I'm due 15th August, any one want a bump buddy? :)

This is my first post on this forum, but I'm due the same day as you (15 August), I'd love to ge your bump buddy (haha).
I'm also an Aussie, but LOVE New Zealand! :)

This is my first baby, bit unsure what to expect especially since everyone (I.e know-it-all-mother) keeps telling me it's "too early" for symptoms. I'm so tired, almost like I can't function! And have been since way before I found out - and found out last Saturday at 10DPO. I've been queasy if I don't eat but since yesterday even eating makes me queasy! Sweet things make it even worse!! And OMG I am so bloated I can barely do my pants up.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!
This is my first post on this forum, but I'm due the same day as you (15 August), I'd love to ge your bump buddy (haha).
I'm also an Aussie, but LOVE New Zealand! :)

This is my first baby, bit unsure what to expect especially since everyone (I.e know-it-all-mother) keeps telling me it's "too early" for symptoms. I'm so tired, almost like I can't function! And have been since way before I found out - and found out last Saturday at 10DPO. I've been queasy if I don't eat but since yesterday even eating makes me queasy! Sweet things make it even worse!! And OMG I am so bloated I can barely do my pants up.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

Hi, yay another buddy! Trust me, tell your mum that its never too early for symptoms! Usually as soon as you ovulate and the egg deteriorates, your body goes thru the phase of breaking down the lining etc then your period comes. But if it gets fertilized, then the lining keeps building up! So even if its not a baby/hormone symptom, its still different from what normally goes on! I was worse with my 1st child than second. How old were you at time of conception??

Apart from bloating, actual baby symptoms for me come around 5 1/2 weeks, NOT looking foward to it, tired and sick over Christmas is going to be a bundle of fun for us all isnt it!
I had such bad early ms last time and am on my way again this time around and I just relaized right before I loggd on the holiday dinner was going to never get finished because I will be in the bathroom all day and guests will arrive to an empty table. At least I have a bit of time to make adjustments. :dohh:

ARj, I am so jealous. I want to be a farmer (or farmer's wife LOL). We are going to make a move soon too live near my close cousin who has some land and is starting a homestead....we will do it together and I even have her thinking about babies now too. And that makes so much sense about the reason for early symptoms, that ws boggleing my mind but I knew I had them so it had to be possible.

Now that I am not obsessing over ttc anymore I have moved on to the 'How many are on there and what are thier sexes?' obsession. It never ends!
Hi Inigo...welcome! I have been finding this site a great source of info and support and there are so many awesome ladies on here I am sure you will as well. I stalked a few different forums before I joined this one ;)
I had such bad early ms last time and am on my way again this time around and I just relaized right before I loggd on the holiday dinner was going to never get finished because I will be in the bathroom all day and guests will arrive to an empty table. At least I have a bit of time to make adjustments. :dohh:

ARj, I am so jealous. I want to be a farmer (or farmer's wife LOL). We are going to make a move soon too live near my close cousin who has some land and is starting a homestead....we will do it together and I even have her thinking about babies now too. And that makes so much sense about the reason for early symptoms, that ws boggleing my mind but I knew I had them so it had to be possible.

Now that I am not obsessing over ttc anymore I have moved on to the 'How many are on there and what are thier sexes?' obsession. It never ends!

Haha I get told I'm obsessed (about everything such as diet, exercise, ttc, babies, whatever)!! and now I'm still on here getting all involved in everyone elses lives and pregnancies lol! I google EVERYTHING, and my midwife could never tell me anything new, cos I had already googled it! And i record things in my diary and the kids baby books and compare them! Nutter =D
I reckon we both have one baby in there, mines a girl and yours is a boy =) When are you haveing your 1st scan? I had a hCG test and the blood result was quite low so I pretty much know its not twins, whew!!

The homestead sounds lovely, country life is def great! Hard work and always busy but i love it =)
Hi Inigo...welcome! I have been finding this site a great source of info and support and there are so many awesome ladies on here I am sure you will as well. I stalked a few different forums before I joined this one ;)

Ive found it good too, didnt do forums last two pregnancies. I love talking about it and cos im keeping it a secret for 12 weeks from friends and family this is my outlet!! And every one knows how i feel, and i love hearing everyones stories and problems and symptoms! Its great!
I know what you all mean. It is so nice to have other women in the same boat to talk to. I mean, I know my family is/will be happy for me, but I think it would get old quick listening to me talk about pregnancy 24/7.
I live in the country too and love it. I don't have a farm but I have 2 dogs and a cat and we get deer through our back yard. It's so nice being able to wake up to the roosters crow (even if it is at 5AM)
But geez Arj, talk about googling EVERYTHING!!! I sooo do that. I don't want to irritate my Dr. with all of my internet wisdom. haha. And OMG! I just noticed your ticker and mentioned to my husband the other day that I would like to name a little girl Summer! I love that name. And since I am having an August baby?? I also like McKenzie and Arabella and Abrianna for a girl and Joseph or Christian or Jack for a boy. Have any of you started thinking of baby names yet?
I know what you all mean. It is so nice to have other women in the same boat to talk to. I mean, I know my family is/will be happy for me, but I think it would get old quick listening to me talk about pregnancy 24/7.
I live in the country too and love it. I don't have a farm but I have 2 dogs and a cat and we get deer through our back yard. It's so nice being able to wake up to the roosters crow (even if it is at 5AM)
But geez Arj, talk about googling EVERYTHING!!! I sooo do that. I don't want to irritate my Dr. with all of my internet wisdom. haha. And OMG! I just noticed your ticker and mentioned to my husband the other day that I would like to name a little girl Summer! I love that name. And since I am having an August baby?? I also like McKenzie and Arabella and Abrianna for a girl and Joseph or Christian or Jack for a boy. Have any of you started thinking of baby names yet?

Yes of course, I think of names even when im not preg! My DD was (coincidentally) born on the 1st day of Summer (in NZ) 1st Dec =)
I like the names Saige and Milla for girls, (used to like Jasmine but not anymore) and for boys I like Brennan and Bentley.

My husband likes names like Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca, Kelly etc, and for boys he likes Daniel and Mark. I prefer more different names, but because his 1st name is Keenan, he reckons its a real hassle and every one is like "what? what's your name?" when he tells them! So we are NOT agreeing at all at the mo =/ Early days!
P.s I just snuck a peek at 3rd trimester (shhh) and they're all like "OMG am I in labour" and "Having period like pains" and "lost mucus plug" etc, thatll be us before we know it!!!
P.s I just snuck a peek at 3rd trimester (shhh) and they're all like "OMG am I in labour" and "Having period like pains" and "lost mucus plug" etc, thatll be us before we know it!!!

OMG! I thought I was scared now! I didn't even know what a mucus plug was until last week. I guess I was a late bloomer. haha
Trust me, if any of us is scared, it's me, cos I actually know what to expect! I had horrific labour/births and midwife said this one will be the same. Freaking out!!!! Ignorance is bliss, I'd love to be in your state!
Names. Ugh. We will fight that out later, we never agree on the names. Our poor daughter was going to be either Organic Lifeform or Moonfart Starqueef before he finally agreed on Katherine. I usually like more unique names but for some reason I have always liked that name even though it is so common. I LOVE the name Saige! :thumbup:

I also google everything and am allergic to wheat (full blown celiac) and about 12 other foods so I annoy everyone with endless food related health issue rants...or politics. :shrug:

I hope the first labor I had is an indicator of how this one will go. It was eeeeaaaaassssyyy and quick. But since then (15 years ago) I have developed a phobia of blood so latley I ahve been giving myself the heebie jeebies thinking about what is going on inside me. But it still makes me happy though! :baby:
Names. Ugh. We will fight that out later, we never agree on the names. Our poor daughter was going to be either Organic Lifeform or Moonfart Starqueef before he finally agreed on Katherine. I usually like more unique names but for some reason I have always liked that name even though it is so common. I LOVE the name Saige! :thumbup:

I also google everything and am allergic to wheat (full blown celiac) and about 12 other foods so I annoy everyone with endless food related health issue rants...or politics. :shrug:

I hope the first labor I had is an indicator of how this one will go. It was eeeeaaaaassssyyy and quick. But since then (15 years ago) I have developed a phobia of blood so latley I ahve been giving myself the heebie jeebies thinking about what is going on inside me. But it still makes me happy though! :baby:

Eeeeeasyy and quick! Well when we come to that time I want you to throw me tons of :birth: dust!!! My 1st one was 36 hours, baby got stuck, pushed 3 hours.I got episiotomy and forceps, 9lb12 baby. Then my stitches all burst and got infected and i got mastitis twice with pus coming out of nipples, so was back to hospital 6 days later on a drip =/ Second time baby posterior,got stuck again, pushed 2 hours after a 6 hour labour and had to get cut again and metal ventouse pulled him out and ripped off a circle of his scalp =/ 9lb5oz. then the stitches popped again and i got restitched then got thrush in nipples and DS got it down his whole throat and we were back in hospital 2 weeks later again!!! He also had bad reflux and would cry incessantly, and would wake exactly 1 1/2 hours after putting him to sleep, day and night, for 3 months! I was seriously run ragged, and with a 2 year old with attention issues who would destroy things to make me pay her attention!! Rough time with both, i am wondering if things will be better this time or if some other thing is going to bite me in the ass!! I have narrow hips and i was 11lb at birth so chances are high to have large babies, and my cervix both times didnt dialate fully.

So to sum it up, Im freaking out BIG TIME! Cant get C-section as I HAVE to drive to drop dd off at school etc and my DH will be flat out with the farm in Aug!!

My friend is Celiac and her two kids have allergies, does your DD?
Thanks for the welcome :)

I'm so with you on the googling, anything I can think of, I google! I bought a couple of books, I started reading "what to expect when you're expecting" and all it has done is scare me and made me worry that I am doing everything wrong! Soooo... might stick with forums :)

Had my blood test yesterday (for hcg levels), was told to ring up today for results but they won't give them to me :( Going to change GPs I think as I am really unhappy with everything she's told me so far, and I just think I should trust my gut instinct. It's hard cos we only moved to Perth (from QLD) 18 months ago and we haven't been sick so haven't needed to find a GP!

Arj you've scared me with your birth stories! They sound traumatic. I hope #3 is much better.

We also like "different" names... not weird, just different and definitely not top 100.

Are you guys going to find out what sex you're having?
Yep, dd has it too. We are very sensitive so our whole house is wheat and gluten free. And dh doesn't eat it anymore either. While not diagnosed, he feels MUCH better off wheat. I think everyone would, but that is a rant for another forum - unless anyone wants to know more than I will happy to message you. I am always trying to save the world from wheat. :blush:

WOW! 9-10 pounds, that is huge. I really hope this next one goes better for you. I once had a doctor tell me it went by the mother and not the father. I was afraid when I was pregnant with dd because both ds's from my husbands first wife we're 10 pounds and involved horrifying birth stories like yours, his ex's uterus actually tore and she couldn't have any more after that. DD was only 6.5 pounds and flew right out. But my mom said each of her kids got a pound bigger each time. I will prob have a bigger baby this time because I was so sick on the wheat back then and didn't know it, I am a lot healthier now and am actually deriving nutrients from my food.

HAHA...I just noticed your anniversery ticker and I concieved on your 6th anniversery :haha:
Thanks for the welcome :)

I'm so with you on the googling, anything I can think of, I google! I bought a couple of books, I started reading "what to expect when you're expecting" and all it has done is scare me and made me worry that I am doing everything wrong! Soooo... might stick with forums :)

Had my blood test yesterday (for hcg levels), was told to ring up today for results but they won't give them to me :( Going to change GPs I think as I am really unhappy with everything she's told me so far, and I just think I should trust my gut instinct. It's hard cos we only moved to Perth (from QLD) 18 months ago and we haven't been sick so haven't needed to find a GP!

Arj you've scared me with your birth stories! They sound traumatic. I hope #3 is much better.

We also like "different" names... not weird, just different and definitely not top 100.

Are you guys going to find out what sex you're having?

I love your name. Best. Movie. Ever.
congrats 9babies!

Inigo, I know what you mean about dr's....trust is so important! Good luck with that.
Yep, dd has it too. We are very sensitive so our whole house is wheat and gluten free. And dh doesn't eat it anymore either. While not diagnosed, he feels MUCH better off wheat. I think everyone would, but that is a rant for another forum - unless anyone wants to know more than I will happy to message you. I am always trying to save the world from wheat. :blush:

WOW! 9-10 pounds, that is huge. I really hope this next one goes better for you. I once had a doctor tell me it went by the mother and not the father. I was afraid when I was pregnant with dd because both ds's from my husbands first wife we're 10 pounds and involved horrifying birth stories like yours, his ex's uterus actually tore and she couldn't have any more after that. DD was only 6.5 pounds and flew right out. But my mom said each of her kids got a pound bigger each time. I will prob have a bigger baby this time because I was so sick on the wheat back then and didn't know it, I am a lot healthier now and am actually deriving nutrients from my food.

HAHA...I just noticed your anniversery ticker and I concieved on your 6th anniversery :haha:

Huh? 12th November? I concieved 20th November (hubbys 30th birthday) and I thought you were 3 days behind me?? Oh wait you are meaning the 1st day of your period was 12th Nov... not the day you BD'd.. yea that makes sense cos my period came on the 9th.

I agree with the wheat thing, it bloats me and nowdays the wheat is so genetically modified that it doesn't sit well with the human body (something about too many receptors in the cells or something, i did a little research into it a while back, about why back in the day they all ate bread and now half the population cant have wheat)... Sucks cos I really like burgers! (dont have them much tho cos dont wanna be fat again)!

I heard the weight goes by both parents and that you half it. My DH was nearly 9 and I was 11, and we have nearly 10 babies. I heard boys are bigger, and so are second babies, so my second pregnancy I did my best to not put too much weight on and ran every day and only put 12 kg on not 22 like with 1st pregnancy! definitely felt better the 2nd time round!

Youll be fine tic toc, 1st births are usually the worst (my mum had my sister who was her 6th baby within an hour of starting labour, on the couch at home, no problems, 11lb1oz)!
Oh yeah, I think I must have 'ticker eye' now that I stopped staring for pink lines. :dohh:

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