Implantation Bleeding Stories ~Compare experiences and help others who are confused~

I'm now around 6/7 DPO ( Lost track of ovulation ) But i'm pretty sure it was last sunday/monday because I had horrible cramps..

I had tiny flecks of red blood when i wiped yesterday... sorry if TMI..
now I have back ache and cramps along with headache and feeling sick..
I tested this morning and I think its a negative.. but I always think I see something when I test aha!.. Hopefully its just too early to test..

What do you guys think? does it sound good to you? please help :)
Hey there! I have been going out of my mind insane looking for any and all things IB. The information is just so varied. It's very frustrating and I'm so happy I stumbled upon this thread!
Ok here's my story:
I do not have a detailed account of when my last cycle was or when I ovulated..none of that. I've been on ortho tri-cyclen lo for the past 5 months, I take it every day at the same time. I recently quit smoking and I've been working out and just taking better care of myself in general. I skipped my placebo pills at the end of July and went straight to a new pack to avoid AF, and my fiancé and I kept having unprotected sex, because we always have.
Starting August 10th I had brown spotting only when I wiped. I thought it was AF coming since it started 5 days before the placebo pills. Gradually the color became a rosey pink twinged with brown, then rosey red and now it's red with a pink undertone. The flow has technically picked up, but there hasn't been a whole lot actually coming out on to the pad. My lower back hurts, my breasts are sore, my fiancé swears the edges of my areolae are getting darker than usual, I've been having cramps that are no more severe than they would be during AF, I've gotten sick out of nowhere and I've developed a sinus infection. I've taken hpt's on the second day, and then the morning of the 3rd day. Both negative. Every site I've read says to wait 10 days after the bleeding has stopped to test...I'm so impatient and I don't have insurance at the moment, so it's not so easy for me to just pop into the doctors on a whim. I'm nervous. Anyone have anything similar? It looks and feels like IB to me (I had IB with a previous pregnancy that ended in m/c. It wasn't EXACTLY like this, but similar)
Help. I'm so confused. I'm trying not to be too hopeful, but it's hard not to.
Thank you for any input!

I posted a new thread on this titled "Unusually short period" as i had a very short period.I got a response which i found helpful so it may assist you in that its another opinion.Here's my experience:

I was 10 dpo when I started having creamy pale pink cm/discharge,af wasn't due for another 3 days. This turned into dark brown spotting that was only visible when I wiped. Didn't need a pad.I usually get this at the end of my period (brown spotting).I was a day late and then af came but af was lighter and shorter. A normal af would mean I'd change my pad/tampons every 4 hours at its heaviest, my period lasts for 5-6 days and it's a heavy flow throughout. However this af lasted 3 days and was heavy(ish) for 1 day, medium flow 1 day and the last day light/medium. My period has never been this short nor that light.

I had the copper coil(non hormonal) removed end of june and my af after this was nothing out of the ordinary.

Was feeling lightheaded yesterday after weird af had ended but took a hpt this morning but negative again.

Hopefully more ladies will offer some advice or share their experiences.
I had ib when i had my first baby this time round i haven't tracked anything and my body has been all over the place. My cycle is 28 to 29 days I've had spotting a few days after af and did the dirty i have had every symptom lol and taken a couple of tests that were neg. third day of missed period my pelvis hurts like it did when i was pregnant and when I've been to the loo I've wiped and got blood and cm. still unsure if its af as nothing on pad but cramping for the last week and today feels like i could be out but my symptoms are a lot like the original poster so who knows?
Hi guys, I need some advice please.... I tested on dpo 10, got :bfn: on dpo14 I bled for two days thinking af is here as it was heavy..... I only bled two days, and this has never happened. My period is normally 5days bleeding. What should I do? Should I test, when or do you think it's af? Please advice. My breasts are very tender and I feel gassy and always tired.
I have never posted on a site like this before...and for some reason i feel weird/nervous...I don't really have anyone to talk to about how I am feeling/ what's going on with me. I am really hoping that someone would respond to me with an opinion or any insight on what is going on. I really really want to have a baby and we have been trying for about 2 months.

I know for a fact my hubs and I had pretty good timing this month with all the times we tried. During my ttw I have had cramping, sore bbs, white and really wet cm, blood when blowing my nose, and I had one time where i wiped and there was light spotting around 7 DPO.

Now I am 12/13 DPO...Period is supposed to come on Friday. I took a preg test first thing this morning and got a BFN. Once I came home from work I went to the bathroom and when I wiped I had really bright red blood mixed with some clear CM. This blood looks nothing like what my AF blood looks like and I always spot first before AF NEVER just randomly start with a big glob of blood like that. Does anyone know if this could mean I am pregnant....or is it just random? What is happening? I was seriously depressed all day after my BFN and now this happens and my brain is going crazy. Please try to help me figure this out!
Hello ladies!

Any opinions or experience here would be greatly appreciated!

Well, I am now officially 3 days late for AF. This month has been particularly unusual due to the absence of my usual PMS symptoms! I'm usually in agony with heavy, painful boobs right after I ovulate every single month. Me and my partner have been TTC for a year this month and until now, absolutely no late periods.

Anyway, so as previously mentioned - no PMS symptoms this month whatsoever. Around a week ago, I started to notice I had very little energy which is unlike me. I found myself coming home from work, pj's on and wanting to go for a nap before I'd even had dinner! Last night I was even in bed by 8.30pm (which for someone who normally hits the hay around midnight is very unusual.) along with heavy CM (which I kept thinking was AF but no!)

I took a test in PM on day AF was due (asda cheapie) and it came back as a BFN. Just decided that's that and AF will start. So last night, I notice a slight browny/pink tinge to CM and presumed that's AF on her way so popped a pad on and off to bed. Woke up this morning and.... NOTHING! It's now 11.10am and I'm at work (clearly not concentrating though aha!) and have been to the bathroom twice, since I left home at 7.30am and first time, there was watery light brown cm when I wiped but nothing else and the second time - NOTHING.

Has anyone experienced this before? I was going to test again but keep waiting it out to see if gets heavier/turns into blood instead of watery stuff!... grudge how much tests are nowadays! lol.

Claire x
Hi Ladies
Thius is my first reply/ post- but this struck a massive chord with my present circumstance-I am due to start mt AF today, but i cant beleive how bubbly and symprom free I feel- I usually have crippling cramps, through into my hips and legs, moddiness and huge bloated sore boobs but aside from a low dull relentless backache that I have had for at least a week there is no sign of my peiod. I did on 12 dpo noticed thick creamy cm with a streak of very pale pink blood in it and now 13/14dpo dark brown stringy cmonly when I wipe.
Since I started trying for a bay with my husband my normally very predictable periods and cycles have gone awry, the last few months I have come on my AF upto 4 days early, but never late. I still keep thinking I may just suddenly come on later although I have been thinking this all day and I can honestly say that I don not feel that my AF is coming?! Have felt slighly nauseaus for a week or two but have no aversions to smells or food. In fact I feel pretty great physically and mentally! But i cant bring myself to do a test as I would hate to see that blaring almost rude BFN staring back at me! Do you think I should sit tight and wait to see if my AF comes properly and test in a few days!? If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice I would love some xx baby dust to all you hopeful mummies to be xx
I had brown spotting on 9 dpo in the am and pm then nothing. Negative test 10 dpo and 11 dpo faint bfp on. 12 dpo and much darker on 14 dpo. Good luck ladies!!!
im not sure if i had any bleeding... i had some brownish discharge but honestly it wasnt anything that made me think "spotting". so i will say i had no bleeding but i must have implanted on 5 dpo or 6 dpo because i got my BFP at 8 dpo with two different brands(frer and wondfo) and four tests at two different times of the day. none of them were fmu though. the baby implanted early for me i suppose!
Hi ladies! I have some very odd bleeding happening and I would absolutely appreciate feedback!! Bare with me, it might get a little lengthy.

I have an average cycle of 33 days. My period was supposed to start on September 17th but instead on the morning of the 12th I wiped I saw a little bit of light brown pinkish blood (or discharge?) There was such a tiny amount that I didn't use a pad or tampon and no further bleeding happened that day.

September 13th: I woke up around 5:00am with cramps. Normally immediately after cramping I bleed (a lot) so I put a tampon in and went back to bed until around 10:30am. I went to change the tampon and there was nothing on it, at all! Very strange because normally I have an extremely heavy flow.. I basically hemorrhage during my menstrual cycle lol. The mild cramping continued through out the day, with very little blood (filled about 30% of a tampon all day.)

September 14th: I woke up around 9:00am went to the bathroom and discovered my tampon was 100% full, there was even a little on the string. I was very relieved! And thought "Phew, okay, this looks more like my usual period!" I put a new tampon in and went to change it hours later around 2pm. Barely any blood at all, just a small amount on the tip of the tampon. This started to freak me out a little (Remember I'm usually vet heavy.) I left the same tampon in until 8pm when I changed it was 40% filled with brown and bright, I'm talking BRIGHT red blood and no clots.

September 15th: Woke up 7am with not a single drop of blood on my tampon. None. So I put a panty liner on just to be safe. I went to work checked though out the day & there was no bleeding. Got home around 6pm, still no blood. So I thought I had an odd two day period? Later that night I had unprotected sex with my fiancé before bed. Still no blood!

September 16th: No blood or discharge all day.

September 17th: Woke up for work at 7am wiped and saw peachy pink blood or discharge (not sure). That continued all day, but only when I wiped. Not even enough for a panty liner.

Today, September 18th: the spotting has continued but now it is a very light brown. Again, not enough coming out for a panty liner it's only when I wipe.

I took two pregnancy tests and got two negatives! Did I jump the gun and test too early?

What could this bleeding be and has anyone experienced something similar to this?

Any insight would be deeply appreciated!
I know no one replied to my post, but just incase someone is going through the same or similar situation as I am. Here are some further facts:

Later in the day in the 18th I felt pulling in my uterus, it was not painful at all but very strange.

September 19: Spotting has stopped completely, still a tingly pulling feeling in my uterus on and off all day.

September 20: Went to my OBGYN and got a BFP!!

Hope this helps someone.
I know no one replied to my post, but just incase someone is going through the same or similar situation as I am. Here are some further facts:

Later in the day in the 18th I felt pulling in my uterus, it was not painful at all but very strange.

September 19: Spotting has stopped completely, still a tingly pulling feeling in my uterus on and off all day.

September 20: Went to my OBGYN and got a BFP!!

Hope this helps someone.

Hey Evalyin your post helped me out alot my af was due on the 17th as well here is my story

Hey ladies i dont want to sound confusing but this cycle has really got me stunned lol. So AF was suppose to arrive on the 17th of this month and it did so i thought. I have a 28 day cycle. I knew and felt when i ovulated and it was the 3rd of this month. Af started very extremely light pink specks it's like it took its sweet old precious time to come out. Then later on the day it went from pink to bright red not heavy at all just light and it continued on 19th 3rd day of AF it went back pink and stopped and then the next day on the 20th pink and brown really light spotting mind you my AF lasts 7 days. So i had a pg test in a took BFN and then i waited til the next morning the 21st to see what will happen and it started back again this time it was just spotting pink and brown majority of the times when i wipe is was nothing on the tissue come back 2-3 hours later small size drops before the spotting completely stop and went to brown ,i took another test yesterday on the 21st that same day and i got the faintest line and i had my other two cousins look at it and they seen the line as well so i made sure i wasn't going crazy or try to imagine a line in my head lol. so i had a 5 day no where near normal period will try to upload the photo if i can. So i had waited to after the spotting had stop to take the test because i haven't took another test since and the last one had the faintest of line on it too but i took it like 10 minutes after spotting stop yes i think i turned into a POAS lol but this time i want to wait to test again, so if it was spotting the hcg levels can build up so i can get a more accurate reading and which pregnancy test should i get to confirm it and how many days shall i wait?. i had brought the dollar tree tests i usually use to buy the Wal-mart equate but i haven't seen them in awhile. I had no crampings or blood clots whatsoever with this kind of weird. *fingers cross*
I had light pink spotting for probably an hour one day. Then nothing for 2-3 days and then dark red blood that didn't even fill one tampon.
So here's my ordeal.

I went in to the gynecologist on September 24th for my pap. He told me I was spotting and that it appeared to be IB.

So I spotted for 8 days, no active flow, occasionally when I would pee, I would have a few drops come out but mainly just on the tp when I wiped.

My period was supposed to start on Sunday September 28 which would be cycle day 27 and it didn't, just spotting.

On Tuesday September 30th, I had a small amount of cramping and a super light flow for about 3-4 hours. It was red/pink and I used two pads (unnecessarily because it felt gross to wear one for very long) and I put a tampon in thinking I was starting. Well when I took the tampon out, it was still dry and not even half way red with a string of clotting (the tiniest but kind of long clot) and then it just stopped.

I spotted one more day and then no more spotting at all.

I called my doctor because I wanted to know if that even constitutes as a period and was told no, that hours of light bleeding isn't a period.

I've taken I don't know 4-5 tests and all have been negative. My doctor scheduled me to come in next Monday, October 13th for a blood draw.

So I'm a very regular 26-27 day cycle with excessively heavy bleeding and clotting, but that was not the case this month and I am just so confused. Would I have a positive urine test yet or is it still too early?! And why would my doctor tell me I was having IB without confirming right then and there that something was going on?!?

This would be my 3rd pregnancy, with my first son I didn't even take a test until I was 20 days late (I was in high school and really just doing the avoidance method) and then with my second son, I tested positive the day I was supposed to start. Just don't know why my body wouldn't register the third time around as quickly.
I had brown discharge today. Im on cd30, approx 12 or 13dpo. Ive had very intense symptoms the last week, and nausea/gagging everyday since Friday.
Im still hoping for a BFP. Will update if AF doesnt show
i have had 7 pregnancy's with no bleeding at all the only time i started spotting was my mc and after 2 days turned to red xx

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