Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Booping thanks for the info and keeping everything crossed for your scan

Waiting74 I’m sorry to hear about your results unfortunately I haven’t had anything similar, for my failed transfer I was on aspirin & clexane injections & my new protocol includes them as well. It does seem to be a standard approach with some clinics.
Hi waiting74, I have no idea where you are but most pharmacies carry 5-MTHFR. Just look for the highest dose and the most caps per dollar. I tend to take folate separate and extra from my regular prenatal (Pregvit which separates calcium from the iron) so that I'm getting enough. A singleton requires around 1mg while twins require more. If you transfer 2 embryos, assume you're having twins until your scan. Neural tube defects mostly form in first trimester. I take 1-2mg folate extra with this brand on top of the 1mg folic acid in my prenatal.
If you can't break down folic acid you may have high homocysteine levels. Start with folate 4-6 weeks before your next transfer and don't take any folic acid. Read this:
And this is information via studies funded mostly by the NHS on things you may be concerned about with your new diagnosis:
Under this page,
check out this study: 'Elevated homocysteine is the only type of thrombophilia which causes first trimester miscarriages'
Vonn, Boopin - so excited for you both :flower:
2 have - loving your profile picture, very glam indeed.
Sienna, good news that you have the green light for January.
Ps- so glad everything is progressing well for you.
Waiting - I haven't had those tests personally but I hope you get some answers xx
We are doing well, baby is feeding much better and weighed 6llb 5oz last week which was great. I can't believe she is 3 weeks already, it has been a bit of a blur !!
I can't believe it is so near to Xmas, I am not organised at all but hey ho!!
2have4kids - Thanks again for all the information. It really helps since I really had no idea I had any issues. I've only been pregnant once and my baby was trisomy 18, so I've never had a miscarriage and we've only transferred one embryo since I lost my baby and that normal embryo didn't implant. We only have one embryo (normal) left and I just want to make sure to cover all my basis before the next transfer, which we were thinking of doing in February, but maybe I should wait until I have been taking the folate for 90 days???
Bluebell, I'm happy to hear that you and your baby girl are both doing well!! :hugs: :kiss:
Bluebell lovely to hear everything is going well and baby is gaining weight. Enjoy the holidays with your wee cherub. Have you got any plans?

Waiting74 read all you can on dropping homocysteine levels, get on your protocol along with folate and try again. The timing is up to you.

How was everyone's weekend? I'm just getting my voice back and have a cold. I went to a Christmas craft market with a friend but other than that just relaxing. 1 more week till I'm off for the holidays:bunny:
Vonn, I am confused. Is your ultrasound this Friday or was it last Friday? Sore boobs...sounds good for symptoms!!!

Crystal any more testing to see if it was your lining? This Friday?

Boopin How are you feeling. Those symptoms sound good! FX crossed your ultrasound will go well. How far will you be at ultrasound?

Sienna, like Boopin, I too took a lot of pomegranate juice for lining and inflammation (just in case), I tried the keep stress down, eat healthy like lentils, nuts, brazil nuts, chick peas, spinach, Kale. I was on estrogen though initially I wasn't absorbing well so they started to have me take part of it vaginally, and I started taking part of it under tongue, that's when absorption went up for lining. I also did the legs up on wall to get blood flowing to uterus. Had pineapple core around transfer plus brazil nuts. Oh and I also tried to not drink/eat cold foods a bit before my transfer/after to keep uterus warm. GL.

Waiting4 I can imagine your frustration but it's better late than never to find out. My doc didn't seem too enthusiastic too in immune stuff. Though yes for me having donor eggs I'm sure was big factor but I felt my immune wasn't as good. So I on my own took prenatal vitamins with folate. Mine is called Baby's best start prenatal by frontrunners at dont like the burps after i take them but it's a small price to pay. Also do all you can to keep your immune in check by keeping stress low, practice meditation etc. Drink/eat immune friendly foods/drinks.

Bluebell wow 3 weeks already. I am sure it feels like a blur. How is the baby sleeping? So good that baby is gaining weight as should be. Hope mama is getting some rest too and taking care?

2Have Hope your sleep is better? I am feeling bit sleep deprived again too. You are getting closer and closer....

Not much to report here. Again had that panaroma blood test Friday as first time they didn't have enough fetal dna to run test. So don't know gender. Told doc I was still spotting some brown here and there so he showed me quickly on ultrasound baby is ok. How long does that spotting go on? I think my placenta at moment is on front side and hope that is not going to be a problem. My risk for down and something else were very low based on the NT scan/blood thingy. Half Christmas shopping done online. I rarely shop online but this year oh well...Too tired to go out and deal with crowds and shop.
Bluebell lovely to hear your both doing well

PS thanks I’m going to try as much as I can this next cycle, I’m glad to hear your baby is doing well
Ps, yep this coming Friday is the appointment :)

Waiting74, I have MTHFR two copies and as 2have said it's best to take folate seperate to any other supplements, mine are called Megafol 5mgs. Also agree with 2have to start them early my RI suggests 12 weeks before transfer if at all possible.

2have, hope your sleeping better my friend not much longer now :)

How are the newly pregnant ladies doing??

Sienna, how are you doing?

Hope everyone is well I've been busy as always, two 20 month olds is a challenge at times.. they are both at the same stage so they are both trying to climb everything, they are both trying to gain that independence etc it's busy days but wouldn't
Change it for anything :)
Bluebell--that little miracle of yours is Christmas present for everyone, so don't worry one bit about not being ready for the holidays! I'm so glad to hear feeding is improving/going well.

Waiting--you have come to the right place. These ladies are so helpful and knowledgeable. Good luck.

Crystal--what exactly are they testing?

PS--how long do you have to wait for the panorama results?

2have--does MacKinley understand there are 2 babies in her mama's belly?

Boopin--how are you feeling? any new symptoms or old ones going away?

Sienna--GL as you gear up!

AFM--my first ultrasound was last Friday at 5w2d, ordered by my IVF clinic. I've attached a pic from it. The black circle is the gestational sac and the dot in the middle is the start of the yolk sac. I get to have another ultrasound this Friday. It will be 6w2d. After that, I will be released to my Ob. I'm still thirsty and my bbs are still killing me; I'm waiting for nausea and extreme tiredness to kick in anytime now. (Though it'd be lovely if they didn't.) Sometimes I wonder if I'm still pregnant, but I am calm most of the time and haven't had any freakouts thinking I'm gonna miscarry, so that's good. I don't have any reason to think this pregnancy won't stick, other than my past track record of failing miserably at everything related to getting pregnant. My body seems to know what to do, which is very reassuring. At acu yesterday, my doc said that my pulses were great for a pregnant woman, very smooth; whereas, my pulses before getting pg were always wiry, which is apparently not as good as smooth. I'll take it! :thumbup:


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Vonn...Good to see it on scan right? Take it easy. Yes your body knows exactly what to do. The tiredness and nausea will come in time lol.
Lovely photo Vonn! Those symptoms are very common and really it's wonderful to have symptoms than nothing at all. Take it easy and enjoy. I'm excited to see your next scan!
Crystal I’m good keeping busy and looking forward to Christmas with family, the twins sound to be at a lovely stage

Vonn thanks, lovely to see your scan :)
Vonn - KMFX for Friday's ultrasound!! :dust:

Hi sienna :xmas3: Enjoy Christmas with your fam!! Sounds like you're going to have lots of fun. xx :xmas16:
Crystal good luck with lining test today.

Vonn can't wait to hear about your scan today. Fingers crossed.
Thanks, everyone! The scan went great. Little raisin has a heartbeat; it was 106, a little low because it's just getting started. Could see the gestational sac and yolk sac easily, but it's right up against the side of the endometrium so kinda hard to measure. I wasn't sure we'd see/hear a hb yet, so that was magical. :cloud9:

Boopin--only two more sleeps until Tuesday & you get to see your little gummy bear. Thinking of you!

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