Illegal drugs - worse than legal ones?

Yes, i'm talking about illegal drugs.

I always take the Gov and professional advice and the Gov and health professionals as a whole have decided to make certain drugs against the law.

I personally believe that alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil, and drugs (the illegal one's ;)) are dangerous and should remain illegal. I would like to see cigarette added to the illegal list though.

I agree it's not good for people to be outraged and disgusted when they have no idea, it's important for us all to make an educated judgement/opinion etc.

*For future reference, when i say drugs i mean illegal drugs.

But you're not taking the professional's advice at all. If you took professional advice you'd be looking at the advice of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (the ACMD) and you'd think that cannabis was less harmful than alcohol which is what they decided after much research and analysis of the situation.

I can hear you repeating your argument but you're not stating where you get your information from? Where have you learned that alcohol is less damaging and less addictive and less harmful than cannabis hence making it a lesser evil? You can have an opinion and stick my it but it really helps the debate if you can cite your influence and especially where you have gathered your information from?

I honestly think after reading your last response that you're just conditioned to think alcohol is less dangerous because of it's legality not because of any logical proof or reason or study or research. I would very much like to know where your opinion was formed from? I know you could end up just saying "well it's illegal for a reason" but that's blindly accepting that "someone somewhere" knows better and so you don't want to think about it. :shrug:

My information is my own opinion. I don't like drugs, i believe they should stay illegal, the governent have made them illegal, i trust the goverment, i have made my own opinions on drugs through personal experiences.

I don't want to influence anybody, that's not my place. It's only my tiny little opinion compared to the rest of society's.

Alcohol IS dangerous, very dangerous. It can kill it can destroy people's lives, and not just the person drinking, but the person's families, and as i said before weed is not as serious as the other harder drugs like coke, heroin etc, but i still believe that the illegal one's should stay that way, and cigarettes should be added to the list ... maybe alcohol?! Ahh i don't know i am so tired and can't explain myself well right now :dohh:

Are you talking about MKatz PP?

I've heard lots of people have overdosed from that, hence why it became illegal. If that's the case, then so be it imo.

As for the drugs I've done, I've done a few but I've become quite the drugs snob. I do consider mind altering/expanding drugs to be superior and of value to society whereas mood enhancers may have their place but I don't think they're very valuable or particularly needed.

I've never (so far thank God!) been addicted to any drug, including any legal ones, no morning wake me up cup of tea or coffee. I have indulged and do enjoy a tea now and again but not more than once every month or so. I'm very aware of the horrors of drug dependency including the relatively safer legal ones like caffeine (I think my brother would be a lot happier and relaxed in life if he didn't need about 5 or 6 cups of coffee a day)!

I do however find the internet and sugary snacks both VERY addictive and difficult to stop using.:cold:

Some people get their morality from religion, which means they can find things such as drinking alcohol, eating shellfish or pork, being gay/lesbian all very highly immoral acts and consider people who partake in them as bad people, corrupt people. There are people like that living here in the UK who look down upon the western society they are part of because of people eating pig, or shellfish, or not being chosen, or using contraceptive or being gay or having sex outside of marriage.

Some people get their morality from the law.

Some people get their morality from the media. Made especially bad when it comes from sources such as the daily mail who is always outraged and scandalised about something they've blown out of all reasonable proportion.

I think people need to think for themselves when it comes to issues of morality and that means assessing what constitutes a a good or bad person and in what circumstances. I understand that you look aroudn at society to determine norms etc. but if you're looking to somewhere else to tell you what is right and wrong without questioning it then I think that's a VERY dangerous thing. :nope:

Are you talking about MKatz PP?

I've heard lots of people have overdosed from that, hence why it became illegal. If that's the case, then so be it imo.

Probably, is that what its called up your way?
Screwed up that quote but it was by AOB :dohh:

Yes, i'm talking about illegal drugs.

I always take the Gov and professional advice and the Gov and health professionals as a whole have decided to make certain drugs against the law.

I personally believe that alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil, and drugs (the illegal one's ;)) are dangerous and should remain illegal. I would like to see cigarette added to the illegal list though.

I agree it's not good for people to be outraged and disgusted when they have no idea, it's important for us all to make an educated judgement/opinion etc.

*For future reference, when i say drugs i mean illegal drugs.

But then what if cannabis became legal? :shrug:

Thats like saying - all class B are worse then Class C - in theory yes but cannabis has been jumping between both cats so were would you're judgement lie?

Would you change your opinion as the government changes theirs? Genuine question :flower:

For me any drug that can cause harm, be it physically or through addiction, should be restricted (I say restricted as obviously some are necessary pain killers - but would like to add I don't deem cannabis a necessary pain killer, per se).

You can't say legal drugs are lesser evils purely because they are not illegal. In theory that should be the case but as you said in a previous post smoking is only not banned, in yours and many peoples opinions, because it is making too much money. Hence the implication you think it should be illegal for health reasons, again as you said.. Soo how then can you say that legal drugs are lesser evils when you openly accept that in some cases they are only legal because of the tax they rake in and that it isnt that they are less dangerous at all?

Jeez this debating lark takes it out you! My eyes are blurry from scrolling! :lol:
What about Magic (miaow miaow)? Lets throw that into the pot, opposite of illegal to legal ... that was perfectly legal up until very recently but look how dangerous that is? I think it kind of justifies in some strange way that although "bad"mcigarettes and alcohol arent ranked up there in how bad the short term effect can be, its more pronlonged abuse of them

Jeez, stuffing plant food up your nose? Really? How was that EVER legal? :dohh:

Ok, i have a lot to say about this one.

Mephedrone (4MMC) was never plant food. it was labelled as that to get around the restrictions that said it could not be sold for human consumption, in line with the Food Standards Agency.

Not one of the deaths reported in the media was confirmed to be caused by mephedrone. Most of the horrific stories of hallucinations etc were after a 5 day binge with no sleep. I've stayed up for 4 days without taking drugs and I was hallucinating and paranoid - they are signs of paranoia. I believe there were three heavily reported deaths - The 14 year old girl had taken mephedrone, alcohol, ketamine and cocaine and actually died of pnumonia. The two 18 year old had taken mephedrone and methadone. I am almost certain it was the methadone that killed them. My ex researched 4MMC and it's effects with his work and it was nowhere near as bad as the media scaremongering made out. In making it illegal, NRG (napherone) came about, marketed as bath salts, and that is more dangerous and deaths have occured.
Whoops - i should have said paranoia and hallucinations are a symptom of sleep deprivation :dohh:
So what actually was it if not plant food and where was the relation for them to brand it for that specific use?

I dont know a huge deal about it, mainly from what others who have taken it have told me and none were good :(

Its scary what it on the market that is perfectly legal, it really is. Did anyone see that documentary with George Lamb a while back on Legal Highs?
So what actually was it if not plant food and where was the relation for them to brand it for that specific use?

I dont know a huge deal about it, mainly from what others who have taken it have told me and none were good :(

Its scary what it on the market that is perfectly legal, it really is. Did anyone see that documentary with George Lamb a while back on Legal Highs?

I didnt no but seen the words 'George Lamb' and felt i had to say 'Phwoooaaaar' :cloud9::winkwink:

Ok back to the debate...
Ok, i have a lot to say about this one.

Mephedrone (4MMC) was never plant food. it was labelled as that to get around the restrictions that said it could not be sold for human consumption, in line with the Food Standards Agency.

Not one of the deaths reported in the media was confirmed to be caused by mephedrone. Most of the horrific stories of hallucinations etc were after a 5 day binge with no sleep. I've stayed up for 4 days without taking drugs and I was hallucinating and paranoid - they are signs of paranoia. I believe there were three heavily reported deaths - The 14 year old girl had taken mephedrone, alcohol, ketamine and cocaine and actually died of pnumonia. The two 18 year old had taken mephedrone and methadone. I am almost certain it was the methadone that killed them. My ex researched 4MMC and it's effects with his work and it was nowhere near as bad as the media scaremongering made out. In making it illegal, NRG (napherone) came about, marketed as bath salts, and that is more dangerous and deaths have occured.

Yep! If ANY of you do your research on this it's true. Which again goes to show that getting either info or morality from the media (who up until I gave birth I was sadly part of:blush:) then you need to rethink your outlook! :coffee:
Id rather base my opinons on personal experience and from people who i know who have actually taken drugs than books/newspapers/television tbh. Maybe thats why im a little more relaxed?
I looooove george lamb!

Basically, if someone sold mephedrone as a drug or 'legal high' that would make it illegal as it was a chemical that had been restricted for sale for human consumption. I saw people take 5g a night (99.6% purity) and were fine. The problems came when the media reported you could buy it for 15 pounds a gram. That forced 'dealers' to cut it more and more to meet that price - to get pure would cost 20 pounds at least due to the cost to import. That whole mess was created by the media because as soon as the first death was reported it became the most popular recreational drug. How many people that took it wouldn't have even known it existed if it weren't for sky news? :shrug:

Don't get me wrong... i don't disagree with the decision to make it illegal, i just think it was handled very badly.
Yeah and how much now does it cost you for a gram :shock:

Around here its the same price as coke :dohh:
Id rather base my opinons on personal experience and from people who i know who have actually taken drugs than books/newspapers/television tbh. Maybe thats why im a little more relaxed?

Yeah. I hate the way people get riled about media stories. I'm finding nowadays having to defend myself for being Muslim almost on a weekly basis. Not to change the subject too much :blush: but its because of news stories!!! :growlmad: I feel like tatooing my forehead or carrying a leaflet round to hand out to people that says "I do not believe in terrorism; in fact I think it is a horrendous and terrible thing. I do not think women are inferior beings. I do not go around killing people. I do not conspire with my fellow Muslims to be quiet on the issues that concern you but sadly newspapers are not knocking down my door, or the doors of my family and friends, of whom there are many, to ask me of our rather normal and humane views on society and life and death. I do not want to force your children eat halal meat or indeed expect people to supply halal meat as the norm, I do not want you to change the names or the nature of your public or religious holidays and have never met anyone who has been offended by Christmas amongst any Muslim, Sikh, Jew or Hindu I have ever met. In fact we like your holidays as we get days off work..." actually I could go on for hours so I'll just stop there. :blush:
I very much doubt it really is mephedrone tbh. It's probably something else that has the same effect. It's almost impossible to get hold of, unless organised criminals have gotten into it since my ex stopped researching it. He couldn't even get it legitimately for his work.
George Lamb always has his ankles out! :sick:

I never read actual newspapers nor watch tv news. I went off the former after the nonsensical reporting of gm food in the late '90s. I get the guardian on my phone but always read articles with a heavy dose of scepticism. I base my understanding of the world on experience and specialist publications and whatever sense of leftism my upbringing instilled in me.

OT but i didnt know you were a Muslim

Ultimatley, somewhere along the line everything we see in the media is "someones" opinion, we dont know those people, they might not share the same values and morals as us, so you have to take it all with a pinch of salt, whereas forming an opinion based on real life stuff around you i find is often so much more relevant.

Take all of the celebs in the news getting caught taking cocaine recently, they portray it to be glamourous and high class, yes still illegal, but its nothing like the reality of taking it. How is something that makes you poop like crazy glamourous?
I have not read the whole thread but I dont think marijuana is bad at all. I think its all about tax. I would much rather be in a room full of stoned people than drunk! So many call outs and problems due to drunk people taking up space in a&E etc etc x

I dont have any experience with other drugs. I hate cocaine and speed but I do think alcohol is pretty bad as well!
PP I think the problem with the media is a lot of the time it's not someone's opinion and instead a cynical attempt to incite negative feelings at the expense of rational thought in order to make money. What a lot of damage it does. :(

I'm off to bed before I vomit and die!

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