I need help!

so i looked it up and the first thing that i read said that if you o late then af will be late. I think that I O'd 1-2 days later than last cycle so all of a sudden I am thinking that af might still show tomorrow or monday. dammit. I think I just lost the wind in my sails. Oh well... there is still a chance. Like you said it will be whatever it will be. If I am not preggo then I will workout and focus on that.
Hahaaha! Even better....filet mignon tonight! I know ...fancy right?:mamafy:, but it's not from her stank ass! LOL! My husband won a gift certificate to this high end grocery store and we did rack of lamb last night and filet mignon tonight. It's awesome! I even busted out the table cloth and linen napkins for thse meals! My kids were like, "It feels like Christmas." LOL! We lit a fire and watched Paris die! It doesn't get better than that. :haha:
Oh Ally, I hope this is your month!!!!! Yah if you O later your af will come later. Do you know anything about your lp? I think mine is 13-14 days from the last 2 cycles.

I can't believe you didn't buy tests at Walmart! I'm kinda proud of you. I wish I had that willpower. Are you gonna test tomorrow? So you don't have cramps or anything? That's a great sign!
I just faught with hubs and now I feel bad. It's just last wekend he was outside the entire day while I slaved away on enchiladas, then today he's out there again. I just watched "King of Queens" and played on the computer. I got upset because we were supposed to go to Santa Cruz(an hour and a half away) to see our friends and watch the fight(Manny Paceow..spelling?)but he didn't wanna drive. A little info about me...I hate driving the road to get there, so I've been pretty spoiled since hubs will always drive.
Well, he had a few drinks and we couldn't go :(. He said the Niners are playing tomorrow at 1 and I would have to drive back. I told him fine, but now it's too late to go. Sorry, I know I'm rambling! But, it feels good to vent. :) Plus we didn't have a sitter tonight, so that woulda been hard. Anyway, he got invited to the fights tonight at a neighbors, but it's the "fellas only" WTF?? So now, because I have a vagina, I can't watch the fight. Hubs said he'd stay home, but I'm not gonna do that. It just sucks cuz I wanted to see it.....with my Santa Cruz buddies. :(:cry: Oh well. I fel better now. Thanks for listening.
So no af yet today... Getting almost a ( i know this is gross) gloopy cm?? I think. Not like tons of it but its there. Right boob definitely sore to squeeze. I have been noticing my cp has been fairly high and soft but about 20mins ago I found it to be a bit low and firmed up which has me quite worried. I think when it comes to the whole cp thing a little information is just dangerous. I thought that I was having some mild cramping since supper... maybe I am just full?? If damn AF is coming just COME! Hubby was saying earlier today that he wanted me to wait til tuesday or wednesday to test just to be sure that af wasnt gonna come. When we got home just then I was saying that I will be upset if after all weekend (finally a late period) af shows and he said " do you want me to run to walmart?". So not only does he want me to test, he is willing to go get them on his own, SCORE! I have been so hopeful all weekend but trying to keep myself grounded with the though that af might show. Even though I really dont want to see a bfn, that's why i havent tested, I think at this point I just want to know so then I can know if I should expect af or not. Cross your fingers for me gabby! I am thinking that if I am preggo it should show up even if the test is in the evening and not after 4 hrs of holding it. We'll see, unless af shows before he goes to the store. NERVOUS!!
Well, here i am, a complete mess. I canceled dh's trip to the store. As soon as I got off the computer I went to the bathroom and found what I am pretty sure is some reddish discharge. Therefore, I am pretty sure af is coming. With the late O, this would put her right on time I guess. I am predicting that it should be here by tomorrow morning or afternoon. I thought that I was starting to get mild cramps and now I guess I was. I am so tired of this every month. I feel like such an idiot for really thinking that this could have been it. What kills me the most is that I think DH was super excited but he was trying to no let it show. I feel like I have let him down. I just dont know how much longer i can do this. Time is broken up into all these 2 week periods. Waiting for Ovulation, then waiting for af... month after month, all the while everyone around me is pregnant with first, second and even third babies. Sorry, completely ranting right now. I just really had hoped that this was it.
Oh, sweetheart....it'll happen! I promise! Well, last night i had a chat with a neighbor friend and she said she didn't try to get pg and had all her births naturally(no epidural)huh?????Then my
next door neighbor got pg on her 4th pg the second she stopped bc pills. Not fair. Are you tesing tomorrow?:hugs: Did af come full force?
Did af come full force??? Are you gonna test if not? Don't worry hun. DH will understand I hope. You didn't let him down. You don't have cmplet comtrol over it. Nobody does. :( I hope to hear from you soon.
Af hasnt some full force... getting kinda mixed discharge... some reddish and sometimes its just kinda white. But i have the cramping and back pain. I am almost 100% positive that its just a matter of a few hours or so. Not bothering with a test while I am getting reddish discharge. If that stops and there is nothing by tomorrow then I will test but that isnt looking good. :sadangel:
Well, lets keep hopeful!!!
Of course my ass is testing! I'm on cd26 and won't test for a couple more days. I see a shadow, but seriously it's probably an evap. :( Oh well, I gotta go do my workout.I don't feel so hot today...
Hey ally! Please go look at my tests I posted in pg tests. I tweaked them. I knew I shouldn't have tested today because now I'm obsessing! Urgh! How are you feeling?
Hey... I am looking for them and cant find them. You said you posted in Preg tests right? So that means you took a hpt??? Does this mean your having any symptoms?????? :happydance: I am going to look again but help me out, I dont know how to find oyur posts.

As for me... been having some mild cramping throughout the day but no AF. I know this is gross but I have discovered that I will do almost anything during this whole ttc... The only real sign that i thought af was coming is when I checked my cp... there was a reddish dicharge but nothing when I just wipe (TMI, I am sorry... but how else do I explain it?) Now I am pretty sure that i am not getting that. Af has been a bit slow to come in the past... mild discharge throughout the day until she finally shows. I am holding out a little hope because if I did O on sat. or sun and my lp is indeed 14 days like I suspect then af should have been here full force by now. I will give her all tomorrow and then i will test probably tomorrow night. Having said all that, I do believe she will come BUT "your not out till your out" right?

Okay... gotta go look for your post again.... :dust:
HOLY :mamafy: GABBY! I was looking at the wrong names.... just found your no problem! Ummmmmm..... like I said on that post, I am not one to say theres something there when I dont see it ( I actually get a kick out of some of the things that people think they see) but I see something on both pics. A shadow on the first and a light spot on the tweaked one! I am really hoping that this is your :bfp: Is that kinda early for something to show?? Retest!!! OH, I hope, I hope for you!!!
Thanks! I will retest, but not gettin hopes up. I've had evaps on $trees before and I feel like if I can't see really well, then it's not a bfp. For fun though, I tweaked it. So what's going on with you girl?

Deleted that whole mouse rant!...hehe
I friggin' give up. I give myself some hope only to have it taken away. Woke this morning at 6:15 with wicked pain and I just knew. I just feel lost with this...
So af showed??? I'm sorry girl! Well my frer was negative. I think this month isn't the month for me either. It does get super exhausting waiting for 2 lines! It's emotionally draing, but know you're not alone! tht's what's great about this bnb. Do something that makes you happy today. :)
Thanks Gabby. It really is draining. I look at cd1`as the start of a long month every time now. I just dont know how women do this for a long time, I have such a respect for them. I started off cd1 with a brand new order of opk's, a few preg tests and .... softcups. As gross as they sound, I feel desperate. I am willing to start trying those kinds of things. What about this evening primrose oil?? Gotta google that.

So sorry to hear of your bfn... but I dont think that makes you out this time because it might just be too early for testing. Your af is not here so there is still a chance for you and until af shows I will keep my fx'd for you. :dust:
Thanks! So, softcups huh? I've heard a bit about tht. I have no idea what primrose oil is or how it works. Are you gonna try to temp at all? Cd1 is a fresh cycle! It does feel like forever though! If it's not my month, I'm thinking I gotta get some ic opk's. Maybe I'll temp. I don't know why I'm so intimidated. i just feel like temping is taking itoverboard, but I've already done that anyway! Wayyyyy overboard! Lol!:coffee:
I can't help but feel bittr toward hubs. He's been a hold out this month!
Hey, a quick update! I had pains in ovaries today like I've nevr felt, akmost like I can imagine it thrusting my egg out! It was sooo strange, but it only lasted like 5 minutes. I had a nagging feeling to go get an opk and low and behold it's positive! If I o'd late I'm gonna be pissed. My cp wasn't super soft but still high up! check out my thread because the hpt was negative but I inverted it and I can see something (to the left) but maybe I'm just crazy! There's a pic of my opk too. I'm gonna not be happy if I am o'ing this lat eas I think I missed the boat for conception. :( Either I'm pg or o'ing super late!!! Please check out the pics. I won't be upset if you can't see anything. LOL!
GIRLFRIEND!!! ARE YOU KNOCKED UP OR WHAT??? I looked at your tests and I do see something!
I don't know! That's the friggin problem!!!! It's early for hpt, but opk+...:saywhat: I don't knowwhat's going on. I think I'll take another opk this afternoon to see if it's positive, because if it's not, then I definately o'd late. At least I'll have an answer hopefully. But then again opk's can stay positive for a couple of days.....so frustrating! I'm so impatient. ](*,)
I woke up at 4am with bad indigestion, which is strange for me and my stomach was growling like I hadn't eaten in days. I'm getting weird sensations in my abdomen too. We shall see. If I'm knocked up I'm gonna be such a :mamafy: I'm really gonna have to watch it and exercise.

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