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I wanna buddy! CD 24 (nov 15)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2008
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Anyone due for AF this week but hoping she won't show?? I wanna cycle buddy! I should be due on Wednesday, probably testing Monday!:happydance:
I am due my period thursday! gonna see if im late before i test would love a cycle buddy if u facy it i just joined this site last night :) Godd luck for this month xx
Hi, I am due af on thursday too and am also gonna try to wait until then to test (we'll see though ;o). I find this last week the hardest, symptom spotting (or imagining usually in my case!)

How are you both doing?
Hiya shiv, ooo same day expected AF then, yes i agree these are the hardesnt few days all i want to do is get a first responce test and see but then its always a BFN then i convince myself it might just be to early lol Every month i do the symptom spotting feel sick, dizzy, weeing more tierdness sore boobs the full works this month though im feeling nothing i feel no differnt at all and im very doubtful for this month infact i will be truly amazed if i am!

How about you how u feeling? getting any symptoms yet? do you usually crack and test early? How long you been TTC?

Hi Claire, Well this is my fourth cycle ttc, so not long in the grand scheme of things - but still too long if you know what i mean!
Not mnay symptoms for me either this time, sore boobs (but then I had them last month and no bfp) and that is about it, so I too am very unhopeful for this month! I am usually ok at waiting until af due to test, unless I have a big night out planned where I might drink and then I always test just to make sure.

Pretty sure it's not my month - anyway, what about you, how long you been ttc? How you feeling about it all?
this is my 5th month, Its my 2nd im TTC i have a daughter who is coming up 3 early next year i fell on 2nd cycle with her so foolishly thought it would be easy peasy this time round but it doesnt seem to be, i know 5 months isnt really that long but again like you to long! I also had to have my right ovary removed last year in a emergancy operatio as it had a large cyst that had tangled and started to bleed. My gyne said my left ovary would pick up the slack of loosing the right but im just not to sure, I also have been getting agonising ovulation pain since my op had it all checked out and they said all is fine its just ovulation pain but it doesnt make it easier and just adds to thigns really.

You know the other month i was convinced i was i felt sick my low tummy felt hard and just differnt i was absolutly convinced and i wasnt how mad is that. But yea just not feeling it this month. Im gonna deffo not test until im late. lol
Hey ladies! I am on cycle 5 of trying.. I tested this morning and BFN! I'm not totally out of the game though because AF isn't due for a few days so we will see.. Let me know when you guys test. :hugs:
hi elly, i am due AF on thursday i tested yesterday BFN like you not completly out for this month till thursday. How you feeling any symptom spotting? sorry for the BFN

Hi Elly and Claire............I SO want to test!! Just to put myself out of my misery! I am trying very hard to not get my hopes up as I am sure that this isn't my month. I just daren't let myself have a positive attitude cos it will just hurt all the more when I get a bfn. I am still planning on testing either wednesday or thursday.

Either of you got any symptoms?

Hang on in there..............not out until af comes!
Hiya shiv, awww ur doing so well for not testing ealrly i did another today a BFN its deffo not my month this month. Hope you get yours keep me posted xx

only got symptoms of AF not preg....i know its coming.

I haven't had any symptoms, except that no cramps yet! Which I usually get a couple days before AF, and she is due tomorrow! So there is hope! But my cycle has been all over the place, I might wait a few days after she's due to even test again... Plus I'm all out of HPTs!!! For the first time in months hehe

Shiv, let us know how the testing goes! :dust:

Claire, you aren't out until Thursday!

Wouldn't it be a lovely xmas present? *fingers crossed*
how is it going girls? still no sign of AF for me but i just know its coming its getting to the point im scared to go for a wee :( any results for you girls yet?
I'm also due Thursday. Finger still crossed for you claire lol
AF was due today for me and no show as of yet!!! :happydance:

No cramps still... I'm trying to think positive. I'm going to give her till Saturday morning to test.:af::wohoo:
elly its looking good!!! fingers crossed for you. xx

shiv how you doing?

riahsweet - how are you doing hun any sign of AF yet

Mine hasnt showed today its due today i have stomach cramps and low backache though, very doubtful :(
:hugs: claire..

I'm still in and one day past AF. I haven't even bought any ummm girlie products for this month so lets hope she never shows haha or I'll be sending OH to the store :p
Well I'm out too, so we are all counting on you Elly!!! no pressure!

I have decided that this ttc business is all a bit sick and twisted and this is why.........you wait all month, building up your hopes, then just as you are getting to your must emotional part of the month, where the smallest thing makes you either cry or scream, it is then you find out you are Not pregnant, which makes you sad, and then as if you couldn't feel any worse you then get terrible period pains just to remind you (in case you had forgotten), that you aren't pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaarrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh. Rant over!

On the upside, my cycles are regular to the hour!!!

Claire, how you feeling about it all?
Elly, when are you going to test?
shiv, you know what hun you have got it down to a T there omg its so true your all hyped up beginning of the month patiently waiting for your little egg to pop out have as much :sex: as possible then spend the next few days symptom spotting days dragging till you can test then you start to get your period symptoms (for me sore boobs bad temper crying cos saisburys havent got any pink toilet roll and white doesnt match my bathroom :rofl:) you convince yourself you could still be pregnant and not to give up till the :witch: comes then you start spoting little bits of pink blood on toilet paper (which is the start of my period but i convince myself it could just be impantaion YEA RIGHT) then :witch: comes full flow spend the next few days in agony and moody and start it all again! :hissy:

Why do i bother :cry:

sorry not taking it very well this month as you can probs see, how are you feeling about it?

Come on elly one out of us has to have a :bfp: xxx

Shiv, want to be cycle buddy's again this month? xx
Awwww ladies, I totally know what you mean! Nature is sick... :hugs:

I might go pick up a HPT today, and test in the morning if she still doesn't show! If I can hold off that long. I know FMU is the best, but if I'm already 3 days past due it shouldn't matter should it?

I really don't know If I am or not. I don't feel any different lol but not even the slightest twinge of cramps yet! It's confusing.
Bit of TMI but do you know what CM is supposed to be looking like around this time for me if I was indeed pregnant? Non-exsistant or what?

I hope we all get BFP soon!

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