Vonn, yes you are right, don't be so hard on yourself!! I'd say 75% of the population don't even know what candida is and treat heartburn with antacids, chronic uti's with antibiotics etc etc rather than try probiotics & prebiotic diet & stop eating so much sugar / doing the things they do to kill healthy gut flora. You're waaay ahead of the game. Do what makes you happy, walks, read, coffee w/ a friend and treat yourself kindly!
I just got back from a Body World exhibit in our local science center, omgoodness I have do much more appreciatuin for doctors now with all the billions of parts they meed to know and understand the functions of. Wowzers! They even had a room where skeletons were in the BD position. It was an amazing show! https://www.bodyworlds.com/en/prelude/ny.html