I need some input...multiple MCs, trying progesterone

Bad news today - coming back to TTC:cry:
thanks Moonmama, feeling a bit numb right now, so gutted!
:cry: SO SORRY HUNNI!!!!! :cry:

I was not expecting that. Thinking of you babe. When you want to talk, scream, shout we're here hunni!!
hi salb! really sorry for your losses- Like cj said I doubt they will automatically test for progesterone issues , my tests were all fairly basic and my FS wont entertain the prog issue even though I asked. Have you found the recurrent miscarriage thread on the loss section? There are lots of ladies on there who have been through this too :hugs:

CJ I really am pathetic with all that whinging I was doing!:blush:- looking back on my chart now it looks text book with 14day luteal phase! I think because I'm used to having a short LP and loads of symptoms of AF impending it was just so different this month I couldnt believe AF came without pmt! What are you hoping to get out of your FS appt? Are you asking for more testing? :hugs:

Ahhhh I see so you LP has been shorter...well success there then. And your not whinging chickedy!!! Its what I am here for! The first month I used the cream my symptoms pretty much were non existent before af... So maybe stick with the cream then!!!

Well I have to check if my FS knows my full history and knows what tests I have had so far. I am ABSOLUTELY going to ask for more tests. I know one of the first will be a scan which is daft cause I have had soooooo many!!! But the last was 18 months ago. After that I dont know what comes. I will quiz her about progesterone and explain I am using the cream. And I am going to enquire about NK Cells too and see if they will test for that. I have an underactive thyroid and sometime problems with that can be because the body attacks the thyroid and tries to kill it because it thinks its an alien object to the body...maybe if thats the case I am having the same problem down below...who knows??

I am going with this months chart because its standard for the last 3 months (apart from pregnancy month which was obviously triphasic and MANY different symptoms). Also I can tell her I take EPO, Pregnacare with Folic Acid, cut down on drink, dont smoke, eat really well and have about 6 hours exercise a week walking the dog! On top I have preseed, progesterone cream and OPK's! I doubt she can say my lifestyle is causing my problems. Chris has cut smoking by half, drinking by 2 3rds and is also taking vitamins. He walks the dog obviously and eats what I give him haha. But not as many veg as I would like. I am all clear for blood clotting diseases, we both have normal chromosomes and my thyroid is managed right now as I am having regular blood tests.

Sorry for the long post!

I just had a thought when I read your post. You said you were taking EPO. I took that too, and then my Doctor told me you should only take it until you ovulate, it can be helpful in producing good quality cervical fluid BUT after ovulation it is not good to take because it can cause the uterus to contract. It is not safe when you have a little bean trying to implant. Just thought I would pass on this nugget.

I just got all my tests back from the Doc and everything looks normal. No progesterone, clotting or other problems so now its onto a fertility clinic for a genetic test and a dye scan. Hope I can get in quickly.

Chili- SO SO SORRY for your sad news.
Thanks all - I'm sure I'll be here a lot and very needy
So awfull Chilli - I know I posted last night but I feel so gutted for you- dont know how we all manage to go through this over and over and always somehow bounce back! We're here for you x

Hi to new ladies on here!

Hey CJ- I've not been around for couple of days, have you had your appt yet?

how are you girls doing?
i might be joining a progesterone trial for my next pg - asuming i get one!
Hey Chilli love, there will be another pg hu!!! There will!!! I am not too sure about using the cream this month. I think it made me ovulate late as I have never ov later than day 14-16. Last month was day 21!!! So I am going to think about not bothering. I will see when I ov...I only used the cream for 5 days last month so should be well out of my system.

How are you doing Chilli? I have been thinking of you babe. :hug:

Moon my appointment was horrid. She was rude, nasty and condescending. She forced me to have a smear which made me bleed terrible and my period wasnt due for 4 days but cause I had the tiniest bit of spotting she just went ahead and did the smear without even asking me. She just told the nurse to hand her the swab. So I will never know if I was pregnant or not. Read my journal for the rest if you like hun. But I have had full blood work including diabetes, prolactin, hormones, everything! I am waiting for an ultrasound. Had urine and all that jazz. Not sure what happens next if she writes to me with the results... but my ultrasound wont be for 8 weeks! And she wont book follow up till she has those results so for 3 months I am still alone. My last mc was August and she told me I shouldnt be trying till January!!!!! 5 months! Kiss my fucking ass! Sorry for the language. I am going to try ring for my blood results friday. Then 4 weeks for the smear and 8 weeks for the scan. Lots of waiting. Next will be a test to check my ovary function and maybe a round of clomid, which she said would help with ov and progesterone but she was ADAMANT I didnt have low progesterone problems. Howwwww.....with no bloods??? Tit!!!

How are you Moonmama??
Thanks CJ, just reading those words of encouragement have made me feel stronger today! I'm amazed at how we do it,time and time again we find the strength to fight the fight again!

My ERPC went ok yesterday - not much bleeding today so I think it should be a good rcovery hopefully. I nearly had a fight on the way into the hospital as when I arrived a heavily pregnant woman was lighting up a cigarette by the door. I told her she was a selfish cow and if she couldn't even stop smoking for the sake of her child! Women like that make me so mad - we do EVERYTHING we can and still don't get our babies and selfish women who physically abuse their unborn children don't deserve to have them! Personally I think it should be illegal!

Your appt sounds like it was a nightmare hun! what a terrible woman - do not go back to her again, ask to see someone else. I can't quite believe that she did a smear when you could be pg - Idon't know what to say about that - it's terrible! Waiting for results sucks! I've done so much of it and it drives you mad - have you investigated if you can get them back quicker by going private? Last year I paid £100 to get the same results from the same man 4 weeks earlier! As for her attitude to progesterone I had a similar reaction to a query last week and I think in many cases it's their ignorance of the matter that makes them defensive. At St Mary's in LOndon they are recruiting for a trial all about Prog and how it may be linked to RMCs - I will probably sign up for it as it makes sense to me - even if I'm in the placebo group I might prevent someone having a loss one day!
Hi girls,
cj that awful about your appt!! I know the feeling when you build yourself up that something positive is going to happen its such a let down to feel like your on your own yet again! My FS was adamant that I didnt have a progesterone prob too and like you I wasnt tested either!! Could you ask to see someone else instead?

chilli - glad to hear there were no fisticuffs in the end! I think you were brave saying what you thought! Its sort of thing I would think and brood about for ages but not actually say anything! I hope you do get on the trial chick- its so good to do something positive. We'd decided not to pursue the NK cells treatment in london because we cant afford it but its made me feel really despondent about getting pregnant then going through another loss so really wish there was another way!

I'm 4dpo now and doing the cream again and aspirin but not expecting anything to come of it! :hugs:

Croydon girl I took EPO too, but only ever until I get signs of ov coming- then I switch to flax oil - hope you get some answers too!
CJ - how could she tell you there was no progesterone problems without blood work? Was she just looking at your temp charts? That's crazy.
I know that there is no conclusive evidence about progesterone supplements but after my progesterone levels all came back 'normal' my doctor told me that the fertility doctor (i see next Wednesday) will probably pout me on it anyway as a first course of treatment, just in case it does help. I am so sorry that she was rude and unhelpful. This is such a sensitive time and someone in this field should be better trained.
Hoping you get answers soon - and more support from your medical team.
Any news with you girls? I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting - do me an AF dance someone!
CJ - how could she tell you there was no progesterone problems without blood work? Was she just looking at your temp charts? That's crazy.
I know that there is no conclusive evidence about progesterone supplements but after my progesterone levels all came back 'normal' my doctor told me that the fertility doctor (i see next Wednesday) will probably pout me on it anyway as a first course of treatment, just in case it does help. I am so sorry that she was rude and unhelpful. This is such a sensitive time and someone in this field should be better trained.
Hoping you get answers soon - and more support from your medical team.

Exactly my thought!! SHe was horrid!! She said the fact I charted wasnt good, as no one charts!! She didnt even wanna look at them! And thank you hun. I guess I will just have to ride it out with her for now. If she doesnt test me for it soon I will say something!!!

Chilli.... I am doing to jive for you now chickedy :haha: Come on AF!!!!!!! Apart from the waiting how are you??

I'm positive I am ov today/tonight. Had lots of :sex: with minimal charting, and loved every minute, so has the DH!! He's been a horny little devil! We even had :sex: on the way home from the pub the other night :haha: Exhibitionists we are LOL. We take on a pub too on Friday, at long last!!
CJS - love it - leading the way on the BD trail - I'm proud of you and will take a leaf out of your book as our sex life has become far too baby orientated and not nearly enough fun! I can't even do that at the mo as was told to wait for 2 weeks after op... waiting...

Your doc wants to come on here if she thinks no-one charts - sometimes I think some of these "profesionals" are completely out of touch!

I had appt with RMC specialist yesterday - waste of time really - won't do anything until gets the results of tissue taken during ERPC in 4-6 weeks and then only if baby didn't have specific problem... then I'll have to wait again at best... grrrr it's so frustrating all this waiting for EVERYTHING!

He said that my prog level was fine at 30 - even though I pointed out that I was actually 1 week pg at that point - he said that would've made no difference!??? I thought prog shot up with pg, but there you go... they know best!!??

Moonmama - how are you?
:hi: ladies!

CJ you crack me up! you are so funny! got very bad images now about voyeuristic BD! Did you have to climb over a hedge or something?!

Im fine thanks chilli, 10dpo so stopped the progesterone cream. Hope your ok :hugs:
Chilli it had to be done, I was way to obsessed and I have severe anxiety and it was making it so bad, I was twitching with it and everything. I have felt a million bucks this last couple of weeks.

My doc is a twat. I may transfer to Bristol, they are much better over there. And I'm sorry to hear what happened. God its sooooo frustrating!!

Moon, no climbing over hedges...just hiding behind them :haha:
Ha ha CJ, I feel like I might have to rise to the challenge soon - but it's a bit bloomin cold out there though! Glad you're feeling so good now. Don't know much about Bristol even though I'm local (I was at Bath) - have you thought about Birmingham? I've heard good things about them.

Moonmama - hope this is your lucky one hun! Keep us posted.

AFM - I'm waiting...waiting...waiting!
I had to jump in here, as someone who has been on progesterone supplements for over 5 years (to help bring on my AF each month) My fertility doc says that during pregnancy, the progesterone is supposed to help the egg mature fully, then assists with implantation. Low progesterone (checked by blood work) can lead to mc and other issues.

I've had low progesterone levels for years, hence the treatment. I found out when I first went to the fertility specialist, he immediately sent me out for blood work to check the progesterone.
Well I've never even been tested for progesterone issues but I'm convinced I do have prob because of all the spotting I get for about 4 days before AF comes. My FS wouldnt even entertain testing for it so now I'm just relying on the cream.

Got a faint BFP yesterday on an IC (had to put my glasses on for teeny sutures to see it!!) but also did an ASDA one and that was definate- no glasses needed anyway so now I'm back in a state of constantly being terrified now. Started the fragmin injections and will start hcg injections when tests look like they getting stronger but I cant help be pessimistic after 4 mc . watch this space ... xx

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