I'm a bad person! :0(


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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This is awful & open to be criticised I should be as well! After everything we have been through seeing our baby on my first scan should have been all I needed to quit 100%! My OH hates it & I don’t blame him yet he trying to understand too – I said to him yesterday "I’m a bad Mummy" & he said I wasn’t but I feel it so why again is that not enough to bin my ciggys!

I was sure on my first scan nothing would be there & on my second Friday I had again the worst in mind. None of it is sinking in all I have is sore boobs – No sickness maybe a splurt of it every now & then. I wish I had it maybe that would put me off even more.

I’ve gone from 40 to 10 or less a day so ¾ of the way but it’s not good enough is it?

I gave it a good bash the other day by 8pm I was ready to kill my OH – seriously I was all over the place so angry … even he said to go & get a cigarette I was ‘that bad’.

I’ve looked round the internet today even bought herbal patches called zero nicotine
Reading around its not considered ok in pregnancy

I even bought filters like these one: https://www.magic25filter.com

Looked up herbal cigarettes ….

They all say not safe in pregnancy or along those lines... Should I listen? Would they be better than an actual cigarette?
Mum smoked all thru bth her PGs, Didnt even cut down.

Your doin so well
My sister struggled to quit smoking throughout her pregnancy, she never succeeded and is still smoking. Yet her son Jaksyn was born a healthy 7pounds and is growing so fast he's 14weeks and about 18pounds. I think you can just do your best, eat well and excercise. If you are able to quit brilliant, if not try and cut down as much as possible. Try not to feel too guilty.
layla cut down during ethan but didn't stop and she blames his asthma on it (there is a family history of it though) he was in and out of hospital with croup and put on a nebuliser. cutting down is a difficult but nessesary sacrifice imo and cutting out all togeather will stop any guilt if baby has any health probs and improve your health! bin them and bite the bullet have a carrot ;)
Wobbs you are doing brillantly, if you have to have the odd cigareete, then so be it. I'm sure the stress will be worse.

:hugs: take each day as it comes.
I agree with Caroline Wobbles .. the stress will prob be not good for baby either. You are doing fantastic .. cutting down by that much is brilliant. If you can stop completely it would be the best thing (obv you dont need us to say that!) but the odd one shouldnt hurt. :hugs:
Babe you are doing brill to cut down so much

Please don't beat yourself up about it, I smoked with both of mine(no probs with either) but cut down like you and also went to silk cut ultra ( felt like was sucking my lungs out!!)
I spoke to my midwife about it and she said it was better to cut down gradually than to stop cold turkey

You are doing really really well, you have knocked 30 on the head straight away
You can only take it one day at a time:hugs:
Its hard for me to say really becuase I have never been a smoker so have no idea how hard it is to quit, but if I was a heavy smoker I'd quit altogether, I'd bite the bullet as Jase said and bin them, I know people who smoked through pregnancy and thier babies are fine, but thats not a risk I'd personally want to take. I am very anti- smoking though as you can probably tell. you've done sooo well already, just think how well you have done and push it just that little bit further, go cold turkey, it will be hard, but only short term, with long term benefits xxx
sorry I disagree going cold turkey will not help here. it will cause stress and that is worse for baby

I always smoked (cut down) til 12 weeks then had a couple at weekends then very occassionally,it isnt easy giving up and I am back to smoking now again but only 3 max and they are rollies,I enjoy smoking and I dont do in house obviousley.

My doctor told me that in first tri giving up was best to do by cutting down then trying to quit as you cant wear patches etc to help

oh and the low birth weight they harp on about is crap
unfortunatly yeah i did smoke through Carrying Ethan, i cut down but looking back it just wasnt enough, and im completely ashamed of it. He now has Asthma and i blame that on me coz i quit during Charlie and Coby and they are fine.

Ethan suffered with Croup and breathing problems as a baby and was in and out of hospital alot, he had to go on a nebulizer alot and that imiage still upsets me, he was only young and didnt know what it was, they ended up haveing to hold him down on teh bed while the mask was on coz he was so scared of teh steam and noise coming out of it, broke my heart that i had done that to him :(

HIs asthma now isnt to bad, he gets affected when the weather changes and any colds go striaght to his chest, i cant help thinking that i did that to him, just coz i wanted a ciggy.

To cut down the way you have is fantastic, keep going, it took me a while on Coby, i think i stopped at about 7 or 8 weeks ish.

many poeple smoke during pregnancy and there babies are fine, some arnt so lucky tho, is it worth the risk.

you can do it, we are all here to suport you :hugs:

sorry I disagree going cold turkey will not help here. it will cause stress and that is worse for baby

I always smoked (cut down) til 12 weeks then had a couple at weekends then very occassionally,it isnt easy giving up and I am back to smoking now again but only 3 max and they are rollies,I enjoy smoking and I dont do in house obviousley.

My doctor told me that in first tri giving up was best to do by cutting down then trying to quit as you cant wear patches etc to help


I wouldnt have a clue coz Iv never been in that situation. I do think smoking can stunt growth slightly in some pregnancies , my friends daughter has always been small, wether that was becuase she smoked or not, who knows, but she's healthy in herself
sorry I disagree going cold turkey will not help here. it will cause stress and that is worse for baby


from what i have been told by my midwifes over the years, the baby has to go cold turky once he/she is born tho, it take in all the nicoteen as its in the mothers system, after teh birth, the mother can still get her fix, the baby cant so has to go cold turky.

from what i have been told by my midwifes over the years, the baby has to go cold turky once he/she is born tho, it take in all the nicoteen as its in the mothers system, after teh birth, the mother can still get her fix, the baby cant so has to go cold turky.


thats true! who knows what the best answer is, seems everyone gets told different things.

If you had hypnotherapy to help give up, do you think that would help you to quit without the stress, and less stress on baby ?

or is it the fact that the baby is used to nicotine and then it suddenly stops ? ahh im confused now
Just found this, so what i have been told is right, wanted to check coz everyone gets told diffrent things..

Does smoking during pregnancy cause other problems in babies or young children?

A recent study suggests that babies of mothers who smoke during pregnancy may undergo withdrawal-like symptoms similar to those seen in babies of mothers who use some illicit drugs.3 For example, babies of smokers appear to be more jittery and difficult to soothe than babies of non-smokers.

Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are up to three times as likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as babies of nonsmokers.

Sorry, the last thing in doing is judgeing, after smoking myself through Ethan im in no position to say anything really, i just really regret wht i did so now am anti smoking, really want to help coz i think Wobbles is doing fab so far.

You see this is what gets me mad with medical people, they never say the same thing, i was told to cut right back instead of stopping completly as it would be too much of a shock to baby
For example, babies of smokers appear to be more jittery and difficult to soothe than babies of non-smokers.
Both mine were really good babies, not jittery at all

Thats not to say i think it is a good thing to smoke whilst pregnant,it's just we are all told it is bad for baby, but then given conflicting advice on how bad and the best way to stop, drives me bloody loopy!!!
I've read lots of different things on the quitting - Whats best & not. Some people are told they can use nicotine replacements - seen a few girls mention over time they were told ok other told not same with cutting down I know Jaidybaby off the other forum was told not to be hard on herself in the first tri!

I am pleased I have got down to 10 or below but as you see I'm not that pleased with myself & it was a lil hard to post about. I do think anyone who hasn't smoked is unable to say for certain what they would & wouldn't do in the same situation- No offence of course I appreciate everyones views :D

Hypnotheropy Hmmmmm I might look into that tomorrow - Thanks :D I see my MW Wednesday but I'll look into that as well ....
My friend continued to smoke all through her pregnancy and her baby is fighting fit, apart from the odd cold that he's had here and there. My mum, drank, took drugs and smoked when she was pregnant with me, granted I was born way early and I was not very well at all, but Im still here and very much healthy. Im not saying not to stop smoking wobs, but many women do it and they go on to have healthy babies. x
We were friends with a couple from Matt's village. Her husband told her that the advice that smoking when pregnant harms your baby was rubbish and they both carried on. Their first baby was early, low birth weight and is still extremely small for her age (6). Her 2nd pregnancy ended with a miscarriage in the 2nd tri, her 3rd pregnancy again was early and low birth weight.

Matt's mum smoked throughout her pregnancy and Matt is fine.

I guess it affects different people in different ways and if you chose to carry on smoking then that is the roulette that is played. Like you say people that haven't smoked and aren't addicted can't say for certain what they'd do in your circumstances but I know what I'd advise and that would be to give up. I like you, you know that, and I'm not criticising you, just saying that I've seen you go through hell the past few months to get to this stage and the best thing that you can do for your little smudge is to bin them.

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