Wow what an experience

.. Could use some advise.
My last real period was on 16 th dec, I had extremely sore nipples and loads of milky cm, last sunday (a week late) I checked my cervix position and was delighted to have milky cm n er being super high n soft..
Well Sunday night using rest room I noticed brown smudge on t.p
Thought it was af, mon and tues I I'd experience a small amount of red flow but deep/dark red, n not enough to fill one pad..
Wed thurs and Friday there was nothing but a gross brown stringy stuff only way to describe it. Was horrible..
Well since yesterday cd7 as you'd call it my lower back has been killing me, I'm super snappy .
My nipples stopped hurting on te Monday , but 3 days leaving upto that bleed I had real strong opks, day2 of bleed opks went neg and Wednesday day 4 ty went positive again.
Any thoughts?
How many days past day one of your ib did you test posiive? I jut did a boots test which wasbneg so ont know

currently on day 8
Oh it was haha
The bleeding you experienced seems really similar to mine, but what cycle day did you ovulate? Or usually ovulate? It could be IB but it seems a little late to be that since it was a week after AF was due, although I wouldn't completely discount it, especially with the strange bleeding and symptoms.
As for the opks I don't use those, and know nothing about them, so I don't know what to say about that.
When I first tested it was the day after AF was supposed to be due and the last day of the weird brown nastiness, and it was negative. But I didn't test again until 3 weeks later because I didn't believe I was pregnant, so I really can't tell if I would have gotten a positive sooner or not since I never tried. Since you are 2 weeks past when AF was originally due, normally you should have an accurate test, but since the bleeding was strange, it's hard to tell with that.
With everything you've explained, it's really hard to tell whether it is IB or just a wacky AF, since you tested and it was negative, I would wait a few more days, maybe on the weekend, and try testing again. If it is negative again, then it is probably just that your cycle changed. But since I don't have any experience in some of the other aspects, it's hard for me to give any really helpful advice. Maybe some other ladies will see this and have more input. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, and sorry for the novel lol