Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Crystal hope you get well soon and the little ones too!

Lol yes lots of info. I'm looking at my blood type and O also as I know that could create the same blood type with my husband as mine would. He's AB and I'm A so with an O we get the same possible outcomes


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Crystal, tell me about this down regulation business? I didn't do the pill and am working with my natural cycle for transfer on cd 19. Does down regulating help with immune issues? I'm eating low carb for the past few months and gluten gives me ants under my skin so NO gluten since MacKinley was born. I tested completely negative on 3 different occasions for NKC's but I'd never be so naive to think they couldn't effect me. I can't do intralipids as I'm allergic to egg and don't have access to ivig (have to go to the States for that or Athens). So just like with MacKinley, prednisone & anti-clotting, baby asperin & no sugar clean diet and light exercise. After this, especially if we get lucky, we'll just try naturally (which means less than 5% chance at my age).

But I have my cbefm and am happy to use it for the next 6 years while things wrap up:haha:
I will def be testing early and thank you yes will need your eyes with the frer's starting at 5dp5dt. And will post when the doubles are even barely visible like last time:dance: i think someone said to me last time 'hunny you should try again tomorrow' lol, having only ever seen a double line once before I knew what I was seeing, even if it didn't make it through the camera onto the internet:haha:

Llb you should book in with Reprofit, the total cost of fees and flights for a fresh DE ivf and an fet is still cheaper than any American clinic. And I guess I like that they only freeze top quality embies, this made me upset in our first visit but after Athens where I couldn't even get the doctor to give me the quality of embies...well I feel strongly about Reprofit needless to say. And the American clinics seem to have extremely long wait times. I have issues with waiting :haha: who's your Reprofit coordinator? Any plans for your 46 birthday?:cake::flasher::wine:
Crystal, tell me about this down regulation business? I didn't do the pill and am working with my natural cycle for transfer on cd 19. Does down regulating help with immune issues? I'm eating low carb and gluten gives me ants under my skin so NO gluten on this trip, no matter how awesome the bread looks. I tested completely negative on 3 different occasions for NKC's but I'd never be so naive to think they couldn't effect me. I can't do intralipids as I'm allergic to egg and don't have access to ivig (have to go to the States for that or Athens). So just like with MacKinley, prednisone & anti-clotting, baby asperin & no sugar clean diet and light exercise. After this, especially if we get lucky, we'll just try naturally (which means less than 5% chance at my age). But I have my cbefm and am happy to use it for the next 6 years while things wrap up:haha:
I will def be testing early and will need your eyes with the frer's starting at 5dp5dt. And will post when the doubles are even barely visible like last time:dance: i think someone said to me last time 'hunny you should try again tomorrow' lol, having only ever seen a double line once before I knew what I was seeing, even if it didn't make it through the camera onto the internet:haha:

Llb you should book in with Reprofit, the cost to fly over fir a fresh DE ivf, and an fet is still cheaper than any American clinic. And I guess I like that they only freeze top quality embies, this made me upset in our first visit but after Athens where I couldn't even get the doctor to give me the quality of embies...well I feel strongly about Reprofit needless to say. And the Anwrican clinics seem to have extremely ling wait times. I have issues with waiting :haha: whi's your coordinator? Any plans for your 46 birthday?:cake::flasher::wine:

no big plans, just dinner with friends and maybe come home to play board games.

I had talked to Eva but she was busy so I got pushed to some other woman that would never respond lol
Here they have up to 5 cycles guarantee for like $28k so that is what he was looking at, that if we don't succeed then we at least get money back

That's not too bad, which clinic is that? We had looked into one in Houston and the wait was 6 months with a 40k price tag.
Here they have up to 5 cycles guarantee for like $28k so that is what he was looking at, that if we don't succeed then we at least get money back

That's not too bad, which clinic is that? We had looked into one in Houston and the wait was 6 months with a 40k price tag.



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2have my last cycle was the first one I down regulated for, I do have a bit of endo and produce thick linings. The thought behind it is thicker linings don't totally she'd each month so NKC and cytokines are at higher levels in the lining. By down regulating for a few months it's shrinks any endo/adeno and just gets rid of any lining left. Once the estrogen tabs are started and he gives quite a high dose at 12 mgs he also gives steroids earlier and Neupogen so while the lining is getting thicker it's with a healthy environment. I normally have between 13-14+ mm and last cycle with the girls was 11.4mm.

I know a fair few immune ladies that couldn't get pregnant and this has worked for endo or not I just allows for a nice shiny new healthy lining
Bluebell & Pinkie - I have a UL check and blood draw this coming Monday. If all goes well with my lining, then FET will be on the following Monday 5/23. I have a ton of CM (estrogen's working, lol!!). So, I think my UL will be sufficient. Fx'd for us all ttc!! I'd love to have some 2ww buddies. :hugs:

How did your US go? Where do they want your lining to be? Always interesting to learn of these things
Boopin, we are going to be days apart, Yey!. How did your appointment go today?

Crystal, sorry to hear you are the girls are poorly I hope you get well soon.

How is everyone doing?

DE collection was today and we got 12, I am really happy as we got that with our 1st donor too. Fingers crossed now that we a good fertilization report tomorrow.

Pinkie - I'm so happy your donor harvested a dozen eggs for ya. That's great news!! Keeping everything crossed for a beautiful fertilization report!! Grow eggies grow!! :thumbup:

2have - How are things coming along for you?? MacKinley will be a big sister soon!! xoxo

My appointment went well. Uterine lining is 11.64 mm with a trilaminar endometrium & blood work looked great, too!! My FET is officially scheduled on 5/23. Waiting for the embryologist to call with the transfer time for Monday. Feeling happy and hopeful again!! :happydance:

I started my vacation today, go back to work on 5/28. OH is taking me to the movies this afternoon to see Captain America. Getting ready now, talk to you ladies later. Have a great day everyone!!
Pinkie that's fabulous news about your donor. I'm very excited for you & Boopin.
Boopin, thank you. It would be my greatest joy to be changing nappies for 3 smsll children and watching them play. Do enjoy your movie and vacation time. Did you ever think you'd be spending holiday time in a clinic getting knocked up? How our lives take on strange twists & turn! I had NO idea I'd be in Europe so often. My parents only ever took us on car vacations to the next province for holidays when we were young. Going across the pond from Canada is a big thing (oh the over night 16 hour flight does a number on me each time) but I love it and get terribly excited. Even if it is just for 2 days to get pregnant & do a little shopping. I used to pack SO much. Now I have a tiny carry on that's always only 1/2 packed. Always room for new shoes & clothes, Canada is really terrible and expensive shopping!
wow Bopping that's great for you as well!!!so you and Pinkie both on the 23rd? NICE!!! Blessed day it will be!
Pinkie & Boopin--I'm thrilled that you both are still going! I can't wait to see you both get your bfps.

Pinkie--12 is a great number. Can't wait for the fert report.

Boopin--less than a week and you'll be pupo!

LLb--happy almost birthday! Sounds like a lovely evening. My DH hates board & card games, won't play them at all. It's super annoying. What's the deal with the blood type chart?

2have--I love your outlook and your determination! I can tell you have learned so much and are so knowledgeable. I can't believe how soon you'll be pupo. You go, girl.

Crystal--feel better! Your girls look like they are identical, is that true?

AFM--I went over the active donors this weekend and made a short list that DH and I talked about over omelettes (one of the few things I can easily get at a restaurant) at a local diner-type restaurant. We are basically on the same page, but have only narrowed down to our top four. I sent some questions to our nurse, so hopefully her answers can help us narrow further. I don't want this to take all summer, but we may end up doing some genetic testing & that may slow things down.

I've contemplated whether we should instead go to a local clinic, which would be way more money (that we can't afford on our own). I think we will stick with going across country, even though that's stressful in it's own way. DH wasn't keen at all with the idea of "starting over" at a new clinic, since we wouldn't go back to the clinic where we did our IUIs, no thanks. It's hard to give up selecting your own donor, seeing adult pics, being able to move forward quickly--all of which we can do now, but not at a local clinic.
Pinkie & Boopin--I'm thrilled that you both are still going! I can't wait to see you both get your bfps.

Pinkie--12 is a great number. Can't wait for the fert report.

Boopin--less than a week and you'll be pupo!

LLb--happy almost birthday! Sounds like a lovely evening. My DH hates board & card games, won't play them at all. It's super annoying. What's the deal with the blood type chart?

2have--I love your outlook and your determination! I can tell you have learned so much and are so knowledgeable. I can't believe how soon you'll be pupo. You go, girl.

Crystal--feel better! Your girls look like they are identical, is that true?

AFM--I went over the active donors this weekend and made a short list that DH and I talked about over omelettes (one of the few things I can easily get at a restaurant) at a local diner-type restaurant. We are basically on the same page, but have only narrowed down to our top four. I sent some questions to our nurse, so hopefully her answers can help us narrow further. I don't want this to take all summer, but we may end up doing some genetic testing & that may slow things down.

I've contemplated whether we should instead go to a local clinic, which would be way more money (that we can't afford on our own). I think we will stick with going across country, even though that's stressful in it's own way. DH wasn't keen at all with the idea of "starting over" at a new clinic, since we wouldn't go back to the clinic where we did our IUIs, no thanks. It's hard to give up selecting your own donor, seeing adult pics, being able to move forward quickly--all of which we can do now, but not at a local clinic.

the chart was because Crystal mentioned how she would just focus on smarts, similar looks and blood type so I mentioned that blood type O in a donor for me would work as well as ot produces the same possibilities in a child from A (which is me) with hubby being AB

you can see adult pictures of the donor? where?
LLb--adult and usually baby/kid pics at the clinic I am using, CNY Fertility in upstate New York. They have their own donor bank of about 100 ladies, some diversity, but mainly white women. They are significantly cheaper, but they do egg sharing pay less, you get less!
Vonn lovely post, nice to read you! I hope you both reach consensus without too much difficulty. It's truly amazing how much we pour into choosing 2-3 cells:haha: in a way I'm glad Europe does this for us, in the beginning I was very concerned with getting a donor that looks like me and has a degree/artistic inclinations but after so many tries we resigned to adoption and all my preconceived notions flew out the window. I still want a healthy set of twins. Not too demanding right?:haha:

So in 7 days Boopin & Pinkie will be pupo, in 14 days my turn will come. MacKinley is 7.5 months this week. I can't believe how time flies!
aww ladies look honestly I had no choice in donors same as 2have and you know with epigenetics it's amazing My girls look just like their older sister. I read a study about the uterine or womb fluid plays a much bigger role than initially thought in how genes are expressed. You just go for similiar colouring blood type and your exactly right Liz you can have different blood types and have results all over the board. We are both O+ so can only have O+ kids ���� if you each have a different blood type you have a bit more choice for blood types :) very interesting but no matter what your bubbas look like you will think they are the most beautiful babies in the world :)

Bonn, we transferred 2 hatching blasts and got di/di twins so seperate a as and placentas, we assumed they were fraternal but no one actually knows lol. They are so similiar and even their teeth erupt in the same pattern so most of the doctors we spoke to said they think there 's a very good chance their identical. Lily has curlier hair then Poppy so I thought no definitely not identical but she had meningitis at 2 days old apparently in preemies some of the antibiotics, meds, stress can cause environmental changes to the baby. Pretty amazing hey? We had them to an appointment last week for Lily's hernia and the doctor assumed identical and I said no we don't know and she oh they have to be but I really don't know. The other issue is if the embryo split for them to be Di/Di there should have been an extra embryo floating around :) My GP called an IVF clinic here and asked if it was possible and they said yes it's possible but would be uncommon for Twins to split a bit later and have seperate sacs and placentas. That's a whole lot of information you probably didn't want haha! Anyway we haven't tested them we may at some point probably more so if they ask, I'm not fussed either way lol
Fabulous news Pinkie. 12 is a great number. Fingers crossed for a good fertilisation report.
It's all happening now. Good luck 2 have and Boopin.
Crystal hope you and the little ones are feeling better.
Vonn- good luck with choosing your donor. I think it is probably easier when the clinic just chose for you and match basic characteristics!!
LL - sounds like you are taking things forward. Have a lovely birthday when it comes. :flower:
Crystal that's very interesting. I wonder about pc's twins too! Is there an easy way your GP could test to find out? Crystal, when's your next meeting with your RI? Would you ask his opinion about blood donation, how that might effect thrombophelia/antiphospholipid antibodies? I'll be tsking a really goid haem iron supplement but would like an off the cuff opinion...i might write Dr Sher online, he seems to answer people freely and see what his opinion is.
Bluebell how are you doing? We haven't heard from you in a while.

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