I'm new! Anyone else due on/around 26th Sept?

yea mine have been little taps and tickles but the last 2days ive had a few little kicks :D i cant wait for another few weeks to pass so i can feel it properly!! its my fave part of pregnancy! x
LO was just sat on my knee the other day and baby did a huge kick and kicked her in the back! Then she felt it properly yesterday :) Soo cute :D
aww my little boy is always touching my belly asking when baby is going to kick. im sure he will feel it soon enough. x
LO was just sat on my knee the other day and baby did a huge kick and kicked her in the back! Then she felt it properly yesterday :) Soo cute :D

Oh fab! Cannot wait until DD's & DH can feel kicks :)! DH gets really impatient lol! You're all so organised with your names, we've been useless every time! Lol at the F.A.G. initials, you have to be so careful don't you! Thought better of giving DD2 the initals A.S.S! :haha: ruled out a really nice name, I was gutted!!

So relieved to be getting some good movements now, it's great when it happens (those who haven't yet), well worth the wait :)
i think its defo true most ladies feel there 2nd earlier than there 1st. xx
Yeah i can definately feel this lo earlier than with my ds :D i can't wait to get a proper bump too, at the mo i just look a bit fatter. But i can definately feel a solid lump below under my belly button. Anyone else got a bump yet? xx
i had a couple of wriggly type things a few weeks back but nothing since. im getting worried. :cry:
i had a couple of wriggly type things a few weeks back but nothing since. im getting worried. :cry:

E&L's mummy, prior to this Monday night (Waking the Dead final episode :winkwink:), I hadn't felt anything for at least 10 days having felt definite movements prior to then.... I started to convince myself something was wrong and so swallowed my pride and actually spoke to my MW who unsurprisingly wasn't in the slightest bit concerned but did say if I am getting very worried she will gladly have a listen with the doppler.

Have you had your 16 wk check yet? If so, did MW listen for HB? If you haven't been, give her a call and hopefully she'll suggest you meet up with her... worrying is horrible and despite what your brain may be telling you, it's very hard to stop!

Lots of love xxx
yes i wouldnt worrie too much hun, i no that i was worrying just before my gender scan because i hadnt felt anything really from baby for a few days but i had my scan and my baby girl was fine jumping around and wriggling like mad i just think that cos they are still so small and not heavy at all you cant really feel them, we all seem to have just over 3 weeks until we turn 20weeks and thats when i no with my son i got lots of kicks! just try not to panic if u cant stop go see ur midwife and she will put ur mind at ease :hugs: xxx
I felt 2nd baby much sooner than 3rd baby :shrug: its weird! I had a bump quicker with her too, but then I got pregnant straight after her brother so that might explain it!

They dont worry about movements until 24 weeks so you have plenty of time yet :) Mine are still few and far between.

:hugs: x
I felt 2nd baby much sooner than 3rd baby :shrug: its weird! I had a bump quicker with her too, but then I got pregnant straight after her brother so that might explain it!

They dont worry about movements until 24 weeks so you have plenty of time yet :) Mine are still few and far between.

:hugs: x

Yes you're right, they don't which is what you have have to keep in mind when mid-panic! I know I have to! I think bubs is only about 10cm at the mo so facing your back, you wouldn't feel a thing if they were practicing their judo... much prefer it when mine is facing out and reminds me he/she's there from time to time!

Do you think (asking everyone) it's worse to have felt movement early then not feel anything for a while or to just have not felt movement until 20+ weeks? It's a toughie but for me, I was so glad to get some feedback from what's going on inside me that I can't see after all the anguish of not knowing/waiting for scan and morning sickness lol!

O/T but of those of you who already have LO's, have you got lots of things you need to buy? I guess those of you who know you're expecting a different sex this time will be out buying pink or blue stuff soon. If I have a boy, he'll have to come shopping with us for his blue stuff lol!

I'm finding after DD2, most of the clothes are getting worn out now and it's doubtful they'll do another one! ooops, more shopping!
I dont mind on the movement front. I am pleased I have felt baby and dont worry (yet) when I dont feel Bertie cause I know just how little it still is right now.

Clothes, well we gave most our of sons things away after he died, kept a few special things that we will probs use again, but the majority we will need to buy - but like you that will be once baby is here. We have a few netural things from my daughter so only need to buy a handful of bits. Have a blue and pink moses basket - one used for 12 days the other rarely used as I was too paranoid cause she turned into the side I thought she'd suffocate, so will just need new mattress if we decide to use it.

We've ordered our nursery package while its on offer and will pay it off as we go along.

Probs need a double pram but gunna but an ergo carrier, see how we get on. Other than that dont really need anything. Got a bouncer - toys - playmat - jumperoo. Maybe need new bottles but I hope to BF for longer this time.

Ok probs need quite a lot :dohh: x
well by the time this LO gets here my son will be nearly 5 so i hardly have anything left from when he was a baby i gave alot of it away tbh so im buying all from new. but this baby is a girl and most of my sons stuff were 'boy' colourd with trains or rockets ect ect lol so my little girl would not of looked very good in it haha also im defo in 2minds about the early movements i love it when i feel it but when i cant feel her i do panic and think it would be just easier if i hadnt felt her until 20week+ saying that tho she is tap tap tapping away as im typing this :happydance: xx
haha hayley iv been stressing the past few days i wont get everything before the baby gets here i think it just dawned on me how much i actually have to buy and all the nursery to do..... im scared lol x
i had a couple of wriggly type things a few weeks back but nothing since. im getting worried. :cry:

E&L's mummy, prior to this Monday night (Waking the Dead final episode :winkwink:), I hadn't felt anything for at least 10 days having felt definite movements prior to then.... I started to convince myself something was wrong and so swallowed my pride and actually spoke to my MW who unsurprisingly wasn't in the slightest bit concerned but did say if I am getting very worried she will gladly have a listen with the doppler.

Have you had your 16 wk check yet? If so, did MW listen for HB? If you haven't been, give her a call and hopefully she'll suggest you meet up with her... worrying is horrible and despite what your brain may be telling you, it's very hard to stop!

Lots of love xxx

i dont have a 16 week check up here. ive got my 20week scan at the hospital and then dont see my midwife till 24 weeks. dont know if thats cos im in scotland now or if cos its my 4th baby. its just been a long few stressful months and im kinda waiting for it all to go wrong. that may sound negative but im just not feeling very positive at the moment.
will give her a call next week anyway cos there has been some confusion over my screening bloods.
To the 26th Septemberers - HAPPY 17 WEEKS TODAY!!

i dont have a 16 week check up here. ive got my 20week scan at the hospital and then dont see my midwife till 24 weeks. dont know if thats cos im in scotland now or if cos its my 4th baby. its just been a long few stressful months and im kinda waiting for it all to go wrong. that may sound negative but im just not feeling very positive at the moment.
will give her a call next week anyway cos there has been some confusion over my screening bloods.

oh hun :hugs: sorry I haven't been on since saturday... how are you feeling today? Just trying to remember what MW apps I had when I was pg in Scotland with my 2nd. Think I had one at 15 wks, then next one at 24 weeks, 28 wks, 34 wks, 36 wks, 38 wks and anti-D jab apps in-between.

So didn't see MW for 4 weeks after scan, whereas this time (in Suffolk), I've got a 22 wk scan :wacko: god knows how they decide appointments, but it doesn't help if you're worried to have such big gaps... your MW may well see you anyway as you're concerned, she should do really, you're far enough along for her to stick the doppler on you just for some reassurance... Hope all goes ok with the bloods...let us know how you get on...

How is everyone else? I am so so glad to finally have this black cloud of morning sickness lifted, anyone else still suffering? My mum has no idea what I'm on about as she didn't have it with any of us (3 kids).... went to a country fair with DH and the girls yesterday and I wasn't going green at all the smells HURRAH! finally! :happydance: Feel like I've had it forever having had it for 6 weeks with the pregnancy I lost at 12 weeks then getting PG soon after and it coming on again almost immediately :sick: Really don't think I could go through it again...

Forgot to say... we're hoping that we won't have to spend too much on baby bits as we're going to have to get a new car! No way can we get 3 car seats across the back seat plus we've got the added bonus of my hobby (my dogs) and carting them round the country, need a bloomin bus! Anyone else got the same prob? Think we're looking at Discoverys now or VW Transporter vans - seriously!

Have you all told all your friends and family yet? Found out yesterday that MIL had taken it upon herself to tell the people we weren't planning to tell yet and I'm pretty p****d off with her as it's not her b****y job - the people she told will have really got the hump we hadn't told them (as of course it's all about them not us of course), bloody family grrr)...
thank lilvixen. we will have to get a bigger car too as this is baby number 4. my eldest doesnt need a carseat but the other 3 do. we are gonna get a Kia sedona. it the most useful/practical of that type of car we have seen. and isnt as expensive as the others. owuld love a crysler voyager but the purse strngs wont run to that. lol.
Happy 17 weeks girls :D this is flying.

Nothing here symptom wise, been waiting since I got my :bfp: so I'm quite lucky. Although this morning I seem to have popped and do look pregnant now. Midwife rang me today and I have a consultant appointment in a months time but I'm on holiday so will have to ring and rearrange :( hopefully get in around 24 weeks if I ring soon. x
How are feeling today E&L's mummy? Did you ring your MW? Hope you feel better or she helps reassure you x Those Cryslers look great! It's a nightmare isn't it?! When we're discussing and writing off cars because they're not wide enough, I can't help but remember the days as kids we were crammed into the back of a car, no car seats needed! Blimey, can't imagine NOT going through all the car seat malarchy now! Going to be an expensive year me thinks! I love our car too, gutted we've got to change it!

Wow is that you Hayley in your avatar? What a lovely bump :) Hope I look pregnant like that and not just fat lol! That's the trouble with these appointments, cancel at your peril! good old NHS!
I know, but I have on in July booked for my growth scan so if the worst comes to the worst I will eventually get to see her. Getting to see the midwife is hard enough now - seems everyones pregnant :lol:

Do your girls know about this baby yet? are they getting excited? x

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