I'm new! Anyone else due on/around 26th Sept?

Awww thank you for your replies, welcomes & hello's! Brill, there's a few of us due around the same day then and a couple on the same day with same scan day wow!

I'm staying yellow! Bit curious but hubby is adamant we're not finding out! Got 16 wk check at 1pm and nervous! How silly! :haha: Looking forward to our eldest (she's 4.5 yrs) coming with us so praying HB can be heard...

Totally in 2 minds about whether to take her with us to 20 wk scan (plenty of time to think about it tho!) as don't want her to experience it if it's negative, but would love her to be there if all's good - any of you in similar position?

She came to the 12 wk scan last year when we found out HB had stopped and it took all I had not to break down in front of her, our 2 year old was oblivious!

All the best to you all! Have I officially got my 1st ever bump buddies then?! :friends: :flower:
26th here too although will be having baby on 12th, but the gestational age is the same :) I had midwife today and she managed to find the hb for a few seconds before baby kicked away (could hear the kick on the doppler)

So sorry to hear about your loss too :( we lost our little boy 2 years ago to SIDS, he was only 12 days old, then we had our little girl who is now 14 months :flower: x

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about all the losses people have suffered here, nothing can compare to it especially a SIDS loss, so sorry for you hayley, what was his name? I've recently come to know someone who lost there LO at 13 months old :cry: I absolutely cannot imagine what that must be like and makes my loss seem incomparable, it was my 2 girls that kept me upbeat.

I think there's 5 of us, might be wrong (sorry baby brain excuse!) that are due on the 26th, babyhopesxx, Frecks, Hayley, Mama627 and Lady Gecko (& me!)! Will be so exciting following each others progress :) :flower:
We're team yellow too, and in two minds as to take LO to the scan, I'm thinking I'll take my mum too so if something is wrong she can take her straight out x
I'm due 9/16, but if he's not here by the 9th, I'll be having a c-section that day. We had an early miscarriage in November, so we have definitely been on edge more this time. We have 2 healthy boys and no history or pregnancy complications, so the miscarriage was a total shock. We were lucky enough to get pregnant the following month and this little guy seems to be sticking.
hi sorry took me a while to get back to you.
i have 3 girls and this is my 5th pregnancy. my scan is 18th may and im trying really hard not to book a private gender scan to find out sooner. i just want to know if i need to hang on to the girls stuff or not, esp as we are moving at the end of june. my eldest was 6 when dd2 was born and she came to the 20week scan with us. i havent taken her to the 12 week one as i was more worried about those ones iyswim. she really enjoyed it and loved looking at the spine and skull etc. but then she is very interested in the human body anyway.
hi there im also sep 26th!! this is baby number 2 iv got a little boy who is 4. and found out yesterday that im on team :pink: yey!! i took my lil boy and he was amazed cos it was private they showed the scan on a flat screen tv and he was just staring at it bless him so i would say yes defo take her i think it helps them bond with there new brother or sister xxxxxx
It's weird so many of us due on the same date and we've all got our 20 wk scans the same day too. lol.

I won't be bringing ds to scan because we won't have time to pick him up from school before the scan. So my sister will be looking after him.

OH wants to stay team :yellow: but i'm desperate to know :blush: i keep googling the nub theory and comparing the scan to my sons scan. Now i'm just confused as to the gender :haha:
We're team yellow too, and in two minds as to take LO to the scan, I'm thinking I'll take my mum too so if something is wrong she can take her straight out x

Def good idea taking mum! I would but she lives 3 hours away!
I'm due 9/16, but if he's not here by the 9th, I'll be having a c-section that day. We had an early miscarriage in November, so we have definitely been on edge more this time. We have 2 healthy boys and no history or pregnancy complications, so the miscarriage was a total shock. We were lucky enough to get pregnant the following month and this little guy seems to be sticking.

Exactly the same as me then SPJE, except I had 2 problem free girls before, like you say, it's just a total shock, you almost think it's one of those things that wouldn't happen to me :nope: We ummed and arrghhed but decided to try again as soon as I'd had first AF after miscarriage, thankfully it worked and I count ourselves incredibly lucky we are able to conceive.

May I ask why you've got to have a c-section beforehand?
hi sorry took me a while to get back to you.
i have 3 girls and this is my 5th pregnancy. my scan is 18th may and im trying really hard not to book a private gender scan to find out sooner. i just want to know if i need to hang on to the girls stuff or not, esp as we are moving at the end of june. my eldest was 6 when dd2 was born and she came to the 20week scan with us. i havent taken her to the 12 week one as i was more worried about those ones iyswim. she really enjoyed it and loved looking at the spine and skull etc. but then she is very interested in the human body anyway.

Hello again! :wave: Thank you for replying! Know what you mean about girls clothes etc, feel much the same but DH is very against finding out so we'll be staying yellow!

I know, I don't want her to miss out on a potentially really positive experience but I just don't know after last time :-k
hi there im also sep 26th!! this is baby number 2 iv got a little boy who is 4. and found out yesterday that im on team :pink: yey!! i took my lil boy and he was amazed cos it was private they showed the scan on a flat screen tv and he was just staring at it bless him so i would say yes defo take her i think it helps them bond with there new brother or sister xxxxxx

woo hoo another one for the Sept 26th club! :happydance: huge congrats on your :pink: bump! DH is convinced we've another :pink: in there! He going to be stunned if he's wrong lol! Will bear your advice in mind, thanku x
It's weird so many of us due on the same date and we've all got our 20 wk scans the same day too. lol.

I won't be bringing ds to scan because we won't have time to pick him up from school before the scan. So my sister will be looking after him.

OH wants to stay team :yellow: but i'm desperate to know :blush: i keep googling the nub theory and comparing the scan to my sons scan. Now i'm just confused as to the gender :haha:

Not looked into this nub theory, sounds interesting! Very mad! May 10th is going to be a big day! Whereabouts in the country are you?

I had my 16 wk MW check yesterday and she heard HB straight away :D but I felt quietly confident in the waiting room as little bean was booting me as I was enthralled in a SAGA magazine or something!

Anyone else here very disappointed with their MW, mine I'm sure would rather be somewhere else :( I have had to have my thyroid levels checked since I was 2 (had a thyroidectomy) and she just said well I hope you've got that end sorted as I don't 'do' thyroids!! Useless!! Tis a good job I've got it sorted then isn't it :growlmad:

I'm also rhesus negative so have to have the lovely anti-D jab, anyone else?

So that's jacks mummy too to add to the 26th Sept list! babyhopesxx, Frecks, Hayley, Mama627 and Lady Gecko
Not looked into this nub theory, sounds interesting! Very mad! May 10th is going to be a big day! Whereabouts in the country are you?

I had my 16 wk MW check yesterday and she heard HB straight away :D but I felt quietly confident in the waiting room as little bean was booting me as I was enthralled in a SAGA magazine or something!

Anyone else here very disappointed with their MW, mine I'm sure would rather be somewhere else :( I have had to have my thyroid levels checked since I was 2 (had a thyroidectomy) and she just said well I hope you've got that end sorted as I don't 'do' thyroids!! Useless!! Tis a good job I've got it sorted then isn't it :growlmad:

I'm also rhesus negative so have to have the lovely anti-D jab, anyone else?

So that's jacks mummy too to add to the 26th Sept list! babyhopesxx, Frecks, Hayley, Mama627 and Lady Gecko

I'm from Hertfordshire, a little bit north from London.

My MW is lovely, she was the same mw i had with my DS. I saw her on monday and heard hb, she said bubs was laying a little to my left and picked up the hb straight away :cloud9: she has also booked me in for a glucose tolerance test when i'm 28 wks, the day after my birthday :dohh: only because my ds was a whopper when he was born. lol
Hey there I am due on september 12th with my second. We tried for 6 years, had one ectopic 3 years ago at 9 weeks, just about to start IVF in October 2010 and out of the blue fell pregnant with my 11 month old in August. Now expecting our second only 10 months later!! Sorry to hear about your loss, and hopefully the midwife will hear the hearbeat and let you relax a little bit! Good luck
Im due on the 22nd of september :)

Congratulations YoungMummi!!! That's when my mum hopes I'll pop as it's her and 2 of my friend's birthdays! :shock: It's looking like septembers going to be a busy one :) Are you going to find out the sex?

So lovely to hear HB isn't it babyhopes? So reassuring, just another slog til the 10th May now :) Oooh we were nearly neighbours then! My DH went for a job in Herts not so long ago! So wish I had my first ever MW she was adorable and none have come close since. For the whole of my 2nd pg we were living in Scotland then DH got offered a job in Suffolk 10 days before I was due so we moved, unpacked then I gave birth in the lounge lol! With midwives I'd never met before!

You guys may be able to answer me something, I noticed at check yesterday, they put a + next to my urine protein check, is that significant? My BP was pretty low.

Thanks Rolocully, huge congrats to you on your 2nd little miracle and so sorry for your losses, it seems they are so many girls who have suffered some sort of loss, I was so happy to hear HB and I'm not going to take one good day for granted this time!
We weren't going to but I don't think I will be able to! My mum would love a little girl but I have a feeling its another boy! My husbands hoping so cos he is dreading how much I will spend on little girls clothes!!
We weren't going to but I don't think I will be able to! My mum would love a little girl but I have a feeling its another boy! My husbands hoping so cos he is dreading how much I will spend on little girls clothes!!

Lol! Yes I imagine I've spent a whole lot more on pretty bits than if we'd been team blue all along! But hey, the way I look at it is (which is what I tell him when he's tapping his pin in for more flowery sandals) boys surely wreck more clothes being boys than girls do surely?!! :winkwink:
Im due on the 22nd of september :)

Congratulations YoungMummi!!! That's when my mum hopes I'll pop as it's her and 2 of my friend's birthdays! :shock: It's looking like septembers going to be a busy one :) Are you going to find out the sex?

So lovely to hear HB isn't it babyhopes? So reassuring, just another slog til the 10th May now :) Oooh we were nearly neighbours then! My DH went for a job in Herts not so long ago! So wish I had my first ever MW she was adorable and none have come close since. For the whole of my 2nd pg we were living in Scotland then DH got offered a job in Suffolk 10 days before I was due so we moved, unpacked then I gave birth in the lounge lol! With midwives I'd never met before!

You guys may be able to answer me something, I noticed at check yesterday, they put a + next to my urine protein check, is that significant? My BP was pretty low.

Thanks Rolocully, huge congrats to you on your 2nd little miracle and so sorry for your losses, it seems they are so many girls who have suffered some sort of loss, I was so happy to hear HB and I'm not going to take one good day for granted this time!

Yep i'm finding out the sex on monday! im so excited! I have a strong feelings its gunna be a boy.
How exciting! What makes you feel it's a :blue:? Can't guess for a minute with mine! x

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