Illegal drugs - worse than legal ones?

Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.
I believe in cases where "people went crazy while they were high" were probably on other drugs at the time. Like E or LSD and those I believe do have horrible consequences and actions. I think people just say it was weed because they found a pipe with THC in it or a sack of weed. Drugs like E and LSD are evidentless and are ingested directly and there is no way of the police knowing they were on other drugs at that time.

They'd show in a drugs test though? And if a pipe was found im sure thats reason enough to permit a drugs test so theyd know if the person was on something else.

See i dont get why people always feel the need to 'defend' cannabis?

Keyword CAN.

You CAN walk outside and have a statue drop on your head and kill you.
You CAN cross the road and get bite by a snack and die.
You CAN get sick and die of cancer.

If you look at it, everything could kill you. Using hairspray CAN defeat the ozone lyer and cause global warming, people will never change.

Again the side effects are getting downplayed :shrug: Or well it appears that way.

Why? Can't people just accept that its damaging to their health?

And why dont people want to avoid something that 'can' cause or do all those things listed?

Marijuana's benefits have been listed many times. Relief from nausea, increase in hunger for cancer patients who can't eat, etc.

Here's some risk of too much caffeine.
In large amounts, and especially over extended periods of time, caffeine can lead to a condition known as caffeinism.[96][97] Caffeinism usually combines caffeine dependency with a wide range of unpleasant physical and mental conditions including nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching (hyperreflexia), insomnia, headaches, respiratory alkalosis, and heart palpitations.[98][99] Furthermore, because caffeine increases the production of stomach acid, high usage over time can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.[100]

There are four caffeine-induced psychiatric disorders recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition: caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise specified (NOS).

Its not gonna prevent you from having your morning cup of coffee is it?
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)
Originally Posted by Blue_bumpkin
Originally Posted by zenmommy526
I believe in cases where "people went crazy while they were high" were probably on other drugs at the time. Like E or LSD and those I believe do have horrible consequences and actions. I think people just say it was weed because they found a pipe with THC in it or a sack of weed. Drugs like E and LSD are evidentless and are ingested directly and there is no way of the police knowing they were on other drugs at that time.

They'd show in a drugs test though? And if a pipe was found im sure thats reason enough to permit a drugs test so theyd know if the person was on something else.

See i dont get why people always feel the need to 'defend' cannabis?

They normally don't drug test you after getting charged in the U.S.
Speaking of Methadone, a 3yr old little girl died from it in Salisbury (1.5 hours away). She got into her dads as he was "trusted" to take a few days worth home at a time. They waited hours and hours before trying to help her and it was the neighbors who called 911, not the parents! I'm not sure how much jail time they got, I don't think the mother got any and daddy didn't get much, I know that! I'm pretty sure she was 3... :( So so sad :(
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)

Just from my experience, people are not gonna contaminate weed.
Weed could be purchased for $25 for a quater oz of it, and ONE gram of coke costs $50-$75, so why would people add an expensive drug like coke to an inexpensive drug for the same price. That would not be profitable for the drug dealer. That does not make sense.
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!
I believe in cases where "people went crazy while they were high" were probably on other drugs at the time. Like E or LSD and those I believe do have horrible consequences and actions. I think people just say it was weed because they found a pipe with THC in it or a sack of weed. Drugs like E and LSD are evidentless and are ingested directly and there is no way of the police knowing they were on other drugs at that time.

They'd show in a drugs test though? And if a pipe was found im sure thats reason enough to permit a drugs test so theyd know if the person was on something else.

See i dont get why people always feel the need to 'defend' cannabis?

Keyword CAN.

You CAN walk outside and have a statue drop on your head and kill you.
You CAN cross the road and get bite by a snack and die.
You CAN get sick and die of cancer.

If you look at it, everything could kill you. Using hairspray CAN defeat the ozone lyer and cause global warming, people will never change.

Again the side effects are getting downplayed :shrug: Or well it appears that way.

Why? Can't people just accept that its damaging to their health?

And why dont people want to avoid something that 'can' cause or do all those things listed?

Marijuana's benefits have been listed many times. Relief from nausea, increase in hunger for cancer patients who can't eat, etc.

Here's some risk of too much caffeine.
In large amounts, and especially over extended periods of time, caffeine can lead to a condition known as caffeinism.[96][97] Caffeinism usually combines caffeine dependency with a wide range of unpleasant physical and mental conditions including nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching (hyperreflexia), insomnia, headaches, respiratory alkalosis, and heart palpitations.[98][99] Furthermore, because caffeine increases the production of stomach acid, high usage over time can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.[100]

There are four caffeine-induced psychiatric disorders recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition: caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise specified (NOS).

Its not gonna prevent you from having your morning cup of coffee is it?

You cant justify the use of one drug by rhyming off other things that carry risks. Its nothing to do with coffee or a statue falling on you. People take a risk everytime they use cannabis. And unless on prescription, it is an unnecessary risk.

Oh, btw coffee ain't my tipple. Im a tea kinda gal ;)
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)

Just from my experience, people are not gonna contaminate weed.
Weed could be purchased for $25 for a quater oz of it, and ONE gram of coke costs $50-$75, so why would people add an expensive drug like coke to an inexpensive drug for the same price. That would not be profitable for the drug dealer. That does not make sense.

Why does it have to be an expensive drug? It could be anything to increase bulk.. Doesnt have to be coke.
I just don't see how its any different. Sometimes people MUST have their coffee and sometimes they just have a cup on the occasion. Same with weed. There are risks to drinking coffee and there are risks to smoking pot. The only difference is legalness. (Think I just made that word up) Which people are working to legalize it.
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)

Just from my experience, people are not gonna contaminate weed.
Weed could be purchased for $25 for a quater oz of it, and ONE gram of coke costs $50-$75, so why would people add an expensive drug like coke to an inexpensive drug for the same price. That would not be profitable for the drug dealer. That does not make sense.

Why does it have to be an expensive drug? It could be anything to increase bulk.. Doesnt have to be coke.

Wow. I don't know where you get the weed you smoked but in the 4 years I've been smoking it, I've never seen this. :nope:
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!

Thats probably exactly why the paperwork is so extensive! They have to fully justify it before it is prescribed - that says to me that it does have very risky side effects and possibly just as many, if not more, negatives to positives.

If there were more positives then it wouldnt be so hard to get a hold off - just as any medication that can be addictive or has harsher side effects is more difficult to get. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. For individual cases this may be true...
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)

Just from my experience, people are not gonna contaminate weed.
Weed could be purchased for $25 for a quater oz of it, and ONE gram of coke costs $50-$75, so why would people add an expensive drug like coke to an inexpensive drug for the same price. That would not be profitable for the drug dealer. That does not make sense.

Why does it have to be an expensive drug? It could be anything to increase bulk.. Doesnt have to be coke.

Wow. I don't know where you get the weed you smoked but in the 4 years I've been smoking it, I've never seen this. :nope:

How would you even know?! Its not like drug dealers are top on morality. I dont think theyd care what was in it. Like you said they only do whats profitable...
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!

Thats probably exactly why the paperwork is so extensive! They have to fully justify it before it is prescribed - that says to me that it does have very risky side effects and possibly just as many, if not more, negatives to positives.

If there were more positives then it wouldnt be so hard to get a hold off - just as any medication that can be addictive or has harsher side effects is more difficult to get. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. For individual cases this may be true...

Thats not even a good point, because it is not factual.
Paperwork is done to ensure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
I'm not justifying everyone who smokes it, I can just justify the reason I shouldn't be looked down upon or be sterotyped.
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!

Thats probably exactly why the paperwork is so extensive! They have to fully justify it before it is prescribed - that says to me that it does have very risky side effects and possibly just as many, if not more, negatives to positives.

If there were more positives then it wouldnt be so hard to get a hold off - just as any medication that can be addictive or has harsher side effects is more difficult to get. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. For individual cases this may be true...

Thats not even a good point, because it is not factual.
Paperwork is done to ensure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
I'm not justifying everyone who smokes it, I can just justify the reason I shouldn't be looked down upon or be sterotyped.

I was replying to the comment regarding the paperwork not being done for something with more negatives to positives because it screams exactly the opposite to me.

And how can it end up in the wrong hands? Whose hands are the wrong ones?

ETA: I do not stereotype, nor do I look down upon users - I just dont agree with it. I dislike the drug.
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)

Just from my experience, people are not gonna contaminate weed.
Weed could be purchased for $25 for a quater oz of it, and ONE gram of coke costs $50-$75, so why would people add an expensive drug like coke to an inexpensive drug for the same price. That would not be profitable for the drug dealer. That does not make sense.

Why does it have to be an expensive drug? It could be anything to increase bulk.. Doesnt have to be coke.

Wow. I don't know where you get the weed you smoked but in the 4 years I've been smoking it, I've never seen this. :nope:

How would you even know?! Its not like drug dealers are top on morality. I dont think theyd care what was in it. Like you said they only do whats profitable...

Pretty sure I'm smart enough to know when a chemical or substance was added to something I've done for years. Its not hard to make a judgement on something like that...?!?!
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!

Thats probably exactly why the paperwork is so extensive! They have to fully justify it before it is prescribed - that says to me that it does have very risky side effects and possibly just as many, if not more, negatives to positives.

If there were more positives then it wouldnt be so hard to get a hold off - just as any medication that can be addictive or has harsher side effects is more difficult to get. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. For individual cases this may be true...

The paperwork is done so people who are against it all together :)wacko:) don't throw hissy fits and cry injustice... it's so the government can cover their ass if something goes wrong... nobody wants to be the person to legalize it because they are all too concerned about themselves and how they look to get more votes, more money etc... the paperwork is there to make people happy who do not understand, or choose not to understand, or who just don't care.
Every day legal drugs used heavily can make you addicted. Legal prescriptions like methadone CAN kill you if you take a few more mg than your supposed to have, but then when used in moderation can help withdrawl symptoms of harsh drugs like heroin.

Most things can be fine in moderation, I think knowing your own personal limits is a big art of it all. Sure you could become addicted to anything (Including simple things like the internet!) but you need to know how to use things to an extent.

but you cant do that with drugs? your limit could be different everyday or everytime you use it? Its risky. you cant say there is a safe way to use something that is unpredictable and not entirely uncontaminated (i mean how do you know exactly whats in it :shrug:)

Just from my experience, people are not gonna contaminate weed.
Weed could be purchased for $25 for a quater oz of it, and ONE gram of coke costs $50-$75, so why would people add an expensive drug like coke to an inexpensive drug for the same price. That would not be profitable for the drug dealer. That does not make sense.

Why does it have to be an expensive drug? It could be anything to increase bulk.. Doesnt have to be coke.

Wow. I don't know where you get the weed you smoked but in the 4 years I've been smoking it, I've never seen this. :nope:

How would you even know?! Its not like drug dealers are top on morality. I dont think theyd care what was in it. Like you said they only do whats profitable...

Pretty sure I'm smart enough to know when a chemical or substance was added to something I've done for years. Its not hard to make a judgement on something like that...?!?!

Well it would be for a novice. not everyone using is experienced.
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!

Thats probably exactly why the paperwork is so extensive! They have to fully justify it before it is prescribed - that says to me that it does have very risky side effects and possibly just as many, if not more, negatives to positives.

If there were more positives then it wouldnt be so hard to get a hold off - just as any medication that can be addictive or has harsher side effects is more difficult to get. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. For individual cases this may be true...

Thats not even a good point, because it is not factual.
Paperwork is done to ensure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
I'm not justifying everyone who smokes it, I can just justify the reason I shouldn't be looked down upon or be sterotyped.

I was replying to the comment regarding the paperwork not being done for something with more negatives to positives because it screams exactly the opposite to me.

And how can it end up in the wrong hands? Whose hands are the wrong ones?

ETA: I do not stereotype, nor do I look down upon users - I just dont agree with it. I dislike the drug.

If that is true, then thank you. I've already read 1-2 comments on here by other people in which were nasty towards anyone, and parents smoking it at all. I don't but my OH does, and like I've said before, he is one of the best out there, I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks. He is a better man than most... for sure! I hate the thought of someone judging him on something he does which is so insignificant to who he really is.
If there weren't medical benefits doctord wouldn't prescribe it as a treatment. The paperwork a doctor has to fill out is around 10+ pages, then it has to be approved by government etc... so not like anyone can get it, but it's used for medical purposes... our government wouldn't go out on a limb for something that has more negative than positive... That's what I think anyways. I'm no scientist or expert on drugs though, so I could very well be wrong.

I've smoked, I've drank, I've smoked marijuana, I've taken oxycodone, and I've done mescaline (sp?) the last one was my accident. A friend of mine put it in her drink and I mixed them up and took her beer instead of mine... never did it again and ended up blacking out and her and I got into a physical altercation. Oxycodone wasn't intentional. I was told it was a perk, had bad bad cramps.... never did that again! Marijuana I smoked off and on for a year, cigs... smoked 11-12 years and the drinking, well 2 beer within the last 2+years, and before that, we would have some drinks and play cards with friends once in a while. Younger of course I drank a lot more but it was years ago.

OH has tried near everything, except needles (ick) and only marijuana since we've been together and longer. I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything else. I'm okay with the pot, but that's it!

Thats probably exactly why the paperwork is so extensive! They have to fully justify it before it is prescribed - that says to me that it does have very risky side effects and possibly just as many, if not more, negatives to positives.

If there were more positives then it wouldnt be so hard to get a hold off - just as any medication that can be addictive or has harsher side effects is more difficult to get. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. For individual cases this may be true...

Thats not even a good point, because it is not factual.
Paperwork is done to ensure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
I'm not justifying everyone who smokes it, I can just justify the reason I shouldn't be looked down upon or be sterotyped.

I was replying to the comment regarding the paperwork not being done for something with more negatives to positives because it screams exactly the opposite to me.

And how can it end up in the wrong hands? Whose hands are the wrong ones?

ETA: I do not stereotype, nor do I look down upon users - I just dont agree with it. I dislike the drug.

The wrong ones are the ones who don't use it in moderation!!! Like I have explained in previous posts. I'm not talking about you in paticular, I'm talking about the people on who thinks pot heads are no good low lifes. Because I feel I'm educated enough in the subject to not get carried away with it, or to allow it to effect my life.

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