Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Boopin congrats, those are gorgeous embies! I predict twins for you. How's all the pupo ladies? I have fingers and toes crossed for LOTS of babies this year. Come on girls, bake those sticky beans:dust:

Coolstar, how's the little one? We struggled with diaper rash for a while. We found that probiotic formula helped and also got probiotic supplements. Doctor recommended them as it's all related to baby's immature immune system. We have zinc cream & 1% hydrocortizone polysporin in case redness comes back and since getting her on the probiotics everything has cleared up. I hope you get through it quickly too - not fun for you or baby!

How's everyone else? Mom's & ladies inbetween? I'm just waiting for Reprofit to match a donor embie to us and it's cd23, waiting to see if another miracle happened this month (not holding my breath though). It was nice to sleep in over the weekend, the last of the renos wrap up over the next two weeks. Can't wait to have my home back!
whooooooo hooooooo Boopin!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
I'm sending you lots of sticky bean vibes to u! And of course your uterus!!!
Take it easy and try to relax!
Hi ladies! Sorry I'm not on much, and when I am I'm always using my phone so it's harder to type long messages. However I do have a question for you. Is anyone taking any anti anxiety medications or anti depressants while going through ivf? My doctor wanted me off everything and I was completely off my first pregnancy with no issues at all. I got on meds again because my son was in icu with life threatening infection at 4 weeks old and it became too much. I got off again for this cycle, but am finding myself struggling With anxiety because my husband is away and I'm doing this on my own. I want to get a head start in this pregnancy since he won't be home til June, but it's getting hard. So I wanted to know if any of you had any experiences with medications and ivf. Thanks in advance!!
Congratulations on being PUPO boopin :happydance:
I love your photo of your embryo’s that’s one thing about Serum you don’t get a photo of your embryo’s. When’s your test date? There's going to be me you and Miranda all testing within a few days of each other, here’s to sticky beans for the three of us :happydance:

Stacergirl sorry I can’t help you with regards to your medication question and cycling whilst on them, I was on medication for depression a few years ago and found exercise and meditation have helped me stay off them.
Congrats Boopin, for being PUPO.
Stacey, sorry I don't have idea about antidepressants.
UPDATE: I just received the final fertilization report. So, here it goes... 16 eggs, 14 mature, 10 fertilized w/icsi, 2 transferred (4BB & 3AB), 8 remaining, 3 survived to freeze 6BB, 4BA & 4BB. All good/great quality according to the embryologist.

Sienna - I'll have my beta hcg test on 2/10/16. So far just a twinge here and there. How are you feeling my 2ww buddy??

Miranda - I rested all day and night of transfer with my laptop in bed... lol!! Today I'm just taking it easy around the house. Do you have any symptoms, yet?? xx

Keeping everything crossed for us PUPO ladies!! And thanks to ALL for the lovely comments. Your support means the world to me!! :flow:<3
Thanks sienna and cool star! I am definitely exercising and it helps tremendously. I've tried meditation and it helps so I'll just keep being diligent in those areas. I wouldn't want to be on meds while pregnant but it's just driving me crazy with these set backs and waiting. I'll see if I can just manage it on my own. It seems more circumstantial at this point too. Thanks.
Boopin that&#8217;s great news about your embies, although I&#8217;m sure you won&#8217;t need them.
Its Miranda testing first then me then you, I&#8217;ve not had any symptoms yet just the meds symptoms at the minute. Will you test early?
Boopin, Sienna, Miranda--congrats on being PUPO!! I can't wait to hear about (and see...line porn!) each of your BFPs.

stacer--this would be really hard process with DH not around and a little one to care for. Unfortunately, feeling anxious about being on anxiety/depression meds creates a vicious cycle of the anxiousness continuing on! It's a tough situation, I hope you can find some relief.

2have4--have you used Reprofit in the past? (I'm still trying to learn people's stories.)

Coolstar--I hope the rash and poo problems are better. It would be a terribly helpless feeling to have a little baby suffering and crying like that.

LLBean--both my parents, my sister, and a good friend have had some success going to the chiropractor. My DH, on the other hand, half-jokes that chiros are witch drs; he doesn't seem to think they are real drs. I'd ignore him and go to one if I had a problem I thought it would help!

I am hypothyroid, too. Still have my thyroid, though. I'm on T4 and T3 meds as the T3 doesn't do a good enough job of getting into my cells.

Pinkie--I know this process just drags on and on and on... It's a wonder any of us can keep our sanity.

Pussycat--Amazing, beautiful girls that you now have! Lovely names. Glad to hear they are gaining weight. I am so, so happy for you!
AFM--thanks for all the welcomes! I am happy to be amongst ladies making the same choice as myself to go with DE (eggs or embryos).

I just got AF on Friday and went in this morning for a baseline US and labs for a mock cycle. It was a disaster! I am so irritated. The ladies at the clinic I chose for monitoring were very nice, but it is not going to work. They had no sense of urgency ab sending the US results. The dr told me they'd send it off in the morning, but then at 2:45p I got a call from a nurse who couldn't find the fax number to send it. By that time the IVF clinic in NY (CNY-F) was already closed. And they also dropped on me that the labs would take up to a week to come back. No same day lab results there. WTF. I was super clear with what I needed and the receptionist had said they could for sure do it. Not the case.

So, no results were received at CNY-F and I heard not a peep from my nurse there. I called her and sent a message through their portal asking her to check in with me about whether the US results were sent & if I should try to go to my primary care dr to get labs redone. I told her I was nervous about messing up the mock cycle and having to wait another month, but she never responded. So, I have this estrogen I was supposed to start today but never got the go-ahead to begin.

Sorry to rant, but just when I feel like we are getting closer, it turns into a mess. Why does it have to be so hard?!? Have you ladies had dealt with monitoring clinic issues when cycling with an IVF clinic far away? Experiences?
Vonn welcome!! that all sounds like a tremendous pain in the ass! I'm sorry I have no experience with dealing with away clinics for IVF. I'm in Australia and lucky I'm close to the clinic and they're actually amazing about getting back to me etch hopefully someone here can help. I know there's lots of super star people on here who have to travel a long way for their appontments.

Ha ha line porn. I love it!!!

Stacer - my best friend was on anti depressants her whole IVF cycle (for anxiety too) her Dr said it's better for her to stay on them than go off them. She was over stilimated but that wasn't because of the meds. She got pregnant the first time (after they put a frozen one in!)

Boopin - glad to hear u took it easy. I did too after transfer. Ah I got a bit anxious because someone in another forum said they had twinges from day 5.. And I've had nothing! But my neighbour said she didn't feel anything till she was 16 weeks! And everybody is different. And my poor husband he's so amazing dealing with all these little silly ideas reassured me that people fall pregnant all the time and don't even know they are until really along. (These god damn lucky people!.) so just trying to keep busy! Anyway, 6 days until official yest day! Not to say I might on the weekend. I don't have any trigger shot in me as its a FET.. I just can't hear that news from one of the nurses over the phone!
Vonn – I’m sorry to hear about your problems with the clinic do you have any other options, finger crossed you get to do your mock cycle. I didn’t have much monitoring just the one ultrasound to check I had no dominant follicle and lining measurement. I then had my progesterone levels done at Serum.

Miranda – I’ve had no symptoms yet, I’ve had 3 HCG jabs the last today so been busy Googling to see how long it last, as last thing I want to see is a false positive :(

Boopin how’s my tww buddy doing :hugs: – I’m trying to keep occupied and been for a walk this afternoon.
Sienna - Hello :wave: I'm doing okay. I have no symptoms either. I'm only 2dp5dt. It may be a bit early for me.. lol!! I finally took a shower today and I'm going to get out and do some shopping. I find shopping to be very therapeutic. I got to get my retail therapy on.. haha!! I think it'll keep my mind off things. I've been in the house since my transfer and I'm going stir crazy. :wacko:

To answer your earlier question, I may test the morning (2/9) before my beta. Are you going to test early?? I hope that we all get our bfps the first time around. Stay strong my tww buddy!! We're almost there!! :dust:

Welcome Vonn :flower:
Vonn-that's frustrating! I'm so sorry! Are you still going to be able to do the mock cycle still for this cycle or do you have to wait until the next? yes, it is hard but dh will be 40 in April so we didn't want to wait to try after he got home. We will see what happens. I'm doing the best I can with my anxiety, but my dh is my rock so it would be nicer to have him here!

Miranda-do you know what meds your friend was on? I think Prozac is considered the most safest right? Or are there others consider safe? I am afraid the meds are what was preventing my lining to get thick. That's kind of why I was wondering too. Btw I had no symptoms at all in my first pregnancy. I almost forgot I was pregnant until I started feeling him move and started getting bigger. Everyone is different! Fx!

Boopin and sienna-I hope you both get a bfp! So exciting!!
Thanks, ladies! Just an update since I was so grumpy yesterday. I got a call this morning and can move ahead even without the lab results in. I started the estrace tablets as vag suppositories. They are green, so that is, ahem, interesting. The progesterone supps I've been on in the past were cream/light yellow, so the panty liners weren't as crazy looking as they are now. Sorry if TMI! It's just making me gasp and then giggle every time I go to the bathroom!:wacko:
Thanks, ladies! Just an update since I was so grumpy yesterday. I got a call this morning and can move ahead even without the lab results in. I started the estrace tablets as vag suppositories. They are green, so that is, ahem, interesting. The progesterone supps I've been on in the past were cream/light yellow, so the panty liners weren't as crazy looking as they are now. Sorry if TMI! It's just making me gasp and then giggle every time I go to the bathroom!:wacko:

lol sorry but it makes you wonder why they decided to use some coloring on that stuff...I mean obviously done by men LOL
Vonn - ohh who the hell makes green depositories thingies!! I have the white ones they get me to put in at night time. But it's annoying because I can feel it dribbling out a little bit during the night. It's all so sexy this IVF stuff isn't it?!
Bonn - not sure exactly what my friend is on for anti depressants. I'll ask her
Hey there ladies (I've posted this on another thread, but was told I may get more responses on here)

I wasn't sure where to post this, so I hope it doesn't come across as insensitive as that is totally not the idea of this.

So, basically.
I have decided to go ahead with a life long dream and become an egg donor. I've got a pile of applications to fill out and I'm so excited!
But there's one common area that I keep getting stuck on:

'If you could send a message to your prospective recipient, what would it be?'

I'm trying to think so hard about what I write. I don't know whether I should write about myself and my life- or whether this is even relevant.
But I don't want to come across as patronising.

Here's all I have so far:

Hey hopeful family.

I just wanted to say, I have everything crossed for you!
I can't imagine the journey you've been through and you deserve nothing more than this gift of life!

I found out about egg donation when I was 18 and has been something I've had my heart set on doing for a while.
During the wait to come of age to donate, I had my own little girl, and I couldn't imagine life with out her. She's only spurred on my need to do this.
Everyone deserves a chance.

I've spoken to many who have been where you are, and I've asked them what to write in this section as I really want to get this right.
I've been told to speak about me and my passions as many believed they never received information they'd have like to have known; so I hope that's okay.

Anyway, I'm currently a student at university specialising in sexual health, with hopes of doing a masters degree in nursing so I can help with those experiencing fertility issues on a more professional level.
I have a strong passion for animals, especially horses. I rescued my girl off a slaughter yard, while she was skin and bones but is now a healthy and the most loving animal ever- she's a big achievement of mine.

I'm very creative, I was to become an illustrator before I found my other calling in the care field and decided to follow that instead.
Not finished!

If any women out there have gone through using an egg donor, please help me out in what you'd like/like to have to known from your donor.
All medical history and personal looks (hair, eyes, etc) are on other forms.

Thanks so much- and good luck to all hopeful mumma-bears!

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