Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Vonn and Boopin, how are you ladies doing?

Crystal, hope you were able to get your dates straightened out? Thank you for sharing your personal story about your family/hubby's family. Relationships are tough and so complicated. It makes me sad to hear of how family's tiffs affect the little ones and they get left out. Geez I am gonna cry as am overly hormonal and emotional today.

Besides my family drama that's not resolved....and making me overly emotional. yesterday I finally got my first prenatal visit and also my annual check. So got poked for blood in same vein 2x (and had blood drawn on Tuesday too). The other arm would not work. So yes I hated that part and took lots of blood between those two. The obgyn I ok I suppose. To the point, not overly friendly but ok. So will see. I wish I'd had more question to ask as a first time mom to be and never pregnant but didn't know much. My estimated delivery date is told be be June 10th...though secretly i hope for a May 21 baby. Me and hubby have same bday of May 21.. so yeah that would be cool but I know that's too early and not likely and probably not healthy. Am worried about my annual showing some EKG issue and the doc didn't want to alarm me and said it's probably false positive but I may have enlarged heart something. I have in my past had issues of murmur and mitral valve but then it seemed to have gone away and no one pressed it as an issue, so all this is kinda crazy. Have scheduled a cardio appt for next week Thursday. Would explain why I am so out of breath even when talking to people. I thought it was normal pregnancy stuff. Of course that worries me with being pregnant and then all my family stuff. Only family i have here and this is where I am at with them when pregnant and dealing with this. Am so emotional today. Grr pregnancy hormones.....

Ok to work now. Will be in touch with HR to let them know why i am taking so many days off for appts. Have no direct supervisor now and don't trust the man above my supervisor and don't want to share what is going on with him.
PS--fingers crossed that there's nothing going on with the heart. I'm sure they are just exercising an abundance of caution. Good on you for not sharing this news with anyone you don't feel would provide you the love and support you need. That's good self care. Keep it up!

Boopin--have you had your baseline?

AFM--baseline this morning. I get to move ahead. Yay! The person who did my ultrasound said something about a cyst on my right ovary. I was concerned, not knowing what that might mean. But my nurse called and said I could keep moving forward. That the previous scan showed two cysts and now I'm down to one. What?!? No one had mentioned that to me at all. Oh, well, doesn't matter at this point. I am starting estrogen and prednisone and go back on Nov 15. FET estimated for Nov 22.

Question for everyone--Did you/will you take antibiotics before transfer? Is there really a serious risk of vaginal infection with transfer (or retrieval, too, I guess)?

I am supposed to start antibiotics today to prevent a vaginal infection. It's 500 mg Azithromycin on day 1 and then 250 mg for 4 more days. I do NOT want to take this. My nurse said I didn't have to, but DH wants me to. I have a candida overgrowth (systemic yeast) and have been on the super strict diet and supplements to get it back in balance since February. I am really afraid that taking antibiotics will kill the good bacteria in my gut and get me all out of whack again. Not having a healthy gut microbiome is bad for mama and baby. I'm really curious about everyone's thoughts and experiences. Thanks!
Cleared to start cycle AGAIN!! Tentative FET date Wednesday 11/23 (as long as my lining cooperates). :haha:

Have a fabulous weekend ladies!! xx
Yay Boopin and Vonn, you are cycle buddies. Keep the updates coming.

Vonn both hubby I had to take antibiotics. Hubby when donor started. me around donor retrieval. It was same one but I think 3 days, can't remember for sure. I took lots of yogurt to keep good gut bacteria in check. Does mess tummy a bit. Didn't want any bad bacteria getting in way but had to replace good ones through yogurt. As for cysts I had those too but it all worked out well.

GL ladies
Vonn just checking my protocol. My antibiotics was 2 500 mg tabs taken together single dose, one day. I took medrol for 7 days I think for immune stuff
Vonn, I'm taking 100 mg doxycyline daily for 3 weeks leading up to day of transfer. I'm taking antibiotics that long as an empirical treatment due to my two prior mc. Also, it prevents infection from the cathedar insertion during transfer. It's an invasive procedure. Like ps, I'm taking Medrol twice a day for 5.5 days.
PS57002 I’m sorry to hear you’re having family problems, but glad to hear the baby is doing well

Pinkie I haven’t had any luck finding a local clinic at a reasonable price so off to London, just waiting to for the clinic to come back to me with availability.

Crystal, Vonn & Boopin good luck ladies I'm excited for you :happydance:
sienna - Keeping my fx'd that the clinic in London has availability and you can get in soon!! :hugs:
Vonn, Boopin, so pleased to hear AFs arrived and you are both on track again for transfer.

Crystal, I hope you have a safe journey to Czech Republic and the girls enjoy the trip. Good luck with the transfer.

Fingers crossed these next few weeks go quickly as I am looking forward to count down to BFPs.

Sienna, I hope you get an appointment in London soon so you can move onto your cycle.

PS, families hey, you can't choose them. I am sorry to hear of the dramas and I hope you manage to get things sorted with your brother. Good luck.

Vonn, I also took antibiotics to prevent an infection but it was after transfer and it was only 3 tablets, I can't tell you what type or the dose. I would discuss your concerns with your clinic.

I hope everyone is doing well and had a good weekend X
I'm still waiting for a date but hoping for early December, how's everyone else doing?

Crystal, Vonn & Boopin how are your cycles going?
OK ladies I'm DYING to hear from Crystal & Coolstar. Crystal left Nov 4th and had her IVIG which is 10 days before transfer. 6 days to transfer:bunny: and I hope they're enjoying their trip to Europe with the twins. Coolstar is days away from delivery, can't wait to hear about it!

Sienna, December is coming soon I hope you get your early appointment.

PS, Vonn & Boopin I hope you're all hanging in there, PS with the family drama - hope it calms down for you, it's really important you avoid stress during your pregnancy.

Vonn & Boopin with the cycle rollercoaster. Bring on the BFP's!

Pinkie congrats on entering third tri! :bunny:

I'm down to double digits and can't wait for birth so that I can get some sleep and have my arms stop throbbing at night. I'm going to get to the gym next week as I've taken the whole week off and see if some workouts help with the fluid retention which I can only think is caused by poor circulation?
Hi ladies!! We're in London yay!! The girls did amazing on the flight the first journey was 14 hours from Mel to Doha and they mostly slept and watched Toy Story. The second part was 5 hrs and by this point they were very good but could tell they were done with it so I was so glad we had the stop over in Vienna for the night. We then got up and flew to London the next day, they've been amazingblittle ladies and have just been smiling through the whole process. Can't ask for more from two 19 month olds :)

So I have an issue now when I originally said Eva lost the transfer date etc and then found it I was double checking the progesterone date which is today. At the bottom she said we will thaw both embryos and transfer one because of prior csection and then refreeze the other embryo.. ummm no you won't I've provided a letter as
Requested from my OB to say he feels transferringbtwo is the best option along with a letter from RI stating there needs to be two transferred. So I've emailed her and said look here is the chain of emails we have had and transferring two is what we agreed. I also wrote to Dr.Pavel so it should get sorted today, not sure why there's been so many issues with correspondence this time but it's getting annoying now.

Vonn, great news on getting started!!! Yay!! I didn't take the antibiotics this time, I take so many medications that make me feel sick that one was
Just over the top. I couldn't take it before last cycle either even with food doxycycline makes me feel so ill and I also get yeast infections when on steroids and antibiotics so can't see how taking them are helpful lol! To each their own with it I guess

Boopin, ooh a date in sight that is so exciting!!

2have, I think fluid retention is just the name of the game when you get further along it's uncomfortable but keeping moving which of course your doing, lots of water to flush and that's it really. I used to put my feet up all night to help but not much helped my wrists and arms it's quite painful.
AHH Crystal not another miscommunication. They are truly annoying lately aren't they? Lets hope they have enough brains between the doctor and Eva to sort it all out.
I'm so pleased to hear your little ladies did great on the flight. I'd love to meet them one day, they sound like absolute angels!

I fell asleep before the American election results came in last night and on my way into work while listening to the news I found myself blubbering about the results. If Trump doesn't bankrupt the American economy he will surely put middle and lower classes into dire straights while increasing unemployment. They were on such an upward trend with Obama's policies after Bush tanked them and now this. I think there are lessons to be learned over there. I shed a tear for the hurt they'll feel if he doesn't get impeached on one of his many upcoming investigations (business-wise) or this most recent rape charge.
crystal, I'm happy to hear you and your family made it to London safely. Hopefully, from here on out, it'll be smooth sailing. I wish you all the best. Good Luck!! :hugs:
I woke up stunned, heartbroken and in disbelief. Trying to process the horrible outcome of this US election. It feels like a bad dream... That man scares the crap out of me. :(
Crystal--have a great time in London with those sweet girls and DH! Good thing you read through everything & have time to sort out this newest miscommunication. Yikes! Hope the rest is smooth sailing.

2have & Boopin--my DH made me turn off the tv and go to bed last night. He couldn't take it but I kept thinking something dramatic was going to happen to shift things. Nope. Still sick to my stomach. This feels like the US version of Brexit.
2have I can’t believe how quick your pregnancy is going, they’ll be here before you know it
Crystal it’s lovely to hear the girls did so well but it must be frustrating with your clinic fingers crossed it’s all sorted and you get to transfer two.

I’ve booked my hysteroscopy & scratch for the 6th December
sienna - I'm happy to hear you're moving forward!! GL with your upcoming procedures!! :hugs:
Hi ladies, what an election result :( neither candidate was suitable for the job but I didn't think Trump would win it. I truly hope he can put his big boy undies on and learn to lead in a responsible and mature way... what a shock!!

Sienna, best of luck with the tests :)

I got the issue sorted with the clinic I had to go over Eva and will need to sign a consent that they are not held responsible to transfer two. I wrote back and asked isn't that what we all sign anyway?? Grrr... so they wanted me to thaw both, transfer one and freeze the other when I've been clear that we will not be back so what do we do with a perfectly good embryo left on ice?? Anyway, it's sortedbut all this miscommunication has given me second thoughts about the clinic.
What a mess crystal. I'm glad you got it all sorted out. You don't need that added stress right now. Sending you :hugs:

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