Ohhh that's fantastic news for both of you Bluebell & Pinkie!! Congrats in passing milestones Pinkie, I know that feeling. Both DH and I burst into tears with the 12 week scan for MacKinley. She was a fighter! And still is. I'm laying in bed trying to catch up on some sleep listening to her fight her afternoon nap with dad. Poor thing (DH I mean lol). Bluebell isn't movement the most reassuring thing? At first I was always thinking that baby wanted out, but the hiccups are hilarious. DH loved feeling movements too.
When you have soooo many failures as Crystal and I have and those ivf's are so so expensive, you reserarch the heck out of everything, we end up learning so much more than we bargain for along the way. I just read about a twin mom who only took enough folic acid for 1 baby and wound up with spina bifida babies. I trust my GP when I find things like this - it was her that recommended 5mg folate and told me about iron(heme vs non-heme) / calcium etc and I feel lucky to have a GP doctor who practiced as an OB in her early years. She said it ruined her sleep and with her 4 girls she took a different direction (luckily for me) for a more stable home life and put on the GP hat. But to find out that Crystal was given the same advice, 5mg folate and I think we even had the same dose of prednisone - makes me even more confident in the advice I've been given. Once you get a stink doctor (thinking about my FS here at the local clinic) you appreciate the little extras you get from good doctors. I'm just very grateful to have figured out what my body needs to hold a pregnancy. Most doctors will shrug and send you off like my original FS did with a standard prenatal and a tally ho! I feel my GP spends extra time going over small details with me and maybe it's made a difference in my health over the years?