Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Boopin--you are setting yourself up for success! :thumbup: I'm am so curious about all your results. How long will it all take? Your hcg is dropping nicely, AF in no time!

Stacer--What?!?!?! What a thrilling surprise! :bfp: How did you end up telling DH? I'm so excited for you after all the clinic/donor missteps, what a great outcome! :cloud9:

AFM--I think I'm close to ovulation so we will BD tonight (I hope). Last chance for a free baby, right? :winkwink: It seems my nurse is out all week (in the past she's let me know that ahead of time...), so I've gotten no more details about the cycle. Ah, what's a little more waiting in the whole scheme of things... :wacko:
Congrats Stacer, that is fabulous news. Delighted for you :baby:
Boopin, sounds like you are doing everything possible to set yourself up for the next go. Wishing you every success xxx
Boopin, sounds like you have a great plan in place and happy to hear your clinic are doing everything you ask for to help you. My DE was third time lucky too so lets hope that's our magic number x
Thank you Pinkie!! :hugs:

I'm so thrilled for you lovely. You've been through the darkest depths of infertility never giving up on your dreams. You've made it through to the other side into the light and joy of pregnancy. You truly inspire me. I only hope to one day experience a healthy pregnancy, too. Please savor every moment, even the worst of moments. Pregnancy is a true blessing and a miracle of life. One never knows how special it is until they're unable to conceive. CHEERS to 3x LUCKY!!

Vonn - Get your BD on girlfriend!! GL on your freebie bfp!! :winkwink:
hi girls! back from vacation! it was wonderful, I want to go back!

holy vitamin research, Batman!! you ladies are well-versed - thank you for sharing. I started out on Vitafusion chewable prenatals that have 800mcg of folic acid and we got preg on our first try (ended in mc). I switched it up to the 3/day Garden of Life ones and only at most had a chemical. So I've switched back to the yummy chewables and left it at that. I also had started using straight Ubiquinol instead of CoQ10, but I'm not sure if I still need that if we're doing DE. So I don't really take that anymore.

pink & blue - so happy to hear about your scans and just the excitement of everything looking good!

stace - CONGRATS!!! a NATURAL one?? what a miracle - H&H 9 mos!!!

boopin & vonn - :wave: hello girls! vonn - get that natural egg and follow in stace's footsteps!! ;)

I have to start making those phone calls and getting appointments in the books now that we're back from vaca. Oh, and the Fresh vs Frozen debate - we specifically asked about the difference in chances and my doc said that they are virtually the same. The freezing/thawing process nowadays is quite exceptional. She told us specifically about one bank to look to when making our choice as they have an even better history of success rates. So while I logically think that eggs not tampered with by freezing are the way to go, if the success rates are virtually the same and all of the other stuff lines up, then we'll go that way. :) I love the opinions, though - always giving me/us things to think about.
Ladies - My RE replied to my request for the NK cells test with a lengthy response. And references of studies (1-3) to support his argument against the assays. He's definitely a doctor who strongly opposes the NKc test. I'll copy & paste the email in its entirety. Please leave feedback if you have any to contribute on an open discussion regarding this controversial test. TIA xx

Hi Angela:

Don’t waste your money on NKc assays.

The role that Natural Killer cells (NKc) play regarding infertility and miscarriage remains controversial. NKc are found in normal individuals with a healthy immune system and have specialized functions in the blood and endometrium (the inside lining of the uterus). Around the time an embryo implants in the endometrium, more NKc arrive to focus the establishment of a blood supply between the embryo and the uterus. Ultimately, only part of the uterus is attached to the placenta and NKc are believed to control this process. Without NKc the implantation process may proceed out of control, creating problems with the placenta and then problems with the pregnancy.

A theory has been recently proposed that too many NKc, or over-active NKc, can also cause problems with implantation by not allowing enough establishment of a blood supply between the embryo and the endometrium. A few small studies have found that women with too many, or over-active, NKc are more likely to have a miscarriage. However, larger studies found no link between NKc levels and miscarriage. The link between infertility and NKc is even more theoretical than the link between NKc and miscarriage. Neither has been proven with any reliable studies. Further, there is no consensus how to measure NKc, either.

Assuming there truly is a link between NKc and either infertility or miscarriage, the available treatments attempt suppress the overall immune system or involve blood thinners. The use of blood thinners, such as heparin, carries only a small risk to patients and heparin is relatively inexpensive. There are no studies proving its effectiveness for the treatment of high levels of NKc. Oral steroid pills, such as prednisone, Medrol (prednisolone) or dexamethasone, suppress the overall immune system and given for a short duration have few side effects and are inexpensive. Intravenous Intralipid therapy carries little risk but costs up to $700 per dose and typically 3 or 4 doses are recommended. One treatment, called Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy is very expensive, unproven and may cause harm by injecting someone else's blood products into your own blood. As of July 2016, there are no studies showing that Intralipid or IVIg therapy enhances fertility or decreases miscarriage.1-3 Until there is better data, IVIg therapy or Intralipid therapy for NKc should be considered experimental, performed under surveillance with established research protocols and patients should not have to pay to participate in that type of experiment.

In summary, the link between NKc and fertility or miscarriage remains controversial. Until a true link exists, spending the money on the test does not make sense, particularly because it is not covered by insurance and there is no agreement how to test for NKc. On the other hand, I routinely recommend the oral steroid pills for many IVF patients, because the pills may help suppress factors in the immune system (not just NKc) when an embryo is implanting, are unlikely to cause any harm and are inexpensive.

1. Stephenson MD, Kutteh WH, Purkiss S, et. al. Intravenous immunoglobulin and idiopathic secondary recurrent miscarriage: a multicentered randomized placebo-controlled trial. Human Reproduction (2010) 25(9): 2203-2209.
2. Egerup P, Lindschou J, Gluud C, et. al. The effects of intravenous immunoglbulins in women with recurrent miscarriages: A systematic review of randomised trials with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis including individual patient data. PLoS One (2015) 10(10):e0141588.
3. Christiansen OB, Larsen EC, Egerup P, et. al. Immunoglubulin treatment for secondary recurrent miscarriage: a randomised, bouble-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BJOG (2015) 122(4): 500-8.

Dr. ******
Boopin, it sounds like he's happy to put you on prednisone anyway and wait & see if any of the other test come back positive. He does sound competent, I can't really comment on NKC's since they weren't something I had to address.
2have - 4/7 tests have come back normal. I'm just waiting on the Factor V Leiden Mutation, Factor II Activity (prothrombin 20210A mutation) and AntiphosphoSerine AB (IgG/IgM) test results. So, far it's looking good.

My doctor plans on prescribing lovenox & dexamethasone with my next FET cycle as a prophylactic. He says that it can't hurt, only help. I really hope that this next embryo sticks for 9 months. I want to be pregnant more than anything in this world.

When do you go for another scan?? I'd love to see pics of your twins!! :hugs:
Boopin, I agree with 2have, he does sound competent and I was never tested for this either as my Doctor had the same out look. Its very controversial and still needs a lot of research. However the fact he is still going to treat you with steroids is great. I hope the other tests come back soon. Are you still planning on having a hysteroscopy?

Wish, welcome back, glad you had a great holiday. Good luck with getting your appointments booked and hopefully moving forward with the cycle. Keep us posted.
Boopin--the dr at the clinic I am currently going to says some of the same stuff about NKc as these other drs. He believes there can be an adverse response by NKc, but that testing hasn't proven all that helpful in his experience. If there is a question or a chance that an immune response is causing problems they will use intralipids because they are so much less than IVIG. I think they charge like $100/$150 each time for intralipids, not $700 as your dr mentioned. Good luck sorting through it all! So glad some of the tests have already come back. It sounds like they will be aggressive this time around & that's great. You will get there!

AFM--I think I will be starting lupron in the next couple days. So much for the free baby, not that it would have happened anyway. My nurse is back from vacay all last week that she didn't tell me about ahead of time, which she always has in the past (so I started thinking she left). Got a little info from her today, but not much detail, and we have lots more questions. She did let me know all the genetic tests the donor was screened for and it's a good-sized list, so that makes me feel confident about their thoroughness.
Vonn that's very exciting! I hate Lupron but it means it's starting right? Glad to hear they were thorough with the screening. Reprofit said when the donors are in their 20's, there's really no need for pgd either, very rare to have chromosomal issues when the donor is young. We're sailing into our 12 week NT screening confidently, I was absolutely terrified with DD as she was a natural and the chances of trisomy/Downs are much higher after 35. I cried and couldn't sleep for 2 weeks before the test. But much more confident with this one, there are perks to DE!

Looking forward to hearing more good news Vonn!
Vonn - I'm so excited that you're making progress with your DE cycle!! ET will be here in no time.. Yayyyyy!! :happydance:
LLBean I’m glad to hear your levels are now OK, wishing you a successful cycle :happydance:

Wish I’m also not a fan of frozen eggs they have such a poor success rate

Boopin fingers crossed for a miracle for you and good luck with the testing your doctor sounds very competent and I hope this next cycle is the one

2have thanks for all the info on vitamins I think I need to re-look at what I take

Great news Bluebell & Pinkie I’m so glad you’re both progressing well :happydance:

Vonn I so pleased for you that’s great news when do you cycle?

Congratulations stacergirl :happydance:
How's the week going, ladies?

I received word from my nurse that everything is a-go. It turns out the donor is not too busy in August, so we can start. I did my first Lupron injection last night! That's a crazy thing to have an exclamation point after, but we do get excited about the weirdest things. :wacko:

I go in on the 11th for ultrasound and labs. The donor will start stims shortly after that. Estimated retrieval date is August 26 and ETA for transfer is August 31. This month. This could all be done in less than a month! :happydance:
Vonn that's great news! When do you start estrogen?

Llbean you told everyone you've started your cycle june 20, did you wind up using frozen eggs? How did everything go?

Stacergirl & Bluebell hiw are you feeling? Pinkie still feeling a little green?

Sienna you and Crystal will be cycling at the same time, if not Boopin too. I'm very excited for you to finally have your shot. 2017 will be an amazing year! Does anyone know what Chinese animal it is? I'm not at all superstitious but it's fun to see what the crystal ball says:haha:
Vonn lovely news, fingers crossed for your cycle keep us up to date on how it all goes

Thanks 2have I don’t know anything about Chinese animals but hoping it’s good for my next cycle
Ok, I've just looked it up. For all those babies born in 2017 it'll be the year of the rooster:
People born in a year of the Rooster are very observant. Hardworking, resourceful, courageous and talented, Roosters are very confident about themselves.

Roosters are always active, amusing and popular among the crowd. Roosters are talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest, and loyal individuals. They like to be the center of attention and always appear attractive and beautiful.

Nothing less than what you'd think your children might be yes?:thumbup:
Hi ladies!! Sorry I'm a bit slack in getting on here I always try to read and then reply but it's just not always time to reply lol

Stacer, hope your doing well

2have, how are you? Is there a bump coming yet? Your tall so place for them to hide but not for long :) lol

LL, I didn't realise you started way back on the 20th? Your donor should have donated by now? You were going to use fresh eggs is she could donate straight away yeah?

Sienna & Boopin, I'm transferring Nov 14th :) is that about when you'll be transferring?

I hope everyone else is doing well!! We booked our flights we have 7 days in London, 2 in Brno and a few in Vienna. I think we may be crazy to do this with 2x 19 month olds in tow but we love travelling so they'll have to learn to love it too. They're really easy going so should be right.. I hope lol

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