Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Thank you Pinkie and 2Have.

My beta is 10/1. I plan on not testing till that day if at all. Maybe it will just be the beta check. I don't wanna see negative. Feeling rather emotional and down since yesterday. Blood draw was awful today and two people really got on my nerves. Lately I seem easily irritated and aggravated and wanting to cry. Feeling negative about all this too...

Tired and napping mostly. My estrace reduced to 2x daily and progesterone stays same.

Just blah. Don't feel too positive
PS, with what you are describing, it sounds like those Meds are doing their job perfectly :flower:
Thanks Pinkie.

I feel pessimistic today and down. Been that way since yesterday
Then had a bad argument with hubby. Cried a lot. Was mad at him me that this was meant to be a stress less weekend after transfer and it's been but that. Thinking this isn't working.

Just very blah. AF crampy too. Overdid walking and errands too. Back to work tomorrow and more stress there with boss leaving this week.

Need to go hide in a hole.
Hi ladies :)

2have, how are you feeling? Time is a tickin before those babies are in your arms!!

BOOPIN, it's going to happen, it just takes some of us a few more steps/ tests to get there but in no time you'll be looking at your two lines. :)

Pinkie, how are you getting on? So exciting :)

PS, this is such a roller coaster, I was convinced it was over before I even transferred and had no hop. I was even depressed because I knew I was at the end of the road for even immune meds to help. 3dpt I saw a faint line and it just got stronger and stronger ! I now have almost 18 month old twin girls.. I still can't believe it finally worked so hang in there it does work out :)

Hope everyone is going well!

We started the birth control pill last cycle uuggh fun times.. Lol! I start sniffing Synarel next week to down regulate and it's not far off at all. I am so nervous this time.. The girls will be just turning 19 months when we leave and it's a long haul flight from Australia to London so it's going to be an adventure I think lol!
Thank you Vonn. AF start yet?

Thank you Crystal. Sniffing Synarel, what's that? There's an actual med in IVF like that. I learn something new all the time. Thank you for sharing your story and the encouragement. Your life must be so busy with twins!!

I've always felt I had immune issues and we know stress doesn't help. Last failed IVF, I was having chills through the 2WW and I feel immune issues played a part. This time it's been manageable until yesterday when all that twinge, cramping etc stopped and I started getting cold. Warmed myself. Was depressed that stress again kicked in immune issues and this was it. Didn't feel much of anything anymore. 2 am took a stupid clearblue test and of course it was negative. I mean you can squint and squint until you make yourself believe there is a shadow of a shadow:wacko:

Today back to work. Again started having some cramping thing so felt a little hope. Bit cold on/off but weather is getting cold. Just went to use restroom and I had a little brown stuff like the pre-af thingy. Could this be implantation bleed, AF trying to start. It could also be what RE had said that I would have some spotting due to them having had to remove polyp from cervix during transfer. Today is 4dp5dt. Can't feel hopeful... I doubt i will cave to do another test. Poor hubby is also feeling my depression. We had agreed to wait to 10/1 for beta and keep the faith. I just was awful yesterday. Don't know what this is. Plus I do vaginal estrace so am sure that is causing some irritation down there too. I am no longer smurf blue/green down there but more of a gray green.
Hi Crystal, I'm SUPER excited for you! Are your flights booked then? Because of the massive delays on the return out of Gatwick last time I got a credit the size of my roundtrip flight:happydance: All the best with the drug protocol, when do you start ivig?
Ps have you been tested for immune issues? I was suspicious myself and as soon as I mc'd my first set of DE ivf twins I had the fetus tested & a full immune panel of tests done. It's worth figuring out what's going wrong if you keep having failures. And don't feel too upset about the clearblue not having a bfp on it, even if you were pregnant that brand would be the last to tell you so. Get the frer's if you want to know for sure, the clear blues are a waste of money unless you're at least 2 weeks past 5dt.

Vonn any sign of AF yet?

Pinkie you're right about thr anatomy scsn tomorrow. Should be fun. How are you doing? I made a lovely breakfast this morning ...pumpkin quinoa pancakes with fruit @ turkey bacon and half way through eating felt so sick! Gaaah, getting so tired of this nonsense! I can relate to your supermarket story on the other thread. V choked up right now about myshel's loss.

Boopin, how are you bella? Always glad to read you, you're always super positive. You'll be a fantastic mom very very soon!
2Have, yep flights are booked!!! The first flight leaves Melbourne at 11:10pm so I think they may sleep for most of that flight..I hope haha! IVIG is on Nov 4th the day we leave and 10 days before transfer. Neupogen starts in a few weeks etc. so it's getting very close

PS, Synarel is a nasal spray that is sprayed every 12 hours, it turns the ovaries off and allows the lining to thin down to nothing and then it's built up over a month with estrogen, Neupogen and steroids. It's to allow a healthy lining to grow minus all the natural killer cells :) I too get a sore throat, chills, and feel miserable in my TWW or even after ovulation until AF arrives. My joints swell and U just feel unwell and it is immune related, a good book to read is by Dr. Alan Beer and is called Is your body baby friendly? It really explains immunes well and gives you a good indication whether you need more investigating. Best of luck I do hope this is the one and I agree try a FRER :)
Ladies, I have a tentative FET date of November 4th. I can't believe this is happening so fast!! My nurse mentioned there's a national shortage on several fertility medications. So, I'm going to use a new pharmacy this time. I have a few meds left over from my last cycle that I can use. I'll be starting lupron in a week and a half. :happydance:

2have - I viewed your twins on the other thread and they're so adorable. Their profiles look very similar. How's MacKinley's party plans coming along?? xx
Boopin & Crystal roll on the FET's! :happydance:

We had our 20 week anatomy scan this week. Babies are measuring bang on for their gestational age and very close in size to each other which apparently is what they like to see.

2Have and Crystal, My RE doesn't believe in immune stuff it seems. He thinks for me it's about my age and diminished reserve, egg quality etc, hence the donor egg this time. If this doesn't work then I will stress more this time for immune testing. Thankfully the feeling cold is pretty much gone now. I will wait till beta day to find out. Still AF cramps. Had brown discharge yesterday and mostly gone today.

Thank you for explaining Crystal about the med thingy. Looking forward to your updates!!!

2Have, my look at those adorable little babies!!! I can see the little hand and ear and all. Aww. Cute. They look comfy.

Boopin, wouldn't it be great to have some positive news for thanksgiving time for you!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed this is it for you.

Vonn how are you doing there? Still doing accu?
PS, if your FS doesn't believe in reproductive immunology will you get treatment elsewhere? I was in the same position as you. I was in fact told that they tested for everything when they hadn't tested for anything, and given horror stories about women that do immune treatments and how one almost died after ivig...I didn't believe them for a second since it's not possible in Canada to use IVIg for reproductive issues. Dr Beers in the States can do the testing for you from anywhere in the world without you having to go anywhere. They do a skype meeting with you to discuss and then you simply get your local lab to send them the bloodwork. It cost us $40 to ship the blood and $1800 for the full round of tests. Then I went elsewhere for DE treatments since my fertility clinic wasn't willing to work with me and my GP gave me the scripts for the blood thinners and prednisone. You are the only advocate there will ever be for your health issues, when you meet a barrier to your goal, hopefully you can find the shortest path around it!
But my local clinic is simply crap anyway. They also gave these stupidly high success numbers for using frozen eggs shipped in from the States. Frozen eggs are just so delicate the success with them is extremely low (usually less than 30%). So we had another lady believing them and after 2 rounds, $50K, and 3 cycles later there was no success. I can't even remember if she got double lines? I'm highly suspicious of clinics that advertise high success rates with frozen eggs. Most European clinics don't even use frozen eggs now due to the low rates of success.
Boopin--yay, that's coming so soon! You'll be PUPO before you know it! (And I'm right there with you.)

2have--perfect little babies! Can't believe you are at 20 weeks.

PS--if you need it, and it's a big IF at this point,--you are PUPO after all-- you may be able to convince your Ob-Gyn or primary care Dr to do some immune-related testing. I did. I researched typical tests done by reproductive immunologists and asked my primary care dr if her lab would do them. Then I called my health insurance and asked for prior authorization. Most were covered. I know mine wouldn't cover any tests looking at gene issues (like the MTHFR gene mutation -- but I'm taking folate instead of folic acid anyway), but I was able to get many done. It was some work to make this happen, but I had a cooperative Dr and that helped a lot. Nothing came back abnormal for me.

Crystal--what an adventure! When do you leave?

AFM--AF showed on Saturday and she's already done. The Dr that did my surgery wanted me to come in on CD 3 for a scan and follow-up. She said my uterus looks "beautiful," we are are set to go! They checked my ovaries, too, and I had no antral follicles on either ovary. Sheesh. I've never had zero before. The Dr asked if I had started BCP yet, which I hadn't. I said I guess it's reassurance that I made the right decision and she said, "It sure is." I don't have a final schedule yet but I have started BCP and we will be transferring somewhere between Oct 31-Nov 3.
Aww they are just gorgeous!!! Same size is great :) I think twin B is a boy based on my limited knowledge of the skull theory:haha: twin A I can't tell but they are gorgeous! Are you going to have the 4d scan ? I have to say that mine was a good resemblance to Poppy and Lily. Sometimes they look nothing like the Bub but theirs was pretty good :thumbup:

Boopin... Yay for a transfer date!! That is wonderful news, can't
Wait to follow xx
Crystal I'm with you, I think A is a girl & B is a boy. The head just looked way bigger. Prob no 3/D scan, they just don't do them here unless you pay and we need a new vehicle before we can cart around 3 babies. So you Boopin and Vonn will all be cycling in November then! Has anyone heard from Sienna? I hope she's able to try soon too. Very exciting times. Crystal you'll have to update about your time in Czech Rep. Are you staying in Brno the whole time or visiting Prague/Vienna? :happydance::bunny:
We're going to London for a week, Brno for a long weekend and transfer and then Vienna for a few days and then home.

A car is more important I agree, I don't think I'd pay to have one again but it was very neat to see them and then when born they look like the photos :)
I can't wait to follow along with everyone's success. PS, you first in the few days, I am feeling very hopeful for you.

Crystal, you sound very organised and love that you are taking the girls on this journey with you.

Boopin/Vonn, yey for the witch so you can start planning for transfer, looks like you are neck to neck with dates.

2have :hugs: cuties.

I am really excited to to read all the action coming up, sending everyone lots of lovely baby vibes xx
2Have, not sure yet what I will do about clinic and if will change if this does not work. I think I will have to see how they go with my stressing the need for immune testing and if they are receptive.

Vonn. So glad your AF has arrived and you are now in scheduling for your cycle. Can't wait for those updates coming in. Get hubby ready slowly for PIO shots... I will look into more immune testing if this one doesn't work. Need to. Not sure how but will figure it out.

Crystal sounds like a nice vacay around transfer time. relaxing is the way to go.

Pinkie, thank you. Yes hoping to get a BFP and then everyone keep following and get that BFP. We will be the BFP thread!!!!

As for me most of the cramping is gone, just AF kinda sore all around. Short of breath often. tired. So not sure....
PS--happy beta day!!! :thumbup: Can't wait to hear the good news! :baby: You didn't happen to test early, did you?

Boopin--still just on BCP, right? I start Lupron on Oct 9 & stop BCP on Oct 13. How close together are we?

AFM--My schedule is set for transfer to be on Nov 2. This weekend we are gonna try to figure out flights & travel plans. The nurse said it's better to at least wait until the baseline ultrasound and labs to book, but that's not until Oct 17. Of course she plays it safe. . . she did say most people stay on track, but that some need more or less time (usually more). Of course our last baseline uncovered issues that delayed us by 2 months. I keep thinking we are just gonna sail through all the checks, but that's NEVER happened before so I probably shouldn't make assumptions. We gotta decide if it would be cheaper to pay the change fees or to book only a couple weeks in advance. How have others handled this issue when doing an FET long distance?

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