Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Stacergirl fingers crossed on getting a blast, when’s your transfer date?
Thanks ladies!! I really appreciate it very much!! My transfer is scheduled for Wednesday!!
Stace, I am keeping my fingers, toes and everything xed.
Stacer I'm super excited for you, fx for a full blown AAA hatching embie!

Hi ladies, did everyone have a good weekend?

Sienna, sorry to hear about the delays, very very frustrating.

Boopin I'm glad to hear your witch came! On Saturday when we hosted a big dinner party, mine did too:dohh: I won't complain though, this means in 2 weeks we get to give it another go. I'm not holding my breath for anything but we can't afford a trip to Europe at this point, we finished our taxes and while I get a refund DH owes 4 times more than what I'm getting back. And he's still unemployed too, double:dohh:

We did a big long walk after coffee with friends and they all agreed with my DH that I should write a book about the struggles with IF. From our crappy experiences with our local clinic, to the archaic Canadian laws (not allowing DE or DS unless frozen & flown in from the States or through altruistic donors), and donor egg ivf over seas with the benefits of added lovely holidays to the complete denial of immunoligical reproductive sciences here in Canada. The immune diagnosis we got in the states from the Dr Beers office with the different clotting issues & lad scores saying I react badly to DH's cells, then treatments in Mexico & Athens with 2 completely negative fresh DE & fet from Athens, then the adoption process with the insane requirement they make you sign to that you won't ttc once going down that path (wtf) and then the miraculous double lines once we were ready to go for a 7th DE ivf (ha ha while on that adoption track). The friends I've bunted because of their rude insensitive commentary and the friends I've kept with their not-so-bright commentary: me 'yes we're happy but would just love to get pregnant again,' her 'well just relax like you did when you got pregnant with MacKinley and it'll happen again' insinuating that my IF is caused by my uptightness all along :grr:

I couldn't even imagine what a title for all that might be (the long and crazy road through hell)? But DH said to just start writing and it'll come. It seems impossible, but it would put a not-so-talked about topic right out there and join up information that we had to really dig for in a thousand different venues. We'll see, I'd love to chat with an editor or author who might give some tips. It seems to have taken over my life for so long and omg what a roller coaster. Has anyone else felt this way?
Stacer I'm super excited for you, fx for a full blown AAA hatching embie!

Hi ladies, did everyone have a good weekend?

Sienna, sorry to hear about the delays, very very frustrating.

Boopin I'm glad to hear your witch came! On Saturday when we hosted a big dinner party, mine did too:dohh: I won't complain though, this means in 2 weeks we get to give it another go. I'm not holding my breath for anything but we can't afford a trip to Europe at this point, we finished our taxes and while I get a refund DH owes 4 times more than what I'm getting back. And he's still unemployed too, double:dohh:

We did a big long walk after coffee with friends and they all agreed with my DH that I should write a book about the struggles with IF. From our crappy experiences with our local clinic, to the archaic Canadian laws (not allowing DE or DS unless frozen & flown in from the States or through altruistic donors), and donor egg ivf over seas with the benefits of added lovely holidays to the complete denial of immunoligical reproductive sciences here in Canada. The immune diagnosis we got in the states from the Dr Beers office with the different clotting issues & lad scores saying I react badly to DH's cells, then treatments in Mexico & Athens with 2 completely negative fresh DE & fet from Athens, then the adoption process with the insane requirement they make you sign to that you won't ttc once going down that path (wtf) and then the miraculous double lines once we were ready to go for a 7th DE ivf (ha ha while on that adoption track). The friends I've bunted because of their rude insensitive commentary and the friends I've kept with their not-so-bright commentary: me 'yes we're happy but would just love to get pregnant again,' her 'well just relax like you did when you got pregnant with MacKinley and it'll happen again' insinuating that my IF is caused by my uptightness all along :grr:

I couldn't even imagine what a title for all that might be (the long and crazy road through hell)? But DH said to just start writing and it'll come. It seems impossible, but it would put a not-so-talked about topic right out there and join up information that we had to really dig for in a thousand different venues. We'll see, I'd love to chat with an editor or author who might give some tips. It seems to have taken over my life for so long and omg what a roller coaster. Has anyone else felt this way?

You can always do a blog and start there
2have - Im happy that your :witch: is here, too!! Now we can get things started.. yayyy!! I love the new profile pic of MacKinley. She's super cute!! Writing a book is a fabulous idea. You'll never run out of material between your own experiences and all of ours on B&B. :winkwink:

stacer - Keeping everything crossed for your ET on Wednesday!! :dust:
2have, you should definitely go for it. And I am sure there are so many ladies like us who can relate to it and those who conceive easily will understand having a baby is a privilege not a right.
So I thought I would discuss with you ladies ( I have been thinking about it for sometime). So a year back on April 14th I had my ET. I came home and prayed that I have a baby I will never ask for the second one. I am not thinking about having another baby right now but I am sure after a year or two I will think about it. But we don't have any frozen embryos left :( , I am sure I can't conceive naturally ( it would be a miracle if I do ) , so that leaves me with IVF or adoption. DH is not very open to adoption ( I really want to go for adoption) . About IVF we have to go for another donor . And if (A BIG IF ) I conceive , both the siblings would be from different donor mom. What you ladies think about it ? Most of the bnb ladies here have first baby from IVF or naturally and going for second baby with donor egg. My case would be much different. Any suggestions?
Boopin and 2have-I'm happy you girls can start moving forward again! Wishing you both lots of luck in the Cycle to come!

2have-you should write a book. It's very inspiring for women going through the same struggles to read. And wow, you've really been through a lot!

Cool-could you ask your previous donor to donate again? If not then I don't think there's anything wrong with having 2 different donors for your children. After all not all people who adopt children end up adopting siblings if they adopt more than 1. So you build your family however you see fit!!
Coolstar, I think a sibling is a sibling. An egg is a teeny tiny cell and the rest is all you and your husband...that's how I look at it.
Stacergirl good luck on Wednesday:dust:

2have your profile picture of MacKinley is gorgeous, two weeks will be here before you know it and you could always start your book which would be an interesting read.
UPDATE: I start bcp and antibiotics on Tuesday. My saline sonogram is scheduled for this Wednesday morning at 1015. My medications are being ordered and tentative schedule is being created. I'll have my FET calendar by end of the week. We're aiming for a late May transfer. I'm so happy!! :happydance:

Coolstar - I agree with LL & stacer!! And at the end of the day... your their MOTHER. xx
Stacergirl, wishing you the best of luck x

2have, you'd make a great book. I'd read it x

Boopin, fab news that you are back on the path for FET x
1 more day to go!! Eek!!!

Boppin-how exciting!!! Can't wait for you to get started!
2have--I think most people would be absolutely SHOCKED to learn the whole story of a ttc journey like yours (like any of ours, though yours seems esp cruel). The more we can bring this into the open, the faster treatment will become more accepted and available.

Here in the US, there are a couple great rep immune clinics, but of course most US REs don't give a lot of credence to that work, nor is it covered by most insurance plans, so we also have to travel far and pay out of pocket. Oh, yeah, and we have zero paid maternity leave (unless you get lucky to work for a company that offers it...almost none do). I get so mad thinking about all of this.

Coolstar--I think it's totally natural to think about all these what if's and variables. It's so much easier to not have to consider all these possibilities, but we don't get easy. I would say having another child using a different donor embryo is no different than adopting, except you get to carry the baby, have that genetic influence, bond, breastfeed (if that's your thing), etc. In my mind, that's a great advantage over adoption, but you should give it a little time and the answer will come to you.

Stacer--almost time! FX GL FX GL

Boopin--Wow, that's gonna come up fast, so exciting! Remind me if you have frosties?

Bluebell--how's our resident pg mama?
Boopin whew go girl, v excited for your next steps. We'll see you with a big bump by end of summer!
Coolstar, I thought I'd be fled up by one but you realise how badly you want you lo to have siblings, snd I just can't get enough of being pregnant. I'm sorry your DH has hang ups about adoption when you're actually happy to go ahead. This whe thing is hard enough without us disagreeing on the path forward. And adoption is a guaranteed process, FET is not. Fet is what I'll be doing, I do belidve that if I carry then they'll be aaaalllllllll mine, be it DE/DS and/or both. Gosh all you need to do is liok at Crystals sweet little ladies, they melt my heart every time I see them. They keep me wanting more. I learned long ago to shove any fear aside when making big decisions and go full force forward with my head & heart. My head simply gives the green light when finances are aligned, otherwise my heart would have me on the table at Reprofit yesterday.

Stacer girl & bluebell, how are you both feeling? Hopefully keeping the nerves calm & head occupied :flower:

Llb & sienna how are you ladies doing?

Vonn while it's frustrating for most of us developed nations to watch American women have children without maternity support it's also high time to get out and vote for the one chance that's being given to women right now to change the status quo. With this upcoming election there is one chance to have what other nations have, some over there label it socialism, the majority of the world understand it to be moreso about taxing fairly, wanting healthcare for all, wanting maternity benefits, min wage, equal pay, and getting rid of those horrid Republican/Tea Party representatives. We'll see IF people actually get out and vote for the one guy who stands for most of what the civilized world already has and hopefully there's enough education going on to understand how voting for Trump, Clinton or any of the of the Republicans will still proliferate the downfall of the middle class, & continue the $$$ funnel upward to that GOP 1% controlling class. If it doesn't happen this year, I'm afraid you'll have to move to where people actually want for and vote for a better quality of life. We're watching how many are still voting for Clinton knowing what happened when Bill was president and understanding who backs her (where her interests lie). It was a huge effort here in Canada to bunt Harper out but really, he was killing science, the environment, building military, prisons, killed womens healthcare, stomped on democracy, took us to where the Republicans/Or righty Democrats would prefer. Corporate taxes thinned out as did the middle class, unemployment is at an all time high and our economy is in the dumps. We're very happy to have the gov't we do now, provincially & federally and my fingers and toes are crossed for people to flex their weary voting muscle in the states now too!:hugs:
Yay, for moving forward Boopin and May will be here in no time x
Stacer girl, any updates on your embie?
2 have, you should absolutely start writing about your TTC journey.
Vonn, it is surprising to hear that maternity leave in the US is unpaid. I am always surprised also when I hear about how little annual leave most workers in the US have also compared to the UK.
As for me, I went to my dr yesterday as I needed more meds and to try and sort out a scan. I find our GP surgery so unhelpful!! Grrrrr! Anyway, I did get a prescription in the end ( even though I said I was more than happy to pay for the medication ) and she will try and find out about organising a scan.
Hi ladies. I haven't heard anything more but no news is good news at this point. If I don't get a call today I transfer tomorrow. I'm starting to feel really nervous. I'm not sure if it's bc dh isnt here or something else. Did either of you get super nervous the day before transfer? I woke up last night and started panicking a little, however what got me to wake up was my 2 year old screaming so that could've had something to do with it. My dh says I wouldn't be human if I wasn't nervous. But I guess I just worry I'm making the wrong decision. However I've been praying a lot and trying to leave it in gods hands. Hopefully this is a normal feeling. I know I would be super bummed if I got a call today saying the embie stopped growing so I keep thinking that's what means this is the right decision.
Stacer girl, I think what your are feeling is absolutely normal. No news is good news and hopefully you will have the perfect blast waiting for you tomorrow.

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