Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Vonn that’s lovely news I’m so pleased for you
It's gotten awful quiet on here! It is a busy time of year. I look forward to hearing how all you ladies are doing soon! I am feeling increasingly sick, which everyone I tell is happy about. I'm digging the saltine crackers and ginger ale & hoping my queasiness won't be too obvious at holiday dinners the next two days!

Happy any and all Holidays, ladies!! I hope everyone has wonderful celebrations and/or time off! :xmas3::xmas6::xmas9::xmas14::xmas15::xmas9:
Hi ladies, wishing everyone happy holidays, however you celebrate them.

Vonn great news about the nausea even thought it's not that fun now and then. I used to laugh to myself if I ever barfed in first tri. I had a Christmas lunch at work one year and was so happy to be sick, isn't that just strange!

We're off to a friend's potluck dinner tonight and then mom's house for games and Christmas dinner tomorrow. My Christmas gift to DH and I was a wooden hand carved game board that involves cards and team strategy play. Also tickets to the symphony in Feb with a Pink Floyd theme. I'm pretty sure the twins will be here by then so it'll be grandma & aunty's first time babysitting all three sprogs.

What's everyone up to at Christmas? I always enjoy hearing about other family traditions. When I lived in NZ they went from house to house eating holiday meals & visiting people. And fish was the main meal, not turkey or lamb. It was strange not to have snow that year for Christmas as they were just heading out of spring and into summer.

Happy holidays!:xmas7::xmas16::xmas9::xmas6:
Vonn nausea is an indication all ok in there though yes no fun for sure. I finally am in stage of not feeling sick eating. Everyone asks me my cravings and I laugh that I crave asparagus broccoli watermelon etc all healthy colourful veggie and fruits. I'm vegetarian so maybe that's why. Lol hubby thinks I torture baby with broccoli asparagus.

Sorry am out of sorts. Have been fighting getting sick for a while and now whammy. Had really nonstop sneezing and running nose eyes on tues. even tummy muscles hurt. Better now no intense nonstop sneezing but still some leftover cold a lil sore throat and some cough. Thankfully just feverish no fever. Doc says I can take Tylenol cold though I've avoided scared to take anything. What do u all take when sick?

Just doing nasal rinse, taking honey, ginger, gargles.

Feel miserable still.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Hi ladies! Just wanted to drop in to see how everyone was doing.

Vonn-so exciting!!! Congrats to you!!

No real new news for me, except that I did blood work for lupus and blood clotting issues but all came back normal. Im doing a chromosomal test tomorrow and DH will do one as well. We still want to try on our own first but if the chromosomal test comes back as abnormal then that could obviously change!!

Hugs to all and I'm hoping that the new year is a great year for all of us!!
Hi ladies! Just wanted to drop in to see how everyone was doing.

Vonn-so exciting!!! Congrats to you!!

No real new news for me, except that I did blood work for lupus and blood clotting issues but all came back normal. Im doing a chromosomal test tomorrow and DH will do one as well. We still want to try on our own first but if the chromosomal test comes back as abnormal then that could obviously change!!

Hugs to all and I'm hoping that the new year is a great year for all of us!!

Stacer!!!! just wanted to pop in and say hi!!!!! Dont know if you rember me but my lil one turned 2 in oct :0
Happy New Year!

Hopefully this year is my year I conceive again. And be a sticky bean! One last IVF round. Was going for the Spring, but now have to have surgery to remove scar tissue. Then hopefully by the summer I will do IVF.
Ladies happy new year. Yes SKP let this be a lucky year for you as well as and all the ladies here waiting to cycle. :dust:

Hi Stacergirl, nice to hear from you and glad you're doing well.

I hope everyone had a chance to kick their feet up and relax over the holidays xx

Pregnant ladies, how are you all doing? I love that there's a bunch of you now to look forward to updates. It's getting exciting in here!

Crystal, BF, bluebell and all the mothers here was Christmas magical with your lo's?

I'm really feeling the full effects of a twin pregnancy now. The feet & ankles swell and tingle/itch as the fluid fills the capillaries when I'm on my feet. Sleep with these numb carpal arms is chronically impossible. Congestion set in 3 weeks ago and despite the netti squeeze bottle won't let up. In the last two weeks I've gone from 23 pounds up to 40 pounds up - how does that happen especially when ms has hit me the hardest it's ever been. The other morning I got into a serious dry heaving spell in the shower just from brushing my teeth :haha: i feel huge and DH's eyes bugged out and out slipped a few choice 4 letter words at the side profile of my belly this morning:rofl:I complain but really it's all ok. When you get a dream come true you have to follow through the bumps in the road that are completely expected right?

I'm very much looking forward to the arrival of these little sprogs.
Happy New Year everyone!!!

SKP, hope 2017 is the year for you as well. I hope it brings lots of happiness to you and others.

2Have you are getting closer and closer to your little babies being here. I thought MS would be gone by now. Hugs. As for dear hubby's comments and looks, mine has been acting that way too. I am big in my bottom/thigh area and he says wow every time.

Vonn how is your MS going on? What other symptoms are you having? I hope you are resting whenever you need to as tiredness will quickly creep in. Any other tests/ultrasounds?

Boopin, you've been quiet. Looking forward to hearing your updates. I hope all is going well.

Crystal, Sienna, Waiting4, Bluebell, how are you all doing?

Sorry if I missed anyone. Just woke up from nap and groggy.

AFM, had early anatomy scan using doc's old ultrasound machine on Friday. All looked good. I think we know gender but will wait to announce until the full anatomy scan on 1/24th with this place with much better ultrasound machine. Was told my placenta is in front so will take longer to feel baby kick. Week 17 now. Had a little scare as I almost totally fainted commuting to work yesterday. Looks like I may be dehydrated after last week's cold/flu. Back hurts, so need to get some massage!!! Told closest coworkers at work yesterday after the fainting scare.
2have--I can't believe you are already 34 weeks. That is so close, esp with twins! What is the plan? I know a lot of times they induce early/pan C-section with twins. I'm sorry it's been so rough for you! It's okay to complain, it doesn't mean you aren't grateful, at least in my book. 40 lbs is not bad at all for having 2 in there, but the continuing sickness and the carpal stuff sounds terrible. :hugs:

PS--sorry to hear of the fainting spell, scary! So how many weeks are you? I feel like the anatomy scan is around 15-18 weeks, but I can't recall for sure.

SKP--good luck this year!

Boopin--how are you doing?

Crystal--remind me of your timeline...I know there's something about a trip to Disney that's playing into the planning.

Stacer--have you gotten results from the chromosomal test(s) yet? What exactly were they testing for?

AFM--I am in the midst of feeling really crappy, sometimes all day long. I wish it was just one time of day sickness! I've thrown up a few times, including last night. Taking my vitamins is hard, brushing my teeth really gets the gag reflex going, and not having food in my stomach causes trouble. It's hard to eat when I just can't find anything appealing. Last night, on my way home from work, having an egg salad sandwich for dinner sounded amazing. As soon as I hard-boiled the eggs, though, it sounded like the most disgusting thing ever. Peanut butter has been helpful, getting me some protein and fat to fill me up.

We go in next Friday, 10w2d for a blood test that pulls out fetal dna and analyzes it. It's called "Verifi" and it checks for 6 different syndromes. A little after 11 weeks, I'll have an in-depth exam and a couple ultrasounds, one checking for neck skin-fold thickness (a possible indicator of problems). After having scans at 5, 6, 8 weeks, we now go for a bit without seeing Raisin. The little nugget will look a lot different next time!

Since my first appt at 5w2d, I have gained at least 3 pounds. They say about 5 lbs during first tri is normal. The weight gain since I started appts that track it isn't too much, but of course I keep adding on the 10 lbs I am up from what I consistently weighed for several years before starting fertility meds. Because of all the weight, my pants are all tight. I am REALLY hoping that some of it is bloat that will go away when I stop the extra hormones. I get to stop the estrace and PIO at 10 weeks. That's next week, yay! The endometrin I stay on through 12 weeks.

Question for you all: When did you stop PIO shots, estrace, endometrin? Did you taper or just stop them?
Hi ladies, PS if you're still feeling weak/faintish do get your iron checked. You fon't want to have a baby with learning disabilities and doctors don't necessarily order hemo / iron tests automatically. Sorry to hear you got the flu!!

Vonn welcome to full on pregnancy, aversions. ms and the lot! I find the aversions the worst because I'm hungry but just can't fathom SO many foods! There are many safe drugs to combat ms. I've had to take a gravol before breakfast & brushing my teeth in the morning recently. It works! And I didn't lose the bloat, it got much worse in 3rd tri to the tune of an extra 20 pounds since Dec 20! Actually they admitted me to triage and then hospital on thursday's ob app because of the rapid weight gain and some other things that were going on. I weaned off progesterone, estrogen and prednisone at 12 - 13 weeks. I do hope your bloat decreases but if not get yourself some maternity tops & bittoms that you can grow into or tunics + leggings work too. The doctors in Canada rarely schedule sections or inductions unless you meet certain requirements: breach with an untrained OB doctor (most here can deliver breach babies whereas in the US they aren't trained in delivering breach births). If your twins weigh a sizable difference and the larger one isn't first they'll section you, preclampsia leading to quick eclampsia where an induction would be too slow, and if the mother requests a section, if there is placenta previa, and if a mother is over 35 and on or after her due date they'll induce, never section. In the States over 80% of sections are unnecessary and the doctors feel safer and are paid more for them. I don't mind if I need one due to the conditions above but there's no way I'd allow any doctor to talk me into a section for anything less than those conditions or an outright emergency. I'm extremely relieved to know Canadian doctors air on the conservative side of invasive procedures.

So my bp was 165 over 96 on Thursdays ob appt with ~ 20 pounds up for a total of 41 pounds up with half being gained (in mostly fluid) in thr past 2 weeks. My legs are thick with water and unrecognizable. Then bp was up and tgen they saw protein in my urine and a low platelette count. So my ob wrote my work an end date note and I'll be paid in full and have my hours counted towards my annual EI mat leave pay:bunny: SO relieved that I can relax at home until delivery. Then as I was resting in hospital all of my levels were improving so they're going to let me go home tomorrow rather than induce or section me thank goodness! I'll have an antinatal program nurse stop by the house to take baby readings & my levels until I'm ready to deliver. It'll still be hard with DD always wanting to be lifted up and needing attention but we'll figure it out. DH has been incredibly supportive this past week.<3
Hi ladies!!

2have! Not long at all now yay!! It can literally happen any time now with twins! I went for my 35 week checkup and blood pressure was back up, was swelled so admitted for steroids and water broke that night they were coming anyway lol! Hang in there not much longer at all

Vonn,PS, Boopin all the pregnant ladies hope your all well and doing ok :)

SKP, good luck with your next cycle

We had a fun Christmas this year, girls understood a little more and really enjoyed opening gifts and playing with toys :) Christmas photo- hope it uploaded correctly


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Crystal it's so weird to see a warm sunny Christmas photo! The girls look so happy, glad to hear your holidays were great!

I'm still in hospital, induction tomorrow.
This is the last twin bump photo:
I kind of thought it would be sooner rather then later as pre e usually needs treatment. Babies are at a great gestation mama and all is going to fine!
Your bump looks fab I am so jealous mine was sitting on my lap when I was sitting lol! Amazing time for you and your family :) so happy for you!!
Aww 2Have. Now the bump will be replaced with two little ones. I hope all goes well and will be waiting for your update eagerly though I am sure you will have your hands full with the little ones.

Crystal, that is a really nice click of your twins. How precious. And I agree, Christmas and warm weather...ah I'd love that here in East coast. Today it's freezing day.

Vonn dear, you have all the MS full on. Sorry I know it's no fun being sick. I wasn't as bad. Just HATED food. Like you i would think ok this I can enjoy for dinner and then absolutely hate it. Everyone told me to worry about eating something, anything and just take the prenatals to supplement. Ginger ale did help some. For me I could tolerate yogurt most. Are you going to get gender check with the "verifi" blood test? Yes NT scan seems at about that 11 week mark if I recall. I had the early anatomy scan at 16 weeks and will get full anatomy (better ultrasound place) at week 20. Lol seems long ago but I think I stopped the PIO/estrace around 10 weeks too. I stopped estrace altogether but the PIO were tapered off with blood tests. I know it's an uneasy feeling. It seems to all be going well minus your MS symptoms. I hope they go away as soon as possible. I used to think I will never be able to eat proper again but it's gotten better though not 100 % with digestion/heartburn etc.

Boopin, thinking of you...

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