Implantation Bleeding Stories ~Compare experiences and help others who are confused~

i ment i have af on the 15th of each month and have a 31 day cycle, but my ovulation days were the 29th to the 3 of feb. i had intercourse 29th -31st. and ive been spotting once a night for the last 3 days. just noticing that tuesday will be a week, ive never had this before. i plan on testing the 14th or 16th of this month. im sorry for the last post lol
Wow what an experience :-) .. Could use some advise.
My last real period was on 16 th dec, I had extremely sore nipples and loads of milky cm, last sunday (a week late) I checked my cervix position and was delighted to have milky cm n er being super high n soft..

Well Sunday night using rest room I noticed brown smudge on t.p

Thought it was af, mon and tues I I'd experience a small amount of red flow but deep/dark red, n not enough to fill one pad..
Wed thurs and Friday there was nothing but a gross brown stringy stuff only way to describe it. Was horrible..

Well since yesterday cd7 as you'd call it my lower back has been killing me, I'm super snappy .
My nipples stopped hurting on te Monday , but 3 days leaving upto that bleed I had real strong opks, day2 of bleed opks went neg and Wednesday day 4 ty went positive again.

Any thoughts?
How many days past day one of your ib did you test posiive? I jut did a boots test which wasbneg so ont know :-( currently on day 8

Oh it was haha
The bleeding you experienced seems really similar to mine, but what cycle day did you ovulate? Or usually ovulate? It could be IB but it seems a little late to be that since it was a week after AF was due, although I wouldn't completely discount it, especially with the strange bleeding and symptoms.

As for the opks I don't use those, and know nothing about them, so I don't know what to say about that.

When I first tested it was the day after AF was supposed to be due and the last day of the weird brown nastiness, and it was negative. But I didn't test again until 3 weeks later because I didn't believe I was pregnant, so I really can't tell if I would have gotten a positive sooner or not since I never tried. Since you are 2 weeks past when AF was originally due, normally you should have an accurate test, but since the bleeding was strange, it's hard to tell with that.

With everything you've explained, it's really hard to tell whether it is IB or just a wacky AF, since you tested and it was negative, I would wait a few more days, maybe on the weekend, and try testing again. If it is negative again, then it is probably just that your cycle changed. But since I don't have any experience in some of the other aspects, it's hard for me to give any really helpful advice. Maybe some other ladies will see this and have more input. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, and sorry for the novel lol
Ok trying not to get excited but just dipped my opk in smu and it's sole the color from the control line, so dipped my last early first response I'm al most certain there is a line, oing to superdrug to get one of there 10miu tests.. God I hope I see what I think I do, it's very faint but deffo pink..

Regarding ov date I had some sharp pains on cd28 and 29 making day of bleed 12/14dpo, so don't know. Will update when back in hr or twon x
Leelee – Oh I understand now, sorry for the confusion. For the spotting it sounds like at first it may have been ovulation spotting, but I’ve never heard of it lasting a week. So I’m keeping my FX that it’s early implantation. Good luck, let me know how the tests turn out when you take them ^.^

Girlibird – Oh I hope it is a positive =D can’t wait to hear how the other test turned out
I need your advice please!

My last period was jan 2nd. It lasted for 13 days heavy period. But I think the reason for that is cause my period before that was in July. I have very irregular periods. Well I wasnt expecting to having a period this month. But yesterday I notice very light pink spotting when I wiped. Now it's like light tan with a hint of pink. I took a test a week ago and it was negative. Could this be my period being so light?!? My periods are usually very heavy and dark red.

Also yesterday before I notice the pink spotting I been having these off and on pinching pain by my pubic bone?!? I'm guessing around there. I dout I'm pregnant since my cycles are all screwed up. But what do you think?!
Not done other test yet, been using opks which are still dark pos .. I'm in bed shattered my boobs Have started to hurt lower backache n mild headaches. Feelings Rubbish waiting till next af due, which is math 1st, I've ordered some 10 miu tests which get here tomorrow o will prob cave... Lol..
I'd love to hear how this turns out for you girlie! My experience is similar to yours. I think its af but it stopped shortly after starting. Going to see if still going tomorrow morning.
I had the mirena iud for almost 16 months. After removing, I returned to normal periods. After ttc for 4 months, my dr. prescribed metformin 1,000mg/day. So I've been on met for a month now. I missed my period for January. Feb 5 was CD 41 and I had brown spotting, really light, so i thought i was due for af. Same thing on CD 42. Today is CD 43 and have very light dark red spotting. Any thoughts? Hoping for IB!:thumbup:
Mamya143 – I don’t know very much about what can happen with irregular periods, but I would say wait a few more days, the bleeding may pick up even if it is unusual for your periods to start light. If it remains spotty or stops quickly, I would wait a few days after the spotting stops and take another test, if it is IB then it would explain the negative test and would give enough time for the hcg to rise.

girlibird – I wouldn’t be able to wait that long lol so I give you props for waiting, just be careful with what you do until then just in case you are pregnant. When I got my negative test I thought I was in the clear and drank and smoked heavily, then found out I was pregnant all along, so now I’m worrying about what I could have done.

happily808 – Do you know if metformin can effect periods? I don’t even know what it is so I’m not sure if that could have caused the spotting or change in flow. But it does seem a little similar to my experience, wait a couple more days to see if the flow changes though just to make sure it’s not a wacky AF. But as I said with Mamya, if it stops early or remains spotty, wait a few days after the bleeding stops and try a test =)

FX for all of you ladies <3 Good luck and let us know how things turn out
I only spotted for like one day very very light. Just when I wiped. Today I took an opk and pregnancy test both were bfn. My back now hurts and the cramps are still there but less. I'm just hoping its nothing bad. I really dout I'm pregnant cause I think at least if it was IB the test would be some what faint by now. Right?! I just wish I wasn't so irregular its fustrating.

Thanks for your reply haven't really got much on here but I guess it's cause my cycle is so screwed up.
Well if it was IB it probably hasn't been long enough to show up, or it could just be the irregularity. I know with my IB, my first test was taken a week after the bleeding first started, which was also the last day of it, and it was negative. I would probably wait until the weekend is over or even maybe until tuesday and test again. If it remains negative then it is probably just spotting due to the irregular cycles.

And no problem =) I try to answer as much as I can in places I have at least some experience
Well if it was IB it probably hasn't been long enough to show up, or it could just be the irregularity. I know with my IB, my first test was taken a week after the bleeding first started, which was also the last day of it, and it was negative. I would probably wait until the weekend is over or even maybe until tuesday and test again. If it remains negative then it is probably just spotting due to the irregular cycles.

And no problem =) I try to answer as much as I can in places I have at least some experience

Btw congrats and happy healthy pregnancy to you!
Hi ladies!! Hope you don't mind me just jumping in!! I need some advice if y'all don't mind?

So let me start off by saying my cycles can go anywhere from 27-33 days I have a period every month nothing ever on the crazy side. I don't temp or check cervix position. The only way i can tell that i ovulate is bc of the twinge i get around my ovaries and the EWCM.

My concern and reason for posting is bc cd12 (which was 6 days after theLAST day of af) i had a bit of **TMI alert** peachy pink cm the first time that day i felt it come out and onto my panties it wasn't a lot but enough for me to hurry to the bathroom to clean up and put a panty liner on the second time was later that day only when i wiped. It wasn't foul smelling or any thing like that but it is something i have never had. Yesterday cd 21 it happened again.. only once and only when i wiped. Like i said i've never had this happen before.
Now onto my questions..

Could the first time it happened have been ovulation bleeding? (this month i didn't feel any ovulation pain or have the ewcm it has just been creamy cm.)
and the second time could it have been implantation bleeding?

if you think so when should i test??.

what do yall think?

I just remembered cd 19 two days before the third time of peachy pink cm i did have lower back pains and was a tad crampy.
Thanks Mamya =)

Wannalittle1 - Do you know if your ovulation days are usually on the same number cycle day or does it change depending on the number of days your cycle is? But as for the first time, even at CD12 it seems a little early for ovulation, but it is possible if your cycle is shorter this month. Did you BD at all close to the time of the first spotting?
Hey ladies I'm looking for advice. Yesterday I had a tiny amount of brown stringy discharge when I wiped after i peed. Today it has been slight it color and more watery. I am 10 days post ovulation ( so I think ). Af is due next Friday. Is this what implantation bleeding is like? If not what could this be????
Beadle, congratulations on ur soon to be lil one! How exciting! Metformin is prescribed to help those who have been diagnosed PCOS n to help with the insulin resistance. It's also been proven to help regulate periods n ovulation. I did ask my dr if met could be affecting my period, but he said that its supposed to help regulate it. Smh! Took a couple tests, only to discover BFN's. :(
Mamya143, I fell ur frustration with irregular cycles. Wish our bodies weren't so confusing. Hang in there...may be too early for hog to be detected! :)
yes we had a few days before. I'm not quite sure if it happens the same day or different wen my cycles are shorter or longer. My cycles are anywhere from 27-33 days
Murmers0110 &#8211; I would keep an eye on the spotting for a little bit, but judging by the timing and consistency/color it could be implantation. Did you BD around the time of ovulation? Wait a few days before you take a test, if it does come up negative, wait until a day or two after AF is due to take another one =)

happily808 &#8211; Thanks, and I&#8217;m not sure then, are you still spotting or has it changed at all?

Wannalittle1 &#8211; Well the first spotting could have just been a strange new ovulation symptom for you, since it does change sometimes. And if it was ovulation, and you BD around that time, it is possible that the other spotting could be IB, but
Hi ladies!! Hope you don't mind me just jumping in!! I need some advice if y'all don't mind?

So let me start off by saying my cycles can go anywhere from 27-33 days I have a period every month nothing ever on the crazy side. I don't temp or check cervix position. The only way i can tell that i ovulate is bc of the twinge i get around my ovaries and the EWCM.

My concern and reason for posting is bc cd12 (which was 6 days after theLAST day of af) i had a bit of **TMI alert** peachy pink cm the first time that day i felt it come out and onto my panties it wasn't a lot but enough for me to hurry to the bathroom to clean up and put a panty liner on the second time was later that day only when i wiped. It wasn't foul smelling or any thing like that but it is something i have never had. Yesterday cd 21 it happened again.. only once and only when i wiped. Like i said i've never had this happen before.
Now onto my questions..

Could the first time it happened have been ovulation bleeding? (this month i didn't feel any ovulation pain or have the ewcm it has just been creamy cm.)
and the second time could it have been implantation bleeding?

if you think so when should i test??.

what do yall think?

I just remembered cd 19 two days before the third time of peachy pink cm i did have lower back pains and was a tad crampy.

How many days did your AF last? as the first day of bleeding is day 1? Ovulation bleeding can happen its rare, being 6 days and saying ur AF was 5 days without nowing, would put you around 11 DPO. So average ovulation times for me,I range between 28-25 day cycles are 14-18....

Now implantation bleeding is usually 7 days post ovulation, sometimes less, but not often. So you'd still be looking at around Cycle days 18+and up for IB bleeding. Now remember,thats estimates. Could be a short cycle.
Murmers0110 &#8211; I would keep an eye on the spotting for a little bit, but judging by the timing and consistency/color it could be implantation. Did you BD around the time of ovulation? Wait a few days before you take a test, if it does come up negative, wait until a day or two after AF is due to take another one =)

happily808 &#8211; Thanks, and I&#8217;m not sure then, are you still spotting or has it changed at all?

Wannalittle1 &#8211; Well the first spotting could have just been a strange new ovulation symptom for you, since it does change sometimes. And if it was ovulation, and you BD around that time, it is possible that the other spotting could be IB, but

Yes i did. Once a day everyday for a week during my fertile time. Before and after ovulation.
Hi Ladies.. i posted earlier but cant find it anywhere..

Well here is my story of freaky and weird IB or whatever it was.. i have a perfect regular 31 day cycle.

AF was due on 20 Jan '13. On 15 Jan i started spotting dry brownish cm, next day again but mixed with a little redish pink drops - hardly enough for a liner. This carried on till 19 Jan and on 20 Jan i got AF heavy as usual but that evening started getting lighter and was light next day 21 Jan as well as Jan 22. Wednesday Jan 23 AF was gone completely.

Weird... i usually have AF for 6 days (first 3 days heavy, 4th day medium and 5th - 6th day light - this time AF lasted three days (1 day heavy and 2 days light).

The spotting which started Jan 15 was 11 dpo. Weird weird weird..!!!

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