I'm so scared somethings going wrong again

I know how hard it is to wait hun but sometimes it can be a good thing. When you go into epu with bleeding they still can't always say which way it will go and then there are more days of uncertainty. At least hopefully by Tuesday, you will get a clear answer. I know how hard the waiting is though, been there myself. Will still keep my fingers crossed for you that all turns out ok.
Hi Nat, just read your update on here. Can't believe they're leaving you till Tues! I am really sorry your having to deal with all this again, especially on Belle's birthday of all days :hugs: Have they not suggested checking your hcg levels?
Hi Nat, just read your update on here. Can't believe they're leaving you till Tues! I am really sorry your having to deal with all this again, especially on Belle's birthday of all days :hugs: Have they not suggested checking your hcg levels?

Hi wildflower, I know my body sure knows when to pick it's days to do these things!! I had a worry something would happen as I will be 6 weeks this weekend, same as last mc, but almost thought that couldn't happen twice.

No nothing has been mentioned about doing hcg levels, I don't suppose it will make a lot of difference. I'm not holding out much hope really. Despite everyones kind words about bleeding it's too similar to the last mc, at the same point in pregnancy. But this time will push for some more tests to be done on me, there must be something wrong with me. I didn't even get a scan at the last mc, all they did was take blood to check hcg level and was just told I wasn't pregnant anymore from that!
Hun when I had bleeding in the beginning they wanted me to go down just to make sure it wasn't an ectopic. A&e can do ultrasounds. Not saying it is an ectopic. But they should of least rule that out. Sorry you have to wait til Tuesday. Sure everything is fine. Just can't believe they haven't at lesast checked you out. Praying all is ok Hun xx
Hi Natnee, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Has anyone ever checked your progesterone levels? I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks last December, and the first thing my doctor checked when I fell pregnant again was my progesterone levels. I started taking progesterone tablets 3 times a day at 4 weeks, and I am now 7 weeks. The doctor said he is pretty sure I would have miscarried again if I wasn't taking the progesterone.
Thanks ladies. I heard from my mw again and if I'm still bleeding tomorrow, which i'm sure I will be, I am to call her and the registrar will want to see me and she will also take bloods. I a bleeding quite constistently now, earlier I passed quite a big clot. I don't know if it was the baby or not.
Hi Natnee, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Has anyone ever checked your progesterone levels? I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks last December, and the first thing my doctor checked when I fell pregnant again was my progesterone levels. I started taking progesterone tablets 3 times a day at 4 weeks, and I am now 7 weeks. The doctor said he is pretty sure I would have miscarried again if I wasn't taking the progesterone.

Thanks for this, this is worth knowing. Interesting you were 6 weeks as well when you miscarried. I had no real checks done after the mc last year, only checked hcg levels. We will be making sure they will check anything they can this time!
I had quite a bleed at 6 weeks, and a lot of cramping. All was OK, I really hope the same for you too.x
Oh, Natnee, I'm so sorry. :hugs: I'm just a few days over 6 weeks and had a scan today because I've been bleeding on and off for 3 days. Everything was okay, baby is developing well. Maybe everything is okay for you too. I was sure I was losing this baby, so was just about everyone else. But it turned out alright, at least so far. Your baby could still be okay.
I understand what it's like to be afraid of getting your hopes up and being crushed though, so hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. I was pleasantly surprised, but definitely did not expect to be. (I guess that's what makes it a surprise.)
I'm praying for you and your lo. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Thanks again for the encouraging words ladies. Bleeding still quite consistent bordering on heavy and clots in it so I really don't hold out much hope!
Bleeding has tailed off a little bit today, but not gone completely! Just going to wait til Tuesday now when I've got a scan booked.
Well bleeding seems to have died down quite a lot by yesterday afternoon. Had my daughters birthday party with 30 kids yesterday and really didn't feel tired after that. Really, if I was pregnant that should've wiped me out so i'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant anymore. Now all the birthday stuff is out the way there's nothing to take my mind off it. Been awake since 5 this morning, got horrible upset stomach. Got to go to work tonight not looking forward to that. Still got to wait a whole day to confirm my thoughts.
🙏🏻🙏🏻 all is ok Hun. Good luck for tomorrow x
Wow, 30 kids. You're brave :)

Hope you get some good news tomorrow.
I keep googling and reading stories where women have bled and sometimes quite a lot and their baby's are ok. Or where people have lost a twin and there's still one there. I keep getting my hopes up then think about it and realise I probably won't be that lucky. It was all too similar to the last mc and exact same gestation. And absolutely zero symptoms. The only plus side is bleeding has now almost gone, just a tiny bit of spotting brown now, could probably get away with just a PL rather than a pad but just don't want to risk in case it kicks off again!

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