I understand, but you can't nanny people. There's already laws in place for if somebody physically- and in some cases, emotionally- causes damage to somebody else. Does it matter more if they're on drugs than if they aren't? People are unpredictable, period.
Like I said, my experience includes parents who used drugs and who did hurt me, but I still don't feel it's right to impose a blanket morality law because of a few bad eggs.
But if it saves just one person then wouldnt it be worth it? And of course it matters more if they are on drugs, because it could have, maybe, been prevented had the person not been on them. Drugs are capable of completely altering a person. And if the drug itself doesnt do that the consequences of an addiction can.
im not sure making all drugs illegal would stop people doing them, infact im sure it wouldnt but the tougher penalties might deter some ppl or make them rethink their decision.
There are children getting beaten up, malnourished, starved and a whole host of other things on a daily basis and the stats show that the majority of these children come from homes were one or both parents is victim so some kind of drug addiction. Im not saying the drugs cause it, far from it, but they can change a person.
My mum changes drastically is she doesnt a cigarette like once every 15 mins - she becomes angry, irritable, nasty, argumentative, give her a cigarette and that changes. She is controlled by her addiction.
now like i said, it wont stop everyone, but by making things like alcohol, cigarettes and other nasties illegal it will make it a lot harder for users to get a hold of.
Why do we need drugs? We are people so against making them illegal? Cant people relax, chill out, have fun or socialise in other, healthier ways?
The world wouldn't end without them
ETA: that is full of typos but im typing lying down in the dark with a killer headache so apologies