I'm going to use this thread as my testing thread

I'm feeling some cramps on my left side near my hip, i've been crampy on and off all day. I guess the pain could be gas, but still. Praying!
Don't lose hope hun! You're right cp/cm is great to check to see if you are ovulating, but for pregnancy or afte ovulation it isn't the best thing to check! Nonetheless mine feels the same as yours...low, hard, closed and wet :) I've noticed I've been getting hungrier too and cranky when I can't eat (like when I'm waiting for my DH to get home from work so we can eat dinner...I kinda snapped at him cuz I didn't want to wait an extra 10 minutes to eat) and at lunch time I find myself starving when before I'd forget to even eat lunch! I've been headachey on and off all week and feel some cramps, but not much the last couple of days, which makes me excited cuz normally if I'm waiting for AF I would've felt those distinct AF cramps by now, but I'm also half worried cuz what if the clomid did not make me ovulate like I thought? I'm sure I did ovulate, the ovulation cramps and the timing of it all with the positive opk was too obvious (I hope!) so who knows! I think we're both still in the running! I'm 9dpo today :).
Oh, and I've been crazy bloated and gassy too! And if my story of crankiness didn't make it obvious, I'm super moody..I'm a preschool teacher, so I'm not proud to say this but I have been quite impatient with the kids this week and .I cried cuz DH said he wanted a sandwich after I made him a salad for lunch..Ahahaha I'm so strange. Hope it's all worth it though!
Those sound so promising!!! FX'd!!!! Are you testing tomorrow or waiting until a bit later??
I'm 8 dpo today, I felt REALLY nauseated this morning. And I've been getting hunger pains more often, and I'm hungry as soon as I wake up which is really weird for me. DF said that my nipples look a tad darker and puffier. My boobs are a bit bigger too, not sore though, which is odd. I was having some leg cramps as well. I haven't had any pelvic twinges, I'm still having a lot of watery CM, so hopefully that's a good sign!!!

I know it might be a little early to discuss this, but do you have names that you're liking??
Yay! Sounds like you're feeling something! I'm getting twinges on the side of my pelvis right now, which I haven't felt yet...hope it means something! I have no soreness with my bbs, but my nips have been looking swollen the last couple of days. I feel this slight pressure down in my mound area, but I can't tell if I'm imagining that or not, but I swear I feel it! Hope it's all promising signs! I haven't tested myself yet but I'm going to be patient and wait until Sunday at the earliest! When are you going to start testing?

haha, It's never too early! DH and I have been thinking about names ever since we decided we would ttc! For a boy we really like the names Daniel, Malcolm, Matteo, Luca, but I've always loved the name Philip, which happens to by DH's name, but he doesn't want Jr. (but I'm working on that!). For a girl we like the names Clara, Carolina, Daphne, Guilia, and Eloise. It's so hard to decide! I'm Armenian and my DH is Italian, so we want to pick out a name we really like but their middle names will definitely be as Armenian as DH will allow...Armenians do have very eccentric names :) What are you and DF thinking?? Name hunting is fun!
Woo that's exciting! I know what you mean with thinking you're imagining it all. lol. I drive myself crazy sometimes! Those signs sound promising, imo! I have my FX'd for you!!

I like those names! We were thinking Aubryn Leelynn for a girl and Dresden J. for a boy the middle names are from family :D. I came up with Aubryn randomly one night before I went to bed, I've never heard it before. But I love it so much! And DF and I both love the name Dresden! haha

I think I might test on the 12th... That would be 10dpo for me. I'm scared it will be negative lol. Luckily I have 2 FRER's left. If need be DF can buy a couple more for me. Today is 8dpo and either CD 24 or 25 I think. I'm expecting AF to come on the 16th-20th. My cycles can be a little off. If this month didn't work then I need to buy more ov tests lol. You will have to post a pic of your test! Or tell me, whichever you'd like! :) I'll probably post pics of my tests lol :blush:
So today is 9dpo! I can't seem to sleep all night if I go to bed early!! I slept from 9pm to about 3am. RIDICULOUS! I used to be able to sleep all night. Hormones! (pregnancy or not I know there are hormones rushing through my veins at the moment lol) I woke up feeling very nauseated, it could have been from anxiety, but it happens every time I wake up in the morning then it just turns into hunger. Really odd. I have to pee really bad right now so I'm gonna cut this update short lol
I think it's awesome you have trouble sleeping! Haha, and I mean that in a good way! Hormones are definitely going crazy for you! Sounds like you're getting more symptoms than me! I've been feeling nothing this morning. today I'm 10 dpo and my paitence cracked so I tested myself and it was a BFN ugh! I know it's still early cuz AF isn't suppose to be here for at least anothe 4 days, so I shouldnt feel so down about it, but my hope is starting to sink down for this month. Like I said though, it's still early! Maybe I'll feel or see something later?? I'm so excited for you though! Can't wait to hear what happens!

I'd post a pic, but a BFN is verrrry boring to look at!

Aubryn and Dresden are awesome names!!! Very strong yet sophisticated, I definitely like them! Are you hoping more for a boy of a girl? DH and I would just like to have any, but a boy would be nice :)
Lol is trouble sleeping common in early pregnancy!? I've also had this pain on my left side like a poking pain that comes and goes. I do have a kidney stone on that side so it might be that, but it doesn't feel like it. I'm sorry you got a bfn! It is still early though! FX'd x100!!! I'm worried I'm giving myself the symptoms lol. I'm gonna test tomorrow I'm scared! My boobs aren't sore which is really weird... I figured they would be at 9dpo, usually when AF comes my boobs are sore for a few days before.

When are you going to test again? Let me know if you feel anything later on during the day!! I'm for sure hoping for a girl, but I'd be fine with a boy as well. I'll keep you posted!! :)
I was feeling some weird fluttery sensation in my vagina when I walked... Like... it was really weird. Should I be concerned? :s

I'll try not to panic about this lol...
Lol is trouble sleeping common in early pregnancy!? I've also had this pain on my left side like a poking pain that comes and goes. I do have a kidney stone on that side so it might be that, but it doesn't feel like it. I'm sorry you got a bfn! It is still early though! FX'd x100!!! I'm worried I'm giving myself the symptoms lol. I'm gonna test tomorrow I'm scared! My boobs aren't sore which is really weird... I figured they would be at 9dpo, usually when AF comes my boobs are sore for a few days before.

When are you going to test again? Let me know if you feel anything later on during the day!! I'm for sure hoping for a girl, but I'd be fine with a boy as well. I'll keep you posted!! :)

I was feeling some weird fluttery sensation in my vagina when I walked... Like... it was really weird. Should I be concerned? :s

I'll try not to panic about this lol...

Restlessness can be an early sign! I was definitely feeling that more than usual earlier this week (as I typically am a restless sleeper) but lately I've been sleeping really good (which is very atypical!) and just always tired and I get winded easily (hard to chase after the kids at work!)...so I'm confused, but everything seems to be backwards with me haha. I feel nothing with my boobs, except for the swollen nips, but I don't think that's anything to worry about. Lots of people feel nothing with their boobs until later anyway, I guess!

Just remember, 10dpo is still early early early! So I guess I can't be sad about the BFN, but I still swear I feel that weird crampy sensation down there. It doesn't feel like a cramp where it hurts, but it's more of a sensation I guess. I can't quite explain it...so that gives me hope that something is going on down there! Also I've been wicked lightheaded at work too. Normally I eat a Luna Bar for breakfast with a cup of coffee and I'm fine until lunch, but like I said yesterday, I've been getting super hungry by the time it's lunch this week, which causes me to get lightheaded everytime I get up to do something. Strange? And another weird thing, I know CM is irrealevant at this point, but my cm has been strannnnge today. Sorry to be gross, but it's been looking like ewcm but it has a yellow-green tint to it...I know they say such a thing could mean an infection, but I don't think that's what's going on. No burning or itching down there. Other than that, I don't feel any other symptoms today at 10dpo.

I don't think you need to worry about the sensation you're feeling. Maybe there is some implantation going on?? Hopefully!!
Restlessness can be an early sign! I was definitely feeling that more than usual earlier this week (as I typically am a restless sleeper) but lately I've been sleeping really good (which is very atypical!) and just always tired and I get winded easily (hard to chase after the kids at work!)...so I'm confused, but everything seems to be backwards with me haha. I feel nothing with my boobs, except for the swollen nips, but I don't think that's anything to worry about. Lots of people feel nothing with their boobs until later anyway, I guess!

Just remember, 10dpo is still early early early! So I guess I can't be sad about the BFN, but I still swear I feel that weird crampy sensation down there. It doesn't feel like a cramp where it hurts, but it's more of a sensation I guess. I can't quite explain it...so that gives me hope that something is going on down there! Also I've been wicked lightheaded at work too. Normally I eat a Luna Bar for breakfast with a cup of coffee and I'm fine until lunch, but like I said yesterday, I've been getting super hungry by the time it's lunch this week, which causes me to get lightheaded everytime I get up to do something. Strange? And another weird thing, I know CM is irrealevant at this point, but my cm has been strannnnge today. Sorry to be gross, but it's been looking like ewcm but it has a yellow-green tint to it...I know they say such a thing could mean an infection, but I don't think that's what's going on. No burning or itching down there. Other than that, I don't feel any other symptoms today at 10dpo.

I don't think you need to worry about the sensation you're feeling. Maybe there is some implantation going on?? Hopefully!!

those still sound so promising! i know what you mean about the super hunger! Do you plan to test again soon? That CM does sound really odd, I hope that's a good sign! Keep an eye on it!
the sensation was weird weird... it wasn't like a cramp, almost like something was moving, even though I know nothing was. It's stopped it was only this morning. There was no pain what so ever, no blood, no cm changes. It was so weird. I took a nap today and woke up feeling sick, like i do when i wake up from sleep. I hope I'm not giving myself these symptoms! I noticed some light headedness today, not too bad though. Seems like we still have a lot of the same symptoms! :)
I think I'll test myself again on Sunday...I'll be more patient :) Are you taking prenatal vitamins?
I'm not at the moment. I'm taking a womens one a day multivitamin, cranberry supplements, vitamin d, and a probiotic.

I'm feeling really spiteful at all of my friends (some who are in horrible situations and don't even want kids) getting pregnant. I just got super rage filled all of the sudden. They just post a status on FB and say, "Oops I'm pregnant!" Then constantly post about it everyday. RRGH! Sorry just had to vent.

Let me know how your test goes hun! Are you taking a prenatal?
I'm not at the moment. I'm taking a womens one a day multivitamin, cranberry supplements, vitamin d, and a probiotic.

I'm feeling really spiteful at all of my friends (some who are in horrible situations and don't even want kids) getting pregnant. I just got super rage filled all of the sudden. They just post a status on FB and say, "Oops I'm pregnant!" Then constantly post about it everyday. RRGH! Sorry just had to vent.

Let me know how your test goes hun! Are you taking a prenatal?

Nice! Sounds like you're taking some good stuff there! I've been taking a prenatal vit since we started trying last winter...my nails and my hair have been growing like crazy!

Oh hunny, I totally understand the frustration! It's hard to read stuff like that and just try to think nothing of it. Ugh, so so frustrating. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I went through hell last year (and on) with my DH's family member's wife who is super super egocentric to begin with and her first pregnancy. So frustrating considering their lifestyle, how little they even had to try (aka they weren't trying at all) and boom, they have a healthy little girl. SO irritating. All you can do is just try not to read those kind of posts (you can block that person's post on fb if you want :winkwink:) and focus on yourself and your DF. That's one thing I'm slowly trying to learn myself...just focusing on me and DH and our own future. It's tough though, I feel your pain. Plus the only other thing you can do when you get frustrated is to just vent vent vent!!! It helps :flower: Feel better!
I was thinking about starting a prenatal vitamin, trying or not I know it makes your nails and hair amazing :haha:

It really is frustrating. I guess I just have to keep praying! I'm feeling kind of hopeless about this month, although I'm a pessimist usually, so that could explain it. I'm sorry you had to go through it too. I feel so bad but when I see someone who doesn't need/want a child, in my head I say, "How do you deserve a child, and I don't?" I know that's totally irrational. I do hide the posts as soon as I see them. I'm praying for both of us hun!!! The main person I was talking about was this girl I know who was with a total jackass and got pregnant by him, she miscarried and basically made him get her pregnant again, she abused his ignorance. He didn't know that women are more fertile after a miscarriage and boom she got pregnant straight away. They broke up now she'll be a single mother. I'm like, "Did you really want a baby so bad that you'd rather be a single mother than have a family?" I know that if DF and I were in that situation I would move on and hopefully find the man that I'd want to father my children. No matter how much I want a child, I want a happy family more.
The vitamins made me feel sick at first but you quickly get use to it! But since you take a multivitamin then you're already use to it! My ob/gyn told me to start taking them when I told her we were ttc.

Ugh that situation sounds tough!! How could you NOT get mad at somethig like that! Youre better off ignoring her and posts like that. Not a good way to bring a child into the world with that kind of bad karma and what a rude thing to do to the dad!! Ugh thats craziness! I can see why you're riled up by that!

Question, does the fluttering you feel, does it feel like its pulsating down there? This evening that lower area feels like its pulsing and it reminded me of how you said you were feeling the flutters
I'll have to get some! The sensation was kind of pulsate-y I guess, it was like... something was moving or something... it felt kind of...tickle-y lol. I have no idea.

I know right? I try to just ignore all her pregnancy posts. x)
woah just got loads of clear slippery CM. It was kind of stringy even. It just came out of nowhere!! I actually had to wipe myself! Is that a good sign?

edit: gonna bd just in case :haha:

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