Implantation Bleeding Stories ~Compare experiences and help others who are confused~


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Warning, this thread will be filled with a lot of TMI from posters.

So after finding myself extremely confused over the last few weeks about whether I had Implantation Bleeding(IB) or not, I decided that I should start this thread so that the ladies who have experienced IB can explain their experiences, and hopefully help out those who think they may be going through it.

IB can be confusing, always wondering whether it is normally short, long, heavy or barely-there spotting, and what colors it may be or how long it can last. And since many women experience different types of IB, this is a place for women to post their experiences so that those who are confused and looking for answers can compare what they are going through to the stories and hopefully get some answers, or for ladies to post what they are going through and ask questions to those who have gone through this before. Also, if you would like, you can also post your symptom spotting in this, as it can also be helpful, but it is your choice whether you wish to add that or not.


This month, I had what I believed to be IB, and I took a test and ended up with a BFN, but then Friday morning I decided to try again and ended up with a BFP and learned that what I went through was IB, so here is my experience.

Short back story info: I have a 33 day cycle and ovulate on CD 16, so my CD/DPO may be different from yours.

December 21/22 (CD 14/15): BD, no protection and didn’t pull out
CD 16 – O day, woke with brown/pink spotting (first time O spotting)
DPO 9-11 – light cramping randomly throughout the days in pelvic area and along hip bones
DPO 12 – (First day of IB) Light brown spotting at night, stopped after 2-3 hours
DPO 13 – In the morning started lightly bleeding, dark red and a few times it was pink mixed with clear creamy cm, light cramps and lower back pain like AF. Barely 1 pad all day.
DPO 14 – Medium flow dark red by night it slowed to a toilet paper stain of pale pink with cm.
DPO 15 – Same as the day before but by evening it turned into a bare-there stain on toilet paper
DPO 16 – Flow turned into a thick brown goo until midafternoon when it lightened to a stain.
DPO 17-19 – Same brown goo, it would lighten by night but pick back up in the morning, and finally stopped on the morning of DPO 19. Took test on DPO 19, :bfn:

From O day through DPO 13 I had a lot of creamy clear cm mostly just when wiped though. And after this I assumed the test was right, but symptoms kept appearing, the worst of which was that my breasts have been hurting nearly non-stop since December 28th (CD 21, DPO 6).

After a month of sore breasts, itchy body, swollen feet, nausea, craving BK fries/onion rings, extreme fatigue and an emotional roller coaster I decided to test again on Feb 1st, and got 2 :bfp:

Good luck ladies, and hopefully others will post and this thread will help out those who are confused and looking for answers.
Warning, this thread will be filled with a lot of TMI from posters.

So after finding myself extremely confused over the last few weeks about whether I had Implantation Bleeding(IB) or not, I decided that I should start this thread so that the ladies who have experienced IB can explain their experiences, and hopefully help out those who think they may be going through it.

IB can be confusing, always wondering whether it is normally short, long, heavy or barely-there spotting, and what colors it may be or how long it can last. And since many women experience different types of IB, this is a place for women to post their experiences so that those who are confused and looking for answers can compare what they are going through to the stories and hopefully get some answers, or for ladies to post what they are going through and ask questions to those who have gone through this before. Also, if you would like, you can also post your symptom spotting in this, as it can also be helpful, but it is your choice whether you wish to add that or not.


This month, I had what I believed to be IB, and I took a test and ended up with a BFN, but then Friday morning I decided to try again and ended up with a BFP and learned that what I went through was IB, so here is my experience.

Short back story info: I have a 33 day cycle and ovulate on CD 16, so my CD/DPO may be different from yours.

December 21/22 (CD 14/15): BD, no protection and didn’t pull out
CD 16 – O day, woke with brown/pink spotting (first time O spotting)
DPO 9-11 – light cramping randomly throughout the days in pelvic area and along hip bones
DPO 12 – (First day of IB) Light brown spotting at night, stopped after 2-3 hours
DPO 13 – In the morning started lightly bleeding, dark red and a few times it was pink mixed with clear creamy cm, light cramps and lower back pain like AF. Barely 1 pad all day.
DPO 14 – Medium flow dark red by night it slowed to a toilet paper stain of pale pink with cm.
DPO 15 – Same as the day before but by evening it turned into a bare-there stain on toilet paper
DPO 16 – Flow turned into a thick brown goo until midafternoon when it lightened to a stain.
DPO 17-19 – Same brown goo, it would lighten by night but pick back up in the morning, and finally stopped on the morning of DPO 19. Took test on DPO 19, :bfn:

From O day through DPO 13 I had a lot of creamy clear cm mostly just when wiped though. And after this I assumed the test was right, but symptoms kept appearing, the worst of which was that my breasts have been hurting nearly non-stop since December 28th (CD 21, DPO 6).

After a month of sore breasts, itchy body, swollen feet, nausea, craving BK fries/onion rings, extreme fatigue and an emotional roller coaster I decided to test again on Feb 1st, and got 2 :bfp:

Good luck ladies, and hopefully others will post and this thread will help out those who are confused and looking for answers.

I also have 33 day cycles and I missed my period in August but had so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. A few days later I had light spotting which I thought was my period. I had spotting again in September and I didn't test again until the beginning of October because I was checking to see if I was close to ovulating to prevent pregnancy lol. Anyway, I noticed that the opk turned extremely dark immediately and being the dummy I am I had taken all my opks and pt out of the box so they all looked alike. Anyway since I didn't know which was which I decided to open all 11 tests and take them all at the same time since they are the kind with the dropper. Anyway they all turned immediately. At this point I started panicking called my hubby and asked him to buy 2 more pt. obviously they were positive. IB is so tricky. In my case I thank god everyday my baby was not harmed in those 2 months that I did not know I was pregnant. It's very important to pay attention to those things. I was not trying to get pregnant and to be honest was very upset when I found out I was pregnant but once I saw my son I feel so deeply in love. I can't believe how easily this turned into the biggest blessing in my life. I don't know what I would have done if I had harmed him when I didn't know I was pregnant.
I also have 33 day cycles and I missed my period in August but had so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. A few days later I had light spotting which I thought was my period. I had spotting again in September and I didn't test again until the beginning of October because I was checking to see if I was close to ovulating to prevent pregnancy lol. Anyway, I noticed that the opk turned extremely dark immediately and being the dummy I am I had taken all my opks and pt out of the box so they all looked alike. Anyway since I didn't know which was which I decided to open all 11 tests and take them all at the same time since they are the kind with the dropper. Anyway they all turned immediately. At this point I started panicking called my hubby and asked him to buy 2 more pt. obviously they were positive. IB is so tricky. In my case I thank god everyday my baby was not harmed in those 2 months that I did not know I was pregnant. It's very important to pay attention to those things. I was not trying to get pregnant and to be honest was very upset when I found out I was pregnant but once I saw my son I feel so deeply in love. I can't believe how easily this turned into the biggest blessing in my life. I don't know what I would have done if I had harmed him when I didn't know I was pregnant.

Wow that must have been confusing having them all mixed up, and it's good that he was healthy =) I am really worrying about my baby being harmed, since there was almost 4 weeks between my IB/negative test and my positive, I thought I was in the clear and drank and have been smoking. I wish I would have paid more attention and tested sooner, so I'm really hoping to get an ultrasound soon and other tests to see how its doing.

Thank you for posting your story =)
Do you mind if I post about my strange bleeding this cycle? I don't know if it is IB or if I am just having strange bleeding, I would love some advice from you ladies!
Yeah you can post it here, and get some opinions from the ladies who visit =)
Thanks, I would appreciate any opinions from you ladies! So here is what is going on with me:
Since I came off the BCP in October, I was having irregular cycles, and finally last cycle I had what was like a "normal" cycle for me-24 days and heavy with cramping. For the next cycle, I am not temping but based on 2 days of EWCM and cramping I estimated when I O'd. I had what felt were period cramps ~4-5dpo. An hour later there was just a small amount of pink when I wiped, I put in a tampon and a few hours later there was 1 small clump of red on the tampon, then the bleeding stopped completely. Then absolutely no bleeding the next day, and on 7 dpo and 8dpo there was the smallest amount of pink and brown discharge, and there has been no bleeding since.
So today is ~ 13 dpo and there is still no bleeding. And yesterday at 12 dpo sorry for TMI but there was the hugest glob of EWCM I have ever had. As my cycles are still regulating post pill I BD just in case yesterday and today in case I got O day wrong. My boobs have felt tingly for a few days since, and randomly I have an inflamed lymph node in my bikini line that appeared ~7dpo on the same side I had O pains. iI POAS this morning, and BFN. Any ideas? I would really appreciate any opinions as my cycles are wacky post BCP. Thanks ladies!!! :)
Well I've never been on the BCP so I have no experience on possible changes from that. As for the 4-5dpo spotting, that sounds too early for IB but I have heard of women sometimes getting it that early but I guess it's not all that common, but the 7-8 could possibly be the IB. Idk anything about lymphnodes so I can't help with that either unfortunately.

How long until your AF is due? Since the test was negative, it could either be that you just had O spotting those days (if you miscalculated) but if it is IB then you will need to wait for the hcg to rise. I'd say wait until closer to when AF is due, or when she is due before you test again. That will give plenty of time for hcg to rise, and it will help save you money just in case she decides to show up.

But since I don't have any idea of how coming off the pill can effect cycles, I'm not entirely sure on whether that could have caused the spotting or not. So hopefully someone with a bit more experience in that department can offer a bit more insight.
I'm new to this website and need help lol... I've been ttc the past two months I already have a 5 yr old boy but when I found out I was expecting with him I was already 9weeks along and had periods the months before i found out I was expecting and took multiple tests that showed up negative I had zero symptoms with his pregnancy except at the very beginning before I even knew ppl kept saying my breasts looked like they were getting bigger my cycle is regular and lasts 5 days it usually goes three days stops on the fourth day and starts again on the fifth day the past month I've had extreme fatigue nausea loose bowel movements (sorry if I gross anyone out) but I'm more prone to going number two than having vomiting in a normal everyday situation like viruses and such, I've been having migraines and strange pains throught my stomach not like normal period cramps, I started my period the day I was supposed to but it all but stopped the second day I used pads the first two days because I am ttc and my flow was heavy but only had to use panty liners the remaining days because it was so light whereas I usually have to use super tampons and panty liners the first 2-3 days and regular tampons the rest of my period it's been a dark brown color the past few days not red like it normally is could this be implantation bleeding?
Also another question could using pads when I normally use tampons have caused a change in my cycle?
Warning, this thread will be filled with a lot of TMI from posters.

So after finding myself extremely confused over the last few weeks about whether I had Implantation Bleeding(IB) or not, I decided that I should start this thread so that the ladies who have experienced IB can explain their experiences, and hopefully help out those who think they may be going through it.

IB can be confusing, always wondering whether it is normally short, long, heavy or barely-there spotting, and what colors it may be or how long it can last. And since many women experience different types of IB, this is a place for women to post their experiences so that those who are confused and looking for answers can compare what they are going through to the stories and hopefully get some answers, or for ladies to post what they are going through and ask questions to those who have gone through this before. Also, if you would like, you can also post your symptom spotting in this, as it can also be helpful, but it is your choice whether you wish to add that or not.


This month, I had what I believed to be IB, and I took a test and ended up with a BFN, but then Friday morning I decided to try again and ended up with a BFP and learned that what I went through was IB, so here is my experience.

Short back story info: I have a 33 day cycle and ovulate on CD 16, so my CD/DPO may be different from yours.

December 21/22 (CD 14/15): BD, no protection and didn’t pull out
CD 16 – O day, woke with brown/pink spotting (first time O spotting)
DPO 9-11 – light cramping randomly throughout the days in pelvic area and along hip bones
DPO 12 – (First day of IB) Light brown spotting at night, stopped after 2-3 hours
DPO 13 – In the morning started lightly bleeding, dark red and a few times it was pink mixed with clear creamy cm, light cramps and lower back pain like AF. Barely 1 pad all day.
DPO 14 – Medium flow dark red by night it slowed to a toilet paper stain of pale pink with cm.
DPO 15 – Same as the day before but by evening it turned into a bare-there stain on toilet paper
DPO 16 – Flow turned into a thick brown goo until midafternoon when it lightened to a stain.
DPO 17-19 – Same brown goo, it would lighten by night but pick back up in the morning, and finally stopped on the morning of DPO 19. Took test on DPO 19, :bfn:

From O day through DPO 13 I had a lot of creamy clear cm mostly just when wiped though. And after this I assumed the test was right, but symptoms kept appearing, the worst of which was that my breasts have been hurting nearly non-stop since December 28th (CD 21, DPO 6).

After a month of sore breasts, itchy body, swollen feet, nausea, craving BK fries/onion rings, extreme fatigue and an emotional roller coaster I decided to test again on Feb 1st, and got 2 :bfp:

Good luck ladies, and hopefully others will post and this thread will help out those who are confused and looking for answers.
Wow what an experience :-) .. Could use some advise.
My last real period was on 16 th dec, I had extremely sore nipples and loads of milky cm, last sunday (a week late) I checked my cervix position and was delighted to have milky cm n er being super high n soft..

Well Sunday night using rest room I noticed brown smudge on t.p

Thought it was af, mon and tues I I'd experience a small amount of red flow but deep/dark red, n not enough to fill one pad..
Wed thurs and Friday there was nothing but a gross brown stringy stuff only way to describe it. Was horrible..

Well since yesterday cd7 as you'd call it my lower back has been killing me, I'm super snappy .
My nipples stopped hurting on te Monday , but 3 days leaving upto that bleed I had real strong opks, day2 of bleed opks went neg and Wednesday day 4 ty went positive again.

Any thoughts?
How many days past day one of your ib did you test posiive? I jut did a boots test which wasbneg so ont know :-( currently on day 8
I had ib with my son on 11dpo it was when I wiped in the evening I was very upset to a bath and went to bed only to wake up in the morning with nothing!! So I would say it only lasted a few hours. I got my bfp 3 hours later.
It was only a small amount when I wiped it was like brown gooey discharge but I sometimes got that before af which is old blood left over from last cycle so was what I thought it was but was delighted when I got my bfp!

I have had spotting today on 11dpo again only when I check my cm though and it is very light pink and watery! I am keeping my fx this is ib again.

I think this thread is a great idea there is a lot of confusion as to what ib can be.
I had ib with my son on 11dpo it was when I wiped in the evening I was very upset to a bath and went to bed only to wake up in the morning with nothing!! So I would say it only lasted a few hours. I got my bfp 3 hours later.
It was only a small amount when I wiped it was like brown gooey discharge but I sometimes got that before af which is old blood left over from last cycle so was what I thought it was but was delighted when I got my bfp!

I have had spotting today on 11dpo again only when I check my cm though and it is very light pink and watery! I am keeping my fx this is ib again.

I think this thread is a great idea there is a lot of confusion as to what ib can be.

when i found out i was pregnant had slight old brown blood too , then red blood but only light and it lasted maybe a day or two and was plantation bleed. as little man is now 18 month old now ! good luck. im ttc 2
I'm new to this website and need help lol... I've been ttc the past two months I already have a 5 yr old boy but when I found out I was expecting with him I was already 9weeks along and had periods the months before i found out I was expecting and took multiple tests that showed up negative I had zero symptoms with his pregnancy except at the very beginning before I even knew ppl kept saying my breasts looked like they were getting bigger my cycle is regular and lasts 5 days it usually goes three days stops on the fourth day and starts again on the fifth day the past month I've had extreme fatigue nausea loose bowel movements (sorry if I gross anyone out) but I'm more prone to going number two than having vomiting in a normal everyday situation like viruses and such, I've been having migraines and strange pains throught my stomach not like normal period cramps, I started my period the day I was supposed to but it all but stopped the second day I used pads the first two days because I am ttc and my flow was heavy but only had to use panty liners the remaining days because it was so light whereas I usually have to use super tampons and panty liners the first 2-3 days and regular tampons the rest of my period it's been a dark brown color the past few days not red like it normally is could this be implantation bleeding?

Well as far as changing from tampons to pads changing your period, I don't think that would happen, I change between the two all the time, but I don't know how it could effect others.

As for your bleeding, it could be, especially if that is out of the norm for you to have it so light compared to normal and a different color. And since you had bleeding with your first pregnancy, that could also explain why you are bleeding this time, if you are pregnant. After the bleeding stops you should try taking a test, if it is negative wait another week and test again, since the first pregnancy you got negatives even though you were pregnant. I'm not certain if it is IB, but since it was so different it is a possibility, or AF could just be in a tricky mood. But I really hope it is IB <3 good luck, FX.
Wow what an experience :-) .. Could use some advise.
My last real period was on 16 th dec, I had extremely sore nipples and loads of milky cm, last sunday (a week late) I checked my cervix position and was delighted to have milky cm n er being super high n soft..

Well Sunday night using rest room I noticed brown smudge on t.p

Thought it was af, mon and tues I I'd experience a small amount of red flow but deep/dark red, n not enough to fill one pad..
Wed thurs and Friday there was nothing but a gross brown stringy stuff only way to describe it. Was horrible..

Well since yesterday cd7 as you'd call it my lower back has been killing me, I'm super snappy .
My nipples stopped hurting on te Monday , but 3 days leaving upto that bleed I had real strong opks, day2 of bleed opks went neg and Wednesday day 4 ty went positive again.

Any thoughts?
How many days past day one of your ib did you test posiive? I jut did a boots test which wasbneg so ont know :-( currently on day 8

Oh it was haha
The bleeding you experienced seems really similar to mine, but what cycle day did you ovulate? Or usually ovulate? It could be IB but it seems a little late to be that since it was a week after AF was due, although I wouldn't completely discount it, especially with the strange bleeding and symptoms.

As for the opks I don't use those, and know nothing about them, so I don't know what to say about that.

When I first tested it was the day after AF was supposed to be due and the last day of the weird brown nastiness, and it was negative. But I didn't test again until 3 weeks later because I didn't believe I was pregnant, so I really can't tell if I would have gotten a positive sooner or not since I never tried. Since you are 2 weeks past when AF was originally due, normally you should have an accurate test, but since the bleeding was strange, it's hard to tell with that.

With everything you've explained, it's really hard to tell whether it is IB or just a wacky AF, since you tested and it was negative, I would wait a few more days, maybe on the weekend, and try testing again. If it is negative again, then it is probably just that your cycle changed. But since I don't have any experience in some of the other aspects, it's hard for me to give any really helpful advice. Maybe some other ladies will see this and have more input. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, and sorry for the novel lol
Am on 8 days since ET and now I think my period is here as have the brown, getting darker brown, spotting although is getting heavier, my AF starts like this and is also due. Hospital told me to do preg test in 5 days and are not interested in talking to me until then.
I had 2 excellent A grade, 8 cell embryos put back WITH assisted hatching please someone tell me it's implantation bleeding and not AF..
Anyone else have this and get a BFP? Think I may be clutching at strawers here but! .. :(
ive had my normal af on an 15th and have a 31 day cycle, but on my ovulation dates around the 3rd day in after intercourse ive been spotting once the past 3 days and it goes away.
Am on 8 days since ET and now I think my period is here as have the brown, getting darker brown, spotting although is getting heavier, my AF starts like this and is also due. Hospital told me to do preg test in 5 days and are not interested in talking to me until then.
I had 2 excellent A grade, 8 cell embryos put back WITH assisted hatching please someone tell me it's implantation bleeding and not AF..
Anyone else have this and get a BFP? Think I may be clutching at strawers here but! .. :(

Well considering that is how your AF usually starts and it is due, I don't know, it could be either. I'd do as the docs say and wait a few days and then test. That way you will know if it is AF, and if she doesn't fully come then it could be implantation. I really hope it is IB though <3
ive had my normal af on an 15th and have a 31 day cycle, but on my ovulation dates around the 3rd day in after intercourse ive been spotting once the past 3 days and it goes away.

I'm not sure about that, I'm a little confused by your wording. If you mean you got the spotting 3 days after ovulation, then that will be too soon to be implantation, it takes about a week for the egg to get into place and implant.
i have a question... my period was due the 31st, it came...or so i think, if it wasnt ib. it ended yesterday. the first day it was light , which is out of the normal cause the first day for me is usually very heavy... it was a pink color... than the next day it turned to bright red ..started to turn to a medium flow sorta ... the day after that it was bright red same flow and was kinda like had clear discharge, if that makes any sense... any input!?
Well if it was really different than your normal periods it could be IB, I'd wait a few more days and take a test, in case AF starts back up. If it doesn't, then after a couple days it would be enough time for hcg to build up. If it is negative, try again a few days later, if negative again, then your period may have just changed, since that does happen sometimes. Since idk more about your normal periods I don't really know how much of a difference there is, so there's not much else I can say.

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