If i get one more phone call or comment.....i will scream!!


Mummy :) xxx
Mar 26, 2008
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Ok im happy being overdue :) Ok im uncomfy but i really really want to let my body go on its own so im holding out as long as ill be allowed. Which my OH is fine about :) so basically takiing each day as it comes for the time being....

But if i get one more fucking phone call i will bloody scream....at first it was "no , no baba yet..." "yes, ive tried that.....sex, pineapple....." And being quite cheery about it....

But when you get phone calls like "are you SURE there aint just anything...."

OF COURSE IM FUCKING SURE!!! What a stupid fucking question asshole!!

Then people i havent spoke to for months ring me and say "god ema no baby yet, he's gotta come soon"

"well of course he gotta come soon dick head, but when I DONT FUCKING KNOW so BACK OFF!"

Sorry but i can handle the uncomfyness and the hormones and i can handle it with the people around me....I just dont want every bloody persons opinion!!

I know just dont answer my phone, and neither does OH i would rather live in my own lil world for the next week, and i know it sounds selfish but i dont WANT to speak to anyone that bring me down...

Now people have resorted to ringing my mum and asking her, she owns her own business and they even ring there if she doesnt answer her mobile to check....now i know people all just wanna see baba but COME ON....leave us alone so now im thinking of not even telling people when i give birth as if its like this with phone calls then whats its going to be like when jacob does come....i dont want this at all.....

Ive even had to tell me best friend to PISS off!! On her 3rd phone call today....because she had a feeling i was in labour (i only spoke to her 2 hours ago) then she said well maybe try this,....FUCK OFF!! So i told her....ask me one more bloody time or ring me just to say try this etc and i will go crazy!!

Ok rant over and sorry if it a ramble but why the hell cant people just let me be?!?! Why cant they just piss off and let me tell them when baba comes.?? AGH!! XxxX
Oh dear.. great attitude though ema. Your baba will come just in perfect timing and he will be perfect. Just turn your phone off and enjoy your last days or even maybe hours before he comes. I know on the day before i went in to labour i said to OH, lets go out somewhere nice tomorrow, will be our last weekend together... yeah rightLO had other plans

How about "don't call us, we'll call you"? lol

:rofl: you think people actually listen....i even have my sisters partners mother wanting to know if baba is here so she can come see>?!?!

i was the same as u getting fed up with phone calls and questions . turn ya phone off for a bit x x :hug:
I know it doesn't help does it???? Why not try send a group text to everyone and say you'll let them know as soon as anything happens but in the meantime STOP CALLING!!!!! Or set up a voice mail to the same effect!!! People are funny aren't they I wouldn't dream of ringing anyone but my closest friends/family to enquire at this stage - nosey buggers!!!! xx
oh Ema, big hugs for you lady. I would totally be the same, it must really piss you off after a while. Don't answer the phone if you think it'll bring you down. Can you put an answer phone message on telling people to politely eff off and that when theres news you'll tell them. People get obsessed with 'overdue' mums - even though theres really no such thing eh? Jacob will come when hes bloomin well ready.
Its nice to know everyones interested in LO coming though eh hun!!

You'd think they all know what its like so why bother asking, i bet they got annoyed when they were preggers at people asking the same thing lol.
Oh dear.. great attitude though ema. Your baba will come just in perfect timing and he will be perfect. Just turn your phone off and enjoy your last days or even maybe hours before he comes. I know on the day before i went in to labour i said to OH, lets go out somewhere nice tomorrow, will be our last weekend together... yeah rightLO had other plans


Thanks hunni me and OH are trying to enjoy our last days, but will people bloody let us....I mean some people really need to back the hell off....Ive put a message on my voicemail stating if your not family, i will not answer my phone and will be in touch.....thinking yeah get the message so they ring my bloody mother!!! I dont even live at home. Its just crazy. :rofl: sorry to rant just drives me mad when im trying to have a nice day at home and ive got my phone ringing. Emails etc, then i get a text off OH saying he has to turn his phone off and to ring work if i need him as to many people texting etc.....do people not have lives these days :rofl: XxxX
Maybe get your OH to reply to them all saying how really awful you feel and worn down you are and how he'll let them know when there is any news but in the meantime it's stressing you getting all these texts and calls. In the meantime you can have a nice bubbly bath, eat some chocs, watch some fun TV and chuckle to yourself and your sneakiness!
Leave a voicemail message and puff and pant down the phone at them:rofl:
Awww bless ya :hugs:

I was thinking about you earlier when I was doing my shopping :)
Oh dear.. great attitude though ema. Your baba will come just in perfect timing and he will be perfect. Just turn your phone off and enjoy your last days or even maybe hours before he comes. I know on the day before i went in to labour i said to OH, lets go out somewhere nice tomorrow, will be our last weekend together... yeah rightLO had other plans


Thanks hunni me and OH are trying to enjoy our last days, but will people bloody let us....I mean some people really need to back the hell off....Ive put a message on my voicemail stating if your not family, i will not answer my phone and will be in touch.....thinking yeah get the message so they ring my bloody mother!!! I dont even live at home. Its just crazy. :rofl: sorry to rant just drives me mad when im trying to have a nice day at home and ive got my phone ringing. Emails etc, then i get a text off OH saying he has to turn his phone off and to ring work if i need him as to many people texting etc.....do people not have lives these days :rofl: XxxX

The most annoying thing is, people who have had children just seem to 'forget' how bloody annoying that is... they hated it done to themselves but are guilty of doing it to others ... never mind! Im guessing you'll have a lot of visitors when jacob is born then!
Thats what i dont want either. I have people who ive not seen in years asking to come round etc. I dont want you in my home :rofl:

Maybe me hormones getting the better of me....but why cant people just let us be?? :rofl:

Thanlks Amy :) god caitlyn will be 4 months soon :shock: XxxX
i was the same people i hadnt seeen in years were suddenly interested well they arent interested any more guess they have more important things to do
Oh dear..... This is the exact reason I was dreading going over, it is a total nightmare, Not so much the pregnancy, the people asking constantly!

You are better to stay pregnant!! I miss it so much, and people/friends just become even bigger pests once baby is here.... you probably didn't want to hear that, sorry hun!!!!
I know....i mean since i moved into our new house in june not 1 of my friends have came round not even my best friend she plans to every week but something ALWAYS comes up. All OH's friends are round all the time bringing me stuff and these are MEN!! Well now due date is past my best friend rings 4 times a day and keeps trying to get round. but said she will come see me in hospital.....ive told her i dont want visitors bar family to visit.....she tried to get all offended. Then she said she is off every friday so once baba is here will be able to come round every friday.....well what about the last 4 months?!?! Told OH i will tell her once baba comes to back the hell off....its just not fair to think you can all of a sudden be back in someones life because baba is here, yet ignore them for the last months.....Oh well some people aint worth it :)

but like you say once the newborn stage is over they will all disappear again!! XxxX
Aww Ema hope you get a bit of peace soon!

Haha just thought I'd tell you as I was reading your post then I was talking to my dad on the phone then went to ask OH something and the same time and I got that confused I called OH Ema!! Haha oops!! I also called my OH Richard yesterday which is my little brothers name (because he was being irritating so i Shouted Richard! because im used to shouting at my brother lol)

I know....i mean since i moved into our new house in june not 1 of my friends have came round not even my best friend she plans to every week but something ALWAYS comes up. All OH's friends are round all the time bringing me stuff and these are MEN!! Well now due date is past my best friend rings 4 times a day and keeps trying to get round. but said she will come see me in hospital.....ive told her i dont want visitors bar family to visit.....she tried to get all offended. Then she said she is off every friday so once baba is here will be able to come round every friday.....well what about the last 4 months?!?! Told OH i will tell her once baba comes to back the hell off....its just not fair to think you can all of a sudden be back in someones life because baba is here, yet ignore them for the last months.....Oh well some people aint worth it :)

but like you say once the newborn stage is over they will all disappear again!! XxxX

put it this way u see who ur friends are and i havent got many x:cry:
I know....i mean since i moved into our new house in june not 1 of my friends have came round not even my best friend she plans to every week but something ALWAYS comes up. All OH's friends are round all the time bringing me stuff and these are MEN!! Well now due date is past my best friend rings 4 times a day and keeps trying to get round. but said she will come see me in hospital.....ive told her i dont want visitors bar family to visit.....she tried to get all offended. Then she said she is off every friday so once baba is here will be able to come round every friday.....well what about the last 4 months?!?! Told OH i will tell her once baba comes to back the hell off....its just not fair to think you can all of a sudden be back in someones life because baba is here, yet ignore them for the last months.....Oh well some people aint worth it :)

but like you say once the newborn stage is over they will all disappear again!! XxxX

put it this way u see who ur friends are and i havent got many x:cry:

:hug: dont worry neither do I at this present moment and certainly will have less in the coming months :hugs: XxxX

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