Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Yeah I'll get to have access to the same information I got on my previous donor but my practice had my previous eggs mailed in from Boston whereas we don't have time to have them mailed in from one of the other locations, therefore we have to pick from the donors that donated to our specific practice. The girl I like only has 3 eggs. We're supposed to get 6, that's what we paid for. The doctor said she's a proven donor with success rates, therefore we should get a blast out of the 3 eggs. I don't know what to do. I don't want to settle but I don't want all of these injections to have been a waste either. Ugh
Stacer--holy cr@p, what awfully terrible luck! I am so sorry you have to deal with this stress, esp without DH there. Can you communicate with him about this? I agree that with your troubles to get your lining thick enough, you don't want to give up on the chance; however, if you feel like you are settling, that's not good. If you think the match is good (maybe not perfect...but the most perfect isn't viable anymore, have to get that one out of your mind to make the next decision), then you should go for it! They won't make you pay the full price, will they? For half the eggs, I hope not! Good luck to you. Vent all you want. Big hugs as you make this decision. :hugs:
Bluebell--a HUGE CONGRATS to you!!!:bfp: This is amazing, I am so happy for you. Your beta is great, can't wait for the us. Sorry for being a little late to congratulations party.

Beetle--I hope you feel better soon, take care.

Pussycat--so good to hear from you. I absolutely cannot believe your girls are 12 weeks. Crazy! It must be just fascinating to watch them develop. You, Minxie, Beetle--so many girl twins!

Hi to everyone else! :hi:

AFM--I have been busy, distracted, and not feeling well. I have stayed on my diet (to get rid of candida overgrowth), it's day 63, but I really just want a straight line to feeling great, not all the ups and downs that always happen. For a few weeks I was feeling light and energized, but I am back to feeling low energy, which is frustrating. I've also had a killer sore throat, runny nose, aches the past day. I gargled with some essential oils and now the throat's feeling better. I don't know if that's why, but if it is, essential oils are amazing.

I have such tension in my shoulders, neck, and upper back, and now go for massages regularly. I buy them on Groupon to get them cheaper, but the down side is I don't have a person who knows my situation/body. Anyway, I went for one yesterday and the lady found all this crap in my neck, it was so painful. When it was done she told me I have clusters of knots and adhesions from where knots didn't heal themselves properly. She said, "I don't know what's causing the stress in your life, but there's a bunch of it and it's all going straight to your neck." That makes total sense. I wonder where the stress is from..... Speaking of that:

Yesterday, I finally got a message with a tentative schedule!! Woo hoo! I stay on bcp until Aprill 27, start lupron on April 22 (so they overlap for several days) and go in on May 2 for baseline tests. They've estimated the retrieval day as Monday, May 16. It feels so good to have a plan. I'm working with someone to find the best deal on meds. I do have some rx coverage, so it may be through that. I'll find out in a day or two. Progress. :thumbup:

Question for those who know: Do you get a period after stopping bcp or after stopping the lupron? I'm assuming lupron, but am not sure. I can ask the clinic about this, but thought I'd check with you experts!
Vonn-great news! Glad things are progressing. For my protocol I got af on day 5-8 of Lupron, but I started on cd 21. So you may get it as well. Your nurse should tell you what to expect. What protocol are you on??
So if I want to go with the donor with only 3 eggs available now, they want to give me those 3 now and then another 3 later (either from a different donor or they can call the same girl to see if she will donate again). I'm like well what if I get pregnant and don't want 3 more can you give me discounted rate. She says no bc they paid another practice within their network for the original 6 eggs. She's thinking (well it's kind of like throwing away the unused embryos frozen from a successful cycle). But I'm thinking their lab should take the loss for that. They're the ones who put me in this predicament. I had my heart set on the previous donor for the last 7 months and you're making me change that with very limited options within 16 hours when the communication I have with my dh is via email within that time frame bc of the time difference (with most of that time period him being asleep)?? Seriously?? so we shall see what happens!! To be continued... :)
Vonn - Your menstrual cycle is being completely controlled/manipulated with the bcp and lupron. The bcp syncs your cycle with your donors and the lupron is suppressing your ovaries "keeping them calm". You should expect a period within 5 days of stopping your last bcp.You'll still continue with your lupron until directed to stop. (I was on lupron for 27 days.) So, if ER is on 5/26 depending on if they put back day 3 or day 5 embryo(s) you could have ET on 5/29 or 5/31. How exciting Vonn!! I'm so thrilled for you and DH!! :happydance:

AFM - Guess whose here??................ :witch: :headspin: :dance: I'm spotting light pink blood today when I wipe with cramping. So, tomorrow should be considered CD1 with bright red blood. It's been exactly 6 weeks since my mc completed. My body seems to be back on track!! Thank you Jesus. [-o<

stacer - I'm sorry things didn't work out for you as planned. I'm praying that you get your take home baby out of the 6 eggs you do end up with. I know it's so hard, but try to relax and remain calm. The last thing you need right now is added "unhealthy" stress. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason. And I believe that you'll have your Rainbow after the storm!! :hugs:
Stacer they need to give you 6, that is what the contract says... Honestly they can't just give you 3 now... I would get legal all in their face. If the new donor only has 6 then they owe you 3 for another time and another donor if that is the case.
Stacer, what a nightmare. Have you made any decision yet? I agree with the other ladies, if you have paid for 6 and they can offer only 3 then they should be giving you some form of compensation in return.
Pussycat, so pleased to hear your girls are doing well. Congratulations. I love their names, so pretty x
Boopin, yay for AF arriving :witch:
Vonn, good to hear you have a schedule to work towards. May will be here in no time, sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
Boopin, I have to say I am feeling pretty terrified. Just worried that everything is ok and scared something bad will happen which is normal I am sure. Not got date for scan yet, have made appoint with my GP on mon and will ask if they can refer me. I phoned early preg unit at our local clinic and they suggest a scan at 7 weeks so at least another 2 weeks from now. This is worse than the TWW !
Your feelings are definitely normal Bluebell. I agree with you that waiting for the viability scan is worse than the tww. I think early pregnancy is much more difficult for us women ttc with assisted conception vs. women who conceive naturally. I say this because we know every step of conception along the way. We've put so much effort towards getting our bfp's i.e. appointments, testing, procedures, blood work, hormone injections, finances, etc... that when it ends unfavorably it's absolutely devastating & heartbreaking. We have so much invested!!

I'm sure your little bean's getting nice and cozy in its new home. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. Please don't allow those negative thoughts to worry and terrify you. I'm keeping everything crossed for you my dear!! Wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months!! :hugs:
Bluebell-stay positive Hun!! If there's nothing causing concern than don't make something out of nothing! Your beta was great! I think everything's going to be fine! Hang in there!!! It is a horrible wait! just try to picture that little heart beat flickering on the screen!

Well we're moving forward with these 3 eggs only bc we don't have another 3 eggs from another donor that is currently available in this short of notice. They're guarantiing a blast though. If we get a blast and get pregnant they will refund us for the eggs we didn't get. If it's negative or we don't get a blast they will give us another 6. Dh and I are kind of at wicks end with this though. So who knows if we will do it again. So I'm praying these 3 eggs work!!
Stacer girl, you are right! Positive PMA all the way xx
Fingers crossed for a good fertilisation report and that you won't need any other eggs x.
Stacergirl, I am so sorry to read the issues you have been having. This is so unfair that this has to happen to you. I am glad to read that you have decided to go ahead with 3 eggs, after everything I really hope this happens for you.

Booping, glad the AF finally showed up so you can start planning your next transfer. Do you know when you can do a FET?

PC, so lovely to hear from you. I can't believe your girls are nearly 12 weeks that is scary. I hope you are loving every minute of motherhood.

Bluebell, I hope you are feeling ok hun. There is no reason why this will not be your forever baby, I hope you get your scan appointment soon to see your little bean. I don't think the worry ever stops so try and enjoy your moments.

Voon, exciting news that you have your schedule, I hope the massages are helping you relax and getting your body ready. Yes you will have a period after your last bcp, the donor should get hers the same time too, although your ovaries should be nice and quiet and hopefully the donors ovaries will start getting nice and busy!!

Hi to everyone else, sorry if I have missed anyone, there was a lot to catch up on. I try read daily but I have been a bit down after everything that has happened and I have gone back to work. Good days and bad days as I am sure you all know too well. Just waiting to hear from the clinic if our donor is willing to donate again or if they will do re-match. I hope I don't have to wait too long.

Have a good weekend xx
Stacer I am keeping everything crossed for you, may these 3 eggs be the magic beans!
BB - early pregnancy is brutal. Definitely harder than the TWW. I'll bet your little bean is flourishing, though!
BB I'm sure all is perfect. It is nerve wrecking all the time when we've been on this roller coaster for so long. Hang in there!
There’s loads been happening on here while I’ve been away for a few days, hi to everyone :flower:

Boopin it would be lovely to be bump buddies with you and I’m glad the witch is finally here!

Stacergirl – I’m so sorry your eggs were contaminated from the donor you really wanted, my clinic gives you very little info on the donor so you don’t get much of a choice apart from the basics like eye & hair colour. Your clinics offer seems reasonable if your happy with it, fingers crossed you get a blast from your three eggs and don’t need the other six.

Bluebell that’s a great beta congratulations :happydance:

Pussycat lovely to hear from you and hear your girls are growing well :happydance:

Vonn I’m sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well but good news about your schedule

Pinkie how are you doing, how did the Skype call go with your clinic?

I’m still waiting for a donor and getting a bit fed up now as it’s looking more like it will be July for transfer.
Got the call that of the 3 eggs, 2 survived the thawing process and 1 fertilized. The dr says it looks good and she anticipates it will continue to grow to a blast. I sure hope so!!!! �������� I'm freaking a little!!
Awww, stacer, that's great that you have a real chance! I'll be checking in to see how this comes out for you. Keep us updated! Thinking of you. :dust:

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