Implantation Bleeding Stories ~Compare experiences and help others who are confused~

I know no one replied to my post, but just incase someone is going through the same or similar situation as I am. Here are some further facts:

Later in the day in the 18th I felt pulling in my uterus, it was not painful at all but very strange.

September 19: Spotting has stopped completely, still a tingly pulling feeling in my uterus on and off all day.

September 20: Went to my OBGYN and got a BFP!!

Hope this helps someone.

Thank you thank you thank you for coming back to update. Congratulations! I am going through a very similar situation and while I have been fairly confident I am pregnant and this is IB, it is disheartening to see the color red. Your story gives me just the amount of hope I need to keep believing...and to hold off waiting to test another day, maybe two.
My experience with IB...

I had what I thought was a 25 day cycle (short for me) with one day of pink flow and 4-5 days of brown spotting. Totally thought AF, didn't suspect pregnancy at all!

6 days later I had a positive pregnancy test. I only tested because I felt nauseous a few days in a row.

That pg unfortunately ended up being a mc.
I have a 29 day cycle, not exactly sure what day I ovulate. I did have unprotected sex during my "fertile" time frame, using the pull out method. My period was due the 25th of April after 1 (it's like clock work lol always after 1 in the afternoon). However, I started spotting on the 22nd in the morning. Today is the 25th and it's still going. It's been light pink or brown and light, no clots. Every so often I'll see smear of red. I haven't really had any cramping. As for signs and symptoms, I checked my cervix about 30 minutes ago, it's high and soft (like lip consistency). But honestly, I never check my cervix enough to know if there's really a difference. I did have extremely sore nipples that woke me up in the morning about a week ago along with a 2 day mild but nagging headache. Yesterday, I had mild one sided back ache. I've never had a 26 day cycle before. And this period has been very light. Usually, I have a five day period day 1 being light 2-4 very heavy day 5 is light. Anyway, at this moment I'm too afraid to take a pregnancy test. I'm equally afraid it will say positive or that it will say negative. I'll keep everyone updated =)
I never had implantation bleeding before so I don't know if this was it.m.. I had some light pink when I wiped and maybe a little in the toilet when I went to the bathroom on monday the 31st. This would have been maybe 4 days after ovulated. I dont really keep track but that's when this app says my ovulation may have been Aug 26. I may have ovulated sooner than that tho based on my discharge. I also can't remember exactly the last day we had s*x.... Maybe Aug 17. I know the dates of s*x and ovulation are farther apart but I think I may have ovulated sooner. I had this faint light pink when wiping for a little bit that one day and now nothing. My next period isn't due until September 10. I'm assuming it's too early to test. Is this possibly implantation? I never had this with my other 4 pregnancies but read it can happen. Seems like my dates could line up since I think I ovulated sooner but I'm not sure. Lol I'm an impatient waiter to take a test and isn't it too early to do that?
I've only had it once in the last 5 years and it was just some pink in cm when I checked that morning, with some red small streaks on TP later that morning, then very little brown streaks when I checked the rest of day.
Never felt cramps with it.
Here's a couple links since it can vary alot:
Thank you. I'm anxiously awaiting for the 10th this month to see what happens...
The only time I had what I believe to be an implantation bleed was brown discharge on the day my af was due & for around 3 days. did not mistake it for a period & id already found out I were pregnant early.
I had it with my dd spotted for 2 to 3 days witch was unusal for me so I tested and I got a bfp xx
Well I had that but of pink when wiping that I mentioned happened on the 31st then I just had what seemed like a period just this tues and Wednesday. But not today nothing. Today was originally supposed to be period day. I've never had a 2 day period. This is so confusing...
My IB.. Started very light pinky/brown but mainly brown, just like watery cm really, started at 5-6dpo & continued right up until i was 7-8wks pg! Cant quite remember the exact weeks it stopped though.. I tested around 8dpo & got a really faint BFP, i now have a 3yr old son :) just to say i tested the day before my bfp & was white blank negative! I was only cd24 aswell, x
Hi ladies, I am new to this website and could use your valuable expertise. This is actually the very first time I have replied to a forum, so my lingo may be a little off (apologies in advance lol).

My fiancé and I recently decided to give this baby makin' a go... :happydance:

- The first day of my AF was February 14th (my cycle is slightly sporadic but ranges from 26-30 days)
- We had sex on February 26th (no pull out)
- We had sex again on February 28th (no pull out)
- Since then, I have experienced random dull cramps, headaches, hot-flashes (only twice), aversions to food with certain textures (never in my life have I had problems with food), restless nights, fatigue and major exhaustion.
- I apologize for the TMI... yesterday morning (3/10) I experienced some constipation and had to strain for a BM. After peeing, there was watery blood (light red in color) when I wiped. I began to have dull cramps throughout the day. I put in a tampon thinking that I had forced on my AF. There has not been any blood since then. I have only noticed brown spotting/ light brown discharge on my tampon or when I wipe after going to the restroom. (Definitely not enough blood or discharge to fill a tampon or pad)
- My AF should be starting today (3/11) through Sunday (3/13) depending on this cycle length.
- I took a First Response Pregnancy Test last night and got a BFN.

By some miracle, is there any possible way that I could be pregnant and the bleeding/spotting/discharge I had yesterday was just implantation bleeding??

Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you truly!!
Need advice! (And sanity!)

hi Ladies!
Just found this website, hope someone can help!
I am VERY new to the TTC community. In fact I just started taking prenatals Feb 28th (2016) with the goal of getting pregnant in June /Julyish. (I understand we can not plan but that's when I figured we would aggressively follow my calendar)

My last period was Feb 23rd. My cycle is usually 29 days long (sometimes 28) I noticed spotting on March 9th which lasted about 3-4 days. Only noticed it when I wiped and it ranged from light pink to very dark brown (exactly how implantation bleeding is described from all the research I did) the dates didn't seem to make sense with how I should have ovulated (but I've never checked my ovulation days so I'm not sure).

I started to pay more attention to my body to see if there were any other symptoms, also aggressively searched the net for all symptoms before a missed period. It's so very hard bc the symptoms are so different for everyone and some women don't experience anything! I noticed some smells stronger here and there. I noticed I had a metallic taste and sometimes bitter taste in my mouth here and there. I've been slightly constipated for a day or two (March 16thish) and I even had a green juice so that's very odd. Maybe a little bloat last week. Anyhow we took a pregnancy test on March 16th and it was negative. I understand it was probably early (or I'm just not pregnant) but I've been so sad. Even though this would be a total surprise but I'm all in my head. Been going crazy! watching YT videos, searching symptoms, and just so much anxiety!

Side note, I have never spotted before, have never taken birth control. The night before the spotting began we had sex and it was a different position than usual (which we have tried before, and it was not painful) my husband suggested maybe the spotting was from that... But it seems to be exactly what implantation bleeding is described as.

Help please!

My period should arrive on the 22nd if I follow a 29 day cycle.
Obvious solution ... Wait for my period to come or not and test again. But all these symptoms, were they in my head? or am I really preg and it was too early? Sorry ladies to sound neurotic. Please someone help.
Help, I have never had this happen! I think it’s implantation however I have severe anxiety and always question everything. I want someone to tell me if this is just an odd period or is it actually implantation.
(My Normal Period)
-I start bloating about 10 days before my period
-5 days before migraines and sore boobs
-period lasts 7 days
-I start cramping about an hour after I start bleeding
- my cramps leave me bed ridden with nausea and dizziness
- from the start of my period to the beginning of the next is around 32-33 days
(Last Period & Following Weeks)
- Period started 4 days ahead of schedule, Jan 25 (I blamed it on the blood wolf moon)
- cramps as bad as usual
- blood a deep dark purple
-lasted 7 days finished the 1st of Feb
- had sex one day after
- about a week after I started experiencing violent mood swings
- I started feeling like my body was foreign and not mine even made a comment to a friend
- accompanied by metallic taste in my mouth
-certain things taste terrible and also I can’t keep alcohol down one beer has me sick as a dog vomiting
- then I started cramping about the same time
- then my boobs got fuller (much fuller) and crazy sensitive like put on a light t shirt and they are screaming with sensitivity.
-heightened sense of smell like oh my god I pick up smells that I have never worried about before
-4 days ago I began spotting watery pink discharge
- my sense of smell now triggers intense waves of nausea. So does movement any kind of movement or activity makes me want to throw up.
-spotting turned brown then brownish dark red still watery and light.
- im eternally exhausted like my bones are weighing my down.
- my period is supposed to be due in a week.
I did take a test before the bleeding started by a few days and it was negative. Everything says the bleeding time should be 3 days however it’s been 4 and there is so many other symptoms.
I’m confused and hormonal and I’m scared to get my hopes up and take a yes just for it to be negative. I’ve had enough heartbreak
I've always had IB but never really kept track of cycle before this how many dpo does it usually occur? 8dpo today and pretty discouraged since it hasn't happened yet. :-(

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