Inconceivable and beyond :-)

I remember wanting all my little embies to make it too!! I know we are a bit ahead but your transfer date is so close! I'll have everything crossed for u!

Two well you've got good chances with that. Had I been a bit older I probably would have transferred two as well. Not at 36 I'm a spring chicken lol. It's nice when they have a sibling to grow up with.. if u can... but we have had so much trouble just having one I think one is fine too there's always cousins and friends to have over.

Yeah I'm doing ok. The wait is killer. I test on Monday 8th Feb. I took it easy on Friday after transfer and I'll go back to the studio next week and get stuck into this painting commission I've got to do. I'm an artist. (I'll wear a mask) I'm trying to take it easy and trying not to think too much about what I'm doing/not doing. My friend who was successful on her 4th try thought fuck it I can't put my life on hold and went hiking with friends and had cheese, wine and crap food all weekend. lol.
Miranda :flow:

Yes, I agree with getting on with your daily routine and activities (within reason) post transfer. Actually, the best thing for us is to be active and not be sedentary. It's important to get our blood circulating through out our body, especially to our uterus. That makes our uterus happy. And a happy uterus makes a great home for an embryo!!

No matter what we do or don't do, eat or don't eat, truly has no impact on implantation. What matters is the quality of your embryo(s) and the health of your uterus. Freaking drug addicts get pregnant... go figure?? :wacko:

I'm keeping everything crossed for you, too!! xx
Booping those are amazing numbers!

Congrats to the PUPO ladies! Such exciting thread this is now!
Thank you LL!! Have you been seen by your doctor regarding the issues with your leg? If so, what's the diagnosis? Are you feeling better? xx
Went to my chiropractor...yes much better. Basically somehow I was favoring due to my hip and overdid it on my knee. I needed an adjustment badly. Have been seeing loads of improvement with just one adjustment! The endocrinologist said it could not be the synthroid because it was localized in just one knee...makes sense.
LL - Good to hear your feeling much better from your adjustment!! What happened to your hip? Have you had your vitamin d tested? Often vit-d deficiency and thyroid disorders go hand in hand. It can cause muscular aches and pains. I know you said the pain was localized in your knee, but it wouldn't hurt to test your vit-d. If you haven't already being that you have thyroid issues. I have hypothyroidism and muscle aches was a symptom I had when first diagnosed. Currently my vit-d level is 43 with the help of daily supplements. And I'm just fine now. Just a thought.. hrmmm??
Yay for embies boopin and congrats on being pupo sienna and Miranda. I'm an artist too Miranda! :)
Ladies - How many days after the first day of your last period did you do your embryo transfers? I started my last period on 1/9, that puts me at CD23 on my transfer day. Is that cutting it too close to when my next period should be starting? Just a thought. I think I'm starting to over analyze things.. lol!!

Anyone can answer. I'd appreciate your input. Thanks!!

UPDATE: I found this information on the internet regarding a 5 day blastocyst transfer.
Implantation occurs on day 6-10 after the egg retrieval
Which is 1 to 5 days after a blastocyst transfer
Which is equivalent to day 20-24 of a natural menstrual cycle (idealized 28 day cycle)

So, I should be fine on CD23.. I'm keeping EVERYTHING crossed!!
Boopin, I did check my calendar and my transfer was 19 days after day1 of AF. It was FET. Congrats for the amazing fertilization report. Fxed for your transfer. Keep us posted.
Mirinda, Sienna Congrats for being PUPO. And I totally agree you can't keep your life on hold. During my third try I was sure it was a bfn since I had no symptoms and decided to move on with my life, and thought if it's suppose to happen it will happen.
Llbean, hope you get better soon.
2have, how are you ?
AFM, DS was suffering from diarrhea and diaper rash. Thursday morning he cried constantly for 3 hours. Had to take him to his doctor.
AFM, DS was suffering from diarrhea and diaper rash. Thursday morning he cried constantly for 3 hours. Had to take him to his doctor.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dear boy not feeling well. What did the doctor do for him? Is your son finally getting some relief from his diarrhea and diaper rash?? poor baby :sad1:
Ohh thanks Boopin. yeah the nurse said to me when she rang the day after she said if it's going to implant it will do it in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Day 23 seems fine to me. They were tracking my ovulation they said I did on Day 17 and then I had the transfer on Day 22. They said every cycle is different with ovulation. So day 23 for you sounds about right!
Thanks for posting that article.

Coolstat hope your boy gets better!
LL - Good to hear your feeling much better from your adjustment!! What happened to your hip? Have you had your vitamin d tested? Often vit-d deficiency and thyroid disorders go hand in hand. It can cause muscular aches and pains. I know you said the pain was localized in your knee, but it wouldn't hurt to test your vit-d. If you haven't already being that you have thyroid issues. I have hypothyroidism and muscle aches was a symptom I had when first diagnosed. Currently my vit-d level is 43 with the help of daily supplements. And I'm just fine now. Just a thought.. hrmmm??

Yes vitamin D was thyroid is no more lol removed November 2nd so yes kicked into hypo by force ;) I will start back on that and see if it helps.

In regards to the ET....with IVF they also do 5 day transfer so ER is ovulation the math... If you ovulate around CD 14 then you are looking at at least a CD19 transfer...they it still takes a few days yo stick well. I think you are fine
Coolstar sorry about the little one. Have you considered chiropractic? Sounds strange but I just watched a video a couple of days ago about a colicky baby girl, digestion stuff basically, and the adjustment did the trick! Let me find it and send it to you.
Here you go Coolstar... I know your LO am not have exactly the same but it could be an option?

My chiropractor was in med school and had to choose a specialty and could not make up his mind so he went to help a chiropractor just for kicks and he tells that when he saw a case there of a 7 year old that would pee her bed nightly and no matter what the doctors did they could not make it stop and lo and behold the chiropractor adjustment made it stop overnight he was sold and never looked back
Boopin, doctor told us to change formula and let nature take its own course. How did your transfer go ? Take it easy today and relax.
Llbean, thanks. Never thought about chiropractic, will look into it. I know it's part of life but I feel sad seeing DS suffer so much.
Boopin, is it transfer day? Good luck, and keep us posted.

Sienna/Miranda. Congrats on being PUPO. How are you holding up?

Coolstar, sorry to hear the LO has been poorly. I hope you got something to settle his tummy.

LL, glad the leg is better.

How has everyone been? Hope you all had a good weekend.

Fingers crossed I should be starting bcp in a few days. My prescription finally arrived yesterday (I was starting to panic) as AF is due but thankfully I can go collect it tomorrow and then just wait. I am having a few twinges so hopefully its not too far away. Once I start taking my bcp we can book in a date for ET which will probably be mid March time. It's felt like the longest wait ever so can't wait to get on with it now.

Boopin - my transfer was on day 17 of a medicated cycle, any news on your transfer?

Coolstar I hope DS feel’s better soon

Pinkie I’ve been keeping occupied to take my mind off it my test date is the 9th February, it’s good to hear you are progressing again which clinic are you using?

For the UK ladies did you get an hcg blood test if you did was this through your GP and if you didn’t did you just have to go with urine testing?
Hey Sienna, I cycled at Newlife clinic in Thessaloniki Greece. Good luck with keeping busy and your mind off everything, its always so hard.

As for hcg blood testing I went to a private clinic, the same one that done my scans, it cost me £50 I don't think the GP will do one unless you have a very nice understanding one? Otherwise poas they are usually pretty accurate. I had a chemical one before last so wanted to know the numbers to be sure.

Sienna you're test day is a day after mine.. I have zero symptoms but trying not to read into anything (but just have this feeling it didn't work but trying to stay positive!!) and aim to keep busy this week!
I'm officially PUPO!! Transfer went well. We transferred 1 expanded & 1 full blastocyst. I'm keeping everything crossed!! xx


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