I got the routine from the book
Cluster feed before bed either at 5 & 7 or 6& 8. I always swaddle him for bed, i use those swaddle blankets from walmart that have the velcro on them, this way he doesnt wake himself up. I feed him wi only the closet light on and the music from the mobile going. They say to do the same routine every night. Hes pretty much asleep by the end of the feed. The book says put them down awake, but i havent been doing that. I rock him for about 5 min after hes asleep then put him down and restart the mobile (no lights just music)
At 10-11 i do the dreamfeed. I just make sure i do it before he wakes up for another feed. You pick them up really carefully without waking them up and feed them. He stays asleep the whole time. (some people say their so relaxed during this that you dont need to burp them, but my LO needs to be burped) i try to burp him. Somehow he still doesnt wake up. Then i lay him back down and dont wake him. It says you dont change their diaper unless you can obviously smell poop.
The cluster feeding and dream feed "tanks them up" so they sleep longer at night. Since weve been doing the new routine, weve o ly had one bad night. (lets hope tonight goes well)