Illegal drugs - worse than legal ones?

I gave an example a few pages back that i still think is a good one:

A hackney carriage still has to have a bale of hay in the boot according to the law as it hasn't changed since the days of horse and carriage. There would be a huge shortage of taxis if the police bothered with it!

I don't believe in breaking laws for the most part, but i don't agree with government trying to save me from myself. It's my health it affects, not someone else's :shrug:

Hmm see it could potentially harm someone else though, that the point I think.

I do still feel though that as two of the biggest killers in our country cigs and booze should be banned too. If people cannot save themselves then it is down to someone else to. The Gov shouldn't be sitting back and letting people rot for the sake of the extra taxes it brings in :dohh:

Although I disagree with you (I don't drink or smoke cigarettes at all and never have for the record) I respect this viewpoint MUCH MUCH more than one that thinks alcohol is fine because it's legal and cannabis is bad and dirty and evil because it's not without looking at effects and addiction and harm etc.

If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.

This is why there is debate. Cannabis has MANY MANY health benefits for MS sufferers as well as people with cancer and everyday pain relief and to ease PMT and arthritis.

There have been studies done which confirm this.

And yet people and the government are so slow in introducing it as a legal regulated drug in the health care system.

It will happen though. Its already happening all over the western hemisphere. I mean unless proof and reason lose out and the inevitable potency rise due to growing the stuff unnaturally continues to rise.

Until then, it's still illegal and i think people should abide by the law.

You have been given an exact reason why it is not legal. And that is because it is not taxable. Alcohol and tobacco are. So you are telling me you have abided every law out there? Gov. has been saying marijuana is bad blah blah blah for a while now and now that they have finally opened their eyes and did scientific research they see maybe its not so bad afterall (hence why they medically prescribe it now) you honestly think your precious government is gonna fess up and tell their country they've been wrong all along? :nope:
If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.

This is why there is debate. Cannabis has MANY MANY health benefits for MS sufferers as well as people with cancer and everyday pain relief and to ease PMT and arthritis.

There have been studies done which confirm this.

And yet people and the government are so slow in introducing it as a legal regulated drug in the health care system.

It will happen though. Its already happening all over the western hemisphere. I mean unless proof and reason lose out and the inevitable potency rise due to growing the stuff unnaturally continues to rise.

Until then, it's still illegal and i think people should abide by the law.

But people need to argue the law for it to be changed :shrug:

Do you believe every law should be blindly followed no matter what the circumstances?

Yes i do. I believe certain drugs have been made illegal for the reason that the government, and health professionals believe that they are not good for us. The law doesn't need to be changed, i think it should be enforced even more.

Funny how you think the law shouldn't be broken.
I'm sure Americn revolutionaries would not have agreed, when in 1776 they had to "break the law" to make my country (America) a free country. Just saying.
If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.

This is why there is debate. Cannabis has MANY MANY health benefits for MS sufferers as well as people with cancer and everyday pain relief and to ease PMT and arthritis.

There have been studies done which confirm this.

And yet people and the government are so slow in introducing it as a legal regulated drug in the health care system.

It will happen though. Its already happening all over the western hemisphere. I mean unless proof and reason lose out and the inevitable potency rise due to growing the stuff unnaturally continues to rise.

Until then, it's still illegal and i think people should abide by the law.

But people need to argue the law for it to be changed :shrug:

Do you believe every law should be blindly followed no matter what the circumstances?

Yes i do. I believe certain drugs have been made illegal for the reason that the government, and health professionals believe that they are not good for us. The law doesn't need to be changed, i think it should be enforced even more.

If we are ever unfortunate enough to get a prime minister like Robert Mugabe i'm sure you'd change your mind. If everyone thought that way black people would still be second class and women wouldn't be allowed to vote. I am proud to think for myself and question 'the man' and stand up for what I believe in, not what someone tells me i should believe in.

Nobody has told me to believe in anything, i personally believe and agree with the government that drugs are not good and should be illegal.

Believe me i don't follow the herd, i have my own opinions .. i form them through my own eyes and experiences, not someone else's.
If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.

This is why there is debate. Cannabis has MANY MANY health benefits for MS sufferers as well as people with cancer and everyday pain relief and to ease PMT and arthritis.

There have been studies done which confirm this.

And yet people and the government are so slow in introducing it as a legal regulated drug in the health care system.

It will happen though. Its already happening all over the western hemisphere. I mean unless proof and reason lose out and the inevitable potency rise due to growing the stuff unnaturally continues to rise.

Until then, it's still illegal and i think people should abide by the law.

But people need to argue the law for it to be changed :shrug:

Do you believe every law should be blindly followed no matter what the circumstances?

Yes i do. I believe certain drugs have been made illegal for the reason that the government, and health professionals believe that they are not good for us. The law doesn't need to be changed, i think it should be enforced even more.

But cigarettes and alcohol aren't illegal and they aren't good for us :shrug:

they claim lives daily. on the contrary to your thinking the law does not need changed I honestly think it needs an overhaul. I watched my uncle rot away with drink and my aunt die in february this year of multiple cancers. the gov need to ban ALL drugs imo. in comparison to both alcohol and cigarettes, I think its easy to see why some people believe cannabis is the lesser of the three evils. Although I still may not agree with its use of course.

The law doesn't need to be changed in relation to drugs.
If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.

This is why there is debate. Cannabis has MANY MANY health benefits for MS sufferers as well as people with cancer and everyday pain relief and to ease PMT and arthritis.

There have been studies done which confirm this.

And yet people and the government are so slow in introducing it as a legal regulated drug in the health care system.

It will happen though. Its already happening all over the western hemisphere. I mean unless proof and reason lose out and the inevitable potency rise due to growing the stuff unnaturally continues to rise.

Until then, it's still illegal and i think people should abide by the law.

You have been given an exact reason why it is not legal. And that is because it is not taxable. Alcohol and tobacco are. So you are telling me you have abided every law out there? Gov. has been saying marijuana is bad blah blah blah for a while now and now that they have finally opened their eyes and did scientific research they see maybe its not so bad afterall (hence why they medically prescribe it now) you honestly think your precious government is gonna fess up and tell their country they've been wrong all along? :nope:

It's also illegal because drugs don't do the human body any good. If you had read the entire thread i have mentioned that i have smoked weed before, so yes i have broken the law. But now i have experience of that, i never want to do it again. Never said our government is precious, it sure isn't perfect, they have a long way to go before they become perfect :thumbup:

Anyway, if they were ever to change drugs laws, which i doubt they will i believe that I and every other member of society should abide by those laws.
If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.

This is why there is debate. Cannabis has MANY MANY health benefits for MS sufferers as well as people with cancer and everyday pain relief and to ease PMT and arthritis.

There have been studies done which confirm this.

And yet people and the government are so slow in introducing it as a legal regulated drug in the health care system.

It will happen though. Its already happening all over the western hemisphere. I mean unless proof and reason lose out and the inevitable potency rise due to growing the stuff unnaturally continues to rise.

Until then, it's still illegal and i think people should abide by the law.

But people need to argue the law for it to be changed :shrug:

Do you believe every law should be blindly followed no matter what the circumstances?

Yes i do. I believe certain drugs have been made illegal for the reason that the government, and health professionals believe that they are not good for us. The law doesn't need to be changed, i think it should be enforced even more.

Funny how you think the law shouldn't be broken.
I'm sure Americn revolutionaries would not have agreed, when in 1776 they had to "break the law" to make my country (America) a free country. Just saying.

I don't really care what happened 300 years ago, i care about 2010 where drugs are illegal.
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.

I dont really get that either. alcohol and tobacco are drugs :shrug: thats fact. people cant choose to 'believe' something is not a drug. they are by definition, substances that affect the functioning of the mind and body, hence are drugs.

it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.

I dont really get that either. alcohol and tobacco are drugs :shrug: thats fact. people cant choose to 'believe' something is not a drug. they are by definition, substances that affect the functioning of the mind and body, hence are drugs.

it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!

Exactly Blue Bumpkin. Personally, i would much prefer they just made a decision that makes sense, whether i agree with it or not!
Not that anyone noticed :( ... :rofl: But I had a real nice evening!

Lives are ruined every day from alcohol.... :( Even before birth... look at fetal alcohol syndrome! Marijuana hasn't been known as of yet (not saying it won't be) to cause any birth defects, or mental redardation during use while pregnant. I am in NO WAY what so ever saying it should be used while pregnant, as there could be negative effects on the baby, but look at alcohol! Fetal alcohol syndrome can be pretty severe and scientists still aren't sure of a "safe" amount to consume. Over here doctors still say NONE!!!! while pregnant, to be safe because one drink could cause FAS or 30. Alcohol is dangerous, legal or not! I have heard a few women on here too who would have the "occasional" drink while pregnant (quite a few too!) and it seemed to be okay.... but someone having a smoke, or if someone were to consume any amount of marijuana they would be thought of as a terrible Mom. Again, I'm not saying any of it is safe, or should be socially acceptable etc... but just because alcohol is legal,doesn't make it safe or any better for us, or our children then marijuana.
See I dont like people breaking the law but I also certainly don't think we should follow all laws blindly. The examples you given though were only changed through campaigning and years of struggle. And those laws were dictated by racism and sexism, discriminating against someone because of their gender or skin colour. They obviously illustrate how the law is not and has never been perfect but they are in a different league to someone breaking the law by having a joint.

Illegal drugs do harm, a woman voting does not iykwim?

Back in the day, the mentality that a woman having the right to vote was thought to do harm as well. The Man thought that women couldn't possibly know things like men do, therefore if they were allowed to vote with their naive outlooks on life the world would be on its way to hell in the proverbial hand basket.

Its hard for us to draw the parallel in this day of age where its preposterous to think that women don't have the same attributes as men do. I'm not saying that I think marijuana should be legalized, but I do fully believe that laws shouldn't be blindly followed.

Man thought that allowing women to vote would cause chaos. We're fine. I'm sure if marijuana was legalized it'd be the same as tobacco or alcohol. I'm not disagreeing with your post, it just made me ponder things. :flower:
it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!

Well, there's also the issue of civil liberties at hand. Where can we stop the law? Everything has a line. Most people believe they have a right to do as they please so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. There are issues such as smacking your kids, eating unhealthily, not exercising and all sorts where people don't want the government telling them what they can and can't do.

I do believe the VAST majority of people in this country believe that alcohol should remain legal. They don't see anything wrong with them having a glass of wine now and again or getting drunk every week or even twice or three times a week just because a small percentage of people go and get themselves addicted or get violent on the streets etc. or have it ruin their lives.

But if a person feels the same way about cannabis which is far less harmful to health if taken as responsibly (getting high once a week compared to getting drunk once a week) then people think that although it's comparatively less harmful to the body and less addictive that THOSE majority of people who SMOKE instead of drink and do so safely and often and responsibly don't deserve the same rights because.... well I've never really understood why other than people are programmed and conditioned by society to think that way when there's little logic or reason to it. It's directly comparable. But they switch from "oh but it's just alcohol" to "It's disgusting! it's a drug! it ruins LIVES! What about the children!?!?"

It's an uneducated insanity in my opinion.

Either say they should both be illegal or say that both drugs should be legal.

If you hear someone does something stupid on alcohol like drink drive and kill someone you don't start calling your granddad a dirty old addict because he enjoys to get a little tipsy now and then. If a man gets drunk and hurts his family either emotionally or physically you don't say things like "well if someone told me they drank I'd never associate myself with that person ever again as they are obviously immmoral" :shrug:

Uneducated insanity.

The fact that a large percentage of voting adults say things like "but alcohol isn't a drug" shows how far the ignorance goes in my opinion.
Talk to frank has this to say about alcohol...

It'd definitely a drug :thumbup:
I don't think alcohol and cigarettes should be illegal (and feel that the recent legislation here in the US is stupid). I'm not a big smoker or drinker, but I don't like the fact that adults are basically treated like children and are not allowed to make a decision for themselves.

Same with marijuana- I feel it should be legalized. I've never used it, but I should have no say in another person's life. The "war on drugs" obviously doesn't work. There are still drug users and to this day, huge amounts of drugs making their way across the boarder. I have my own conspiracy theories regarding why the US government is still spending millions of dollars on a program that doesn't work, but I won't get into them here.

Our jail system here is abysmal, clogged up with minor drug related "criminals". We have some of the highest incarceration rates in the world here. It's so stupid that smoking a joint can land somebody in prison.

I grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father and a mother who was addicted to painkillers, and both used weed. Just because they were awful doesn't mean every recreational user is awful, and to paint every user (or partaker, if you will) with the same "lazy, law breaking, dope head" brush is stupid. But, saying that, I don't think drugs should ever be used around children since they have no choice in what they're around.

If it's not hurting somebody else physically, then it shouldn't be a problem.

I hope that made sense.
I don't think alcohol and cigarettes should be illegal (and feel that the recent legislation here in the US is stupid). I'm not a big smoker or drinker, but I don't like the fact that adults are basically treated like children and are not allowed to make a decision for themselves.

Same with marijuana- I feel it should be legalized. I've never used it, but I should have no say in another person's life. The "war on drugs" obviously doesn't work. There are still drug users and to this day, huge amounts of drugs making their way across the boarder. I have my own conspiracy theories regarding why the US government is still spending millions of dollars on a program that doesn't work, but I won't get into them here.

Our jail system here is abysmal, clogged up with minor drug related "criminals". We have some of the highest incarceration rates in the world here. It's so stupid that smoking a joint can land somebody in prison.

I grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father and a mother who was addicted to painkillers, and both used weed. Just because they were awful doesn't mean every recreational user is awful, and to paint every user (or partaker, if you will) with the same "lazy, law breaking, dope head" brush is stupid. But, saying that, I don't think drugs should ever be used around children since they have no choice in what they're around.

If it's not hurting somebody else physically, then it shouldn't be a problem.

I hope that made sense.

but the person on the drug, be it cannabis, alcohol, E's or lsd for example, they can cause harm to someone else. the gov has not solely made certain drugs illegal to save the individual from the effects of taking them but the rest of the general public.

people can be unpredictable on drugs, hence the restrictions.

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