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I'm a Mrs!!!

I know, you stick the word 'wedding' in front of anything and it quadruples the price!

I am so, so, so, so, so stressed. MIL is totally taking over, they're paying for the wedding breakfast which I'm very, very grateful for, but she's inviting people left right and centre, I have a grand total of twelve guests for my side, they have over 30. I feel this is really unfair but I can't ask if I can even it out as we're not paying. Then she's done my seating plan which I'd already done myself, but she says she knows her side better and who'd get on with who and as I've got so few guests it makes more sense for her to do it, which I can see her point but it's MY wedding. Then the room for the evening, the absolute maximum capacity is 90, and she's invited that many people we're up to 95. She says 5 more people won't matter and maybe it won't, but we're paying for the catering on the evening, and we can't really afford all these extra people, and what if there isn't room for my first dance? What if the room is so crowded we can't move in there? There already isn't enough chairs for everyone so we'll have some people standing for the buffet which isn't at all ideal :( :(.

I just wanted a small registry office wedding. With a small reception after. Just to celebrate our marriage. Now the whole thing has spiraled out of control and I feel so hopeless.
Awwh Hun are you okay now? Tbh I would not care about offending her but I would completely be putting my foot down, it's not her place to be doing your seating plan or inviting people. I'm furious for you! Sounds like she's turned it into exactly what you don't want!! If I were you I would have to say something xx
I'm slightly better now thank you, she's still interfering, but she means well, so I'm trying to bite my tongue as much as possible.

Paid for the chair covers for the evening room today, I hope it will help it look more 'wedding like' and not like just a function room.
stalking :happydance: I'm a pretty rubbish stalker though but you know I'll be lurking around lol :)

that's a toughie with your MIL - it's not really fair of her but she's putting you in a position where you can't say anything because she's paying for it :( I wouldn't be able to say anything if I were you, I'm not very assertive so I'd just be silently seething! :haha:
I'm not very assertive either, that's why I just bite my tongue! :haha:

Gave notice of marriage AGAIN today as we've changed venue so we had to do it all over again, but at least it's done, chair covers and flowers paid for too :)
Ugh, I had a friend message me on facebook, well, she's definitely more of an acquaintance than a friend, she didn't even send a card or come see our son when he was born, and she messaged me to ask if she was invited to the wedding! Well, firstly, how cheeky is that?! Secondly, if you hadn't heard with four weeks until the wedding wouldn't you just assume you weren't invited? I would. So I sent her a message back saying we would have loved to have invited her but unfortunately the room is already over capacity and we simply can't squeeze any more in, however, if she wanted to come down for a drink at around 9.00pm when some of our older guests might have left she was more than welcome to, she just message me back saying 'ok dude'. Like WTF?! So now I've offended her when she was the one being cheeky in the first place! I tried to be as tactful as I could manage and I didn't want to just ignore the girl. I should have just told her no she wasn't invited and been done with it. I need a backbone, stat!
For gods sake, now MIL is inviting yet MORE people to our wedding :dohh: I have two friends coming to the wedding, they have TEN! How come all their friends get to come yet we're having to turn away our own friends?! It's really pissing me off now. I think they're taking the mick a bit to be honest. The room is FULL. Simple as, but she just won't listen at all.
Would she listen to your OH? I really couldn't bite my tongue but if you can't say anything then get him to - its not fair on you and is probably making you dislike your wedding day a bit. At the rate she's going you may aswell have waited and had your dream wedding ( I think I remember you wanting a big wedding?) with the other lady, fuck her! People will always be offended, and they always want an invite, don't worry that she's offended if she isn't even your friend. Big hugs! Try not to stress too much xx
You're right, I did want a big castle wedding, but I was settling for a small registry office wedding and then we were supposed to have a big vow renewal a couple of years down the line, now this is to be my only wedding and it's nothing that I wanted :( As they've paid we've had to have the venue they've chosen, the guests they choose and everything else, so it doesn't feel like MY wedding at all.
My OH will go along with whatever they say and won't hear anything against them.
I'm really sorry they're doing this to you! I feel so bad. At least you get to marry tour OH, the 1 thing you did want xx
Yes you're right, I just have to focus on that and hope the rest of the day just falls into place

Ugh, my best friend just dropped out of my hen do. It's this Saturday. I'm majorly pissed at her, my sister has had to step in to her place which is lovely of my sister to do as she's had to arrange child care for her two children.

My place cards have arrived though, they look lovely, I'm really pleased with them, I got them off eBay ready printed all for 10.68 including postage :)
Ooh that's a fab deal! I may end up doing that,I'm sick of sticking felt lol!! Not long now! Have you much to do? Xx
I feel like we have EVERYTHING to do :haha: Flowers and chair covers are paid for, we've still yet to pay for the car, DJ, buffet caterers, I've got to make our seating plan, centrepieces and top table arrangement are all done, so it's just paying for things now! Oh and I need a new necklace, mine broke! I can't believe it broke, it was only a cheap one from eBay though so I'll just get another one, eBay really has been my best friend with this wedding :haha:

Meeting with the wedding coordinator at the venue again tomorrow, probably just to pay the balance and finalise meals and numbers and so on.

Hen party Saturday!! Wooo! I get torn between excited and worry, I worry how I'm going to cope partying til the early hours when I'm usually in bed for 10.30pm :haha: and drinking, I'm not a big drinker and I know people will be trying to force drinks down my neck, but still, it should be a laugh.
Ooh I'm sure it will be fab lol! Hen parties ore for getting drunk n making an idiot of yourself haha xx
Ugh, it is one thing after another with this bloody venue!! Now the room they promised us won't be finished afterall, so our only option is to hold our meal in the same room we marry in, which means a two hour (maybe more) wait for our guests whilst they turn the room into a dining room!!!! They have offered to throw in canapes but I think they should be doing much, much more!!
I also think they should be doing a lot more! They are taking the piss!,, xxx
They sure are!

My last night of freedom is over! Hen night was lots of fun but very tiring!
We went to Blackpool, we found a rock club and danced the night away in there, then we went through Blackpool dungeons and went on the pier the next day and went for a walk down the front :)

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