Im on 7dpo today. And I feel nothing I almost fainted today! But I did also slice my finger to bits on a fan lol.
Haha thanks. It was my own fault really. My PC used to overheat a lot so we took off all the panels and added more fans. It was making an odd noise, so I put my hand on top of the CD drive to sorta...tap it a bit, stuck my hand in too far and hit the fan! But you know it happens a lot when your reaction isnt even 'ouch' it's "awwh mannn not again!"
Im in the same boat. I feel nothing. At 8dpo. Gotta wait till next thurs to test! (Long LP )
Haha thanks. It was my own fault really. My PC used to overheat a lot so we took off all the panels and added more fait s. It was making an odd noise, so I put my hand on top of the CD drive to sorta...tap it a bit, stuck my hand in too far and hit the fan! But you know it happens a lot when your reaction isnt even 'ouch' it's "awwh mannn not again!"
Im in the same boat. I feel nothing. At 8dpo. Gotta wait till next thurs to test! (Long LP )
Lol well seems we are CD buddies
Lol ouch I sliced my finger once and I cried like a baby!!!! Lol xx
Haha I think to get a bfp this early, it would have to be in the am! And probably only if you have a usually short lp! You're not out yet!
Haha im more reassuring myself than you! Gotta stop myself going out tomorrow to but secret tests SO hard not to test!
Don't feel silly some girls have gotten bfp 6dpo. When u wanna know u wanna know! Isn't that his it goes? Lol