Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Thanks Ladies!!
Stace, it's totally normal to worry. Keep us posted!
Thank you so much ladies! You all warm my heart! I got a call from my doctors office this morning and got nervous but it was just the nurse I've worked woth the last 3 years wishing my luck! So sweet! Can't believe this embryo has made it to blast! That's amazing to me bc none of my eggs ever made it that long! My son was a day 3 transfer. I guess it's true what they say about younger eggs, even though I'm only 33. I'll be going in at 1130 eastern time zone! Feeling a little more confident, hope that stays! Gonna try some yoga before I go!

Hope everyone is doing well! You d all been on my mind!
YEY Stacer! Did they tell you the grade of the embryo? not that I know the grades but lol
Hey ladies! I am pupo with 1 embryo. They said it was 12-24 hours behind a blast but that it looked good and they have high pregnancy rates with those grades. So now we wait and see! I'm scheduled Monday the 24 for pregnancy test but not sure if that'll change since I did my transfer 1 day later than originally planned. Does anyone know how long it takes a 5 day transfer to implant? When would be the earliest I can test?
Does anyone know how long it takes a 5 day transfer to implant? When would be the earliest I can test?
stacer - Congratulations on being officially PUPO!! :happydance: :headspin: :dance:

I got a +hpt 6dp5dt

UPDATE: My appointment went well. My uterus got a clean bill of health.. lol!! Moving forward with my FET. \\:D/
Congratulations for being PUPO Stace.
Boopin, awesome news :)
Stacer woohoo!! Very excited for you. Fngers & toes crossed for some lovely double lines.
Sienna-are you doing a fresh DE cycle? Sorry you can't find a donor!!

Boopin- yay that's exciting news!

Bluebell-how are you doing? Staying positive? Any symptoms? Find out about your scan yet?

2have-will you be doing ttc the good old fashioned way? Or ivf using your own eggs since you can't afford the trip?
Hi Stacer, until more $$$ comes in when I'm back to work off maternity leave we'll have to ttc the old fashioned way. I'll never use my own eggs again in ivf as it'd be a complete waste of $$. I don't respond to gonadotropins and my egg quality was gone years ago. So from 2013 on we've done DE ivf and we'd also do embryo adoption fet to save from the cost of fresh DE ivf. Reprofit doesn't use frozen eggs because of their fragility and low success rates so our options are either fresh DE ivf or emby adoption - most likely the latter considering my immune problems. Maybe next year if ttc is fruitless? Def not counting on anything!

Today i totally started blubbering when an older lady came up to us in the coffee shop and said 'you've got the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my whole entire life' and then she qualified her statement and went on to say that she's seen an aweful lot of babies as she's a retired nurse in our local fertility clinic. She didn't need to say that, and I think MacKinley is beautiful but I'm her mom so I'm terribly biased.:haha: I do get lots of commentary when we're out with her but I'd expect every mum to get this from time to time, babies are great fun! But this lady went overboard and it still reduces me to a blubbering mess thinking about it. Anyways, it made my day, very teary eyed today and appreciative for every moment I get to spend with her.
Stacer--our latest PUPO! Congrats to you! I hope after all the drama, it's smooth sailing for you for the next 9 mo! Do you have a beta scheduled?

Bluebell--hope you are doing well!

2have--I am wishing hard that you get an old fashioned TTC miracle! How wonderful for a complete stranger to make you feel so good about motherhood and MacKinley. I'm not the kind of person that strikes up conversations with strangers very often, so I am always touched when someone goes out of their way to share a kind work with someone they don't know. :cry: in a good way!

AFM--still not much happening for me. Start the lupron in a week. I am not staying very zen, though, and I need to work much harder on relaxing. I have just been so disappointed by my body over the last several years (thyroid, candida, infertility, etc.) that I am having trouble trusting that it will function optimally enough to get and stay pregnant. I am doing so much to get my body well, but it's such a slow process and there's always more to do. I need to stop feeling so frantic about fixing everything, and start to honor the strides I have made & love my little old self a more. The power of positive thinking, right?!?! That is sooooo hard! :dohh:
Vonn, yes you are right, don't be so hard on yourself!! I'd say 75% of the population don't even know what candida is and treat heartburn with antacids, chronic uti's with antibiotics etc etc rather than try probiotics & prebiotic diet & stop eating so much sugar / doing the things they do to kill healthy gut flora. You're waaay ahead of the game. Do what makes you happy, walks, read, coffee w/ a friend and treat yourself kindly!
I just got back from a Body World exhibit in our local science center, omgoodness I have do much more appreciatuin for doctors now with all the billions of parts they meed to know and understand the functions of. Wowzers! They even had a room where skeletons were in the BD position. It was an amazing show!
2have-isnt Mackinley the result of good old fashioned baby dancing when you were on the track for DE? If so then you did it before so I believe you can do it again!!!

Vonn-I'm sorry Hun! You got to love yourself though. Your body is the only one you've got! I'm glad you're doing things to better yourself, that's a great positive Step! I believe everything happens for a reason and I have no doubt you'll be able to get pregnant and carry a baby!! Hugs!! Stay strong! Try some yoga! I recently got into it and have found it really helps me!

Btw my OTD is the 23 or 24. Originally it was the 23 but not sure if they will push it back a day since my transfer was pushed back a day.
Hey ladies, hope everyone is having a nice Friday.
Vonn, it is hard to have faith in our bodies when we feel a bit let down by them to date but absolutely embrace all the positive changes you have made.
2 have - Mackinley is beautiful and you have every right to be the proudest mum alive. You got lucky before so it shows that you can get pregnant yourself.
Stacer, snuggle in little embie x
Today is 6 weeks! Yay!! Have my scan a week today so praying every day all is fine. I have felt pretty sick the last few days and vomited my breakfast yesterday so I am hoping these are good signs and not just the meds playing tricks on me. I def feel most seedy when I am hungry and then it seems to pass when I eat.
Boopin, Pinkie, Sienna - Hope you are all ok ?
Stacer yes we got pregnant naturally, really a miracle and goes to show we should always try, every month no matter what! But I'm not placing bets on anything happening! Thanks for the encouragement :)
Bluebell thank you. I remember the few times I was sick it was like a rush of excitement. There were next to no symptoms with my pregnancy and the few times I did barf I almost giggled to myself in the toilet:haha: i wish you luck with your scan, at 7 weeks you should see a nice heartbeat!
Boopin it’s lovely to hear you’ll be transferring in May, I'm still hoping we'll get to be bump buddies :)

Stacergirl congratulations on being PUPO :happydance:

2have what a lovely thing for a stranger to say, I think she’s gorgeous too :)

Bluebell good luck with your scan

I’m still waiting on a donor but they did say it’s usually a month to two months, fingers crossed I’ll get to cycle again before the summer.
Sienna - Hopefully, I'll still have my transfer end of May. I'm having 3 wisdom teeth pulled on Monday 4/18, ughhhh!! I'm going to ask my nurse if she thinks I should push back my FET cycle another month until I completely heal from oral surgery. I don't want to rush things. I only have 3 snow babies remaining. I would love to be bump buddies!! :hugs:

Bluebell - Feeling like crap is definitely a great sign!! I can't wait to see scan pics!! :happydance:

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