For practical advice, buy some muslins, they are by far the most useful part of my kit! Pop a folded one under babie's head when she/he is sleeping, if she/he is sick or possets it won't mark the sheets and will save having to do so much washing, I also use them as bibs, I get through about 5 a day, and never leave the house without at least 2!
Sleep when baby sleeps...
Follow your own instincts...
Grin and bare the annoying comments from Grandma and other well meaning oldies who tell you it's a good idea to put brandy in babie's bottle or other such nonsense....
If you can afford it, get a cleaner for the first month, or at least someone to iron or do laundry, by far the best investment I swear!
ENJOY IT! The sleepless nights and constant screaming may seem hard, but the baby time passes so fast, enjoy LO while he/she is little, believe me, it's when they start moving and talking that the real trouble starts LOL