I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

oh yay..I just caught it but decided I better not lol lol...hope we both get some good stuff!!
Yeah, I keep saying it's her loss, but then I keep letting it get to me. I am glad my husband at least sees it too so it's not just me. I just hate having to be in there house and witness it. If she wants to play favorites fine, but don't do it to our faces!
I guess I am lucky as Alana is the only grandchild from both sides. My brother will never have kids and matt is an only child so we have nobody to compete with as such.
I bough reusable nappies prior to Alana being born and today I am going to start using them as up until now she has been too small. Although I will still use disposables at night as she is a very heavy wetter.
Cloth nappy leaked after first wee and created mark on her crotch. I am going to ditch the pre folds and wait until the all in ones fit.
We are still considering cloth diapers. I was hoping to wait until Lauren's bowel movements slowed down. She still goes after almost every feeding. We'll see!
LO's have slowed down. He usually has 1 BM a day, but its massive! And the smell,OMG! As soon as i get it off him, im trying to get it in the pail, as soon as possible! LOL! No way could i take the time to wash that out and save the diaper. It would be the biggest mess. Thats probably the difference in FF and BF, the BM's probably arent as bad.

Oh, mrsjerome found another great deal of the day site. Babyhalfoff.com
My bubs slowed down around the 10 week mark, from about 10 dirty nappies a day to 4 plus pee nappies but they hardly count :)

She's definitely teething :( I was hoping to have a couple of months of her being more settled before it began but oh well. She's still all smiles even though she's in pain. It's just a shame there is very little you can do for the pain when they're under 3-4 months. I can give her 2 doses of Calpol a day at the moment and can only use Dentinox teething gel. All the teething chews are a bit big for her mouth and she hasn't quite got the hang of holding onto things and bringing them to her mouth (except for my finger which she loves to chew on).

How is everyone coping these days?

I feel like the exhaustion has finally caught up with me now she's sleeping better. Ironic. I just feel completely drained. My OH thinks I may be depressed but I think it's exhaustion because I don't feel anxious at all and that's usually how it starts for me. How do you even tell the difference? So many of the symptoms of exhaustion are the same as depression.
I hear you on the wanting it to be a bit longer...Brieanan is the same...uggh...luckily our amber necklace was shipped today so should be here sometime soon...our schedule is all screwy....the other night she went to bed at 9:30pm or so and woke up at 2 am....but then last night she went to bed at 9:30pm and woke up just before 8am this morning..

and exhaustion too..well not exhausted but def tired...soooo tired...I think you'll def know depression....I didnt want to do anything...I was tired but couldnt sleep unless I was drugged...ugh it was horrible....hope you get on a good schedule and get caught up on your sleep...trying to get Brieanan on a schedule and with the teething thing its just made it so hard...that EASY thing doesnt work for us...ours is more like EAESYAESYAESY because going down after just an hour of activity doesnt work and shes hungry again by the time shes sposta go to sleep so in the morning she gets up...eats...plays..eats again..then sleeps..then plays..then eats..and then so on until bedtime..she eats then sleeps..as of last night she went to bed all night so thats good..its nice to have her bedtime at 9:30 and not like freaking 11:30..so now hubby and I actually get time together :happydance:

just got my cloth diapers in the mail!!..woohooooo!!! they are in the wash now..and Im going to study up on folding prefolds and all that...cant wait!!
Waiting- Have you bought anything from Babyhalfoff.com yet? I love deal sites, but am always a little wary before I know of someone who has made purchases with them before. I got a great deal on organic baby food from mamabargains yesterday :)

Stouffer- Have you seen the Razbaby RaZberry Teether? It's a teether shaped like a pacifier. I bought one, but Lauren isn't teething yet so I haven't tried it out. My friend says they work great though!

Thanks for the tip Acorn. That looks like something that would work for her. I have the little horseshoe shaped teethers but she hasn't figured out how to bite on it yet. Something more dummy shaped would probably be easier for her.
I was going to buy a dummy teether but alana doesn't need one yet, let me know how you find it.
These injections have really screwed up alana's routine. I hope we get back to normal tomorrow.
ok ladies..can we please talk routines and naptimes...especially how they go down for a nap..how long they nap...and any problems you have or had and how you fixed them or are working on them... Brieanan is just all messed up and its driving us all crazy..we are crazy from her not napping at all without a fight and then she only passes out from exhaustion after trying to get her down for what seems like forever...and then shes grumpy and exhausted...its like everything used to be great and now I spend half the day or more trying to get her to sleep and get her to stay asleep and dealing with her fighting it and crying... she needs a routine of somesort for both our sakes but I dont even know where to start getting back into one...
Hi girls. Congrats on all your babies. I was on here way back when we were all first pregnant and then just lost track of it all! Its funny because I am sitting here watching my daughter sleep and got out my iPad and thought of this group!! The funny part is that the most recent post is exactly what I'm going through right now!
Molly was a great sleeper. She would nap for a couple hours and always slept when we went out to do some errands. In the past 2 weeks or so, I will put her down and she wakes up about 30-45 minutes later. One day last week, I literally spent about 7 hours trying to get her to nap. Anyway, the past two days, I have been working hard on getting her to sleep before she is too tired. I also listen for her to stir and then go in and put her nuk in her mouth. Many times, she goes back to sleep. The doctor told me she will eventually learn to take longer naps and to just hang in there.
I guess I don't have any advice other than you are not alone! Good luck
Alana has been very good so far although Christmas and then her injections yesterday have caused terrible problems. If we go back to normal then basically:
In the morning she naps on and off for short periods of time, I always put her on her cot if she falls asleep feeding or wake if she appears really tired. However she has stopped being so good at self settling. At lunch time she falls asleep on the boob naps for an hou and the at 3.30 she tends to go down after a feed on her own normally for about 3 hours, but as I say Christmas and injections have thrown her out. She used to self settle at bedtime but now needs her back patting or to fall asleep on the boob.
I give her a dummy and if she wakes up I just put it back in and she is fine. The problem is that these days she fights going to sleep day time as the world is way too interesting.
I shall have a better idea next week when we are fully back to normal.
It is normal for babies to start being awake more and taking less frequent naps by this stage.
Hi lovestory nice to see you again.
I got my amber teething necklace today that i ordered the same day as mrsjerome ordered her randomness. So, no problems here with mamabargains.com. Have u got your randomness yet? I follow them on FB to see what others got. I ordered a randomness the next day, so hopefully in a few days it will get here. I just ordered from babyhalfoff.com the other day, it hasnt got here yet. Ill ket you know.

LO is always drooling now and keeps his hands in his mouth. He doesnt seem to be in pain tho., no extra crying or anything. It seems so early to be teething, but maybe hes feeling something. I wish i just KNEW. Just got the necklace, im going to put it on him when he wakes up. Ive got one of those RAZ teethers, i need to give it to him. Same here, hes not really holding on to things to put in his mouth yet, just his hands.

Hes not the best napper right now. Hes not that fussy, so i just go with it. Im going back to work next week, so thats going to mess up our routine. Havent been really successful in getting him to nap in his crib. Hell nap in his bouncer, but has to be swaddled if i want a long nap. It just cant be easy, haha!

He had 3 inject today. I hated it. I knew i would. I gave him tylemol before we went and more just now. He seems ok right now. Hopefully itll be a good night.
in my randomness from mamabargains I got

~Holiday HippieClippies (retail $13)
~Rosemary GimmeClips (retail $4)
~Kidorable Girls Knit Hat (retail $12)
~MyOBaby onesie 6months (retail $26)
... ~MeInMind slip on pink & black skulls (retail $26)
~IPlay girls diaper tanksuit 12 months (retail 28)

Thats $109 worth of stuff for $30 (including shipping)!!!! wohooo

very interested to know what was in your randomness from the other site...I missed that one : ( lol..
Nice to see you back on this thread Lovestory :)

Corin was very, very sleepy after her first set of immunisations. She has her 12 week vaccination on Monday. I hear second time round they don't sleep and are just grizzly. Not looking forward to that on top of teething.

Her routine is being upset by teething but the last few weeks she's had a nap in the morning about 11am for an hour then eats and plays until about 3 when she usually has another nap for 1-2 hours or falls asleep while we're out for a walk if that's earlier in the day.

She has a bath around 7 and gets into her PJs and sleeping bag, gets a bottle of formula or expressed milk around 8 or 8.30pm and then falls asleep around 9.30 until 5am then back to sleep until 7am.

Lately though she's been waking up for an extra feed at 2am (growth spurt) and she has been skipping one nap per day. I don't mind if she's awake all day if she sleeps well at night. I can't get much done but at least I can sleep.

The past few nights with no naps daytime naps and waking extra have been difficult though. I'm just hoping she goes back to sleeping long stretches at night when this growth spurt/teething spell is over.
I hope both of my randomness packages turn outnthat well.

He did great last night after his injections, was actually laughing when he woke up at 4 to eat. Then slept til 8:15 to eat. Waking once to eat is fine with me. I put the amber necklace on this morning, will be interesting to see if he spits/drools all day.

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