Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Sienna, I don't have any advice unfortunately but wanted to say I am sorry you have only just found this out. How disappointing. Maybe speak to your new clinic and see what they advise?

Crystal, I hope everything went well with the transfer and you are enjoying Europe. When do you fly home?

I hope all other ladies are still doing well. Keep us updated X
good morning ladies:

Pinkie, wow 28 weeks! How does it feel right now?

Bluebell Keeping you in my thoughts as well. Good luck on Friday. Soon you will have your bundle of joy in your arms.

Crystal, can't wait to hear how you are doing after the transfer. Sending lots of BFP dust your way. Any symptoms?

Sienna, sorry I don't know much about endometrial inflammation. I do hope you are able to find a competent clinic that is transparent and knows what they are doing. It's better to know so you don't continue with same place and can try to change where you are for more positive results. Finding the right place is important though I know it's all getting tiring. Hugs.

2Have, how are you doing? Is the arm throbbing still going on? It's long 9 months for that precious little bundle(s) of joy.

Vonn, how are the meds and checks coming along for you? What does your cycle look like?

Boopin, how is it going for you and lining checks etc? When is your transfer date?

For me, today is 10 + 3. I've been discharged from RE though still don't have a definite for an OB. Met one, not sure I like him much. So still figuring this out. RE told me to stop progesterone on Thursday, so 2 more shots left. Estrogen I stopped last week. My last check last week, progesterone was 15.6. They say it's good as long as over 10, that placenta is taking over. I was on minimal anyways after tapering off last few weeks. It'll be strange, though happy as I've become a pin cushion at this point and it's not fun. Saw little bean dancing, wiggling at last ultrasound. Amazing. Family drama continues. I've been saddened by family stuff. As we tell family/friends next month (first trimester over end of this month), I know hubby is excited about telling his side. My can I not be sad. Feel heartbroken in many ways. Oh well. It is what it is.
Thanks 2have, I’m supposed to be having a hysteroscopy & scratch. I’m going to speak to the consultant at my appointment about the scratch as I’ve read like you it can make things worse for some people.

PS it’s lovely to hear your pregnancy is progressing well but sorry to hear your still having family drama’s I hope things improve for you.
Hi ladies!! Transfer was done on Monday with two lovely little snowbabies!!we got home today I loved the holiday but it's slot of work with little ones :) will go back and read :)
Bluebell--it's nearly your turn! All the best on Friday. Can't wait to hear your success story! :cloud9::baby:

Pinkie & 2have--this means you two aren't far off! Are you deciding on names yet?

Sienna--what news... That would be quite a shock to read about so long after the procedure. I don't know I've ever heard of endometrial inflammation. Good luck getting to the bottom of what it means!

Crystal--Yay for double transfer and for safe arrival home!! When's beta day and do you plan on testing ahead of time?

PS--Amazing news that you've graduated from the RE. Congrats! GL finding an Ob that you like. I've got a lot to figure out on that front, too (once I get pregnant, of course). Hopefully, the family stuff will settle down in the coming months.

Boopin--it's getting close to transfer time! How's it going?

AFM--This has been a crazy week. I had a big event at work on Monday...went really well...glad it's over. Then, Tuesday morning I had dr appts and waited to hear from nurse on Tuesday afternoon. She didn't get in touch with me. But, my boss called me in Tuesday at the end of the day to offer me the manager job I had applied/interviewed for (along with 3 of my other colleagues) a couple weeks earlier. Yay! Then, Wed morning my nurse messaged me that we are a-go. Transfer confirmed for Tuesday the 22nd at 10:30am, with acupuncture at 9:30. PUPO here I come!

DH and I decided to drive, so we will leave early Saturday morning. I took tomorrow off of work to pack, get some food/snacks ready, clean up the house a little. We didn't feel like we could prepare until we knew for sure, so now things feel very rushed. We will be heading out the door in no time! First stop, Detroit; second stop, Niagara Falls. :happydance:
Wow that's amazing news Vonn, on all fronts! Congrats in getting picked for the job as well as gl on your journey to get pregnant.

Crystal congrats on being pupo, you will test tomorrow yes? My fingers & toes are crossed for quick dark double lines!

Boopin how are you my dear? Roll on transfer day & a nice thick lining!

Bluebell I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, smooth sailing! Enjoy the first moments with your precious bundle!

Pinkie how are you?

PS hopefully the family drama slows down with your announcement.

We just did our last swim lesson of the year with DD, dad, aunt & grandma came to watch. Then we all went out for dinner and now my back is killing me. :grr: I'd give anything to get rid of these aches & pains...90 more days!
Any update bluebell?

Vonn congratulations on the new job and good luck for Tuesday :happydance:
Ladies, AFM I've been laying low on the boards. I'm nearing my transfer and I'm getting quite busy with preperation, but I wanted to give a quick update. My uterine lining measured 9.36 mm with a trilaminar endometrium on 11/17. All my labs came back good, too. FET is officially scheduled for Wednesday 11/23 in the morning. KMFX that this works, as this is my remaining precious 6BB embryo that we're transferring.

I update in my journal if anyone's ever curious. :winkwink: Love you ALL like sisters and wishing you ALL the very best!! :hugs:
good luck boopin that's a good lining measurement, did you do anything different?
Crystal how are you doing, any symptoms?

Vonn transfer us tomorrow, right? I am on edge of chair for you and can't wait to get updates. Sending all the BFP vibes your way.

Boopin, awesome lining. Good luck on Wednesday. Wow you and Vonn will be PUPO for thanksgiving.

Need more nauseous ladies on this thread. Roll in BFPs.
Boopin--you are ready!!! I'm so excited for you for Wed. You have done so much to prepare for this. I just know it's your time. Good luck & FX!

Crystal--can't wait to hear your update and positive results. A sibling or siblings for those girls is on the way!

Thanks for the cheers, PS!

AFM--we have made it to Syracuse! Stopped in Detroit and in Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls was fun, but it has been really cold. And some snow to contend with on the drive today after crossing back into the US. Counted 8 cars in the ditch and one semi.

Turns out when you are driving halfway across the country, it takes your mind off of what you are driving to do. I haven't been thinking about the transfer all that much, but now I am. Getting nervous and excited! How will I be able to sleep tonight??? Tomorrow morning we transfer one 4AA embie. It was REALLY hard to decide between one and two. I'm still not certain, but the decision is made and that is that. No regrets.
Good luck tomorrow, Vonn!! KMFX for you too my friend!! You got this!! :friends:
Crystal--if my math is right, you should be testing soon, right? Thinking of you!

Boopin--thinking of you, too! I hope tomorrow goes perfectly.

AFM--thanks for the well wishes! Everything went really well today. The transfer itself was really fast, but they were running behind because Syracuse got 25 inches of snow in the last two days and they were sort of digging out. Yes, we drove into the first major storm of the year. Yikes! Good thing we are familiar with winter weather. Anyways, with the acupuncture before and after and some waiting, we were there for four hours. That didn't bother me, but DH got a little nerved up with the whole experience. He's the one taking a nap at the moment! Both of us will be relaxing the rest of the day.:haha:
Congrats Vonn, you are officially PUPO. Snuggle in little bean. Cozy up for long 9 months. Funny about DH having to take the nap. Good idea to just chill and relax. Keep warm!!!

Boopin, good luck with your transfer tomorrow!!!! The day has come.
I have missed some exciting news, I've been having trouble getting on here. Life has gone a bit hectic.

Crystal, congrats on the transfer, glad you made it home safely and you will probably be close to your test date now. Good luck X

Vonn, I am so pleased to hear you got to transfer stage, so happy for you. I hope you are feeling ok and I have everything crossed X

Boopin, I will be thinking of you tomorrow, best of luck with the transfer X

Bluebell, I hope everything went well last week and baby arrived safely. Update us when you can X

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