Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Hi BF, how are you mom? Yes, I'll be in Stansted for a few layovers. I'd love to grab a coffee with you. Will pm you the details:coffee:
Wow lots of exciting things happening on here, wishful everyone good luck!

It's a tricky decision between 1 and 2. I would have loved my son to have a sibling but being on my own most of the time and with my age I wouldn't be able to cope with 2 :(

I just had the injection and no bcp.

2 have I love that you are all sorted already! Are you going to be stopping at stanstead for any amount of time? I live about an hour away and if the timings worked I'd love to pop there for a coffee to meet you x

BF remind me many DE cycles did you end up doing before getting A?
Wow lots of exciting things happening on here, wishful everyone good luck!

It's a tricky decision between 1 and 2. I would have loved my son to have a sibling but being on my own most of the time and with my age I wouldn't be able to cope with 2 :(

I just had the injection and no bcp.

2 have I love that you are all sorted already! Are you going to be stopping at stanstead for any amount of time? I live about an hour away and if the timings worked I'd love to pop there for a coffee to meet you x

BF remind me many DE cycles did you end up doing before getting A?

I was lucky LL and just did the one cycle. Single day 3 transfer too. Seems like no one does day 3 transfers now!
LL, loving your new signature. Have you and DH made a decision about where you will go for treatment?

Vonn, did you go for your scan?

the signature is more of ...this year or done for good
LL, I hope the change in your body is a positive thing and good luck with the talks x
LL - Good luck on a natural cycle bfp!! Wishing you all the best. :hugs:
My mom went thru menopause @41, I'll feel amazed if we can get a baby/babies through Reprofit. Past 40 I feel like it's winning the lotto, especially when diagnosed with DOR at 35 (5 years ago).

When did your mom's hit menopause ladies and when was your official diagnosis given to you from your fs?
My mom became pregnant and gave birth to my brother at age 41. She told me that she purposely got off her bcp's (that she had been taking for years) and got pregnant within a few months naturally. My mother started menopause at approximately age 52. I was dx with severe DOR at age 42. :shrug: Go figure?? LOL!!
Sometimes I wonder if thete aren't other factors. Ie with me it's both genetic DOR and immune issues. But I've also read lots about Acutain drying up fertility (it was taken off the market with multiple class action lawsuits - loads of negative health outcomes). Or alcohol use, weight gain, or the NKC & clotting immune issues, def effected a number of us here.
don't know what age my mom would have gone through menopause since she had a hysterectomy...
don't know what age my mom would have gone through menopause since she had a hysterectomy... my paternal grandmother got pregnant not trying at 41 and perfect child...she is my godmother LOL. Her sister also conceived at 41 and had twins. My maternal grandmother I also don't know as I think she too had a hysterectomy

Lucky ladies, it's def a random thing after 40 and possibly a last ditch effort to put out eggies before menopause.
I was reminded today that Janet Jackson is 50 and just now pregnant so who knows
I think my mom went through menopause around age 50. She had no trouble conceiving me at 26/27, but then struggled to have a second, though she can't recall anymore what the problem was, if one was diagnosed. She took some clomid, got pregnant with twins, went into early labor and delivered them at 6 months. They did not live. Then, about 3 years later got pregnant naturally and had my sister. My sister and I are 7 years apart. I was told my eggs were no good at my first fs/re appt, when I was 39. My sister, at 34, has had 5 IUIs, no luck so far. But she won't go to an fs/re, she's only doing it through her Ob. She's preferring to think it's just a matter of time, not that she really needs a specialist. I completely disagree, but am trying to let her have her own journey.

I've got terrible news. :cry: Turns out, a couple decided to use my donor's frozen eggs and chose to have them genetically tested. It came back that the donor is a carrier of a genetic disease. They wouldn't tell me which one. She apparently did not know this. Now that the clinic has this information, they can't allow her to cycle this last time, nor can anyone use her frozen eggs. I am devastated and in shock. I feel like I have been punched in the gut. Even though I get older every damn day, this experience of pregnancy and motherhood just doesn't seem to get any closer. I am grateful that I found out now. I can't imagine the anxiety of receiving this news once pregnant. Probably about a dozen pregnancies have happened with her eggs, so I'm sure those people are even more heartbroken. She was our number 1 pick by a long shot. I hate the idea of having to go back to look at 2nd and 3rd best, etc. I need to just grieve this and be sad and pissed off, not try to plan the next step immediately. :cry:
Oh Vonn I am so sorry...I know its still a bummer but yes you were spared a greater heartbreak. Someone is looking out for you!

I was reminded today that Janet Jackson is 50 and just now pregnant so who knows

One would have to assume she went through a fs! Anything can happen with medical assistance. We live in an amazing technologically rich time.
Hugs Vonn! Try to remember everything happens for a reason!!

My mom went through menopause in her 50s. She got pregnant naturally with me and my sister in her 30s with out trying long.
Vonn, I'm SO sorry, that's devistating. You have enough to deal with without hiccups from your FS. Sending you massive hugs :hug:
Wow, it must have been horrific to deliver twins early for your mother. Thank goodness she hot lucky with you girls. And like you with your sister, I too have a friend who for years and years relied on vitamins, acupuncture, natural methods, before she realized it's simply a jackpot and from 22 to 31 thought with DOR she could concieve with enough time. Maybe, but I say you risk so much time without a family and much heartache waiting. They just did ivf a few months ago (flew to Victoria because our local clinic is terrible) and are pregnant for the first time ever. No amount of getting everything perfecto can guarantee baby. Which is so frustrating when you're trying SO hard to get everything right. I'm happy for her but I feel like she's spent so many years talking about things and being depressed from not having cycles work out the way she wanted (naturally). Meanwhile her two besties got pregnant, one lady by doing 9 iui's. I completely admire the 9 iui lady's perserverance.
I was reminded today that Janet Jackson is 50 and just now pregnant so who knows

One would have to assume she went through a fs! Anything can happen with medical assistance. We live in an amazing technologically rich time.

true but I do personally know people that also got pregnant naturally in their late 40's and had happy healthy no idea how it went down...or maybe she had the foresight to freeze her own eggs before?

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