To the 26th Septemberers - HAPPY 17 WEEKS TODAY!!
i dont have a 16 week check up here. ive got my 20week scan at the hospital and then dont see my midwife till 24 weeks. dont know if thats cos im in scotland now or if cos its my 4th baby. its just been a long few stressful months and im kinda waiting for it all to go wrong. that may sound negative but im just not feeling very positive at the moment.
will give her a call next week anyway cos there has been some confusion over my screening bloods.
oh hun
sorry I haven't been on since saturday... how are you feeling today? Just trying to remember what MW apps I had when I was pg in Scotland with my 2nd. Think I had one at 15 wks, then next one at 24 weeks, 28 wks, 34 wks, 36 wks, 38 wks and anti-D jab apps in-between.
So didn't see MW for 4 weeks after scan, whereas this time (in Suffolk), I've got a 22 wk scan
god knows how they decide appointments, but it doesn't help if you're worried to have such big gaps... your MW may well see you anyway as you're concerned, she should do really, you're far enough along for her to stick the doppler on you just for some reassurance... Hope all goes ok with the bloods...let us know how you get on...
How is everyone else? I am so so glad to finally have this black cloud of morning sickness lifted, anyone else still suffering? My mum has no idea what I'm on about as she didn't have it with any of us (3 kids).... went to a country fair with DH and the girls yesterday and I wasn't going green at all the smells HURRAH! finally!
Feel like I've had it forever having had it for 6 weeks with the pregnancy I lost at 12 weeks then getting PG soon after and it coming on again almost immediately
Really don't think I could go through it again...
Forgot to say... we're hoping that we won't have to spend too much on baby bits as we're going to have to get a new car! No way can we get 3 car seats across the back seat plus we've got the added bonus of my hobby (my dogs) and carting them round the country, need a bloomin bus! Anyone else got the same prob? Think we're looking at Discoverys now or VW Transporter vans - seriously!
Have you all told all your friends and family yet? Found out yesterday that MIL had taken it upon herself to tell the people we weren't planning to tell yet and I'm pretty p****d off with her as it's not her b****y job - the people she told will have really got the hump we hadn't told them (as of course it's all about them not us of course), bloody family grrr)...