I want a sticky bean

hey tasha glad to hear from you how are you doing when is af due? can i ask where you are getting your baby asprin from i want to get some but not sure where to buy it.

oh cat so sorry it was a bfn fingers crossed its to early for the test to pick up the hormones what test did you use? are you sure you ovulated when you thought you did. perhaps you ovulated a couple of days later then when you thought. :hug: hope a bfp or af shows soon for you so you know where you are at.

well ff has finally put my lines in yay! though its saying i'm only 4dpo when i thought i was around 5/6dpo :( so means even longer to wait for bfp/af if ff has got it right. so want to test even though its early. restraining myself though as only have one cheapy test left and dont want to have to use my more expensive tests til i get a bfp lol. hoping the next week flies by df off for 4 days from tomorow and then i go camping after that for 4 days just hope af doesnt show her face while we are camping would hate that.

will crack on with starting our list on the first post now :D x
Oh Cat :hugs::hugs::hugs: I am sorry hard, those BFN's are so hard, hope it is too early :hugs:

Babytots my af was due Wednesday just gone. My DH can even feel my tummy is firmer, will get a clearblue or something tomorrow. I can get the baby aspirin on prescription but dont bother as then it is soluble and that is nasty, besides it is so cheap. I get it from the painkiller aisle in Asda, it is a white box with a heart on it (heart shape rather than real heart lol), it is less than £1.50 for a month's worth. Oh and in case your wondering why I am on high dose folic acid is I have really bad anaemia (had to have six pints on blood in feb as my hb dropped to 2.2) so am on normal folic acid for myself for the rest of my life so when ttc need the higher dose.

How is everyone doing? Sending more :hugs::hugs: to Cat x
thanks tasha shall pick some up. can you start taking it anytime or when you get your bfp? shall google it anyways lol.

wow so af late then fingers crossed its just taking a while for a bfp to show up! really hope this is it for you. how fab would it be if we all went to first tri together!

sorry to hear about you anemia i'm on them because i begged my doctor for them after losing jessica and thinking she had a spinal problem i wanted to make sure i was on the higher dose for when i next fall pg. doctor was very reluctant to give me them but my consultant when i saw her agreed that i need to be on them so when i next go i can put the doctor in his place lol.

hope everyone is well. x
Am hoping so too, my hubby is going out extra early to get a test so it will be FMU, that and bacon, so I can have bacon sandwiches for breakfast, treating me so well as it is our 5th wedding anniversary today.

The aspirin it depends really, in my pregnancy with Kaysie I was unaware of my clotting disorder until eight weeks so started on it then, and clexane at twelve weeks, then I was advised from my bfp in any subsequent pregnancy, but now cos of the reoccurring early miscarriages it is whilst I am ttc. Complicated eh?

I am glad the consultant listened to you, I found the clexane a really positive thing for me as i felt as if I was doing something positive, iykwim?

It is quiet on here atm, I am thinking of you all, especially Cat :hugs::hugs:
Thank you both- it is so nice to have some support, I'm still feeling pretty down. I think this is why I don't test early! Since the mc, I have had 28 day cycles, both times. Before, they were longer, and I got pregnant last time on a 36 day cycle. So at the moment, I'm not sure what to think. I was pretty sure on my dates for ovulation, but then af would have shown up by now, right?
Anyway, my info would be- Cat, CD33, ttc #1.
It is so frustrating being so late and in limbo. When I tested I was so sure it would be a bfp. And each day that af doesn't show, I allow myself to get more and more hopeful. Please keep fingers crossed that this is still my month for a bfp- I'm not out until af shows! (And neither are you Tasha, lets keep hoping!)

tash did you test hope you got a bfp!

cat its horrid being in limbo isnt it i really do hope you get your bfp soon and if not the cow that is your af shows up! shall put you on the list :D

not much to report from me the 2ww is so boring lol. once i get into the 1ww am sure i will start symptom spotting though. 3 days til i can test somehow my poas craving wont last that long rofl!!!

hope everyone else is well. x
Well, af arrived today. Honestly, I feel like I should just give up. Over a year, and not only do I not have a baby, but I'm not even pregnant. This sucks so badly!
Anyway, as I've been so bloody miserable lately, I've decided to book a holiday- my sister and I are hitting New York in 8 weeks!
Keeping my fingers crossed for your bfps!

Hey girls...gosh ive not posted here for a while. Nothing new to report from my side. Ive got a stinking cold,so feel pretty crappy,but hey at least im 10 days away from ovulation apparently!:dohh: Altho im not so sure as my cycles after having bodhi went from 36 days to the last one being 31 so not too sure how long this one will be. I find it so frustrating not know whats up with my body from the one day to the next!:growlmad: Anyway on a happier note im off to spain on the 20th which is supose to be my most fertile day. I dont feel i can post much in the ttc sections as i dont temp and do ff and all the other stuff,so i dont really have much to say there. All i have to add is "Hi im natasja and i pee on sticks":haha::haha: Im trying to be more relaxed as even my grief councelar said i will get pregant when im not trying,which is not what i wanted to hear,as there are alot of woman doing their utmost,using pre seed,temping and the rest and they get pregnant. They arent taking the relaxed approach. So i was a bit mean and snapped at her telling her i dont want to hear it.:blush: Oh dear,i did feel bad but good too,iykwim??? I must sound like a right nut job!:dohh: Anyway girls hope you are all well. Wouldnt it be fab if we all got our bfps around the same time??? Would be so lush,as i know most of you!:hugs:
babytots lmao at your poas addiction, I have everything crossed for you.

Cat :hugs::hugs::hugs: am sorry babe, it seems so unfair. New York will be fab, enjoy it, and you might be able to pick up some Christmas presents too (if you celebrate).

Natasja sorry your feeling rough hun :hugs: Where in Spain are you going? It is good that your fertile days are then. It would be fab hun x

I got a BFN, am okay with it (wasnt yesterday lol), but would like the witch to turn up now as I am on CD 37. I think my anaemia is beginning to get bad again, so need a trip to the doctors.
hi ladies hope everyone is well.

cat-so sorry the wtich got you hun :hug: i'm sure your bfp is just around the corner i know how deflating it feels to want to be pg so much and its not happening but it will hun and hopefully sooner rather then later eh?! have a lovely time in new york when you go i would love to visit there once the girls are older.

nat- hey hun glad to hear from you sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit rough hope you start to feel better soon. grr at your counsellor saying that it will happen when you stop trying why do people think its ok to say that?! glad you told her you didnt want to hear it! hope you have a lovely time in spain and you catch that lil eggy!

tasha- sorry you got a bfn hun. hope your bfp/af shows up soon. sorry to hear your anemia is getting worse hopefully doc will be able to help you with that.

hope everybody else is well.

well i caved yesterday and tested bfn of course but was expecting it. woke up this morning and was tempted to test again but held off.just got to try and keep myself busy so i dont give in and test. doing well on the smoking front only having one or two a day. though i really want to cut it out completely especially now i am on the 2ww i dont think my nerves will be able to handle it. if i do get my :bfp: though i will stop completely. right best get off got a hundred and one things to do today! x
Is it alright if I join you ladies? TTC cycle one for me. I have been charting for the past few months, taking baby aspirin and high dose folic acid per my doctor's advise.
hi learr of course you can join hunni! hope you are well. glad to see you back ttc again i hope it doesnt take you long to get your sticky :bfp: fingers crossed we will be posting in first tri soon.

well ladies i caved and tested :blush: pics are in the pregnancy test gallery. theres a teeny weeny faint line on the tesco one pic doesnt show it though but think its more likely an evap. god knows how i am going to wait til friday now! that is unless i buy some early detection tests tomorow while i am out buying some new p.js for my camping trip :D x
Iv got some you can have hun could post them tomorrow and you will get them friday morning, I obviously dont need them anymore.
Hi all,
Been lurking a little bit, feeling sorry for myself. Decided to focus on my holiday, and forget about ttc for a while (easier said than done). I think sods law will mean that I will get pregnant just in time to spend my holiday worrying about the baby!
How is everyone else?

hi ladies not been in in a while went camping for 4 days then my charger for my laptop stopped working :hissy: on our old p.c at the mo but its so slow and thwe chair gives me shoulder ache if i sit too long so this is just a quick one.

tash how are you doing hunni you know where i am if you need me.

cat its always sods law i hope you get your bfp soon .

nat- how you doing hunni?

learr hope your well and hope all the other ladies are too.

well cycle 2 for me af found me on the last night while camping sods law that i didnt have any pads with me and the campsite shop was closed. feeling a bit low at the moment was hoping to be pg by time jessicas due date came but i wont be now i'll be lucky to even ov before then if past 2 cycles are to go by.

its my birthday on friday but don't even feel like celebrating what is there to celebrate? apart from the fact its another birthday where i should be pg and i arent :cry:

wanted to buy a cbfm this month but i cant afford it so thats made me even more miserable. wish i could win the lottery then getting pg would be so much easier x

we all have our down days, and I know what you mean about the due date- it will definitely be a tough one for you. Life is so unfair, and often there is nothing we can do about it. xxx
I am feeling more positive, although I think to be honest, I have kind of given up on getting pregnant this year. My MIL went to see a psychic, who said I would have a baby girl next year. Although I feel silly for it, it does give me some hope.
Lets keep our fingers crossed that this will be a better month- it would be great to see at least one of us get a bfp!

thanks hun glad to hear your feeling more positive i'm sure i will be by time ov comes around its just the knowing that its going to be at least another 3 weeks before i do if i had normal cycles i would ov in the next 10 days and probably get a bfp before jessicas due date but my stupid body doesnt like to be normal. grrr! :hissy:

ooo thats fab about the physic i beleive in things like that so fingers crossed shes right and you get a baby girl next year :D

hope august/sept is our month to get a :bfp: x
I know what you mean about stupid abnormal bodies- it looks like my cycles are getting longer and longer... this happened before I got pregnant last time as well. When I came off the pill it was a 28 day cycle, then it progressively grew. I don't know when I will ovulate, have decided not to think about it. It has been a really heartbreaking few months, and I need a break.
I really hope you get your bfp soon hun!

thread is a bit quiet lately hope everyone is ok. not been on in past 2 days as been spending time with the girls at my mums.

nothing much to report here af has left the building and am just on the long wait of ov coming.

cat hope a break does you good. its so hard isnt it even more so with long cycles as you cant help but stress. sad thing about having a loss you can never relax again. ttc my 2 daughters i didnt have a care in the world and if af came i didnt let it get me down. now i cant help but cry when af comes,get annoyed when i dont ov when i thought and then get scared incase i get my bfp. the thought of getting pg again terrifies me incase i lose another baby.

gone is the innocence of ttc for me :( x
I've been around, like you just in the boring process of waiting for my stupid body to ovulate! I'm saying that I want to go on holiday before I get my bfp, of course I am wishing to get pregnant as quickly as possible, but really hoping that if I don't, it won't destroy me like it usually does.
I hope everyone else is doing okay-:hugs::hugs:for anyone who needs one.

lots of love and positive thoughts girls- lets see a bfp this month!


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