In Total Shock...

What I did was start pumping in between feedings about two weeks before I went back to work. That way I had a stash already built up in the freezer. And then I would pump at work three times a day and everything I accumulated for the day would be his bottles for the next day. If I missed a pumping session, I could always pull from my frozen stash.
And although it's expensive, the Medela brand double electric pump is the best especially for moms that are going back to work. It is awesome!
And although it's expensive, the Medela brand double electric pump is the best especially for moms that are going back to work. It is awesome!

Hey thanks sooo much!!! Yeh i haven't even thought of which pump i'm going to get. I will look into that one. I just don't know if i can pump at work. feels soooo awkward and weird to me.

my 12 week appt. is next week i can't wait!!!!
I had to have security put an extra latch on my office door because my office was so easy to get into. After I had that latch I was able to lock myself in there and pump. Of course everytime I would start to pump it seemed like 5 people would knock on my door lol so I finally had to hang a do not disturb sign on my door.
I had to have security put an extra latch on my office door because my office was so easy to get into. After I had that latch I was able to lock myself in there and pump. Of course everytime I would start to pump it seemed like 5 people would knock on my door lol so I finally had to hang a do not disturb sign on my door.

yeh i'm not sure if that will work at my job. but we will see. i can't wait for next week to see my baby!!! it can't come fast enough. when is your 12 week appt?
Mine is not this Monday but next Monday, it's on June 24th. My mom is supposed to be coming to it. She missed my last one :( She has never been to any of my appts or u/s so I am anxious for her to see the baby. What day is your appt?
Mine is this Wednesday the 19th. We were going to wait until after the appt to tell family members, but we ended up telling my hubby's side last night. we had a nephew's bday party and all the family was there. so it worked out well!! was sooo nice to see their expressions and smiles!!!

how have you been feeling? i'm doing well, headaches are getting here and sometimes they are just awful. yesterday was 1 of the days where it was just horrible, i would rub my temples and that's the only way i would feel better. have you ever had headaches. i read online that its normal during 10 weeks plus...i can't believe i'm 12 weeks today, just sooo blessed!!!
I had horrible headaches with my son. That was my main symptom with him. I never had nausea or anything else. I had a few headaches with my daughter but not near what I had with him. My morning sickness is finally subsiding thank goodness. That was getting old lol.

So glad you told his family, how exciting!
I had horrible headaches with my son. That was my main symptom with him. I never had nausea or anything else. I had a few headaches with my daughter but not near what I had with him. My morning sickness is finally subsiding thank goodness. That was getting old lol.

So glad you told his family, how exciting!

Good luck with your ultrasound on Monday!! I had mine on Wednesday and everything was great!! Baby is doing just fine and the heartbeat was amazing to hear. So all is well!!!

Yeh these headaches are kicking in, but doc told me to drink extra water and liquids. Keep hydrated so that should help. it's been helping so we'll keep this up!!
congrats on the pregnancy that's fantastic news that you feel naturally
Congrats to you as well littlesteph!

kismat - So glad your ultrasound went well! That's great news! I am nervous about Monday. I am hoping my bleeding issue has cleared up and hoping baby is healthy.
Congrats to you as well littlesteph!

kismat - So glad your ultrasound went well! That's great news! I am nervous about Monday. I am hoping my bleeding issue has cleared up and hoping baby is healthy.

Good luck today!! i'm sure everything is going to be just fine!!! what bleeding issue are you having??
Thank you! I will be leaving for my appt in about 30 minutes. I have a SCH (subchorionic hematoma) It's a small tear that causes bleeding. When the uterus and placenta attach sometimes there can be a spot that doesn't attach well and it develops a clot that can bleed out. I have had one with every pregnancy, it sucks :( They heal 99% of the time and the baby is healthy so hoping all is looking good today!
The ultrasound went great and my tear has healed yay! The ultrasound tech said it's still too early to tell 100% but she thinks it's a boy! We will find out for sure on August 6th
The ultrasound went great and my tear has healed yay! The ultrasound tech said it's still too early to tell 100% but she thinks it's a boy! We will find out for sure on August 6th

hey there that's great to hear!!! awwww a sweet little boy....that's great!!! i'm hoping to find out at 16 weeks, hope thats not too eary. but well see. i go back july 17th.
im in the same shoes! just found out today were expecting #2, ella will be 6 months next week, which makes them 16 months apart! Oy vey!
Congrats Nikki! That is exciting :)

Kismat- Are you wanting a boy or girl? I will be happy either way but it may be a good thing if this is really a boy. My daughter is so independent and my son is dependent lol so he could use someone to play with
Hello I just saw your thread and want to say the last 2 times I have been pregnant each was exactly the month after I stopped breastfeeding!. Didn't think it would happen with my second and now with my third I could of thought it would happen just like last time.
Must be something about breastfeeding lol. I guess we are super fertile afterwards
Congrats Nikki! That is exciting :)

Kismat- Are you wanting a boy or girl? I will be happy either way but it may be a good thing if this is really a boy. My daughter is so independent and my son is dependent lol so he could use someone to play with

Congrats Nikki!!

I honestly don't care either. Just a healthy happy baby!! But if i had my choice i would want a son as well. Girls are sooo cute to play with dress up etc. but for some reason i have a gut feeling it's a boy. few weeks and hopefully we can find out!!

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