I part-time co-sleep, babywore with my second youngest (but youngest has never been keen), BLW starting at 6 months, home educate, and delayed some vaccinations on sound medical grounds to do with specific allergies my children have, also none of mine have had the BCG vaccine as we don't live in an inner city or particularly urban bit of greater London and while my OH was born abroad he comes from a country with rates of TB that are similar; if not lower these days to the UK on the whole-plus looking into it the BCG only protects against one particular type of TB effectively that tends to affect under-15s only. As for the other things; hai-ai!
I never told the HV I co-sleep because she just saw his carrycot when he was younger and assumed he only slept in there. I did end up getting into a bit of an unpleasant discussion regarding the vaccine delaying because my HV said she didn't think there was such a thing as reacting badly to a vaccine and when my two other boys got really poorly, it probably was just a complete coincidence. I said I have looked into it and even the NHS are suggesting those with milk allergies avoid a certain ingredient that is in the vaccine I have delayed; she then admitted she didn't really know anything about vaccine ingredients or allergies and shut up.
From other people I get a lot of crap about the BLW; 'how can he eat pieces of x food that big, won't he choke?', 'how can he eat spicy food, isn't that dangerous' and so on and so forth. I've also been told my children will turn out weird and unable to socialise because they are home educated (despite them going to a part time school in the afternoon and taking part in various social activities and going on trips with other kids their own age) xx
Over here they used to give the TB shot at between 12 and 15 years and only after doing a skin prick test and for those who had no natural immunity to it whatsoever (if your arm swelled when they did the test; you didn't get the jab), in the UK there is no one set policy now but since they realised the jab isn't as useful in teens and adults they have decided to give it to babies under one year-but there are massive differences between different areas and a lot of the policy is based on really worrying generalisations such as foreign country automatically=country where TB is rampant, there are many countries even some developing countries with a lower TB rate than the UK. Also I do have friends whose babies did react badly to the TB jab as well, some developed abscesses which went right down to the bone and never healed for months and months until they were left with a very disfiguring deep scar in their arm and sometimes a lack of mobility in that arm, if we met any of the 'risk criteria' for TB then we would definitely consider having it for our boys but since we don't I think the risks of the jab outweigh any benefits. xx
And I'm fed up of being told that because I FF (BF'd for 2 weeks) then it's more dangerous for me to co-sleep than a BF mother. I have never continued sleeping when my child stirs, I wake straight away.
Another way for me to feel guilty that I couldn't continue BF I suppose! But my son was very ill and my supply was gone by the time he left hospital
Not really bothered what anyone thinks!! I'd like to think whatever choice I make is doing the best for both of us.
I think alot of people frown on certain things because it's against everything they've been told what's deemed right or safe. Can most people say in here that they've heard of alot of the natural patenting aspects before joining baby and bump?
Mums and dads of ours are from the era of ff, routine led, cot death scares, early weaning ect, it's what's what they did and what worked for them at the time so it's only
natural for them to maybe comment negatively.
Imagine in 20/30 yrs time when our babies are having thier babies, research may have changed again, weaning age may be 4 months or 12 months... Blw may be deemed as detrimental, co sleeping studies may be different... We will be the ones saying 'oh when you were a baby I did this' ... Blah blah . They'll be on baby and bump slagging us all off!
Why do people feel ashamed of how they raise their children? As long as they grow up confident and safe, who's to judge? Everyone said I'm building a rod for my own back by not letting Alex get himself into hysterics and picking him up at the first sign of tears. It's harder to calm an hysterical baby than a slightly sniffly one