Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2Have you are gutsy to do it yourself. I can't imagine.

Waiting till transfer day and having lots of insomina and hourly bathroom visits at night. Constipated. Irritable. And tired due to lack of sleep. Will see if accupuncture helps me sleep tonight.

Feeling sad and anxious now hearing my supervisor who I loved working under gave her 2 wk notice at work. So that means all this stress will fall on me now esp during this time and possible pregnancy. I hate changes and have had horrible bosses in the past, so this is not something I wanted to happen. Just having an awful sleep deprived day.

Wouldn't that be grand if Hillary Clinton brought in a maternity leave for American women similar to most other developed nations? It would guarantee your job and give you between 55% pay-80% pay for 6+ months and a really lovely break from the poop at work. Here in Canada I've managed to escape a dog's breakfast of reorg for almost a year last year and come Feb will be another year of family bliss. What I just don't understand is why on earth any woman over there would EVER vote against their own healthcare and family basic supports by voting Republican. You might as well hand over the top 30% of your wages and resign to bf through pumping in the bathroom at work. It's deplorable conditions for a developed nation and it's economically proven that when countries support women and families, women go back to work and contribute to the GDP keeping that country's economy strong. When it's too tough many women stay home and become sahm's which take from the country's economic strength (Economist - Womenomics). And the side benefit it to you is having a break from or escaping, while maybe only temporarily, a crappy situation at work.

All very true...What is happening is all scaring me here in USA. Wish I was in Canada!
Do you need to pay $7500 by month 7 as well in order to deliver in a hospital setting? My gf paid SOOOO much just to avoid a home delivery. She probably would have died as she claims the baby was breach and the umbilical cord was too short for a natural delivery. She said those are the reasons her doctor cited that she had to have a section.
2have--yes to everything you said. It makes me really sad when I think women in other countries get 6 month, a year, or even longer paid maternity leave, and we generally get nothing & have to take vacation/sick time/unpaid leave. That's what I will have to do. WHEN I get pregnant. I do realize this is a first-world problem and I sound pretty whiny compared to what women in many places in the world have to deal with.

PS--All the best on your transfer tomorrow! Give us an update about how it goes.

Boopin--AF show up yet? I feel like it's been a week. What'd you ever decide to do about a diet? Did you make any dietary changes, or just mainly add in the supplements? I'm excited for you to get started!

AFM--CD 37 for me. I had acu today and now feel a little bit going on down there that might mean AF is finally on her way.
Thanks Vonn. Nervous but will let you know tomorrow. Have accu in am then transfer in afternoon. Then will chill out at home. Acc again on Friday afternoon. Today's check they said lining looked great (11mm?). I feel like AF and crampy though already so hope accu helps. Plus going to get a massage after work today.

Accu seems to bring on AF for me if I tell the lady. She seems to know and it helps so I am hoping the same for you too. It's a grumpy feeling to wanna get them but not getting them.

Boopin how are you doing?

2Have, delivery sounds so expensive...
Thanks Vonn. Nervous but will let you know tomorrow. Have accu in am then transfer in afternoon. Then will chill out at home. Acc again on Friday afternoon. Today's check they said lining looked great (11mm?). I feel like AF and crampy though already so hope accu helps. Plus going to get a massage after work today.

Accu seems to bring on AF for me if I tell the lady. She seems to know and it helps so I am hoping the same for you too. It's a grumpy feeling to wanna get them but not getting them.

Boopin how are you doing?

2Have, delivery sounds so expensive...

Don't worry ps, with a constant supply of progesterone AF won't be showing her ugly face for a looong time! All the best with your transfer!

It's in the States where you need to pay usually a minimum of $7500 before your 7th month for an in-hospital delivery. My gf lives in Florida. She went back to work on a Monday after having her section on Tuesday the week before.:dohh::wacko:

I don't pay a dime here in Canada to deliver and we generally get a choice of midwife or OB in a hospital, woman's birthing centre or at home. I'm in a fantastic new hospital where you can order food up from their restaurant for free and DH has a bed in my private room (where babies stay too) and I have an OB who's very gentle and follows you as a midwife would but is trained in emergency deliveries and all that entails being an OB - I love her, she also has a wicked sense of humour. I have my own bathroom and can have a water birth if I choose. It was a great experience with DD and I'm looking forward to delivering the twins there too.
Because healthcare in the US is provided mainly by employers, there is a huge, huge difference in policies. $7500 is horrendous. I don't believe my policy has any difference in cost for delivery depending on the month of the delivery & a colleague of mine who had a baby a couple years ago said it cost her about $200 out of pocket to deliver. (I have pretty good health insurance.) There is a local nurses union that is on an indefinite strike from several hospitals in the area, in large part because their employer is trying to phase out their excellent health insurance for a policy that provides less coverage and shifts more costs to employees. I heard a nurse on local TV news say she had to pay nothing for her deliveries, even though she had difficult births, and on this other policy she would have had to pay $4,000 per birth.

There's also a really wide range of what types of services are covered. I had some IUI & fertility med coverage & have coverage for acupuncture, while many likely have zero infertility coverage (though there are a number of states that require some fertility coverage) or coverage for non-western modalities like acupuncture. I don't believe I have any coverage for a midwife, though, which would be a great option.

Overall, it's a ridiculous system. But that's just my opinion, and I have never lived in a country that provides socialized medicine for all, so have nothing to compare it to.
Vonn did u get ur Af? I agree about insurance and thankfully I have a good one too being city employee.

boopin how are you doing.

Thank you all for the lucks. I am feeling quite sleepy so not too coherent.
We transferred one 4AA blast per RE advice. We are told that we have 5 good blasts frozen with potential 3 more. I had a polyp on my cervix that was in way and had to be snipped but I kept calm. Didn't freeze and shiver after transfer like last time. Told that if we have to do a FET they need to check no polyp in way. Plus heard them say I had some bend in cervix. Just kept breathing. Now in bed resting. Been bit crampy and little cold once in while. Have socks on. Will sleep after progesterone shot.

Thank you all.
Congratulations ps.. you're officially PUPO!! :happydance: Get nice & cozy little bean!! :dust:

AF is finally here!! I'll start bcp this Sunday on CD3. I've never been happier to start my period as I am now!! :wohoo:

And by the way she's 3 weeks late!! My FET cycle has been pushed back, but I'm happy to get things started none the less. I'm actually beyond happy... :rofl: Let's do this!! xx
Ps congrats & gl!

Boopin I have everything crossed for you but you won't need it, this will happen. Third times a charm!
PS, congratulations on being PUPO. Stick little bean X

Boopin, yey for AF, she certainly didn't want to play ball did she. Glad it worked out for the best and looking forward to your updates.

Vonn, hope you are doing ok lovely.

Thank you Pinkie, Boopin, 2have.

Boopin yay for AF start. 3 weeks late but finally here. I agree 3rd time is a charm and can't wait to hear your updates too

Vonn how are you doing?

Just woke from a nap. Tired. Didn't sleep well. Crampy during night and tried to only sleep on back (lol thinking it would move) and that was not comfortable. This am heartburn due to eating and being in bed inactive. So was around a bit. Tummy bit better. Had some twinges. Even by ovaries and I had no retreuval... Then got hungry and bit nauseous and dizzy. Had chills. Had good lunch and napped. All these symptoms checking in head lol progesterone messing with me. It's too early and I know it
PS--Wow, you lucked out with so many eggs & so many embryos to freeze. That has got to make you and DH feel GREAT! Glad the transfer went well. :thumbup: Since you did a day 5 transfer you won't have to wait too long before you get the good news! How's the PIO going?

Boopin--YAY!! :happydance: I'm so glad to see you finally getting started. 3 week delay is enough to really try one's patience, but you seem super zen. You just know you got this. It. is. happening. Can't wait to follow along!

Pinkie--how often do you have appts at the 20-week point? You are almost into 3rd tri. AMAZING! :cloud9:

2have--what fun things is Mackinley up to now?

How's everyone else? Bluebell, had any scans lately? Sienna, what's the schedule for the surgery? Stacer, are you healing up? Crystal, are you gearing up for the big trip? Sorry to whomever I missed!

AFM--CD 39. No AF. Boo. But I do have 2 zits on my chin and my bbs have hurt for nearly two weeks. It just HAS to be close. I think.
Vonn I hope the witch catches up with you too soon! Autumn is a beautiful time to get pregnant:happydance:

Crystal & sienna you've been so quiet. How are things going ladies?

Pinkie any let up with the nausea yet?

Who else is there who we haven't heard from in a while?
PS, progesterone side effects are a nightmare. I hope you get a good night sleep tonight. Try laying on your left side, that's what you are encouraged to do during pregnancy as it helps with blood flow and with heartburn etc.

Vonn, AF is playing up for everyone at the moment. I hope it won't be much longer. I have quite a few midwife appointments but only one more scan at 28 weeks. I still can't believe I am half way. I don't think this will sink in until LO has arrived.

2have, nausea is still around unfortunately but I am coping. Its food that makes me feel ill, I wish I didn't have eat then I'd be fine. But its a small price to pay.

Hope everyone else is ok. It has gone a little quiet but I reckon its going to start getting busy again soon.

Sorry just deleted my post last night. Was mad at dh for being late home to do pio shot.

It was only a little late. Hate I got stressed out like that. Hate being so emotional and loosing mind
Thanks Pinkie for the tip. Layed more on left side last night. Back is thankful.

Vonn I'm sure u must be stressed and that's delayed AF more. Still doing accu? Try some yoga to relax and hope that witch comes already.

Not really having any symptoms now...
PS, don't apologise. We are all entitled to be crazy ladies during the tww and DH being late would have sent me into overdrive!!

I had no symptoms with any of my cycles both the negative and positive ones, the first time I had anything was when I was 6 week pregnant. Its so hard not to symptom spot but try and stay positive x
I never had any symptoms. But with the twins had a faint bfp @ 3dp5dt and with a previous double transfer had a bfp @ 7dp5dt. When are you going to test ps?

Edit: I only test frer's. Anything else isn't sensitive enough and you'd have to wait at least 2 weeks.

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