I think I ovulated :D anybody wanna wait with me?

I think it probably was another chemical. I have had 2 previously and last time I had one I had a weird 2 day AF just like this last one. I haven't convinced DH to try again this month so not sure what we are going to do. I am hoping he gives in!
It certainly sounds like a chemical. :(
I hope you can convince your hubby to try again. My DH us all up for having a baby but whenever it's time to BD on my fertile days he gets all reluctant, apparently it puts too much pressure on him to perform and he'd rather be spontaneous. Unfortunately our sex life isn't busy enough to leave it to spontaneity alone! :)
I managed to convince the DH to DTD with no protection today! Yay! But I wasn't able to lie down for more than 10 minutes after we got done as I had to get up and get my son from school. It didn't seem like a lot leaked out so I am hopeful also it is 2 or 3 days before O day so hopefully if we can't get a chance to DTD again it will get the job done. We will see. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Yay! Hopefully that has done the trick! Glad you managed to convince your hubby! Are you temping or anything to see when you O or do you just know?

My breasts have gone slightly sore and the cm has changed from creamy to more runny, would not call it quite watery yet, but hoping it's the soya doing the trick for me and bringing the ovulation forward. Yesterday I even had a bit of ewcm, hopefully it will get more abundant soon. OPK was negative yesterday but will test again tonight. Really hope I will O within the next week now.
Sounds like you have a good shot at being pregnant this month country! Hope it's better news for you this cycle. Dimmu it sounds like you aren't far from your fertile period! I've had some more ewcm today but I'm starting to doubt if I could handle a 3rd child :( dd2 has been poorly over the last few days and has had me up several times in the night over the past week. Sometimes waking dd1 up too so I've got them both running round at 3/4 am which is making getting up and ready for school very difficult and I'm exausted through the day but cannot sleep at night! I'm trying to imagine looking after a newborn as well and I don't think I would cope! Dp isn't helping as he works from 6am till 6pm so he needs his sleep and won't wake for anything! Maybe it's the tiredness making me doubt things but I'm thinking if I don't get pg this month then I may hold off for a while till my youngest is a bit older and can go to the toilet by herself through the night. Dd1 wet the bed last night as well and dd2 had runs and covered her pj's in it :( bless her!
Dimmu, I mainly just go off of CM and CP. I used OPKs when I got pregnant with my last so I know when I normally O. I have never temped as we have never had to try super hard to get pregnant. This morning I have loads of EWCM and my CP is SHOW so I am thinking maybe I am going to ovulate early this cycle which is good news for having DTD yesterday.

Dinky, sorry to hear your little one is doing poorly. It's always hard when they have a rough time sleeping. I haven't been sleeping well myself and have been thinking about the sleepless nights while pregnant and then the newborn but in the end it is all worth it :)
You are right country! I've had a little nap this afternoon with dd2. Woke up with a banging headache but it's gone off now! I feel a bit better now I've had some sleep. I don't do well without sleep lol. Sounds like you have timed bd perfectly! How long do you normally get ewcm for before you o? I normally get it for 6-7 days and I've had it for 4 now
I normally get EWCM for about 4 days before I O and go HSO for 2 days before O. I hadn't been checking cm or cp until today so not sure how many days I have had EWCM except I noticed some on TP for a few days. My CP is HSO so I am assuming I will O either tomorrow or Saturday.
Country try and squeeze some more bd time out of oh :) sounds like your close! I don't really check my cp as I only check it when I'm in the bath and I'm scared I will wash all the ewcm out lol but I find it easier to check in the bath. So I try and avoid it near o time but i probably will have a cheeky check later in the bath! I haven't noticed as much ewcm today so I'm hoping my body hasn't decided that now is not the time!
I am hoping to get some BD time in today and tomorrow. Just to be extra safe but DH is stubborn! Lol I am sure I can convince him, he never turns down a chance to BD. I normally check my CP in the shower, I have an abundance of EWCM so I am not concerned with washing it away. My Cervix normally closes up on ovulation day so we will see what happens tomorrow!
Got another BD session in! Yay! Also managed to lay on my back for 30 minutes after just for good measure. Ovulating either tomorrow or Saturday so I think I have a good chance!!
Yay, that's excellent!:)

My OPK had a hint of colour yesterday, unlike the day before, and had more ewcm as well so think I'm also approaching o! Bounced my OPK-phobic husband last night in the middle of the night so got one BD session done. Gonna leave it tonight and hopefully will do the same again on Saturday night.
Great news for you both! Country hopefully that's done the trick and dimmu it sounds as though your fertile time is coming up! Make sure to test twice a day as the hormones rise quick and you could miss it! More ewcm for me today, didn't bd last night because I'm just too tired with my 2 girls getting up through the night :( thought I would have a good sleep last night but I couldn't fall asleep all night then the girls were up at 4am!! I sent them back to bed and tried to go to sleep but knew dps alarm was going off at 5 so I couldn't. It wasn't until dp got out of bed that I could fall asleep then my stupid alarm went off at 7 for school :( :( :( I'm so tired!! My mind is constantly on the go in the night I hate it! Sorry for venting it just makes me feel better typing it all out lol
Dimmu, sounds like you are getting close! Hopefully you can get another BD session in.

Dinky, I feel your pain, I don't sleep very well at night so I am constantly tired. I went to bed at 830 last night and was back awake at 10, then was woken up at 530 by DH alarm and up at 7 with my alarm. Really is a pain when you can't shut your mind off at night. I have the same problem. Hopefully you can get in a BD session, even a quick one could do the trick!
Feeling very lightheaded and nauseous today.. Also having some pretty good cramps. Thinking I am ovulating today. Just feel very blah..
I've just checked my cervix and it's high firm and slightly open! Don't think I'll be ovulating soon dispite all the ewcm going by my cp although I never really check it so I don't know if it would go sho!
It takes a while to really get to know your cervix. I have been checking mine daily for over a year and even mine surprised me now and again, like today mine is so high I can't even reach it so I am not sure if it is open or closed. I don't remember mine ever being this high before.
I hadn't checked mine for about 3 years till I got pg 3 months ago so I didn't check for o that time coz we went trying. Maybe it will change without me noticing? I don't think I will o for a couple of days anyway and I think coz my body is all achy and I'm mega dizzy from the insomnia maybe it will delay it? I suffer from chronic insomnia every now and then I think it's the mc plus my girls starting to get up through the night that's triggered it this time
Oh dinky sorry to hear you haven't been able to sleep, it can be so hard with kids. DD is five and still frequently wakes up at night and somehow I always end up attending to her even though I'm the one with a very early start. Hubby just sleeps through anything!

Countrymomma I hope you're ovulating now, you've certainly managed to get in plenty of BD on the right dates if you are!

I'm not very good with cervix checking either, can't really tell the difference between soft and firm if I'm honest! I've noticed when it opens a bit but never know for sure!

Plenty of watery cm today mixed with some ewcm so the signs are good. It could still be a few days before I o though unless the soya has made a difference. I hope it would happen soon as managed to BD last night and with DH you never know if it happens again! Haven't checked with OPK today yet as had to take DD to a school disco and only just got back. Will test in an hour or so although it's a bit later than recommended.
My dp sleeps through anything too! Our smoke alarm right outside our bedroom door goes off randomly in the middle of the night sometimes and there's only me that wakes up! Both kids and fella sleep straight through it! He falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow then he tosses and turns in a deep sleep all night that annoys the hell out of me lol. He kicks me all night, pulls the covers off me, shouts in his sleep, scrapes his toenails down my leg and sweats like a pig grrrr I make him sleep on the sofa sometimes coz it's like trying to sleep on a bouncy castle lol

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