I want a sticky bean

girls? where is everyone?
Hoping everyone is ok

hi hun i havent been around much had alot on at the moment and havent had chance to pop on and see how you all are.

i'm still sat waiting for ov though am hoping its not far off be a bloody miracle if i ov early this cycle got at least another 1-2 weeks to wait but sometimes i have the odd shorter cycle. fingers crossed.

how are you doing cat? le-arr nycbride,nat and everyone else how are you all hope everyones well and havent desserted me and cat :( x
I've kind of given up a little- not tracking my body, no idea if/when I'll ov...actually, its quite nice to have a break..:) Still looking forward to New York (5 weeks! WooHoo!) and generally feeling quite positive about life.
Hope everyone else is okay!

I am doing well. I haven't deserted, just been observing more than posting lately. I haven't really had much to say. It's coming up on my EDD, and my SIL is about to pop with her first baby any day now. I have been in less than a cheery mood of late.
I will not be a Debbie Downer on this thread though. I hope you are all happy and well.
ooo cat i hope that having a month off from doing all the techincal stuff and :sex: for the heck of it pays off and you get your :bfp:

hi leaarr hunni big :hugs: i know how you feel jessicas due date is in 12 days and am dreading it also dreading the fact my best friend is due 4 days before that with a little girl. you know am here for you if you need me even if its just someone to rant at or cry to i know all the emotions you are going through right now and can sympathise.

well i am still waiting for ov hoping it happens soon last cycle i didnt ov til cd26-27 and if that happens this month i will be oving on or around jessicas due date not sure if i can hack that being an emotional wreck and trying to get into the mood for :sex: i dont think so. plus i doubt df would find me attractive big red puffy bloodshot eyes. red marks on my cheeks from where tears have irritated it and a snotty nose not the biggest of turn ons.

i swear if this month isnt my month i am investing in a cbfm wanted to get one this month but was umming and arring and am stressing at the opks already as they arent getting darker am willing them to lmao!!! sod the wedding fund i can save that money again and treat myself not often i get to that these days.

anyways enough babbling for one night. i shall try and get on tomorow at some point and edit the front page if you want to give me your cycle information. x
LeaArr, I know how hard it is, big hugs, xxxxx. There is a girl at work about to pop, everyone is cooing over her baby bump, and it is so hard, cause I should have one too! My SIL is also about to pop, but because I don't have to deal with that on a daily basis, it isn't so bad.
And yep, secretly hoping that this month will give me my bfp!!
Love to all,

hi ladies i need to have a rant/cry.

my best friend gave birth to her daughter today she was due 4 days before me but had a baby a week early. am feeling so down right now. so happy for her but i should be joining in the celebrations too with my little girl. our daughters should be growing up together yet mine is in heaven :((

i am majorly peed off with my body too. still waiting for ov had some spotting today and dont know what to think am hoping its a sign of ov but i am yet to get a positive opk. :hissy: am getting so fed up i just want to have a normal cycle with a normal ov date and i dont.

plus df is at risk of losing his job as he completely messed up at work and if he does it means cancelling our wedding the one positive i had going for me and the one thing taking my mind of losing jessica and ttc and now that is set to go down the pan too.

bad luck follows me around like a bad smell why would i think things would start to go right for me i am such a fool!!!

sorry ladies feel a bit better for that.

hope everyone else is having a better time then me.x

Please don't let things get you down. I knw how horrible it is. It is Father's day here. We had fathers day with DH's family- we are the only ones without children, and the whole thing felt like daggers through the heart.

I know how hard it is for you to watch your best friend with her baby (my SIL is due to have hers any day now). Unfortunately, all we can do to help ourselves is to try to think positive, no matter how hard it is.

I'll be praying for your DF. I hope everything turns out okay.

Lots of love,

thanks hun feeling a bit happier now still finding it hard r.e my best friend and her baby but its getting easier.

have finally got a +opk yesterday so am on the 2ww now yipee!!! going to be testing on jessicas due date and i know most likely will get a bfn but would love it is it turned out to be a bfp to make us smile in whats going to be such a hard day!

find out tomorow about dfs job though we have decided to postpone the wedding til the year after as even if he does keep his job we know one more mistake and he will definately lose his job and i dont want to chance booking it all for it all to fall through. am a bit gutted but i know its for the best and means i can get jessicas ashes buried and a gravestone bought for her sooner. x
Well, in a normal world, where my body would work the way it is supposed to, af would be due tomorrow. No point testing though, if last month is anything to go by, its still over a week away. We've been a lot more relaxed this month, much less frequent BD, so I don't think I have much hope. No real symptoms to report...
What about you? Now you're on the 2ww, can we begin symptom spotting?

symptom spotting alert-

I am feeling pretty positive at the moment, I couldn't get to sleep because of how sore my BBs were...maybe, maybe, maybe...well, I've got everything crossed. I'd love to get a bfp this month.

good luck hunni :D yes i am now 6dpo and had af type cramps past couple of days. but i had that last month before af came so not thinking anything of it atm. apart from that no other symptoms just yet.

hoping the weekend hurries up so i can test (though i dont really want sunday to come with it being jessicas due date).

keep me updated wont you hun.

hope everyone else is well its awfully quiet on this thread now :( x

p.s cat can you let me know your cd/dpo so can update the first thread. x
got a faint :bfp: this morning on two different HPTs. I have been spotting for a few days though, so I am not letting myself get excited yet. I am just wondering though, should I make an appt with my doc, or should I wait for a few days to call her?
omg learr hun thats fab news. i would definately book in with the doc asap as he should then do hcg bloods considering your history. i hope the spotting is nothing and just implantation or something.

oh hun so excited for you! keep us updated wont you. would be so lovely if i could be due in may with you :D x
So excited for you- fab news!! Got my fingers crossed about the spotting, lets hope you get some more good news soon.
As for me, CD 31. DPO- ??? (not using OPKs anymore, and don't really know what the hell my body is doing!
Big hugs for sunday- I'm sure that will be a hard day. I hope you get your bfp to cheer you up a little, but please don't be too hard on yourself if it doesn't happen.

thanks hun i'll try not to as i know its still early. no symptoms to report though just a minute ago i go a sharp pain in the right hand side near my uterus which made me jump. probably wont amount to anything though.

when do you reckon you ov'd? what length was your last cycle? i hope you get your bfp soon too hun. x
Updated news for me- CD 2

Really, really sucks, starting to think that it will just never happen for me.

oh hun been a bit awol lately lot on my plate so sorry she got you. af due for me tomorow think am having a chemical pregnancy have had positives tests since saturday but they have gotten fainter each day :(( theres a thread on the pregnancy gallery with photos of my tests.

i like you feel like it wont ever happen. when i do get a bfp it ends in tears! life is so unfair sometimes.

good luck for this cycle sweetie i do hope this will be your lucky month. x
Went to the doc. Had a pelvic exam. She said other than the "brown stuff", which isn't much of a concern, everything is looking ok. She sent me for bloodwork which should be back today or tomorrow, and I have my first prenatal appointment on Monday. If my hCG is high enough, I will be going for an ultrasound either tomorrow or early next week. :happydance: The "brown stuff" is gone for now too.

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