I need some input...multiple MCs, trying progesterone

chilli I can totally see where your coming from with being anxious about scan - it would be so nice if you could hibernate untill scan day so didnt have to go through that awful wait!:hugs: sending you tons of pma!

CJ so you cant even blame your symptoms on the progesterone cream?! how weird! i'm beginning to go off it- 14dpo and still no sign of AF making her way- that is unheard of for me so its got to be the bloody cream! I stopped taking it on 10dpo but thats obviously too late? Anyway BFN so want the witch to hurry up!
Oh moonmama!! Gutted hunni! You may just be a day or two late if its the cream making you late cause you have stopped it. Because I ovulated late and I dont know how long my cycle will be I am going to only use the cream for 3 days which will hopefully be around when implantation should happen...we'll see if it does the trick. Hope the witch or a BFP turns up hun...preferably the latter!
Thanks CJ - feel like I've dabbled with something I shouldnt have and am now learning my lesson! My temps gone down to what they should be for AF to come so I know I'm not pregnant so I've just got to wait... something I'm not very good at :haha:

Why do you think you ovulated so late this cycle? Is that normal for you? You must've been worn out by the time you actually ov'd! :blush:
Thanks for your support girls - hibernation sounds great, but about 8 months would be great - wake me up for labour!!!!!

CJS I hate the way our bodies torment us with the confusing things they do - still got my fingers crossed for you though. have you done a test?

Moonmama - BFN sucks!!! Maybe you're destined to waddle about through next summer with your bump:hugs:
Oh Moonmama!!!! :hug: I'm sorry this wasnt your BFP!!!! But I am glad that at least the witch isnt going to delay you. Has your temp gone right down??? Have you had a dip yet this month?? Check your temp till af definitely shows!! I know its late for implantation but stranger things have happened.

LOL at Chilli....8 months hibernation. But I see why you would want to hide away and be kept safe.

I am using the cream 2 more days and then stopping. AF was due 22nd but I ov'd around 13th / 14th, I would expect af the 28th. But I have the sorest boobies ever and thats usually af sign. But with the nosebleed the other day I just dont know WHAT is going on. Moonmama I am sure I had a clotted follicle. I've had one before so know the pain. It means the egg cant be released so my body kept producing LH to help with OV, hence 7 days of positives on an OPK.

Chilli I tested saturday... dumb me...it was neg :cry: I'll just wait it out. I am seeing the FS next week so this might be the last month I am allowed to try depending on what they order me to do.
Thanks CJ- all sorted now the blob witch arrived sunday afternoon so cd3 already! So raring to again, making DH take some time off during mating season otherwise we wont see each other! :haha: . Got my fingers crossed for you - sore boobs is a real preg sign for me!

hope everyone is ok?
Hi ladies, I've only just come across this thread although i know it was started a couple of months ago.

I'm just in the process of my 3rd MC so am in the same situation as u all.

I'm finally getting an appt to see a FS, but we have to abstain from TTC for 3 months which sucks!! :dohh:

But until that appt in Jan, it would seem i'll be tested for nothing.

Did you have to ask your GP's to test u for progesterone levels etc? or did they offer?
Not sure if FS will check that anyway or if i could go to docs for these other tests to be done whilst i wait for my proper appt?
Hi ladies, I've only just come across this thread although i know it was started a couple of months ago.

I'm just in the process of my 3rd MC so am in the same situation as u all.

I'm finally getting an appt to see a FS, but we have to abstain from TTC for 3 months which sucks!! :dohh:

But until that appt in Jan, it would seem i'll be tested for nothing.

Did you have to ask your GP's to test u for progesterone levels etc? or did they offer?
Not sure if FS will check that anyway or if i could go to docs for these other tests to be done whilst i wait for my proper appt?

I'm so sorry you are going through this hun!!!! :hugs: Who told you that you have to abstain?? Thats rubbish. They all seem to advise 3 month break but straight after a mc is your most fertile time. If you are up to it then maybe wait one cycle??

They wont do bloods because they believe it can take 3 months for bloods to go back to normal. Cant you demand they check progesterone now? Although its probably too late. Wat you can do is just ask your GP to do CD21 day bloods to test progetserone but all that will do is show if you ovulated. The FS doesnt have to do that. And unfortunately it wont be the first thing the FS look at either. They will look at clotting diseases, thyroid problems and chromosomes....least thats what I got. I have been re-referred and my appointment is next week. I can let you know what they say. I hope you feel better hun.
LOL Moonmama!!!!! CD3 :dance: Glad that your in a new cycle. Maybe stop the cream at 7-8DPO next time babe. :hugs:

Sore boobs is usually an AF sign for me but I have been told the luteal phase never changes even if you ov late so I hopes its a pg sign. FF says that I ov'd thursday which I dont agree with but I never bed down that day cause I was in so much pain after trying to ov. I will be testing the 28th if witch doesnt come but my FS appointment is the 26th :dance: I'm nervous though.
hi salb! really sorry for your losses- Like cj said I doubt they will automatically test for progesterone issues , my tests were all fairly basic and my FS wont entertain the prog issue even though I asked. Have you found the recurrent miscarriage thread on the loss section? There are lots of ladies on there who have been through this too :hugs:

CJ I really am pathetic with all that whinging I was doing!:blush:- looking back on my chart now it looks text book with 14day luteal phase! I think because I'm used to having a short LP and loads of symptoms of AF impending it was just so different this month I couldnt believe AF came without pmt! What are you hoping to get out of your FS appt? Are you asking for more testing? :hugs:
hi salb! really sorry for your losses- Like cj said I doubt they will automatically test for progesterone issues , my tests were all fairly basic and my FS wont entertain the prog issue even though I asked. Have you found the recurrent miscarriage thread on the loss section? There are lots of ladies on there who have been through this too :hugs:

CJ I really am pathetic with all that whinging I was doing!:blush:- looking back on my chart now it looks text book with 14day luteal phase! I think because I'm used to having a short LP and loads of symptoms of AF impending it was just so different this month I couldnt believe AF came without pmt! What are you hoping to get out of your FS appt? Are you asking for more testing? :hugs:

Ahhhh I see so you LP has been shorter...well success there then. And your not whinging chickedy!!! Its what I am here for! The first month I used the cream my symptoms pretty much were non existent before af... So maybe stick with the cream then!!!

Well I have to check if my FS knows my full history and knows what tests I have had so far. I am ABSOLUTELY going to ask for more tests. I know one of the first will be a scan which is daft cause I have had soooooo many!!! But the last was 18 months ago. After that I dont know what comes. I will quiz her about progesterone and explain I am using the cream. And I am going to enquire about NK Cells too and see if they will test for that. I have an underactive thyroid and sometime problems with that can be because the body attacks the thyroid and tries to kill it because it thinks its an alien object to the body...maybe if thats the case I am having the same problem down below...who knows??

I am going with this months chart because its standard for the last 3 months (apart from pregnancy month which was obviously triphasic and MANY different symptoms). Also I can tell her I take EPO, Pregnacare with Folic Acid, cut down on drink, dont smoke, eat really well and have about 6 hours exercise a week walking the dog! On top I have preseed, progesterone cream and OPK's! I doubt she can say my lifestyle is causing my problems. Chris has cut smoking by half, drinking by 2 3rds and is also taking vitamins. He walks the dog obviously and eats what I give him haha. But not as many veg as I would like. I am all clear for blood clotting diseases, we both have normal chromosomes and my thyroid is managed right now as I am having regular blood tests.

Sorry for the long post!
CJ sounds like your incredibly organised! I just go along to these appt and kick myself afterwards for forgetting questions I'd planned! Cant wait to hear how you get on anyway! I would still love to have the NKC tests but simply cant afford it atm! I have underactive thyroid too and been treated for about 13 years but its well controlled with medication so wasnt thought to be a factor in my case.

I am definatly going to try the cream again because my DH commented today that he didnt need to sleep with crucifix under his pillow at all this month! :hugs:
When was your last blood test?? You may feel ok but your thyoid could be borderline...and that would have an impact!

I dont know if organised is the right word for me LOL. Just desperate :haha: I've had 3 years to think about it!!! I dont even know if they will test me for NK Cells..... will have to see. And I will defo tell you what happens!!!
When was your last blood test?? You may feel ok but your thyoid could be borderline...and that would have an impact!

I dont know if organised is the right word for me LOL. Just desperate :haha: I've had 3 years to think about it!!! I dont even know if they will test me for NK Cells..... will have to see. And I will defo tell you what happens!!!

Had my thyroid tested as part of the RMC tests after the 3rd one and they came back fine and I had them tested whilst I was pregnant last time but I still had a mc so really not thinking its that! I think with me its immune issues because they happen earlier and earlier each time- just frustrating that no treatment options available in southwest!
That is so blimmin frustrating!!! So whats going to happen with you now then hunni??? You sound like me....they just dont BLOODY HELP!! :hug:
Hi ladies, I've only just come across this thread although i know it was started a couple of months ago.

I'm just in the process of my 3rd MC so am in the same situation as u all.

I'm finally getting an appt to see a FS, but we have to abstain from TTC for 3 months which sucks!! :dohh:

But until that appt in Jan, it would seem i'll be tested for nothing.

Did you have to ask your GP's to test u for progesterone levels etc? or did they offer?
Not sure if FS will check that anyway or if i could go to docs for these other tests to be done whilst i wait for my proper appt?

I'm so sorry you are going through this hun!!!! :hugs: Who told you that you have to abstain?? Thats rubbish. They all seem to advise 3 month break but straight after a mc is your most fertile time. If you are up to it then maybe wait one cycle??

They wont do bloods because they believe it can take 3 months for bloods to go back to normal. Cant you demand they check progesterone now? Although its probably too late. Wat you can do is just ask your GP to do CD21 day bloods to test progetserone but all that will do is show if you ovulated. The FS doesnt have to do that. And unfortunately it wont be the first thing the FS look at either. They will look at clotting diseases, thyroid problems and chromosomes....least thats what I got. I have been re-referred and my appointment is next week. I can let you know what they say. I hope you feel better hun.

thank you :hugs:

it was the nurse we saw after the scan who offered us the FS appt but said he'll only see us if we have been un-preggo for 3 months...:nope:

i was wondering if i could be sneaky and at least try this month and just not tell him if i mc again so he could still test me in jan :winkwink:

if i DID get preg, and then lost it, and they knew, i would have to wait another 3 months from then for tests:dohh:

i'm soooo impatient being told to wait is like torture:growlmad:
but i guess if i get some answers at the end of it, it will be worth it.

I was wondering, my periods are very short, they are regular almost down to the hour, but i have one day of heavy to medium, followed by maybe 2-3 spotting (sorry for tmi).... i was wondering if this means that there's not much there for the baby to implant into or get noursihment from?:wacko:
Anybody heard of this causing a problem before?:shrug:

My 2 worst worries from the tests are either that theres something wrong with our chromosomes, and its unfixable, or that theres nothing wrong at all, which means i have no help getting pg, and maybe have to mc time and time again..... i mean, i guess i would have some comfort from knowing there is a problem, and i can take something to fix it- iykwim?:wacko:

I'm so sorry for all your losses ladies, :cry: , its so unfair
I'd probably be in a nut house if it wasn't for all the ppl on here and all your help :hugs:
Deffo would like to hear how u all get on with tests etc, as my docs seem a but clueless at the best of times, it'd be good for me to know what others are getting done so i can pass on some subtle hints when i go see them! :haha:

thank u again xx
Wow - have i been gone long or have you just been busy!!??

Salb - I had the same wait this year and it almost killed me - but you HAVE to do it or you'll just end up back where you started. It helped me to think that in 3 months time they might have some solution to prevent you losing another LO and that had to be worth the wait!

CJS - your list made me laugh in a sympathetic way because I think mine is even longer... we will do ANYTHING to get what we want in the end!

Moonmama - sounds like the cream is working for you then? Fingers x'd for this cycle.

I've had a couple of worrying days with symptoms dropping completely yesterday but picking up a bit today so not giving up yet. Scan on thursday at 9 weeks - pray for me!
Salb that is a personal choice for you, I mean you could try again.... and if you got pregnant you could say it was unplanned... from a blood test point of view it can effect things but I dont even know why because if there is no hcg then there should be no problem. If it was me and I mc again I would very likely lie, because after 6 mc's I just want the help whatever!! They wont just leave you to keep miscarrying hun. They will keep investigating and try not to worry about the chromosome checks. I worried and was absolutely fine!

Have you been gone long Chilli?? Doesnt seem like it... we are just chatty LOL. Its not uncommon for the symptoms to ease babe, its the horrid nasty pains you dont want appearing! What else can I ask my FS??? xx
Hi ladies,
Just caught up on this thread and wanted to join the conversation. Had a m/c just before 6 weeks in Feb, it was a surprise pregnancy, not planned and sucha roller coaster wen we lost it. My cycle went back to normal right away. We decided to actually start trying for a baby this August and were very blessed to fall pregnant right away, but then had avery early m/c. My doctor said to just treat it like a heavy period and keep trying, which we did. And couldn't believe it when we fell pregnant in September (without a period in between) but sadly lost it is an early m/c at 5 1/2 weeks.
So now I have 3 m/c they consider it a problem worth investigating. I had so much blood taken and am seeing the doctor to get results on Wednesday.

When I had my blood drawn with my last pregnancy my hgc was at 41 but my progesterone was only 4. I woke up two days later and didn't 'feel' pregnant and then two days after that i began to miscarry. I know my progesterone was very, very low. I had already been using natural progesterone cream, a midwife friend had suggested, but she said it was almost to give me a peace of mind rather than making a difference to my levels because such a small amount is absorbed. I was also taking baby aspirin because the doc said it couldn't hurt - I don't have a blood clotting disorder.

My doc said 60% of all m/c are non-diagnosable and so I am not expecting the tests to show anything specific but ii guess then i get to go and have a scan to make sure all my parts are in the right place? And my husband and I can take a genetic test to make sure that's not a reason our beans are not sticking.

We have taken a little time off from ttc. One reason being we wanted to be able to have the tests done, and getting pregnant would have effected the results. And this way if they do find something wrong we can try to do something about it. Ans secondly, my body was shot after 2 m/c in 2 months, and I had been feeling yucky too. Its done me/us a world of good to relax with glasses of wine, relax in the hot tub, and just remember that our marriage has to be our priority in the midst of all this waiting and longing.

Progesterone will not hold a pregnancy that would not have stayed for other reasons, but it might make it stick around for longer than it would have done naturally. Also, my midwife said that if they prescribe me progesterone suppositories - which is probably the next step, even if my levels don't show that they are low - they will make me more tired, have nausea and generally feel crummy. I am of course willing to use them to get our bean to stick, but I think I am going to wait until after Christmas to enjoy the holidays!

Fingers crossed for all of us as we journey this strange path. Thanks for reading. And for your support.
I've just recently found these forums and this thread and I'm so sorry to hear of all the losses. I also had my progesterone levels tested on September 13, 2010 after 3 positive hpts on the 10th. My levels came back like Croy's...4...and I was put on Prometrium on the 15th. I can't be sure that my low levels were the only reason but bleeding began on the 14th and ended on the 20th. Ultrasounds confirmed that I had been pregnant but was no longer. I was estimated at 7.5 weeks (can't pinpoint exact dates since AF is all over the place).

My doc told me I could stop using the prometrium on the 28th but something told me to begin using it again Oct. 15th. I decided to trust my instincts so I started again until the 22nd when I got AF. I get my HcG levels tested each week to ensure they're declining since the m/c- should I also ask to have my progesterone levels checked? Should I wait until ovulation or after to begin the pills again? My understanding is that I then take them until I either have a BFP or begin AF? Anyone know how the HcG that's still in my system will effect this stuff? Go easy on my stupidity....2 months ago I wasn't even thinking about starting a family and today's one of those crappy days when this seems so overwhelming. :shrug:

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