Illegal drugs - worse than legal ones?

Oh no :hugs:

Yeah i guess your right thinking about it, i just think that sometimes it can be influenced with the writers own opinion, more in the negative sense like you mentioned.
Screwed up that quote but it was by AOB :dohh:

Yes, i'm talking about illegal drugs.

I always take the Gov and professional advice and the Gov and health professionals as a whole have decided to make certain drugs against the law.

I personally believe that alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil, and drugs (the illegal one's ;)) are dangerous and should remain illegal. I would like to see cigarette added to the illegal list though.

I agree it's not good for people to be outraged and disgusted when they have no idea, it's important for us all to make an educated judgement/opinion etc.

*For future reference, when i say drugs i mean illegal drugs.

But then what if cannabis became legal? :shrug:

Thats like saying - all class B are worse then Class C - in theory yes but cannabis has been jumping between both cats so were would you're judgement lie?

Would you change your opinion as the government changes theirs? Genuine question :flower:

For me any drug that can cause harm, be it physically or through addiction, should be restricted (I say restricted as obviously some are necessary pain killers - but would like to add I don't deem cannabis a necessary pain killer, per se).
You can't say legal drugs are lesser evils purely because they are not illegal. In theory that should be the case but as you said in a previous post smoking is only not banned, in yours and many peoples opinions, because it is making too much money. Hence the implication you think it should be illegal for health reasons, again as you said.. Soo how then can you say that legal drugs are lesser evils when you openly accept that in some cases they are only legal because of the tax they rake in and that it isnt that they are less dangerous at all?

Jeez this debating lark takes it out you! My eyes are blurry from scrolling! :lol:

Me too Karen, i'm frazzled :lol:

If the Gov made all drugs legal, i would still think they are horrendously dangerous as the majority are.

I agree with you in the bit i bolded, i've been trying to say that but it hasn't come out properly.

Alcohol, fags and the currently illegal drugs are all dangerous in my opinion and some are more dangerous than others but they are ALL not good for us. In an idea world they would all be illegal but that's not feasible as the majority of people use them correctly.

If they government thought the current illegal drugs were ok-ish they would be legal and they would be making money from them, but they obviously think they are too bad for us to make money out of us.. does that make sense?
Its hard to judge the pain killer one.

Sometimes general medication does not work anymore. I know people who live happily day to day lifes thanks to them smoking marijuana. My FIL was unable to work when dosed up on painkillers. He has nerve pain as he lost an arm. The pain killers were so strong and had awful side effects.

He now has a job and a new girlfriend. He could not have done this taking the prescription medicine he was offered.
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.

I dont really get that either. alcohol and tobacco are drugs :shrug: thats fact. people cant choose to 'believe' something is not a drug. they are by definition, substances that affect the functioning of the mind and body, hence are drugs.

it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!

I do think alcohol and cigs are drugs ............. because they are. But, i don't believe they are as dangerous as drugs. I do think cigs should be illegal, definately. Alcohol, i'm not too sure as i hardly drink so don't really have an opinion on it.

Again, i don't think the law should be changed in relation to the drugs that are illegal now. I would like to see cigs made illegal though.

Dopeyjopey, i agree with you that they need to make their minds up. The reason why cigs aren't illegal is because they make so much money out of them!

your language seems to suggest that you don't think they are drugs as you said "I don't believe they're as dangerous as drugs" But they are drugs. SO um... :shrug:

As for not having an opinion on alcohol as you hardly drink it... you seem to have an opinion on cannabis and you don't seem to take that either.

I would suggest you're softer on alcohol because you do occasionally partake in it and therefore don't consider it as harmful although it is for many other people.

Being pedantic yes alcohol and cigarettes are 'drugs' but to me real drugs are the illegal ones, cannibis, coke, heroin etc, which is why they are illegal. At the end of the day, they are ALL drugs but my personal belief is that cigarettes and alcohol are the lesser evil. My opinion is not wrong, it's just what i think.

Yes i have an opinion on cannibis and it's because i personally believe drugs (the illegal ones's ;) to makes that clear yet again) should be avoided, and so do the government and health professionals.

I have smoked weed many times, i went through a bad patch after being raped and it did me no good. I didn't react very well to weed. I just don't believe people should cosume drugs. And i would have said that before i had taken weed myself. The current drugs that are illegal should stay illegal, alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil in my opinion.

What I don't understand is how you think cigarettes and alcohol are of the "lesser evil" yet they kill so many people every year. Marijuana hasn't caused any deaths. If the health professionals think pot should be avoided then they wouldn't be prescribing them.

I feel you are dancing around in a circle. You have no new points to make about this except..."I think its bad" and "My government says No No" this IMO is very naive.

I'm sorry to hear about that rough patch in your life.

I have smoked pot for 4 years, and not once have I become irate and uncontrollable. (Minus the uncontrollable laughter or munchies!) I can tell you all the benefits and research until I'm blue in the face, but your gonna have your own opinion and make your own decisions about mary jane. I think you just need to learn to accept some people are different and we can't all be as perfect as you. :wacko:

I'll ignore your last sarcastic sentence, as it kinda puts a dampner on the point you are trying to make .. it looks like you have lost your rag you when you need to insult ;)

I'm not perfect, neither are you, and i DO accept other people are different .. i just disagree with them. Still accept people are different as that's life, doesn't mean i cant disagree with them whilst trying to respect them. I accept you do drugs, as that's your affair i just disagree with it and don't think we should do them.

I don't have new points to make at all, i have said the same things all the way through and i don't have anything to add.

If the gov/health professionals also thought they aren't that harmful they would be legal and accessible to everyone, not just prescribed behind closed doors.

I have not been brought up around drugs, my family are strict on drug use and believe drugs are not good for people. I agree with them. That's my opinion, doesn't make me more 'perfect' than anyone. An opinion cannot be wrong.

First of all you didn't ignore my last sentence because you commented on it...:dohh:

Second..I didn't "lose my rag" you have pissed me off and not just in this thread.

And third...they are not being prescribed behind closed doors there are marijuana dispensaries (sp?) in California. In Amsterdam you can go cafe and smoke it. AGAIN, it is not legal because it can't be taxed!!! You even said that yourself in a previous posts. Not because its bad...there are substances far more harmful then pot that are legal. You don't seem to understand this. :nope:

Maybe opinions can't be wrong, but they sure can be uneducated. :wacko:
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.

I dont really get that either. alcohol and tobacco are drugs :shrug: thats fact. people cant choose to 'believe' something is not a drug. they are by definition, substances that affect the functioning of the mind and body, hence are drugs.

it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!

I do think alcohol and cigs are drugs ............. because they are. But, i don't believe they are as dangerous as drugs. I do think cigs should be illegal, definately. Alcohol, i'm not too sure as i hardly drink so don't really have an opinion on it.

Again, i don't think the law should be changed in relation to the drugs that are illegal now. I would like to see cigs made illegal though.

Dopeyjopey, i agree with you that they need to make their minds up. The reason why cigs aren't illegal is because they make so much money out of them!

your language seems to suggest that you don't think they are drugs as you said "I don't believe they're as dangerous as drugs" But they are drugs. SO um... :shrug:

As for not having an opinion on alcohol as you hardly drink it... you seem to have an opinion on cannabis and you don't seem to take that either.

I would suggest you're softer on alcohol because you do occasionally partake in it and therefore don't consider it as harmful although it is for many other people.

Being pedantic yes alcohol and cigarettes are 'drugs' but to me real drugs are the illegal ones, cannibis, coke, heroin etc, which is why they are illegal. At the end of the day, they are ALL drugs but my personal belief is that cigarettes and alcohol are the lesser evil. My opinion is not wrong, it's just what i think.

Yes i have an opinion on cannibis and it's because i personally believe drugs (the illegal ones's ;) to makes that clear yet again) should be avoided, and so do the government and health professionals.

I have smoked weed many times, i went through a bad patch after being raped and it did me no good. I didn't react very well to weed. I just don't believe people should cosume drugs. And i would have said that before i had taken weed myself. The current drugs that are illegal should stay illegal, alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil in my opinion.

What I don't understand is how you think cigarettes and alcohol are of the "lesser evil" yet they kill so many people every year. Marijuana hasn't caused any deaths. If the health professionals think pot should be avoided then they wouldn't be prescribing them.

I feel you are dancing around in a circle. You have no new points to make about this except..."I think its bad" and "My government says No No" this IMO is very naive.

I'm sorry to hear about that rough patch in your life.

I have smoked pot for 4 years, and not once have I become irate and uncontrollable. (Minus the uncontrollable laughter or munchies!) I can tell you all the benefits and research until I'm blue in the face, but your gonna have your own opinion and make your own decisions about mary jane. I think you just need to learn to accept some people are different and we can't all be as perfect as you. :wacko:

I'll ignore your last sarcastic sentence, as it kinda puts a dampner on the point you are trying to make .. it looks like you have lost your rag you when you need to insult ;)

I'm not perfect, neither are you, and i DO accept other people are different .. i just disagree with them. Still accept people are different as that's life, doesn't mean i cant disagree with them whilst trying to respect them. I accept you do drugs, as that's your affair i just disagree with it and don't think we should do them.

I don't have new points to make at all, i have said the same things all the way through and i don't have anything to add.

If the gov/health professionals also thought they aren't that harmful they would be legal and accessible to everyone, not just prescribed behind closed doors.

I have not been brought up around drugs, my family are strict on drug use and believe drugs are not good for people. I agree with them. That's my opinion, doesn't make me more 'perfect' than anyone. An opinion cannot be wrong.

First of all you didn't ignore my last sentence because you commented on it...:dohh:

Second..I didn't "lose my rag" you have pissed me off and not just in this thread.

And third...they are not being prescribed behind closed doors there are marijuana dispensaries (sp?) in California. In Amsterdam you can go cafe and smoke it. AGAIN, it is not legal because it can't be taxed!!! You even said that yourself in a previous posts. Not because its bad...there are substances far more harmful then pot that are legal. You don't seem to understand this. :nope:

Maybe opinions can't be wrong, but they sure can be uneducated. :wacko:

i disagree with the bit bolded as it implies that is the only reason and i doubt very much so that it is. cannabis is illegal because it is harmful...
Screwed up that quote but it was by AOB :dohh:

Yes, i'm talking about illegal drugs.

I always take the Gov and professional advice and the Gov and health professionals as a whole have decided to make certain drugs against the law.

I personally believe that alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil, and drugs (the illegal one's ;)) are dangerous and should remain illegal. I would like to see cigarette added to the illegal list though.

I agree it's not good for people to be outraged and disgusted when they have no idea, it's important for us all to make an educated judgement/opinion etc.

*For future reference, when i say drugs i mean illegal drugs.

But then what if cannabis became legal? :shrug:

Thats like saying - all class B are worse then Class C - in theory yes but cannabis has been jumping between both cats so were would you're judgement lie?

Would you change your opinion as the government changes theirs? Genuine question :flower:

For me any drug that can cause harm, be it physically or through addiction, should be restricted (I say restricted as obviously some are necessary pain killers - but would like to add I don't deem cannabis a necessary pain killer, per se).
You can't say legal drugs are lesser evils purely because they are not illegal. In theory that should be the case but as you said in a previous post smoking is only not banned, in yours and many peoples opinions, because it is making too much money. Hence the implication you think it should be illegal for health reasons, again as you said.. Soo how then can you say that legal drugs are lesser evils when you openly accept that in some cases they are only legal because of the tax they rake in and that it isnt that they are less dangerous at all?

Jeez this debating lark takes it out you! My eyes are blurry from scrolling! :lol:

Me too Karen, i'm frazzled :lol:

If the Gov made all drugs legal, i would still think they are horrendously dangerous as the majority are.

I agree with you in the bit i bolded, i've been trying to say that but it hasn't come out properly.

Alcohol, fags and the currently illegal drugs are all dangerous in my opinion and some are more dangerous than others but they are ALL not good for us. In an idea world they would all be illegal but that's not feasible as the majority of people use them correctly.

If they government thought the current illegal drugs were ok-ish they would be legal and they would be making money from them, but they obviously think they are too bad for us to make money out of us.. does that make sense?

No that doesn't make sense. Occasional drinkers are not gonna buy everything they need to ferment their own wine. Tobacco smokers aren't gonna grow their own tobacco and process it and roll their own cigarettes, its much easier to go buy it. Tobacco companies add their own chemicals to get you addicted (nicotine) so you keep buying more and they keep making money. With weed though, its opposite, people can grow their own really easily. (I had a plant sprout in my back yard accidentally by just tossing some seeds out the back door) then nothing else has to be added. So the government isn't gonna allow everyone to grow their own because then it can't be taxable!
Screwed up that quote but it was by AOB :dohh:

Yes, i'm talking about illegal drugs.

I always take the Gov and professional advice and the Gov and health professionals as a whole have decided to make certain drugs against the law.

I personally believe that alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil, and drugs (the illegal one's ;)) are dangerous and should remain illegal. I would like to see cigarette added to the illegal list though.

I agree it's not good for people to be outraged and disgusted when they have no idea, it's important for us all to make an educated judgement/opinion etc.

*For future reference, when i say drugs i mean illegal drugs.

But then what if cannabis became legal? :shrug:

Thats like saying - all class B are worse then Class C - in theory yes but cannabis has been jumping between both cats so were would you're judgement lie?

Would you change your opinion as the government changes theirs? Genuine question :flower:

For me any drug that can cause harm, be it physically or through addiction, should be restricted (I say restricted as obviously some are necessary pain killers - but would like to add I don't deem cannabis a necessary pain killer, per se).
You can't say legal drugs are lesser evils purely because they are not illegal. In theory that should be the case but as you said in a previous post smoking is only not banned, in yours and many peoples opinions, because it is making too much money. Hence the implication you think it should be illegal for health reasons, again as you said.. Soo how then can you say that legal drugs are lesser evils when you openly accept that in some cases they are only legal because of the tax they rake in and that it isnt that they are less dangerous at all?

Jeez this debating lark takes it out you! My eyes are blurry from scrolling! :lol:

Me too Karen, i'm frazzled :lol:

If the Gov made all drugs legal, i would still think they are horrendously dangerous as the majority are.

I agree with you in the bit i bolded, i've been trying to say that but it hasn't come out properly.

Alcohol, fags and the currently illegal drugs are all dangerous in my opinion and some are more dangerous than others but they are ALL not good for us. In an idea world they would all be illegal but that's not feasible as the majority of people use them correctly.

If they government thought the current illegal drugs were ok-ish they would be legal and they would be making money from them, but they obviously think they are too bad for us to make money out of us.. does that make sense?

No that doesn't make sense. Occasional drinkers are not gonna buy everything they need to ferment their own wine. Tobacco smokers aren't gonna grow their own tobacco and process it and roll their own cigarettes, its much easier to go buy it. Tobacco companies add their own chemicals to get you addicted (nicotine) so you keep buying more and they keep making money. With weed though, its opposite, people can grow their own really easily. (I had a plant sprout in my back yard accidentally by just tossing some seeds out the back door) then nothing else has to be added. So the government isn't gonna allow everyone to grow their own because then it can't be taxable!

Then why not legalise its use but make it illegal to grow your own? Then at least they could keep track of it :shrug: It doesnt make any sense for it to be just about money.
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.

I dont really get that either. alcohol and tobacco are drugs :shrug: thats fact. people cant choose to 'believe' something is not a drug. they are by definition, substances that affect the functioning of the mind and body, hence are drugs.

it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!

I do think alcohol and cigs are drugs ............. because they are. But, i don't believe they are as dangerous as drugs. I do think cigs should be illegal, definately. Alcohol, i'm not too sure as i hardly drink so don't really have an opinion on it.

Again, i don't think the law should be changed in relation to the drugs that are illegal now. I would like to see cigs made illegal though.

Dopeyjopey, i agree with you that they need to make their minds up. The reason why cigs aren't illegal is because they make so much money out of them!

your language seems to suggest that you don't think they are drugs as you said "I don't believe they're as dangerous as drugs" But they are drugs. SO um... :shrug:

As for not having an opinion on alcohol as you hardly drink it... you seem to have an opinion on cannabis and you don't seem to take that either.

I would suggest you're softer on alcohol because you do occasionally partake in it and therefore don't consider it as harmful although it is for many other people.

Being pedantic yes alcohol and cigarettes are 'drugs' but to me real drugs are the illegal ones, cannibis, coke, heroin etc, which is why they are illegal. At the end of the day, they are ALL drugs but my personal belief is that cigarettes and alcohol are the lesser evil. My opinion is not wrong, it's just what i think.

Yes i have an opinion on cannibis and it's because i personally believe drugs (the illegal ones's ;) to makes that clear yet again) should be avoided, and so do the government and health professionals.

I have smoked weed many times, i went through a bad patch after being raped and it did me no good. I didn't react very well to weed. I just don't believe people should cosume drugs. And i would have said that before i had taken weed myself. The current drugs that are illegal should stay illegal, alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil in my opinion.

What I don't understand is how you think cigarettes and alcohol are of the "lesser evil" yet they kill so many people every year. Marijuana hasn't caused any deaths. If the health professionals think pot should be avoided then they wouldn't be prescribing them.

I feel you are dancing around in a circle. You have no new points to make about this except..."I think its bad" and "My government says No No" this IMO is very naive.

I'm sorry to hear about that rough patch in your life.

I have smoked pot for 4 years, and not once have I become irate and uncontrollable. (Minus the uncontrollable laughter or munchies!) I can tell you all the benefits and research until I'm blue in the face, but your gonna have your own opinion and make your own decisions about mary jane. I think you just need to learn to accept some people are different and we can't all be as perfect as you. :wacko:

I'll ignore your last sarcastic sentence, as it kinda puts a dampner on the point you are trying to make .. it looks like you have lost your rag you when you need to insult ;)

I'm not perfect, neither are you, and i DO accept other people are different .. i just disagree with them. Still accept people are different as that's life, doesn't mean i cant disagree with them whilst trying to respect them. I accept you do drugs, as that's your affair i just disagree with it and don't think we should do them.

I don't have new points to make at all, i have said the same things all the way through and i don't have anything to add.

If the gov/health professionals also thought they aren't that harmful they would be legal and accessible to everyone, not just prescribed behind closed doors.

I have not been brought up around drugs, my family are strict on drug use and believe drugs are not good for people. I agree with them. That's my opinion, doesn't make me more 'perfect' than anyone. An opinion cannot be wrong.

First of all you didn't ignore my last sentence because you commented on it...:dohh:

Second..I didn't "lose my rag" you have pissed me off and not just in this thread.

And third...they are not being prescribed behind closed doors there are marijuana dispensaries (sp?) in California. In Amsterdam you can go cafe and smoke it. AGAIN, it is not legal because it can't be taxed!!! You even said that yourself in a previous posts. Not because its bad...there are substances far more harmful then pot that are legal. You don't seem to understand this. :nope:

Maybe opinions can't be wrong, but they sure can be uneducated. :wacko:

i disagree with the bit bolded as it implies that is the only reason and i doubt very much so that it is. cannabis is illegal because it is harmful...

Then why the hell are cigarettes and alcohol legal?!?! Do you think the government cares about it harming us? No! If its not making money for them its out of the question. Show me a case where someone has died from use of marijuana. And I'll show you 400,000 cases of death from alcohol alone.
AOB - i think you have missed my point entirely. You said yourself you think alcohol and tobacco should be illegal (which, for the last time, are drugs!!!) but then say the law doesn't need to be changed? The whole issue i have is that the gov seem to be pretending to look after us by making certain drugs illegal, whilst letting us pump our bodies full of toxins from other, legal - but still very much harmful - drugs. Personally I would just quite like the hypocricy to end and for them to pick one side of the fence instead of sitting on it.

It is saddening to see that those people who campaigned to get laws changed are not respected at all by some people. I believe we should all be extremely thankful for what happened in the past, 2010 wouldn't be the same without it.

I dont really get that either. alcohol and tobacco are drugs :shrug: thats fact. people cant choose to 'believe' something is not a drug. they are by definition, substances that affect the functioning of the mind and body, hence are drugs.

it is extremely sad though that for the sake of the money it brings in tht alcohol and tobacco remain legal - i mean what other reason could there be for not making them illegal? its madness!

I do think alcohol and cigs are drugs ............. because they are. But, i don't believe they are as dangerous as drugs. I do think cigs should be illegal, definately. Alcohol, i'm not too sure as i hardly drink so don't really have an opinion on it.

Again, i don't think the law should be changed in relation to the drugs that are illegal now. I would like to see cigs made illegal though.

Dopeyjopey, i agree with you that they need to make their minds up. The reason why cigs aren't illegal is because they make so much money out of them!

your language seems to suggest that you don't think they are drugs as you said "I don't believe they're as dangerous as drugs" But they are drugs. SO um... :shrug:

As for not having an opinion on alcohol as you hardly drink it... you seem to have an opinion on cannabis and you don't seem to take that either.

I would suggest you're softer on alcohol because you do occasionally partake in it and therefore don't consider it as harmful although it is for many other people.

Being pedantic yes alcohol and cigarettes are 'drugs' but to me real drugs are the illegal ones, cannibis, coke, heroin etc, which is why they are illegal. At the end of the day, they are ALL drugs but my personal belief is that cigarettes and alcohol are the lesser evil. My opinion is not wrong, it's just what i think.

Yes i have an opinion on cannibis and it's because i personally believe drugs (the illegal ones's ;) to makes that clear yet again) should be avoided, and so do the government and health professionals.

I have smoked weed many times, i went through a bad patch after being raped and it did me no good. I didn't react very well to weed. I just don't believe people should cosume drugs. And i would have said that before i had taken weed myself. The current drugs that are illegal should stay illegal, alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil in my opinion.

What I don't understand is how you think cigarettes and alcohol are of the "lesser evil" yet they kill so many people every year. Marijuana hasn't caused any deaths. If the health professionals think pot should be avoided then they wouldn't be prescribing them.

I feel you are dancing around in a circle. You have no new points to make about this except..."I think its bad" and "My government says No No" this IMO is very naive.

I'm sorry to hear about that rough patch in your life.

I have smoked pot for 4 years, and not once have I become irate and uncontrollable. (Minus the uncontrollable laughter or munchies!) I can tell you all the benefits and research until I'm blue in the face, but your gonna have your own opinion and make your own decisions about mary jane. I think you just need to learn to accept some people are different and we can't all be as perfect as you. :wacko:

I'll ignore your last sarcastic sentence, as it kinda puts a dampner on the point you are trying to make .. it looks like you have lost your rag you when you need to insult ;)

I'm not perfect, neither are you, and i DO accept other people are different .. i just disagree with them. Still accept people are different as that's life, doesn't mean i cant disagree with them whilst trying to respect them. I accept you do drugs, as that's your affair i just disagree with it and don't think we should do them.

I don't have new points to make at all, i have said the same things all the way through and i don't have anything to add.

If the gov/health professionals also thought they aren't that harmful they would be legal and accessible to everyone, not just prescribed behind closed doors.

I have not been brought up around drugs, my family are strict on drug use and believe drugs are not good for people. I agree with them. That's my opinion, doesn't make me more 'perfect' than anyone. An opinion cannot be wrong.

First of all you didn't ignore my last sentence because you commented on it...:dohh:

Second..I didn't "lose my rag" you have pissed me off and not just in this thread.

And third...they are not being prescribed behind closed doors there are marijuana dispensaries (sp?) in California. In Amsterdam you can go cafe and smoke it. AGAIN, it is not legal because it can't be taxed!!! You even said that yourself in a previous posts. Not because its bad...there are substances far more harmful then pot that are legal. You don't seem to understand this. :nope:

Maybe opinions can't be wrong, but they sure can be uneducated. :wacko:

i disagree with the bit bolded as it implies that is the only reason and i doubt very much so that it is. cannabis is illegal because it is harmful...

Then why the hell are cigarettes and alcohol legal?!?! Do you think the government cares about it harming us? No! If its not making money for them its out of the question. Show me a case where someone has died from use of marijuana. And I'll show you 400,000 cases of death from alcohol alone.

Thats exactly my point.. if it was about money they'd just legalise it as they have done with cigarettes and alcohol :shrug: there must be something else to it. And the stats may show that zero number of deaths have been physically caused by cannabis but there have been deaths as a result of people being high - as one lady already spoke about in this thread.

I believe tobacco and alcohol should be illegal too btw.
Screwed up that quote but it was by AOB :dohh:

Yes, i'm talking about illegal drugs.

I always take the Gov and professional advice and the Gov and health professionals as a whole have decided to make certain drugs against the law.

I personally believe that alcohol and cigarettes are the lesser evil, and drugs (the illegal one's ;)) are dangerous and should remain illegal. I would like to see cigarette added to the illegal list though.

I agree it's not good for people to be outraged and disgusted when they have no idea, it's important for us all to make an educated judgement/opinion etc.

*For future reference, when i say drugs i mean illegal drugs.

But then what if cannabis became legal? :shrug:

Thats like saying - all class B are worse then Class C - in theory yes but cannabis has been jumping between both cats so were would you're judgement lie?

Would you change your opinion as the government changes theirs? Genuine question :flower:

For me any drug that can cause harm, be it physically or through addiction, should be restricted (I say restricted as obviously some are necessary pain killers - but would like to add I don't deem cannabis a necessary pain killer, per se).
You can't say legal drugs are lesser evils purely because they are not illegal. In theory that should be the case but as you said in a previous post smoking is only not banned, in yours and many peoples opinions, because it is making too much money. Hence the implication you think it should be illegal for health reasons, again as you said.. Soo how then can you say that legal drugs are lesser evils when you openly accept that in some cases they are only legal because of the tax they rake in and that it isnt that they are less dangerous at all?

Jeez this debating lark takes it out you! My eyes are blurry from scrolling! :lol:

Me too Karen, i'm frazzled :lol:

If the Gov made all drugs legal, i would still think they are horrendously dangerous as the majority are.

I agree with you in the bit i bolded, i've been trying to say that but it hasn't come out properly.

Alcohol, fags and the currently illegal drugs are all dangerous in my opinion and some are more dangerous than others but they are ALL not good for us. In an idea world they would all be illegal but that's not feasible as the majority of people use them correctly.

If they government thought the current illegal drugs were ok-ish they would be legal and they would be making money from them, but they obviously think they are too bad for us to make money out of us.. does that make sense?

No that doesn't make sense. Occasional drinkers are not gonna buy everything they need to ferment their own wine. Tobacco smokers aren't gonna grow their own tobacco and process it and roll their own cigarettes, its much easier to go buy it. Tobacco companies add their own chemicals to get you addicted (nicotine) so you keep buying more and they keep making money. With weed though, its opposite, people can grow their own really easily. (I had a plant sprout in my back yard accidentally by just tossing some seeds out the back door) then nothing else has to be added. So the government isn't gonna allow everyone to grow their own because then it can't be taxable!

Then why not legalise its use but make it illegal to grow your own? Then at least they could keep track of it :shrug: It doesnt make any sense for it to be just about money.

They are! Its been decrimalized in ten different states, which is the first step in getting it leaglized. :D
I believe in cases where "people went crazy while they were high" were probably on other drugs at the time. Like E or LSD and those I believe do have horrible consequences and actions. I think people just say it was weed because they found a pipe with THC in it or a sack of weed. Drugs like E and LSD are evidentless and are ingested directly and there is no way of the police knowing they were on other drugs at that time.
I believe in cases where "people went crazy while they were high" were probably on other drugs at the time. Like E or LSD and those I believe do have horrible consequences and actions. I think people just say it was weed because they found a pipe with THC in it or a sack of weed. Drugs like E and LSD are evidentless and are ingested directly and there is no way of the police knowing they were on other drugs at that time.

They'd show in a drugs test though? And if a pipe was found im sure thats reason enough to permit a drugs test so theyd know if the person was on something else.

See i dont get why people always feel the need to 'defend' cannabis?
So, here is some info for those who believe that pot is not harmful or doesn't kill. I suppose if you don't count your children or yourselves, then not very many.:nope:

What's so bad about marijuana?
Marijuana is risky for many reasons. Consider these facts:

Makes it more difficult for the body to fight illnesses
When smoked, contains over 2,000 chemicals that can stay in your body up to a month
Can harm the heart, lungs, brain, and sex organs
Contains more cancer-causing agents than cigarettes
Marijuana use can lead to:

Memory loss
Panic attacks
Lung damage
Brain damage
Slowed reaction time
Change in sex drive
Death due to impaired driving
False beliefs
Unfounded fear or distrust
Decreased immunity to illnesses
People who use marijuana often:

Lack energy and motivation
Lose interest in activities, work, and school
Have difficulty concentrating and learning

Paternal use of marijuana during conception, pregnancy and in the post-natal period has been significantly associated with risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) during a child's first year of life.

WASHINGTON (CNN)-- In the first study of its kind, researchers found that smokers of marijuana and crack cocaine show the same kinds of precancerous conditions caused by smoking tobacco.

Here is some more links:
So, here is some info for those who believe that pot is not harmful or doesn't kill. I suppose if you don't count your children or yourselves, then not very many.:nope:

What's so bad about marijuana?
Marijuana is risky for many reasons. Consider these facts:

Makes it more difficult for the body to fight illnesses
When smoked, contains over 2,000 chemicals that can stay in your body up to a month
Can harm the heart, lungs, brain, and sex organs
Contains more cancer-causing agents than cigarettes
Marijuana use can lead to:

Memory loss
Panic attacks
Lung damage
Brain damage
Slowed reaction time
Change in sex drive
Death due to impaired driving
False beliefs
Unfounded fear or distrust
Decreased immunity to illnesses
People who use marijuana often:

Lack energy and motivation
Lose interest in activities, work, and school
Have difficulty concentrating and learning

Paternal use of marijuana during conception, pregnancy and in the post-natal period has been significantly associated with risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) during a child's first year of life.

WASHINGTON (CNN)-- In the first study of its kind, researchers found that smokers of marijuana and crack cocaine show the same kinds of precancerous conditions caused by smoking tobacco.

Here is some more links:

See with this kind of info out there why do so many 'users' (referring to light users too) down play the side effects? Say it has medicinal uses, isnt as harmful as such and such and so on? they sound like attempts at excuses to me :shrug:
Keyword CAN.

You CAN walk outside and have a statue drop on your head and kill you.
You CAN cross the road and get bit by a snake and die.
You CAN get sick and die of cancer.

If you look at it, everything could kill you. Using hairspray CAN defeat the ozone lyer and cause global warming, people will never change.
Your birth control can give you blood clots and kill you, whats your point?
Keyword CAN.

You CAN walk outside and have a statue drop on your head and kill you.
You CAN cross the road and get bite by a snack and die.
You CAN get sick and die of cancer.

If you look at it, everything could kill you. Using hairspray CAN defeat the ozone lyer and cause global warming, people will never change.

Again the side effects are getting downplayed :shrug: Or well it appears that way.

Why? Can't people just accept that its damaging to their health?

And why dont people want to avoid something that 'can' cause or do all those things listed?

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