don't think they wouldn't do a planned c-section on a Sunday though :p
Stouffer I too feel bad about watching my hubby, mum and lodger sort everything out but we have no option now.
MrsJ if I wasn't so against going to hospital or being induced I would be tempted, but for now I am going to hope that asking baby to co-operate will help. I keep visualising an early delivery and I am sure he/she knows I am in pain, I think this is why baby popped back out of my pelvis.
I'm back from my midwife appointment. Glad to report that bubs has nearly caught up growth wise. Apparently I was right and I should have had a growth scan after my last measurements despite a GP and a different midwife giving me the brush off. Thank goodness baby has grown well since though.

Baby's head down and almost starting to engage but she put on my notes that its head is still free.

Anyone know if their baby has started to engage yet?

I'm so relieved to have had a good appointment :)
Hi Stouffer..I had my appt today too...shes about 5.5 to 6 lbs...which is on the lower side but Im fine with that lol lol..

70% effaced....
-2 station engaged....
2cm dilated...

Dr said that he doesnt think I'll make it to end of October and says more likely first weeks of Oct...that could be like..14 days!! instead of 28!!..AHH!! lol.. he said I was a bit ahead of normal 36 weeks stats so I was happy to hear that!!
Exciting Mrs Jerome! I hope the Dr is right about it being earlier! Stouffer, glad to hear your appointment went well!

I had my OB appointment a little bit ago. I had to wait a full hour to see him and I was starving the whole time :( I would have left to get food, but they told me he was only running 15-20 minutes behind. Baby is still breech. He doesn't think she will move on her own at this point and "penciled me in" for a version a week from today. If the version doesn't work he said they would schedule a c-section for Oct 17th, unless I might go into labor sooner. I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow and I am going to try and fit another one in before next Tuesday. I see my midwife on Thursday. I am still holding out hope the OB can UN-pencil me in for next week. :p Even if she is still breech I am not convinced I want to do it. I have a lot of thinking to do...
oh no..Acorn..you cant steal my date lol lol!!....well I hope she is just one of those babies that will flip like..when you are driving in for the ECV...
When I got back in the car I turned to my husband and said..."but I wanted her to come on the 16th!" lol. The only advice the Dr gave was to relax as much as possible. I think I need to tell my boss that, ha!
lol..have you been doing all those crazy things to get her to flip..like the ice..the music..the yoga stuff..etc?
Ha ha, Yes!! All of them....multiple times! The ice/heat actually really gets her moving, just not flipping! She really must like where she is at!
hmmppff..stubborn then huh lol....well I'll send some baby flipping thoughts your way lol lol..
Did you look at that spinning babies website? It has some more weird contortions for you to try.
Acorn..make sure you have a spotter lol..maybe a life alert bracelet so if you get stuck someone can rescue you! lol lol..dont try anything you wouldnt do pre preggie lol..if you do get stuck in a weird position..make sure your hubby takes some pics before he helps you lol..:haha: so you can show your LO what mommy was willing to do to get her to flip!
I hope that she decides to flip however if she doesn't do it naturally I would leave it at that personally. I strongly believe that babies stay breach for a reason and we don't always know why. I do understand why people consider version and want to avoid C-section but for me I would never do it.

As for engaging my baby pops in and out of my pelvis. I go from heartburn and not being able to breath and low pressure to the exact opposite and then a few days later Pickle moves out. Currently baby is moving all over at the moment. I am wondering if she/he knows how much pain I am in and is trying to help somewhat.

The midwife is doing my home visit next Tuesday which is very exciting :)

I am now at the point that if Pickle doesn't come by mid Oct asking for a C-section and considering I paid for hypnobirthing classes and have a pool in my back room this is a major thing for me. But due to the pain in my pelvis I can't see how I can cope much beyond 37 weeks. I am nearly at the stage that walking is becoming so painful that I can barely get to the toilet.

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