Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Oh my goodness, I use my cell to get on this site quite often and I must have hit the unsubscribe button to this thread instead of 'last' page. I've missed out on SO much exciting news.

Crystal, I'm sorry about the chemical. I'm please for you that you're happy to try again, you're a trooper! Sorry to hear about the girls being sick and the heart murmer. I hope you all go into the holiday season in good health and spirits.

Bluebell, congratulations on your new baby. So glad to hear nursing is getting easier and things are coming along well with you're new little starlette!

Boopin & Vonn, congratulations ladies! Vonn, I know those tears, when we had our first natural while at our old clinic the lady called with the beta numbers and I had such a rock in my throat I couldn't respond. Tears were streaming down my face, I was a mess! I'm very pleased for both of you. The first tri is very stressful and rocky so hang on, you can do this. You're both over the first hurdles, let us know how you're both making out!

SKP, glad to hear you're on track for another round, wishing you the best with it. Good for you with getting your body ready for baby.

Waiting74, I'm sorry to hear about the rollercoaster you've been on for the past few years of ttc. We've all been there with all sorts of losses, failures and heart ache. You're definitely posting on the right thread for support. The ladies here are very generous and sincere. I wish you all the best with your next go. Many of us have been successful after diagnosis and treatment of various immune issues. Have you been tested for these yet?
2have--how's your twin pregnancy going? Is that a pic of you looking all stylish with the hat and bathing suit? Cute!

Boopin--sorry to hear about the headaches. That would not be any fun. But worth it, of course!

AFM--below are my 3 betas, each done 48 hours apart. This little nugget is growing totally normally. My body has been so cooperative for so long, that it's hard for me to believe this is actually progressing. But it is so far. :cloud9:

118 -- 14 DPO
319 -- 16 DPO
909 -- 18 DPO

As for symptoms, not much really. I've had some tightening/pinching/cramping/weird sensations in the uterus area. The main thing is that my bbs are killing me. They have been hurting since I started the Lupron, so for weeks and weeks. But now it's at another level. Hugging has to be very gentle and sleeping hurts. I have taken to sleeping in a bra, a light one with no wire or anything. It's just too painful to let them be free (I am petite but busty -- UGH -- hate it). And I've been really, really thirsty, esp in the evenings. But that's really it, so I can't complain!
Vonn and Boopin!!! Yay OMG that is the best news ladies and great betas.. maybe more twins for this thread ?? :) Congrats to you both, you'be both come so far!

2habe, how are you feeling? It's gets rough at the end!

SKP nice to see you getting ready to cycle again, I know it's a pain but sorting your uterus is important. You will get there :)

Bluebell, congrats to you on your new bubs :)

PS, how are you getting on?

Not much for me I think we've made firm plans for me to go back at the end of April, we've booked to take the girls to Disney World in September so had to decide a transfer date based on when I'd still be able to comfortably travel if the cycle worked. If it doesn't well it won't matter lol!
Hi ladies, yes Vonn, our photographer for waterproof equipment and wanted to try it out with my first maternity shots, she did the pool session for free and so that was me at 32 weeks pregnant with my first. I barely had a belly - this was my biggest complaint with the shots, she didn't want to chance that I'd deliver early so her rule of thumb is between 31-32 weeks. This time there's no complaining about no bump, it's a big one with 2 in there lol.

Boopin hopefully the headaches will subside when you get off some of the meds. Sorry to hear you're suffering!

Crystal Disney World will be amazing! And it would be even more amazing if you had another bun in the oven. Looking forward to your updates. I wouldn't find this pregnancy hard if it weren't for the severe carpal & cubical tunnel that I get at night. As soon as I go horizontal my arms throb & burn. The tingling is only during the day now. I wake up and can barely move my hands. Last night I had about 3 hours sleep and when I did make it to sleep I woke up thinking I was touching something piping hot. It was nerve pain. Work is agonizing with this little sleep everyday. 72 more days...

Vonn your body is making loads of extra blood, you should be thirsty it's a very good thing:dance: With the sharp pains I had this throughout my first pregnancy, not so much the second. My OB calls it picket fence syndrome, with implantation, uterus growing, and baby moving in second & third tri it sends sharp pain in weird areas other than just where baby is.

Ps & Sienna how are you ladies? What's going on with you ladies?

I'm hoping for a better sleep tonight...we'll see.
2have that's a great profile pic. I can't imagine looking stylish like that. Do the doctors have any recommendations for your carpals and nerve pain. Sorry it's become so tough and lack is sleep sucks for sure.

Crystal can't wait for updates again. We are all here for you. Think positive for next cycle and just be as healthy as can be going in.

Bluebell how is going with little one?

Vonn OMG I am so excited for you. Congratulations and great numbers. When is scan? You are now going to feel all sorts of symptoms etc but it's normal. Has hubby become an expert at Pio shots?

Boopin that is AMAZING. Congratulations mama!!! When is your scan! I had headache too and sometimes still do. All part of pregnancy symptoms. Welcome to the symptoms world.

I am so excited to see happy news on here. Let's have more roll in.

Sorry typing on phone and if I missed anyone.

Not much here. Still tired and have food aversion. But maybe tiny bit better as this is week 13. We've told closest family and friends in past few days and that's been awesome minus my brother....still being weird even after knowing though at least txt me wishes. Oh well....
ps - Congratulations, you're in the second tri!! A huge milestone!! I'm so happy for you. xx :xmas12:
ps you need a ticker! So glad to hear that everything is ok with you & baby. Did you do your big 12 week anatomy/nauchal translucency scan then?

I took yesterday off as I had maybe 3 hours Sunday of sleep and 4 the night after. DH let me nap throughout the day and I also had a good sleep last's SOOOO nice to sleep!
Thanks boopin. I hope to read you and everyone else's milestones too. When is your scan?

2Have, isn't sleep a wonderful thing? I find mine isn't sound sleep most time. Last 2 nghts had more of a sound night sleep so I do appreciate it too though you are getting far less than me. So rest up and love those naps!!!

I think I still hesitate with getting ticker for some reason. I think 17 is a lucky number so week 17 I will add one! As for the NT scan, yes I did have that 2 weeks ago. I also had some panaroma blood test for the genetic screening thing that would also tell me if it was a boy or girl. Spoke with doc today and the NT scan he said I am very low risk for down, I think 1:970? I will get full report on Friday when I go in as i like to see things in front of eyes too understand. The panaroma test thing supposedly didn't have enough fetal dna and so no results from that. I will have blood drawn again Friday. Bit bummed as wanted to know already if it was boy or girl. Patience....
PS--very exciting that you are into 2nd tri. That went by fast! And it's baby steps with your brother. He's given you good wishes on your pregnancy and that's a great start. Be patient and gentle and you will reestablish good ties with him. You could also take baby steps on BnB...maybe add "pregnant (expecting)" under your name!

2have--thank goodness for a good night's sleep! What does the Dr say about all your extremity issues? That sounds terrible.

Boopin--what's next & when for you, my bump buddy?

Crystal--will the Dr be changing anything up for next time around?

Sienna--have you had your procedure done yet?

Pinkie--how are you?????

Bluebell--how's mama and the baby? :baby:

AFM--I have my first ultrasound on Friday, which will be 5w2d. Anyone had one done around that time? They told me they only hope to see the gestational sac. I know it's early for a scan, but I'm excited!
Thanks Vonn, took your suggestion and changed my status :happydance:

I do recall having an early scan like that too and seeing only the gestational sac which is quite normal. You won't see much more than that. Yay can't wait for your update.
2have, uuggh carpal tunnel was terrible mine did go away after delivery so hopefully it does for you as well. Your getting there :)

Vonn, not sure if anything will be changed I have an appt next Friday to find out, I have a feeling it was my lining. How are you feeling?

PS, I was very nervous while pregnant because of my losses and twins.. I hesitated on a ticker but you know what? A ticker would make no difference in my pregnancy, health of baby etc. Enjoy every week of this journey and celebrate each new week. Put your ticker on and show it off :) you've worked hard for this moment :)
SKP sorry to hear you’re having difficulties

Boopin there really good numbers when do you have your first scan? :happydance:

Vonn that’s a lovely line & great numbers :happydance:

Lovely photo 2have sorry to hear you’re having carpal tunnel issues has your doctor suggest you try a splint it may help?

I’ve had my hysteroscopy which was pretty uncomfortable but didn’t last too long, all was normal so I should be OK to cycle in January. Any tips ladies on increasing my lining this time?
Hi ladies <3 I'm still here, just laying low... lol!! Afm, symptoms atm are fatigue, constant thirst, sore nipples and frequent urination. My headaches have subsided, so I'm very happy about that. My 3rd beta is this Sunday and first ultrasound scheduled on 12/20. Pray for me ladies. I need all the positive vibes that I can get. KMFX!! [-o&lt;

I hope everyone's having a nice week. Happy Holidays!! xx
Sienna that's great news about your hysteroscopy, I've got nothing for increasing lining other than estrogen, as far as I know this is the main component for increasing it's thickness and eating well and being healthy while it's building. Gl!

Boopin those are great symptoms, I never got anything which was always so disconcerting!
I’ve had my hysteroscopy which was pretty uncomfortable but didn’t last too long, all was normal so I should be OK to cycle in January. Any tips ladies on increasing my lining this time?
I swear by drinking %100 pomegranate juice 8oz daily & walking 1 mile daily (both) leading up to the day before transfer. Below are a few suggested foods that I believe helped me. It's important to stay hydrated with plenty of water, too!!

Foods to Prepare the Uterine Lining

•Winter squash
•Brown rice
•Organic lean beef
•Organic lean chicken
•Whey protein powder

I'm thrilled that you got the "all clear" to forge ahead with your cycle. GL sienna!! :dust:
Hi. I'm really frustrated right now and wanted to reach out to all of you for some support/guidance.
2have4kids, you asked if I had any tests done and I did have a bunch of tests done on Oct. 21st and I just got the results today after my persistence. It took forever because the lab wouldn't give me the results directly. I don't understand that if it is my blood work! Anyways, after many failed fax attempts they got it and this is what I was told by the nurse.
The MTHFR shows you have one copy of the C677T varient. So my doctor recommends that I take folgard twice daily. This will help me absorb folic acid. I was also positive for one copy of the the G20210A Mutation in the prothrombin Gene. My doctor recommends at the time of transfer for me to take lovenox, a blood thinner.
What is everyone's thoughts about this? Has anyone had similar results?
I'm really upset because I had to push to get this blood work done and my doctor didn't even recommend doing it at all for my first transfer. Nor did he have me taking a baby aspirin after my transfer. After how hard it was to get a normal embryo and now I'm sitting here wondering if that is why it didn't implant because I have these issues. I appreciate any thoughts or experiences that someone might be willing to share with me.
Hi waiting74, sorry to hear about your diagnosis, your doctor sounds on par with the Calgary Regional fertility doctors. None of them 'believe' in immune issues so the women under their care keep spending $$$$$ ttc with ivf's no matter how many failures.
Why did your doctor give you folic acid (folgard) if you have mthfr? Just take the bio-absorbable kind found in food "5-methyltetrahydrofolate&#8221; or &#8220;5-MTHF&#8221; and then your body doesn't have to break it down. I don't have this isssue but I don't want my liver working overtime to break down cheap supplements. Folic acid can't be broken down by people with mthfr so why would he give you the cheap form when the better form is quite widely available now?
Welcome to the world of lovenox injections. I have to take them too as I have thrombophelia & Antiphospholipid Antibodies. Both clotting factors that impede implantation and result often in late term 1st tri losses. I hope this new info about your results now help you be successful with your next ivf. But do get some folate rather than more folic acid!
2have4kids - thank you so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it! This is all new to me. So when you say take the bio-absorbable kind found in food "5-methyltetrahydrofolate&#8221; or &#8220;5-MTHF&#8221;. Is there a particular brand that I can take/that you recommend? I appreciate any feedback you can provide. I am just so upset that we didn't do this blood work before the first transfer and I want to make sure I am doing everything/and taking the best quality supplements, etc. I can before the next transfer.

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