I need some input...multiple MCs, trying progesterone

Yay Jelly!!! Keep us posted and I have everything crossed for you!

Ashley, I also have had recurrent mcs. I'm going on the suppositories once I get my BFP too. I've also been taking aspirin.

CJ, with the temp dip it sounds like you already Ov'd. Sometimes for me, my temp dips on the day I Ov. I often get 3-4 days of positive OPKs. You probably caught the LH surge on the way up, then caught the surge the next day and then it is taking some time to clear out of your system which is why they are still positive. It sounds to me like you covered your bases. Good luck!!!

:happydance: you have cheered me up! I really hope thats the case!! Should I be worried if I have another positive tomorrow??? How did you get the doc to agree to suppositories??? I cant get any help like that. He said he doesnt know enough about progesterone in pregnancy to advise or prescribe!!

I didn't even ask my specialist, he just said he was putting in an order for progesterone suppositories so when I get my BFP I can start them right away. He said it can sometimes help so we might as well try. I think doctors have different thoughts about its effectiveness. Honestly, I just want them to throw everything at me. I'm sure you do too. I wasn't able to convince my regular gyno to prescribe progesterone which is why I used the cream. The specialist is the one who decided to start me on the suppositories. These two docs work in the same hospital and have different opinions about it! Can you find another doctor perhaps?

As for another positive OPK, I'm not too sure. I've never gotten more than 4 days. Usually it is only 3 days. I've read that many days of positives can mean you might have PCOS. But I'm just not sure. I wouldn't worry unless you are getting 10 days or more of positives. Are you sure they are positives? Sometimes they look positive but are slightly fainter than the control line. If you could post them, I'd be happy to take a look.
Yippee jelly - hoping all goes well for you!

Well I Ov'd 2 days earlier than usual ( temp rise on monday) and OH got back today. Will BD tonight just in case and saw him sat night (drove to London from Wilts) and BD'd. Looks like we missed optimum time but you never know...

Anyhow means I can do my test next Monday to see if progesterone is part of the problem
Just thought i would update you ladies my doctor told me this morning that low progesterone is the reason for my chemicals and my mc !!! He said once i get a positive hpt to let him know and hell start me on progesterone all the way through 10 and half weeks pregnant ! Im so happy i finally found my answer now i just need a :bfp: to see if progesterone will work :hugs:
Yay Ruskie! That is good news! I can't wait to hear about your next BFP!!!
Ruskie that is wonderful news!!!! Here's hoping you get your :bfp: VERY soon!

Well my cycle is a mish mash right now. Definitely ov way later than I thought. Sat 4th! But thats ok cause I started the progesterone Tuesday. Funny thing is that I was having all the same signs as my pregnancy last month and started the progesterone and they just WENT! Then I had really bad pain in my ovary area and burning across my back and abdomen which was UNVBELIEVABLY painful. I have now had a temp dip 2 mornings in a row, and then it goes up. 97.8 in the morning and 98.4 in the afternoon.

My symptoms are now mild twinges in right side, slightly itchy armpits...and nips tmi sorry), headache, minimal back pain. SOOOOOOO tired though too.

Can anyone who has got pregnant using the cream tell me if this sounds good or not....could the cream lessen the symptoms and still have caught the eggy!! If I ov sat then I'm 5 DPO.

How is everyone else doing????

:wacko::flower: hiya

I'm new to this thread, hope you ladies don't mind if I jump in to ask for some advice and to share my experience with progesterone cream?

Okay, here goes. I was very inspired by some ladies here on B&B that led me to read and research estrogen dominance and natural prog. cream use. i have only had one MMC in my TTC #1 journey but I am older and understood that more often than not, we become prog. difficient and estrogen dominant. I bought the bio identical natural prog. cream at a health food store in the states and started using a pea sized amount 2 x a day. I started on CD 17 after I believed I had OV'd 3 days prior. No problems or issues at all, in fact I didn't get sore heavy bbs or PMS symptoms, which I thought was great! Problem came when no AF showed either. I started POAS from CD 27 right through to CD 35 - all BFN and oh crap! what has happened to my 'spot on' 28day cycles :shrug: Okay, as it has been said here, I understood that the small amount of prog. ingested should not prevent AF but... Anyhoo, I asked around in another thread and it was suggested to comnpletely stop using the cream to bring on AF. I did another pg. test (CD 35) to be sure - BFN and then quit using the cream. AF didn't start but I promptly OV'd. I mean almost instantly had profuse wet CM and then the tell tale OV ache/pain on one side (right side this time.) Of course DH and I started BD'ing and that brings me to now. I am CD 42 OR, 6 DPO. WTF? :wacko: I have extremely sore nipples and I'm nauseous but I think it's from wacked out hormones. Just in case though, I have started using the cream again BUT... only once a day. I don't want to prevent a healthy implantation if we caught the eggie last week by dropping off the prog. I supplemented with BUT...I don't want to prevent AF for another month and dump more prog. into my system (further complicate my new hormonal imbalance.)

AAAARGH! I honestly wish I never started taking the cream :nope: It obviously works though. My mistake was taking it when I have no blood work evidence of a prog. defficiency in luteal phase. Although it's natural, it can clearly do some harm. My advice is...don't take it unless you know forsure your prog. is really low. It's not a 'give it a go 'cus it doesn't hurt' kinda thing. I wonder how long it will take to wash the excess prog. out of my system and get back to normal healthy cycles again. oh poo, what have I done?

Any advice?
:wacko::flower: hiya

I'm new to this thread, hope you ladies don't mind if I jump in to ask for some advice and to share my experience with progesterone cream?

Okay, here goes. I was very inspired by some ladies here on B&B that led me to read and research estrogen dominance and natural prog. cream use. i have only had one MMC in my TTC #1 journey but I am older and understood that more often than not, we become prog. difficient and estrogen dominant. I bought the bio identical natural prog. cream at a health food store in the states and started using a pea sized amount 2 x a day. I started on CD 17 after I believed I had OV'd 3 days prior. No problems or issues at all, in fact I didn't get sore heavy bbs or PMS symptoms, which I thought was great! Problem came when no AF showed either. I started POAS from CD 27 right through to CD 35 - all BFN and oh crap! what has happened to my 'spot on' 28day cycles :shrug: Okay, as it has been said here, I understood that the small amount of prog. ingested should not prevent AF but... Anyhoo, I asked around in another thread and it was suggested to comnpletely stop using the cream to bring on AF. I did another pg. test (CD 35) to be sure - BFN and then quit using the cream. AF didn't start but I promptly OV'd. I mean almost instantly had profuse wet CM and then the tell tale OV ache/pain on one side (right side this time.) Of course DH and I started BD'ing and that brings me to now. I am CD 42 OR, 6 DPO. WTF? :wacko: I have extremely sore nipples and I'm nauseous but I think it's from wacked out hormones. Just in case though, I have started using the cream again BUT... only once a day. I don't want to prevent a healthy implantation if we caught the eggie last week by dropping off the prog. I supplemented with BUT...I don't want to prevent AF for another month and dump more prog. into my system (further complicate my new hormonal imbalance.)

AAAARGH! I honestly wish I never started taking the cream :nope: It obviously works though. My mistake was taking it when I have no blood work evidence of a prog. defficiency in luteal phase. Although it's natural, it can clearly do some harm. My advice is...don't take it unless you know forsure your prog. is really low. It's not a 'give it a go 'cus it doesn't hurt' kinda thing. I wonder how long it will take to wash the excess prog. out of my system and get back to normal healthy cycles again. oh poo, what have I done?

Any advice?

Using prog cream before you ovulate will trick your body into thinking it has already done so because progesterone is only in the body from ovulation to af, then it is less than one. It seems to me that you didnt in fact ov and that is why as soon as you stopped taking it you went into your fertile phase of your cycle. I nearly made the same mistake as I thought I was ov early, but the cream never came in time, so I kept using the OPK's and realised that I in fact ov when I was supposed to 6 days later.

In addition if you have bfn's when af is due and a couple of days later I would absolutely stop using the cream as although it may not, it can as you experienced prevent af from starting. I started using the cream at 3 DPO to be sure that I had ov. AF for me is due the 18th. If I test neg then I will stop the cream on the 20th if she doesnt come.

I do agree that unless you know for sure that you shouldn't use it, however many women do use it for 3 weeks of there cycle because its uses go way beyond aiding conception and its effects can be very positive. I mc last month and progesterone levels were too low to sustain the pregnancy, because implantation cant happen effectively.

Also you only need a 1/4 to a half a teaspoon off the cream...maybe you were using too much, just a thought.

I hope you get your bfp hun!!!! GL! :dust:
Sooo AF is a day late and my temps are still high they dropped a little this morning but will have to see what they do tommorow. If AF doesnt show up by mid afternoon monday i will call my doc for betas cause of my history with late :bfp:'s i dont want to risk loosing another when i know what my problem is and hopefully he may just start me on progesterone to be safe
Ruskie, I hope there is a bean in there! Good idea to get betas if AF doesn't show up. Keep us updated.

Groovygrl, I will only use the cream once I absolutely know I have ovulated. The only real way to verify that is by charting your temperature. Once I've had 3 days of high temps and they coincide with a positive OPK, then I start my progesterone cream. I have never had a problem with it. Like CJ, I start the cream on 3DPO. Also, like CJ said, the cream will delay ovulation if used before you ovulate. Sounds like that is what you did. I use mine to lengthen my luteal phase even though my progesterone levels have come back normal. It did increase mine from 9-10 days to 12-13 days.
best of luck Ruskie, hope it's all about BFP at the end of the week!

Thank you for your responses CJ and Heart tree.I am so very sorry for your recent losses. :hugs: I also suspected what you suggest. I have always had OV pain and tell tale CM on or around day 14. Last month I didn't have the pain and went ahead and started on day 17 thinking I was starting cream approx. 3 DPO. I clearly need to be careful re: my denial of an anovulatory cycle. I had only been using a pea size (less than 1/8th teaspoon 2 x a day) so on the conservative side of things but...it is strong stuff. OR, I'm really sensitive 'cus it prevented ovulation and AF - some pretty serious changes. I would only continue to use it if I was verifying OV with OPK's (can't accurately temp. cus I do approx. 6 overnight long- haul flights a month for work) Please don't get me wrong, I strongly believe/agree that for some women prog. cream will make all the difference in the world towards ensuring a healthy pregnancy. I only wanted to make the point that just because you can buy it in a health food store and it's called 'natural' you can't afford to be lazy or careless with its use, like I was!

have a good week and healthy, speedy BFP's ladies! xo, Donna
It's a really good point you make groovy. There are lots of things we can buy in stores that can mess with our cycle. We really need to do research before we try a product. I don't think the cream is a miracle cure, but for some women it can be beneficial. I agree, if you use it again, make sure you get a positive OPK first. Good luck!
Ruskie, it doesn't mean you are out as you know. Are you going to get betas?
ya my doc did bloods this morning still no sign of af i had the tiniest bit of red blood earlier almost like a pin pric on my finger i think i knicked my cervix. Ill know the results tommorow :thumbup:
Well 10 DPO today and it seems all these symptoms do NOT mean I am pregnant as I had a :bfn: on a test which measure 10mIU and it doesnt get more sensitive than that on a hpt. And even if I am pregnant it means the progesterone hasn't worked either cause I would have picked up some hormone by now surely!

I just want to :cry: So much for my b'day present. Not testing again. I wont put myself through this after last month, I'll just wait for the :witch: now. GL to all those still waiting to test. :dust:
Well that tiny bit of blood turned out to be AF i guess if my test does come back positive in the morning ill have to ask the doc about putting me on progesterone after ovulation instead of when i get a positive hpt:cry:
CJ and Ruskie - it sucks!!!!!

I had my test yesterday and just waiting for the results now.

Feeling very sick at 9dpo but not getting hopes up as I think it's just one of my low Prog symptoms!!!

Also, do any of you chart? Mine temps are much lower than they were this time last year and the rise after OV is also much less obvious - it's there but it's less than it was. Is that just another symptom??
Your temps should go up after ov. The norm from just before af to ov is around 97.6 to 97.9. If its lower there could be a reason for it. For me it was my thyroid levels. I have been treated for underactive for 9 years but I never knew about the temp side till I started charting and twice in the last 18 months my dosage has been increased. When my thyroid is normal it is where it should be and going up to 98.1 to 98.9. Then I have a triphasic pattern if conceived and it will go up to anything like 99.3!

Low temps doesnt mean there is a problem but if you are seeing a doc or specialist I would mention it after you have temped for a while longer.

What were the bloods for hun if your only 9 DPO?? I tested neg at 10 DPO for pregnancy. Implantation can happen as late as 12DPO!

GL hun x
Hi girls I am in the same boat. I am also in the process of miscarrying number 6!

My doctor is useless and said he knows nothing about progesterone levels and has referred me to gynae which has a 6 month wait! My levels were 42 a weeks last monday when I was just under 5 weeks pregnant. My hcg was already negligble, but with low progesterone thats hardly surprising! He wouldnt prescribe supplements so I am thinking of buying the cream which you can self medicate with, as its natural my gp said he cant see a problem with it. But it will of course effect any blood results if I do get pregnant.

My head is in a spin and I dont feel like I am getting any help. I am certain my problem is progesterone, because early miscarriage can happen because the uterine wall has not been prepared for implantaion. Progesterone prepares it...so surely if early miscarriage is happening it doesnt take rocket science to realise that that is the problem. Keep me posted if you find anything out! Thinking of you both!

A 42 for progesterone at 5 weeks is a really GOOD number. 9-47 is the average for first trimester. You were already in the upper high range. With my last 2 successfull pregnancies, my progesterone was between 23 and 26 between 4-1/2 and 5 weeks.

Just wanted to comment so you could see if it may be something else--I'm totally not the doctor, though. I hope you find answers and I'm so sorry for your losses. :hugs:

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