I need some input...multiple MCs, trying progesterone


Jun 19, 2010
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Just a little background, I have had 3 early miscarriages in a row (all within one year). Previous to all of these I did have a baby so I know I can carry a baby. Also, each miscarriage was the first month of TTC so I know I can get pregnant. I just can't seem to stay pregnant. My doctor said my progesterone was low so she is going to have me try taking it next cycle that I try. I was just wondering if anyone else with multiple miscarriages has had success with just using progesterone. Also, she suggested that after this miscarriage that I wait 2 complete cycles before we try again. Any reason why I would have to wait more than one cycle if it is just low progesterone? I appreciate any input anyone can give me or would love to hear stories similar to my own.
Hi I'm in similar situation to you- I'm in the process of my 4th miscarriage now! I couldnt persuade my consultant to put me on progesterone- he put me on hcg but I know that my progesterone has dropped from 50.1 nmol/L to 19 nmol/L in 5 days :cry:. So I'm really desperate to give progestone supplements a go too (if I manage to get pregnant again). Whats the most effective way of taking it?
Hi girls I am in the same boat. I am also in the process of miscarrying number 6!

My doctor is useless and said he knows nothing about progesterone levels and has referred me to gynae which has a 6 month wait! My levels were 42 a weeks last monday when I was just under 5 weeks pregnant. My hcg was already negligble, but with low progesterone thats hardly surprising! He wouldnt prescribe supplements so I am thinking of buying the cream which you can self medicate with, as its natural my gp said he cant see a problem with it. But it will of course effect any blood results if I do get pregnant.

My head is in a spin and I dont feel like I am getting any help. I am certain my problem is progesterone, because early miscarriage can happen because the uterine wall has not been prepared for implantaion. Progesterone prepares it...so surely if early miscarriage is happening it doesnt take rocket science to realise that that is the problem. Keep me posted if you find anything out! Thinking of you both!
Hi girls I am in the same boat. I am also in the process of miscarrying number 6!

My doctor is useless and said he knows nothing about progesterone levels and has referred me to gynae which has a 6 month wait! My levels were 42 a weeks last monday when I was just under 5 weeks pregnant. My hcg was already negligble, but with low progesterone thats hardly surprising! He wouldnt prescribe supplements so I am thinking of buying the cream which you can self medicate with, as its natural my gp said he cant see a problem with it. But it will of course effect any blood results if I do get pregnant.

My head is in a spin and I dont feel like I am getting any help. I am certain my problem is progesterone, because early miscarriage can happen because the uterine wall has not been prepared for implantaion. Progesterone prepares it...so surely if early miscarriage is happening it doesnt take rocket science to realise that that is the problem. Keep me posted if you find anything out! Thinking of you both!

I think your totally right!! I'm going to try and persuade my FS too- hoping that I dont have to go back to be referred from scratch after this MC. Its sooo frustrating when you are so convinced that something is right but they wont listen because they didnt think of it first!! Good luck- would love to know how you get on too!
Moonmama: I wish you the best of luck! Doctors are so arrogant...not only have they forgotten eveything they were taught but they think they know our bodies better than we do!! God help them. This will bite them on the ASS!! They shouldnt refer you from scratch! Its the same problem... I will keep you posted hun.x
Hi ladies, I'm in the same boat too. I've had 3 losses during the first trimester. For my second and third pregnancies I actually did use progesterone cream as advised by my acupuncturist. Before I got pregnant, it did help to lengthen my luteal phase. It obviously didn't stop me from having more miscarriages though. I told my fertility specialist about the cream and he said the amount that is absorbed through the skin is miniscule. He said the best way to take it is vaginally or orally. He did prescribe it for me the next time I get my BFP. That being said, I'm still planning to use the cream from ovulation until I get my BFP. It definitely helped my luteal phase, so I figure it must be working a little. If you get the cream, make sure to use a "bio-identical" cream. I use Emerita:

I will also add that my sister had a mc, then she got pregnant again and used progesterone suppositories and had my nephew. She had another mc and didn't use progesterone. She got pregnant again, used progesterone and had my niece.

One more thing, many doctors think progesterone use isn't effective. I'm sorry yours aren't working with you on this. Maybe you could load up on the cream or find another doctor.

Good luck to you all and I'm very sorry for all of your losses.

:hugs:Ive had multiple losses period has been on time with positive pregnancy tests, I just went to my doctor on friday and he thinks i might have a luteal defect IE low progesterone so hes going to check my bloods on cd 21 and he said if its low ill be taking it starting next cycle, I guess i got reaqlly lucky with my doctor considering it was my first visit with him ! I will defintly let you know how i do with it if i end up needing it :hugs:
Sorry about your losses at least this site has women like us who can give each other support so we know we are not alone !
Hi girls - what a co-incidence - I've just been on the phone to my doc re my suspicion that Prog is low... and I find this thread. SO sorry to find you all here, but at least we understand what each other is going through. Thankfully my doc was very willing to have a test done ( I had to tell alla bout it first!!) but she was open minded enough to agree easily (maybe she's fed up of all the visits and moaning she gets from me!!??).

I read that cream is the most reliable was to absorb - but might just have been marketing! It's tempting to jsut go ahead and but it online but i want to makesure it's deficient first as could just muck everything up if not! I'll follow this thread to see how you all get on?
wow there are so many of us in this situation!

Hi Chilli I remember talking to you ages ago - how are things going for you now?

Think we should keep this progesterone thread going to see how we all get on! I'm having another appointment with my FS (dont know when) so desperately hoping he'l hear me out! But will keep in touch! xx
Just wanted to update everyone. I decided to only wait one cycle before starting to try again. I am currently about 2 dpo and going to start my progesterone tomorrow. It is 2 suppositories a day. I wanted to be 100% sure that I ovulated before I started it. Since I don't temp all I had to go on was a positive OPK Sunday evening. I am really hoping for a BFP and then to make it past 6 weeks. All of my miscarriages have been really early so 6 weeks would be a good sign. I will keep you all updated and let you know if the progesterone helps. Good luck to all of you and hopefully everyone can get some answers soon!
Good luck jelly bean!
Hi Moonmama - well not very well really - Ive gone from having MC issues but being able to concieve straight away, to fertility issues now that I finally got diagnosis from MC clinic - how unfair is that?

Yes, let's see how we all get on - hopefully lots of babies coming this way!
wow there are so many of us in this situation!

Hi Chilli I remember talking to you ages ago - how are things going for you now?

Think we should keep this progesterone thread going to see how we all get on! I'm having another appointment with my FS (dont know when) so desperately hoping he'l hear me out! But will keep in touch! xx

I am currently waiting to be referred back the specialist myself, but I am going to get the cream. I'm hoping it will work, but I'll have to see if I ovulate ok this month. I have OPK's and have charted temps for months. My only worry is that I am still having a LOT of pregnancy symptoms and my temp is still 98.9. My cover line is usually 97.6! So I am not sure what is going on with me at the moment. Still having nausea / veiny bbs and low back pain too. Think my body thinks I am still pregnant but I only made 5 weeks so cant see why my body would still be confused.

I will HAPPILY keep you posted on any updates I have. I am also going to have bloods done at day 21 and also the day I get a BFP next.

I wish you all so much luck and I wait to hear how you all get on.xx
CJ our poor bodies get so confused:hugs:
Hi Jellybean:hi: I was wondering how you'd got on! Good luck and i've got everything crossed for you! x

Chilli sorry your still going through all this- doesnt seem fair at all. It took me 9 months to conceive for this pregnancy so feel pretty gutted that its all gone tits up again! Are you having treatment now?

CJ i'm sorry I dont know your history- have they looked into why your still having such strong symptoms?
Hi Jellybean:hi: I was wondering how you'd got on! Good luck and i've got everything crossed for you! x

Chilli sorry your still going through all this- doesnt seem fair at all. It took me 9 months to conceive for this pregnancy so feel pretty gutted that its all gone tits up again! Are you having treatment now?

CJ i'm sorry I dont know your history- have they looked into why your still having such strong symptoms?

Hey moonmama,

I have been ttc for nearly 3 years. I have had 5 miscarriages in that time, and one 10 years ago. I always have a loss between 5 and 6 weeks. I went to a FS and she cleared me for blood clotting diseases, both mine and my husbands chromosomes and said cause I can conceive she had no doubt I would carry to term eventually! Then sent me back to my GP!!!! My GP refused to re-refer me cause I was depressed...well duh!!! My progesterone level at 4 and a half weeks was 42 and they wouldnt help me cause they said it should be at least 68 to confirm a viable pregnancy! So they basically left me to miscarry this time which took a week and a half to happen! With several positive pregnancy tests. I felt hopeless. Now I have to wait 6 months to see someone. Unbelievable. They wont investigate why I am having symptoms still cause I am having negative tests. :-(
Hi Jellybean:hi: I was wondering how you'd got on! Good luck and i've got everything crossed for you! x

Chilli sorry your still going through all this- doesnt seem fair at all. It took me 9 months to conceive for this pregnancy so feel pretty gutted that its all gone tits up again! Are you having treatment now?

CJ i'm sorry I dont know your history- have they looked into why your still having such strong symptoms?

Hey moonmama,

I have been ttc for nearly 3 years. I have had 5 miscarriages in that time, and one 10 years ago. I always have a loss between 5 and 6 weeks. I went to a FS and she cleared me for blood clotting diseases, both mine and my husbands chromosomes and said cause I can conceive she had no doubt I would carry to term eventually! Then sent me back to my GP!!!! My GP refused to re-refer me cause I was depressed...well duh!!! My progesterone level at 4 and a half weeks was 42 and they wouldnt help me cause they said it should be at least 68 to confirm a viable pregnancy! So they basically left me to miscarry this time which took a week and a half to happen! With several positive pregnancy tests. I felt hopeless. Now I have to wait 6 months to see someone. Unbelievable. They wont investigate why I am having symptoms still cause I am having negative tests. :-(

Thats outrageous! I'm so sorry your going through all this! couldnt you change your GP to a more supportive one? I'm waiting to miscarry too - I know my progesterone has dropped drastically and I'm bleeding loads but at the moment the sac is there so hoping it comes out soon because there is absolutly nothing I can do but wait :-(xx
Hi Jellybean:hi: I was wondering how you'd got on! Good luck and i've got everything crossed for you! x

Chilli sorry your still going through all this- doesnt seem fair at all. It took me 9 months to conceive for this pregnancy so feel pretty gutted that its all gone tits up again! Are you having treatment now?

CJ i'm sorry I dont know your history- have they looked into why your still having such strong symptoms?

Hey moonmama,

I have been ttc for nearly 3 years. I have had 5 miscarriages in that time, and one 10 years ago. I always have a loss between 5 and 6 weeks. I went to a FS and she cleared me for blood clotting diseases, both mine and my husbands chromosomes and said cause I can conceive she had no doubt I would carry to term eventually! Then sent me back to my GP!!!! My GP refused to re-refer me cause I was depressed...well duh!!! My progesterone level at 4 and a half weeks was 42 and they wouldnt help me cause they said it should be at least 68 to confirm a viable pregnancy! So they basically left me to miscarry this time which took a week and a half to happen! With several positive pregnancy tests. I felt hopeless. Now I have to wait 6 months to see someone. Unbelievable. They wont investigate why I am having symptoms still cause I am having negative tests. :-(

Thats outrageous! I'm so sorry your going through all this! couldnt you change your GP to a more supportive one? I'm waiting to miscarry too - I know my progesterone has dropped drastically and I'm bleeding loads but at the moment the sac is there so hoping it comes out soon because there is absolutly nothing I can do but wait :-(xx

I know they drive me nuts!!!! I have just been referred to a FS though and I am worried that if I move that I will lose that and have to start all over. I am so sorry that you have to go through this too hun! Its the worst thing in the world. I feel less of a women because I cant keep them, and my dh is terrific he really is. I just have to believe that its something that can be sorted once these health care professionals get their heads out of their butts!!!! Is there nothing they can do at all??? My niece was also pregnant and she would have been due the same day as me. He progesterone was low and they tried really hard to help her. She has a different gp and went to a different hospital to me! Says it all huh! I hope you will be ok hun. xx
Hi does anyone know where you can buy progesterone supplements in the UK? xx
Well I googled and got quite a few suppliers who had cream, didn't really know for sure so waiting for GP to confirm.

I'm so sorry you 2 are being left in such awful situations - it's something you hear time and time again - us MC ladies are just so badly treated sometimes it outrages me... and at a time when we are least able to stick up for ourselves!:hugs:

I was advised to start taking aspirin during next pg as had blood clotting issues, but to be honest remain unconvinced and will do until am proved wrong. I'm taking maca and royal jelly too in the hope that it all helps... oh yeah and lost a stone, am eating almost completely organic and all beauty products and detergents all organic/envi friendly too... :wacko:the things we'll do!!!!:wacko:

On a happy note: a friend of mine who has had 3 unexplained MCs had a healthy baby boy last night!:happydance:
my MIL bought this for me yesterday---naturone cream

think if u go to naturone.com

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